YOUR GOP in action New Jersey Edition!

Not sure if anyone else has noticed, but Fox News is really pushing for the upcoming Presidential election to be "a referendum on President Obama." Actually, they're not just pushing this agenda, they're saying this is what the entire election will be about. If I were completely in the tank for the GOP, and my potential candidates were as bad as the ones they have now, I would probably push the same agenda.

Definitely off track, but Fox News seems to be somewhat of a topic here.
Not sure if anyone else has noticed, but Fox News is really pushing for the upcoming Presidential election to be "a referendum on President Obama." Actually, they're not just pushing this agenda, they're saying this is what the entire election will be about.
Out of curiosity, exactly how does this make the upcoming election any different than all other Presidential elections featuring an incumbent? Has Fox News addressed that?
Out of curiosity, exactly how does this make the upcoming election any different than all other Presidential elections featuring an incumbent?

It doesn't. But, they're attempting to persuade people to vote against Obama, and for whoever ends up on the opposite side. At least that's what I've taken away from this. I'm guessing they're hoping this doesn't turn into another Bush vs. Kerry scenario, which oddly enough, worked out for them in 2004. The GOP candidates are so weak, I can see that happening, and so can FNC, obviously.

Has Fox News addressed that?

No. Far too buy establishing a bullshit narrative for an election that doesn't take place for another 17 months.
Young Turks is okay and all, but the guy just bores the hell out of me. He isn't nearly half as funny as he thinks he is. LiberalViewer is pretty dull too, but at least he doesn't try to be funny, he just follows the same basic format every show and never, eh-eh-ever changes his speech patterns.
Young Turks is okay and all, but the guy just bores the hell out of me. He isn't nearly half as funny as he thinks he is. LiberalViewer is pretty dull too, but at least he doesn't try to be funny, he just follows the same basic format every show and never, eh-eh-ever changes his speech patterns.

His shit on the tv show follow the basic formula you're talking about.

I hope you don't just watch LIBERAL internet media but be open to the conservative viewpoint and their criticisms of lefitsm instead of just the opposite. Here's a great video setting out what the conservatives generally believe:


Follow the links.
"Small government works!" "Get government out of the private sector, it will help to create jobs!"

Translation: Without government intervention in the private sector, we can avoid any kind of tax increase, and stick it to the regular people even harder.

Oh, and we still won't hire.
Your video lost me early, Chester. It's clearly a propaganda piece with a man damning all liberal propaganda (which to him is all media), as he provides us "facts", that are really just loosely based points that he provides no backing for, such as history repeating of government techniques that didn't work, and then he forgoes mentioning any of the actions the government has taken that have already failed multiple times.

He also misuses checks and balances, and accuses the US of attempting socialism, not to mention that many of our friends over the pond in the UK would tell us that they enjoy their form of socialism very much.

And finally, I know what my beliefs are, and why I believe in them. I like "big government," and I do think introducing more socialism into our society would do us some good. I don't need some right-wing fanatic to tell me what his side stands for, they've made it very clear, and I agree with next to none of it, and more likely than not there's likely nothing he can say that can change my mind, because I've debated it with someone much smarter, understanding, and better looking than him, myself.
Yeah; that video lost me as soon as he tried to talk about the UK's massive failure with socialism.
I also thought it was amusing that he believes people will always act in their own self-interest and that alone, yet suggests government be taken out of the private sector. He does realize that we had that for a while, and it wound up in basic human rights being thrown straight down the shitter, right?
His shit on the tv show follow the basic formula you're talking about.

I hope you don't just watch LIBERAL internet media but be open to the conservative viewpoint and their criticisms of lefitsm instead of just the opposite. Here's a great video setting out what the conservatives generally believe:


Follow the links.

The whole point of posting the video was to give people a conservative outlet to hear on the internet instead of just the liberal ones LiberalViewer and TYT offer. Listening to only TYT and LiberalViewer leads to closed mindedness and one-sided rhetoric.
Yeah; that video lost me as soon as he tried to talk about the UK's massive failure with socialism.

I know little to nothing about United Kingdom's historical politics and I just want to ask a short question: Did Britain adopt more of a big government approach post WW2? And if so was this approach ended by the Thatcher government?

Thanks in advance.
LiberalViewer really doesn't preach as much ideology as it does point out the bullshit the right pulls. In fact, neither of those channels really preach ideology, they just point out right wing bullshit, yet this guy considers them to be "propaganda" more-so than his video? They're biased, sure, but they'd be the first to tell you that, but all they're trying to do (at least LiberalViewer, anyway) is keep the other side more honest.
Yes we did. It was the 1950s rather than the 60s and 70s like the idiot in the video is suggesting. It got us the National Health Service, the Welfare State and the biggest improvements in social equality and mobility since the emancipation of the working class.
It improved conditions for workers, universally improved public services and generated the greatest employment statistics since records began.
All of this achieved by an essentially bankrupt nation that had just depleted over a quarter of its national wealth fighting World War II.

The UK socialist movement was far from a disaster.
I don't understand where the idea that the socialist movement in the UK was/is disastrous originated from. I imagine it has to do with American media seeking out a few radicals in the UK and having them rant for a while. To our dumb American ears, he sounds intelligent, because he's talking with a fancy shmancy accent.
The UK socialist movement was far from a disaster.

"In America, socialism is the precipice of communism, we'll be damned if we're going to let them Russian Chinese commies in our country!"

^ The mantra of 70 year old fat white people, and 25 year old white trash. Only, I doubt the white trash knows the word "precipice", I added that.
It never ceases to amaze me that America is more or less socialist in a vast majority of areas already and yet a ton of people think it's totally evil.
It never ceases to amaze me that America is more or less socialist in a vast majority of areas already and yet a ton of people think it's totally evil.
What never ceases to amaze me is how a large percentage of the people who preach against socialism are getting fucked over by the current system. And even better are the ones who won't vote for Obama because "he's a socialist", while they're spending that welfare check on cigarettes.
Yep. To sum up the "patriotic" Americans in the Tea Party, "GET YOUR GOVERNMENT HANDS OFF MY MEDICARE!!!!"
I don't understand where the idea that the socialist movement in the UK was/is disastrous originated from. I imagine it has to do with American media seeking out a few radicals in the UK and having them rant for a while. To our dumb American ears, he sounds intelligent, because he's talking with a fancy shmancy accent.

And George H.W. Bush saying if we thought socialism was a good idea, we should "Ask a Brittish Citizen". Or, a Canadian.

Never understood that. Wouldn't that be counter-productive toward his goal?
And even better are the ones who won't vote for Obama because "he's a socialist", while they're spending that welfare check on cigarettes.

Exactly. Oh, and don't you fucking dare touch my Medicare, or Social Security. This new and improved right wing makes me laugh, a lot.

I also have to laugh at this bullshit notion that Obama is a socialist. He's nowhere near as far left as most right wingers would have you believe. In fact, I consider him a left-leaning centrist.

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