Your 'ideal' GM's?

BK Styles

Certified Nerd
Like a number of people, I am very bored and sick of the Raw Mystery GM. I was chatting to a mate of mine about it and we argued about who the best GM has been. I argued that Eric Bischoff was the best, while he argued good points for both Stephanie McMahon and Paul Heyman. Then we got chatting about who we would like to see as the actual GM of Raw. Whilst discussing this, we also decided that we were a bit bored of Teddy Long as the Smackdown GM. So, our discussion turned to the question I am about to ask you.

If you could choose new GM's for Raw and for Smackdown, who would you pick?

My pick for Raw would be HBK. I just miss that superkick. that, and a GM is the personality of the show IMO, and we all know how much personality Shawn has.

My pick for SD would be JBL. I'm a bit suprised it never went that way once he left, but he'd be a good heel authority figure, and with his character he could even 'buy off' certain superstars.

So what are your thoughts?
For Monday Night Raw, I'd go the same route as you and choose Shawn Michaels. It'd give him an active role on WWE television which didn't see him wrestle, and it could bring up some pretty interesting stories and such with guys like Bryan Danielson, who they've made light of that he was trained by Shawn. When Chris Jericho returns, he and Shawn meeting in any form would be interesting due to the heated rivalry they had over a year ago. And simply because, it's Shawn Michaels. And RAW hasn't been the same without him.

As for the Smackdown General Manager role. I like Teddy Long, but he doesn't play a big enough role in the show. He appears out of nowhere half the time and makes changes, or gets involved in something. Honestly, I don't know who I'd like right now, but in a couple of years.

Why not Edge? He spent a decent amount of time on the "blue brand" and he would, much like Shawn Michaels make for some pretty interesting viewing. I'd like to see Edge come back in some role, and due to his condition, it won't be wrestling, so why not give him an authority role.
I really prefer none at all actually, and right the now the computer GM on RAW works fine for me, because it is not tied down to being a face or a heel. I think in the past the McMahons and Bischoff provided the best entertainment value as GM's. I don't think straight face GM's work very well as they would quickly get boring, and straight heel GM's like Vickie are usually just focused on one angle instead of the show as whole. Thats a big reason why I don't think they are needed anymore, as we all know they don't really have any power anyways. The McMahons are the bosses and thats how it should be with a Championship committee or board whatever that is in charge of making matches and what not.
"DX" (HHH & HBK) both for Raw. But a heelish version that turned on the fans and is siding with Vince, going corporate and whatnot. That'd be pretty cool, since we haven't seen a heel DX since the 90s.

And on Fridays, I want Abraham Washington. He was an awesome GM on FCW (far better than any other scrubs they've had) and he's got all the charisma in the world. Plus, it'd be the best way to re-introduce him to the WWE universe and slowly allow him to take a more prominent wrestling role to get him his spot on a main roster.
Chris Jericho should be the GM. It would be hilarious, because apparently, he's returning soon.

Chris Jericho tricks everybody about his mission on revealing the true GM, and says he also tricks everyone into believing that he had real arguments with the GM.

IMO that is.
Stephanie McMahon was a great GM. Probably the most involved. Though I liked having commissioners. William Regal was good, as was Mick Foley's stint.
I've heard people say Cole should have a run at it. He does get the most heat and could be in some great angles. But I think it'd be too much like Vicki.
Bring back Steph!!

I would like 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin! He has been the General Manager before and he gets great reactions from the fans. He can also act heelish but the fans still love him so he won't always do what helps the faces.


I would like The Rock! He MADE Smackdown and the fans would love him. He has also been heel in the past and I could see him in a corporate angle, doing what Vince wants him to do. I could also bring back Smackdown vs RAW if both of my choices were GM's as Rock and Austin have a lot of history!
I'd pick JBL for RAW. As OP said he'd be a good heel authority figure that uses his money to get his way when his power alone won't suffice. Keep Teddy Long for Smackdown.

Don't like the idea of Shawn Michaels or other fan favorites being a GM. Generally I don't think face authority figures are very good storyline wise.
In my opinion, I think you need one heel GM and one face GM to make more competition between brands. Unless you have both GM's as former wrestlers, that would have to be the route to use, like Teddy Long vs Eric Bischoff.

SmackDown: Chris Jericho
He would be awesome. He can quite easily insult the superstars he hates, even as a heel, and people would love him. Just can't wait to see him back later this year.

RAW: D-Generation X (Shawn Michaels and Triple H)
Enough said.
Raw: Shane McMahon, I know he probably won't show his face on WWE TV for a while(I acctually don't think he even has his behind the scenes WWE job anymore) but Stephanie did a great job as the Smackdown! GM so I wonder what Shane could bring to the table as a down the middle GM

Smackdown!: Michael Cole, lets face it, this guy draws more heat than Vicke Guerrero. He would make a phenominal GM. Send him back to his original roots and see what he can do under the big spotlight. Fans don't like listening to him for 2 hours straight but it would be the perfect ammount of Michael Cole too have him in a GM role
I wanna see Edge as the Smackdown GM. He can continue his quest to find out the Raw GM and maybe have him exposed at bragging rights.

On raw I wouldn't mind Triple H in a similar role as Jarrett in early TNA. He can say Vince passed the company down to him and its his now, he can wrestle in minor capacity, and he can be a main heel.

Having two former wrestlers as GM would also make interesting stories at Survivor Series and Bragging Rights because of the competitive spirits of the two.
Honestly, I think that the GM bit has been taken as far as it can go. Given how often each brand interacts with the other, and with talent appearing on either show whenever they see fit, having separate management for each show doesn't make a ton of sense since they really don't compete against one another, with the exception of a single PPV.

I would bring in a single authority figure, that runs both shows, and plays talent against one another on a whim. Definitely a heel, the shows get run in a far more manipulative manner, with a larger scope of vision than just what each show needs.

I actually don't have a perfect pick for who could pull this off just right. The two names I have in mind go more along the lines of people I want back on a regular basis more than anything else.

Ted DiBiase Sr. - One of the best talkers in the business, and has a built in persona that would work perfect for the role.

Stephanie McMahon - I've always loved her ruthless bitch persona, and think that she was always the best on camera McMahon. Plus, she's really hot.
I think that the McMahons have always been the most entertaining GMs but I don't mind the Mystery GM right now either. Teddy Long is a cool guy but he doesn't do much.

For Raw, I would choose Shawn Michaels as the GM. That could bring him back on TV every now and then and it could create interesting opportunities for storylines.

On Smackdown, I want Edge to take over for Teddy Long. Edge loves the business and its a cool way to keep him relevant on TV.
No need for GMs. I think they really killed the whole GM role. The reason why... We see them on a regular basis. It's boring after awhile. Yes, Vince and His Daughter were entertaining. Heyman was fun, Bischoff was smart but...

After a while, we want a change in the program. Plus, we always look for that nostalgic icon to be our GM. Then we kill the nostalgia then want another person to assume the role.

What would be easier in my opinion, is take on the commissioner role again. One commissioner on both shows. Such as a William Regal or the recently release Dave Finley. Someone who comes out, and over turns a decision, and helps build a feud.

Have them show up on a SmackDown or Raw twice a month, and have a couple "Press Releases." That way it keeps value in that role. And when you see that Authority figure on the show, you know something is going to happen.

This way, you stick with the feuds and talent. And not have us get bored with an e-mail chime or Teddy Long calling me playa.
First, as great as he is, the LAST person who should be a GM is Shawn Michaels. He's too over to be GM and would overshadow just about anyone he's in a segment with. It's the same reason Steve Austin was never a good GM.

Further, I also think that the whole "heel boss" thing is played out, so no Vickie as GM (she can still manage Dolph Ziggler).

I'd leave Teddy Long as GM on Smackdown and go with William Regal on Raw. For GM, you want someone who's good on the mic, who's over with the crowd but not TOO over.
RAW: one person comes to mind Jim Ross while watching RAW a few weeks ago I was hoping they would just say come out and say to Cole and everyone Jim Ross is the GM I know that it may not be him but after all the shit Cole put him threw I would laugh so hard if it was Jim Ross for RAW GM

Smack Down I don't know I hardly watch Smack Down that much if it was on Thursday again I would watch but just don't
I don't mind Teddy Long on SD, but the anonymous GM on Raw is getting old fast, so if I could pick two new GM's, I would pick.......

Stephanie McMahon for SmackDown
It keeps her away from HHH, but keeps her on TV. She's done the GM role before, and done it very well so I'd like to see her return to the role.

Abraham Washington for Raw
He's good on the mic and has a good heel personality. He was also GM on FCW and did it very well, would love to see him do it on a bigger stage
RAW - Teddy Long - I think Teddy long does a great job as GM on Smackdown. I'm not a huge fans of Superstars being the GM because some of their own interest seem to come to the forefront. They get too involved in one angle and the rest of the show suffers because of it. With a guy like Teddy Long, he's always straight down the middle and doesn't really favor anyone.

Smackdown - Stephanie McMahon - this was an easy one for me. She was without a doubt the best Smackdown! GM there was. Smart, knows the business, beautiful, and doesn't take crap from anyone. She interacts with the Superstars very well and is excellent on the mic (slight pun intended).
I love the idea of JBL coming back as a GM. Teddy Long worked best as a manager years ago, so maybe have him step down for JBL.

On Raw I'd go for good ol' JR. He wouldn't have to work every show and I like a good babyface GM who can do the scared/betrayed/backed-into-a-corner thing that Teddy Long has done well in the past if they need to make a heel look dominate or just sadistic without just having him just looking a chump v. Cena too quickly like every other heel.
@ahoyhoy - I like the JBL pick, especially if he wasn't trying to wrestle again, but he has clearly stated that he was retired and he plays golf and the stock market. He is a great personality as both a heel and when he was just Bradshaw as a face.
My opinions on that matter will probably draw the ire of some... :blush:
The best GM was probably Eric Bischoff. He worked really well for me. I actually liked Vickie Guerrero as GM as well, but I don't think I would want to see it again.

Shawn Michaels I don't want to see. He doesn't fit my idea of a GM. Besides, he is out of WWE and involved in other projects. Good for him.

Triple H doesn't fit my idea, either. He is just too intimidating a character to fill that role. Just like I wasn't big on Austin being the CO GM with Bischoff. I guess I just like my GMs to be despicable little weasels.

That said, my idea of the perfect RAW GM should be clear: Michael Cole. He is easy to hate and whether you like to admit it or not, he is funny in his heel persona. I can see him flourish in his GM role, and he would have already sown some seeds to set up bad blood with him and all the divas and R-Truth among others.
With recent developments I could see Edge eventually joining him as Co-GM, similar to Austin. But I must say I think Edge would probably fill that role better. Then again I could see Edge transitioning to color commentator.

On Smackdown! I' having a more difficult time to pick a GM. Teddy is ok. He was never special in that role, but always solid. Someone mentioned Chris Jericho. Good idea, except I would much rather see Jericho in a wrestling capacity. Edge would make sense, I suppose. After all he carried Smackdown! for many years. Still there is that issue of a babyface GM, which I don't think works too well. Teddy works because he is spineless and lets McMahon or Vickie Guerrero overrule him. Edge wouldn't do that. That's why I see him as a co-GM at best. ... Or he turns heel down the line. Duh! That could work, of course. I don't know. We'll see.

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