YOUR GOP in action New Jersey Edition!

Your failure to ever knock the other side for their trivial "negatives" (and no, this wasn't at all even close to a negative, even if you want it to be), tells us that you, in fact, support that side, and think that everything they do is grand. Until you bash the other side, you just come off as a liberal fucking douchebag who constantly looks for things to bash the GOP.

And the prize for most stupid thing I have read today is won.

How the fuck does failure the criticize an entity equate to support? That's completely moronic. There are no end of topics that I prioritize my condemnation towards, but that does not intrinsically mean that I am supporting all subjects of lower priority. All it shows is that one entity annoys me more than another entity.

Just as an aside, you'd do well to try and take a slightly more withdrawn outlook in these debates. Once again you're throwing around all these claims about how you come across as wise and KB comes across as a douchbag, but you'd struggle to find a single person to validate these accusations. In contrast there appears to be quite a queue of people lining up to proclaim the opposite.

Just a thought.


There's nothing to get, man. You're right on this issue, everyone else is just trying agitate you and work you up. If you weren't right, a perfectly reasonable explanation would have been given.
Don't forget racism, and birth certificates.

Actually, they fall under the same category. So, just racism.

Honestly, I think one guy has to prove his citizenship to a bunch on nutjobs, then every candidate should have to as well. I don't care if the persons name is John Q. American. From this point on, I say EVERYBODY proves they are natural born Americans. Make it completely level....
and goodness knows the wild frenetic energy peons such as the ones in this thread expend arguing about it does a whole lot of good
More referencing how annoying it is in general.

I mean people get fucking PISSED about this, and will scream to the high heavens for hours. Break a fucking sweat arguing this so hard.

And, much like religion, for nothing at all. Nothing in the world will change in the least bit regaurdless of the outcome of the argument, even down to the smallest of victory, possibly altering anothers opinion.

EVen that is highly unlikely.
More referencing how annoying it is in general.

I mean people get fucking PISSED about this, and will scream to the high heavens for hours. Break a fucking sweat arguing this so hard.

And, much like religion, for nothing at all. Nothing in the world will change in the least bit regaurdless of the outcome of the argument, even down to the smallest of victory, possibly altering anothers opinion.

EVen that is highly unlikely.

Now be careful, Norcie. This kind of seditious thinking could undermine democracy or worse still remove the need/want for a forum
Барбоса;3152953 said:
Now be careful, Norcie. This kind of seditious thinking could undermine democracy or worse still remove the need/want for a forum

The difference being there is generally a right or a wrong to other subjects, and not every discussion devolving into a "Yea we are wrong, but they did this wrong!!"-athons
I'm a moderate. Yes, I'm aware I've made that very clear, and I don't mean to sound like a broken record. Point is, I have no real horse in the race. However, over the past couple of years the GOP has gone insane. They manufacture absolute bullshit. If Democrats were headed down that same path, I would say the same things about them. But, they're not. They're weak, and a bit naive for my taste, but I find them to be far more honest, at least right now, than the GOP.
And the prize for most stupid thing I have read today is won.
I know, KB was spouting his bias crap again. Epic stupidity there.

How the fuck does failure the criticize an entity equate to support? That's completely moronic. There are no end of topics that I prioritize my condemnation towards, but that does not intrinsically mean that I am supporting all subjects of lower priority. All it shows is that one entity annoys me more than another entity.
OK, lets put it his way. Politics in America are a 2 horse race (sorry, don't tell me about a 3rd party, they are meaningless until they actually do something worthwhile). Now, 2 horses are racing. One of them you despise so much and constantly talk shit about, verbally displaying your hatred for them. That's NOT rooting for the other side? I mean, lets compare it to a football match. 2 teams are playing, and someone is CONSTANTLY (and yes, it's constantly, which is why I finally said something) making an ass out of himself by spewing negative shit towards one team. Is he NOT then rooting for the OTHER team? I would think so, and KB even admitted so.
I don't take that shots at the Dems because, for lack of a more simplistic explanation for the likes of you, I tend to agree with them and like them more.

Oh, and KB, thanks for proving my point.

Just as an aside, you'd do well to try and take a slightly more withdrawn outlook in these debates.
You're right. Sometimes I do need to chill out, which is exactly what I did. I went to sleep, woke up, and am no longer agitated by this crap. Not that I like it, but it's not getting to me anymore.

Once again you're throwing around all these claims about how you come across as wise and KB comes across as a douchbag, but you'd struggle to find a single person to validate these accusations. In contrast there appears to be quite a queue of people lining up to proclaim the opposite.
and? Does 3 or 4 people blindly supporting the administrator mean that he's not coming off like a douchebag? No, it just means they are supporting him.

I'm a moderate. Yes, I'm aware I've made that very clear, and I don't mean to sound like a broken record. Point is, I have no real horse in the race. However, over the past couple of years the GOP has gone insane. They manufacture absolute bullshit. If Democrats were headed down that same path, I would say the same things about them. But, they're not. They're weak, and a bit naive for my taste, but I find them to be far more honest, at least right now, than the GOP.
Politicians..... HONEST?!?!?!

What the fuck you smoking, man? I don't claim to be a political genius (never have here, either), but to tell me that one side is even the slightest bit HONEST?! C'mon, son.
Politicians..... HONEST?!?!?!

What the fuck you smoking, man? I don't claim to be a political genius (never have here, either), but to tell me that one side is even the slightest bit HONEST?! C'mon, son.

Actually, I said more honest. Over the past two and a half years, the GOP has been completely full of shit, where Democrats haven't been nearly as dishonest. Yes, all politicians are full of shit, but the GOP has taken the art of bullshit/fear mongering to an all-time high.
Then why bring it up in the first place? Are you that sensitive to the idea people might think bad about the Republican party, you have to make sure they think equally as bad about Democrats?

Lovely twist there Sly.

Are you that sensitive to the idea that people might think badly of both parties, that you have to make other people bad for pointing it out?

Yeah. The GOP is shit. Everyone knows it- and pointing out their failings is a good thing. I said something because KB makes a habit of it. He posts these stories about the GOP fucking up, and it got me thinking that perhaps he only had his head turned one way. When you're so focused on the failings of one party, you don't see the failings of the other. It struck a nerve in me, because that's what I see every time I watch the news. Maybe KB knows, and he's just smackin' the GOP around for fun. But I didn't know, so I added my two cents. Is that such a crime?
Haha that's class. The president does it all the time so why not that random dude?
Hey Lee, have you seen this shit?

Skip to 0:27 if you haven't.

Lovely twist there Sly.

Are you that sensitive to the idea that people might think badly of both parties, that you have to make other people bad for pointing it out?
Fuck no, I've said many times Democrats do stupid stuff too. But I'm not the one in this thread crying like a baby because KB didn't make sure to point out an equally atrocious misuse of taxpayer money done by a Democrat. That's where people like you have come in.

Do you think you're able to comprehend the difference?

Yeah. The GOP is shit. Everyone knows it- and pointing out their failings is a good thing. I said something because KB makes a habit of it. He posts these stories about the GOP fucking up, and it got me thinking that perhaps he only had his head turned one way.
Maybe instead you should be thinking about how easily and how often KB seems to be finding these stories of massive GOP fuck-ups? Seems to me it would be a far better use of time than whining and making blanket (and for the most part, unsourced) statements of "Dems do it too".
More referencing how annoying it is in general.

I mean people get fucking PISSED about this, and will scream to the high heavens for hours. Break a fucking sweat arguing this so hard.

And, much like religion, for nothing at all. Nothing in the world will change in the least bit regaurdless of the outcome of the argument, even down to the smallest of victory, possibly altering anothers opinion.

EVen that is highly unlikely.
Insert Blake Lively nude pic here.

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