YOUR GOP in action New Jersey Edition!

Welcome to Planet Earth. I understand that The GOP are greedy poisonous old reptiles that need to be escorted to a mental home- politicians suck, plain and simple, but the GOP aren't the only hypocrites- let's not imply that the Democrats are doing any better.
Hey, I'm just stating the truth here. Neither party is without their faults. GOP are a bunch of hypocrites, as are the Dems. Hell, even a vast majority of the third party crowd are.
Doesn't mean the story doesn't piss us off though. That's what the thread's for right? XD
Yes, that makes it much better.

"But..but...they did it too!!!"

I hear that all the time from my 5th grade students. What a sorry excuse.
Both parties are totally flawed to begin with, so this ultra-partisanship just amuses me. It's like watching a mentally handicapped person and a crippled person arguing about who's got it worse off.
Both parties are totally flawed to begin with, so this ultra-partisanship just amuses me. It's like watching a mentally handicapped person and a crippled person arguing about who's got it worse off.

And to be honest, there's not much difference between the two. You have to decide where you stand on abortion and taxes...everything else is minimal at this point.
Yes, that makes it much better.

"But..but...they did it too!!!"

I hear that all the time from my 5th grade students. What a sorry excuse.

After reading this I had the weird vision of someone the line that follows the 5th grade part of this. "If someone jumped off a bridge would you follow them?"
Yes, that makes it much better.

"But..but...they did it too!!!"

I hear that all the time from my 5th grade students. What a sorry excuse.

No one was using it as an excuse for his actions. Just pointing out that pointing a finger at the GOP isn't the way to go about it. The finger needs to be flipped at most of our current government. Not just half of it.
No one was using it as an excuse for his actions.
Then why bring it up in the first place? Are you that sensitive to the idea people might think bad about the Republican party, you have to make sure they think equally as bad about Democrats?
Then why bring it up in the first place? Are you that sensitive to the idea people might think bad about the Republican party, you have to make sure they think equally as bad about Democrats?

I'm going to come up with a name for this type of word mastery. This is the point where Sly makes his first attempt at crushing someone. From here on out I declare it as the "Sly Strike."

And remember, Christie is the one that promised to cut wasteful government spending, including pensions for police and firefighters.

Is there ANY GOP politician that isn't a total hypocrite?

Wait for it.....wait for it......
So when Barack Obama, or any Democrat politician does the same thing (AND THEY WILL, they all do shit like that), will you make the same bullshit sarcastic thread? No, you won't. But the GOP are a bunch of hypocrites.... Pot. Kettle. BLACK. End of fucking story.

What is the world coming to now, people complain when fathers go to their sons baseball games? What's next? How dare he go on a date with his wife! How DARE he attend religious services with his family (if he so chooses)! HOW DARE he eat a slice of pizza at a local pizza shop!

Do we know if he reimbursed the state for the ride (a luxury which even your liberal bias article even states that he RARELY uses)? No, but we must jump to conclusions that he didn't (even if he doesn't, who cares, it's a luxury allowed him, and he rarely ever uses it). All we know if that he was 70 miles away and took the helicopter to go to the game, so support his child. HOW DARE HE BE A GOOD FATHER!
I'm detecting large traces of "mad" in this sector Captain.

When I see copious amounts of bullshit, and call someone out on it, just to be told "I don't get it" (God forbid they actually tell me what I don't get, because I got everything fucking said), I tend to get a bit agitated. Couple that with what's going on in my life now, and I get angry a bit. Shit happens.

And yes, I'd still very much like to know what the fuck I "don't get." It's the common defense for being proven wrong. claim that the person proving the other person wrong "doesn't get it" when there's actually nothing to be "got."
Since it's going to take all day for Stormtrooper to get it, let's see what I can do.

Yes, that makes it much better.

"But..but...they did it too!!!"

I hear that all the time from my 5th grade students. What a sorry excuse.

You see young one, the "wait for it......wait for it....." was for people to bash the Dems for this. The reason it was there was simple: THEY HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS.

Bringing up the Democrats when the GOP does something stupid is like saying "I'm not as bad of a murderer. I shot him through the head so it didn't last as long. I'm a far better person that he is because he let them bleed to death." Believe me, I've forgotten more about politics than you'll ever know and I'm fully aware of the blue team being corrupt and messed up too. Has zero to do with this thread at all.

Did I spell it out well enough for you now you stupid, stupid man?
Since it's going to take all day for Stormtrooper to get it, let's see what I can do.
Yeah, way to take a shot at my intelligence there, dipshit.

You see young one,
I'm older (and clearly wiser) then you.

the "wait for it......wait for it....." was for people to bash the Dems for this. The reason it was there was simple: THEY HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS.

Bringing up the Democrats when the GOP does something stupid is like saying "I'm not as bad of a murderer. I shot him through the head so it didn't last as long. I'm a far better person that he is because he let them bleed to death."
And that's where YOU, oh great administrator of a wrestling forum, don't get it. I was not discussing democrats. I was merely using that as an example of YOUR hypocrisy. You make THREAD AFTER THREAD AFTER THREAD of stupid pointless shit knocking the republican party, telling us how they are the greatest threat to mankind. Your failure to ever knock the other side for their trivial "negatives" (and no, this wasn't at all even close to a negative, even if you want it to be), tells us that you, in fact, support that side, and think that everything they do is grand. Until you bash the other side, you just come off as a liberal fucking douchebag who constantly looks for things to bash the GOP.

Believe me, I've forgotten more about politics than you'll ever know
And I never claimed otherwise. I fucking hate all politics, and don't even fucking bother with it, because it's all a bunch of fucking nonsense. This had nothing to do with one side of the political scene being right or wrong. It had to do with your hypocrisy.

and I'm fully aware of the blue team being corrupt and messed up too. Has zero to do with this thread at all.
If you are fully aware of it, then you'd realize how much of a fucking douche you're coming off as. Being fully aware of it would mean you'd realize that both sides fucking suck and do stupid trivial shit, so no need to constantly remind everyone that only one side sucks, so that I can make the side I choose look better by comparison.

By making snide remarks about the GOP constantly, all you do in announce to the world that you are, in fact, a bias anti-GOP asshole. Congrats.
Did I spell it out well enough for you now you stupid, stupid man?
What you did is you finally explained yourself, after calling me out. Too bad you completely missed what I was saying, which isn't surprising, because you really aren't all that you're cracked up to be.

And just because I am not a Wrestling Forum administrator doesn't make me a fucking idiot. I'm much smarter then you give me credit for, and based on what you post here, I'm pretty much smarter then you.
So what this boils down to is you want me to be balanced in my criticisms? That's hysterical young one. Where this idea came from that no one is EVER allowed to be biased towards one thing or another continues to elude me. I take shots at the GOP because I find them to be hypocritical morons. I don't take that shots at the Dems because, for lack of a more simplistic explanation for the likes of you, I tend to agree with them and like them more. I know it's hard to comprehend, but people can have an opinion and don't have to be all nice and proper.
You have to decide where you stand on abortion and taxes...everything else is minimal at this point.

Don't forget racism, and birth certificates.

Actually, they fall under the same category. So, just racism.

So when Barack Obama, or any Democrat politician does the same thing (AND THEY WILL, they all do shit like that), will you make the same bullshit sarcastic thread? No, you won't. But the GOP are a bunch of hypocrites.... Pot. Kettle. BLACK. End of fucking story.

What is the world coming to now, people complain when fathers go to their sons baseball games? What's next? How dare he go on a date with his wife! How DARE he attend religious services with his family (if he so chooses)! HOW DARE he eat a slice of pizza at a local pizza shop!

Do we know if he reimbursed the state for the ride (a luxury which even your liberal bias article even states that he RARELY uses)? No, but we must jump to conclusions that he didn't (even if he doesn't, who cares, it's a luxury allowed him, and he rarely ever uses it). All we know if that he was 70 miles away and took the helicopter to go to the game, so support his child. HOW DARE HE BE A GOOD FATHER!




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