New Tough Enough/Draft Idea

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I think the draft thays been in place for the past few years is kind of getting old. Every year we see smackdown get robbed & raw waste great talent that was built by Smackdown..(Swagger, Morrison, Mysterio, Now Del Rio) so heres my idea:

Both brands will have a GM.

The GM's will meet on a Raw & draft one by one.

BUT each GM will have an amount of superstars that theyre able to keep assigned to their brands. For example, let's say Paul heyman is the raw gm. He chooses to keep Cena, Morrison, Swagger, CM Punk, and HHH. Those 5 will be off limits to the other brand.

10 picks each for each brand.

Now, for Tough Enough.

I read where someone on here was upset about how the winner never takes off & makes an impact. Well, its honestly because they've never impressed. I honestly can't remember ANY competitor that stood out. If WWE would wait and set up a good cast, the sjow would be even better. Imagine this:

The cast is:
Vance archer, Daniel Bryan, AJ Styles, Sin Cara, Tyler Reks, etc.

True talent and we really have to watch every week to see who would be sent home. In this past TE, we knew early that there weren't but maybe 4 OK talents. I'd like to see actual good talent compete, not these undersized amatuers.

Let me hear your thoughts about mine. I have more ideas but I'm on my Android & these tiny buttons are killing my eyes. Add some stuff if youd like.
I politely disagree. Tough Enough is supposed to find the amateurs that believe they are, get this, TOUGH ENOUGH to compete with the professionals. Besides, it's not like WWE picked the cast this year, that's why some of them are "undersized amateurs." But I do believe it would be a pretty cool idea if, in the middle of the show, each brand picks one FCW talent or someone that was on NXT and hasn't appeared since. But as we all can figure out, the Draft format will not change.
Now, for Tough Enough.

I read where someone on here was upset about how the winner never takes off & makes an impact. Well, its honestly because they've never impressed. I honestly can't remember ANY competitor that stood out. If WWE would wait and set up a good cast, the sjow would be even better. Imagine this:

The cast is:
Vance archer, Daniel Bryan, AJ Styles, Sin Cara, Tyler Reks, etc.

True talent and we really have to watch every week to see who would be sent home. In this past TE, we knew early that there weren't but maybe 4 OK talents. I'd like to see actual good talent compete, not these undersized amatuers.

Let me hear your thoughts about mine. I have more ideas but I'm on my Android & these tiny buttons are killing my eyes. Add some stuff if youd like.

I dunno, they tried pretty hard with Maven when he won it, he even eliminated Bad-Ass 'Taker from the 2002 Rumble after he eliminated a bunch of other guys. Though he did take a fair beating off of the Deadman and never made it back for the rest of the show.

What I'm struggling to understand with your idea is mixing established TV performers such as Bryan and Cara with the lesser knowns, especially as Bryan was already in NXT and Cara gets special lighting for his matches, why do they need to prove they are tough enough?

Added to that the idea of only one of the cast members remaining on TV? WHY!? That hinders more than it helps.

Tough Enough is for people wanting to make it as Superstars in the WWE, as in, people who need to prove they can be an asset to the company.

I've maybe taken this the wrong way, so I hope you can clarify this all because as I read it, it sounded like quite a bad idea and I couldn't see a link between TE and the draft. Or was this a twofer thread?
here is what they should do with the draft treat it just like the nfl and nba you have the raw team smackdown team and superstars team give superstar their own title and have their own show with no crossovers and let raw and smackdown draft people from superstars and trade superstars from raw and smackdown so everything will be fair and not so one sided like this year smackdown got a few good people that can be used right from the start since edge is gone but raw got some good names too but no one they really use the way they should like adl he was a top guy on smackdown but now he is on raw i dont even think he will get a run at a belt
I say to leave Tough Enough alone, but allow for more than just "the winner" to go on from the show. Have 2 runners up or something that can definitely go to FCW for more seasoning if nothing else.

As for the draft, I think it's stupid to keep Cena on Raw and Orton on Smackdown, or any of the performers actually. It's a fun concept, but they keep dragging the talent back and forth whenever they want anyways. The ONLY performer who should be brand specific is a champion. WWE champ on Raw, WHC on Smackdown, USA Champ on Raw, IC Champ on Smackdown. Let the tag titles on both shows, but only if you make the division somewhat relevant again, and same with the Divas.

I'd love to see storylines built around true feuds and not just title belts, like in the good ol' 1980's. That's what's missing. Junkyard Dog wasn't in the title hunt, but he was almost always in a storyline, same with George "The Animal" Steele.....everyone knew them, loved/hated them and they drew money. I miss the days when almost EVERY match was important. Not just the title chase. Screw the WWE Championship, Cena will more or less own that thing until he's crippled.
I read where someone on here was upset about how the winner never takes off & makes an impact. Well, its honestly because they've never impressed. I honestly can't remember ANY competitor that stood out.

John Morrison Doesn't stand out? I could have sworn he had a huge fan base and great in ring ability but I guess I was mistaken.

Anyway, about the draft. The only real concern I have would be that It would take a lot more for it to be entertaining. I think the concept is good but I can't see how it makes for good TV, especially if all the big stars can't be drafted.
Remember when HHH got drafted to Smackdown? HUGE pop from the fans.
Remember when Chris masters got drafted to Smackdown? No? Exactly.
Taking heat already lol but hey your entitled to that.

Ok, when i say they never stand out, I mean that they don't show out on the show. Honestly I NEVER watched one season & looked at someone and said to myself "he's head and shoulders above everyone else"

When i say tough enough should use Bryan, Cara, etc. this is what i mean:

Before they ever let these guys on tv, put them on TE to prove themselves. Im tired of seeing these highly recruited guys coming in and disappointing everyone after theyre released after 2 months.
Earth to dumbass, Tough Enough is there to train people into wrestlers. Why would they put jobbers who already know how to wrestle on there to make a name for themselves? That's what NXT is for, at least in Darren Young's case
Ok apparently I'm talking to a wall. The WHOLE reason I made this thread was to simply state an idea. I keep hearing everyone talk about how tough enough winners never make a sudden impact. All im saying is give us some excitement with the show. Don't grab random wanna bees.

Think of how UFC's version of tough enough is. They have competitors who have atleast a little history in the sport. In my opinion, I get tired of seeing people get in the ring and end up injuring someone else. I did NOT mean to have the superstars like bryan & archer. I only was saying those names was because all of them had history in the small leagues. I want to watch tough enough & see talent. Honestly, did ANYONE think that a girl was going to win te? Or what about jeremiah? Don't get me wrong, I thought he was the most naturally skilled competitor, but let's be honest, te isn't going to have a 5'6" winner. WWE looks for superstars with that "look"..I think maybe a handful had that this year. Luke, Andy, Aj, Maybe Martin. I'm simply just saying that some contestants look like they maybe got thrown in. That's the reason most check out the first episode, see what the contestants look like, then tune in with 4-5 weeks left. When the only ones that actually looked reasonable are still left.

I'm sorry if I caused confusion, just tryin to voice my opinion on how they could give us better competition
Ok apparently I'm talking to a wall. The WHOLE reason I made this thread was to simply state an idea. I keep hearing everyone talk about how tough enough winners never make a sudden impact. All im saying is give us some excitement with the show. Don't grab random wanna bees.

Think of how UFC's version of tough enough is. They have competitors who have atleast a little history in the sport. In my opinion, I get tired of seeing people get in the ring and end up injuring someone else. I did NOT mean to have the superstars like bryan & archer. I only was saying those names was because all of them had history in the small leagues. I want to watch tough enough & see talent. Honestly, did ANYONE think that a girl was going to win te? Or what about jeremiah? Don't get me wrong, I thought he was the most naturally skilled competitor, but let's be honest, te isn't going to have a 5'6" winner. WWE looks for superstars with that "look"..I think maybe a handful had that this year. Luke, Andy, Aj, Maybe Martin. I'm simply just saying that some contestants look like they maybe got thrown in. That's the reason most check out the first episode, see what the contestants look like, then tune in with 4-5 weeks left. When the only ones that actually looked reasonable are still left.

I'm sorry if I caused confusion, just tryin to voice my opinion on how they could give us better competition & entertainment. It'd be great to tune in every week & have to really guess who's going home. maybe its me, but I want more than 5 of the contestants to actually stand a chance
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