Your favourite ever WWE 'spot'


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Ok, you probably have plenty, but which 'spot' in WWE has suprised, exited, thrilled, shocked you the most?

I will make a few suggestions - Shane McMahons massive fall against Steve Blackman? Randy Orton giving the RKO to Evan Bourne in mid-air? Jeff Hardys Swanton off the huge ladder/Production Truck/stage? John Morrisons 'spiderman' impression at the Rumble?

Hands down, Undertaker throwing Mankind from the top of the cell is the biggest WWE spot ever - no other moment in wrestling history has been played more on TV than that one.

Personal favourite would be Undertaker flying over the top ropes in the Inferno match against Kane when the ring was surrounded by fire. He didn't give a damn about the fire (of course the flames were lowered a bit when he jumped) but do dive over it with his 6'10/ 300+ pound body to attack Kane and Vader was insane.
There have been so many awesome ones but I'm going to have to pick one that made me freak when I was younger.
Shane McMahon giving the elbow off the top of the Backlash set to Big Show. I thought that was the coolest thing ever. Shane has always had great spots whenever he wrestled. Like the OP posted when Blackman hit him with the kendo stick, and another poster showed Undertaker chokeslamming him off the ring through the table, or when Kurt Angle belly to belly'd him through the glass at KOTR. He always entertained me and was the best non wrestler that has ever wrestled.
For me, i'd probably have to go with Angle's Belly To Belly through a glass window on Shane O Mac, mainly because of how sick it was when he botched it. The first time you can clearly hear Shane's head smack the concrete when he doesn't go through the glass, and then the crazy fuck tried it another 3 times before Kurt just chucked him straight through the second one.
Hey I agree with all you guys and can't think of much better spots than those you'll mentioned especially the undertaker throwing mankind off the Hell in a Cell............Anyway as far as a SPOT during a match goes I would give my vote to Shawn Michaels delivering SWEET CHIN MUSIC to Shelton Benjamin as he came off the top rope on Raw during the Gold Rush Tournament..............I actually jumped out of my seat with that one......
There are so so many:

- Edge Spearing Jeff Hardy as he was hanging from the belt

- Shane getting thrown through the glass window by Kurt Angle at KOTR

- Triple H flipping Cactus Jack through the Cell roof in 2000

- Randt Orton hitting the RKO while Evan Bourne was in the middle of his Shooting Star Press

- John Morrison doing a moonsault to the outside while holding a ladder at WM

- Kurt Angle nailing the Angle Slam from a board set up on the top rope vs Shane McMahon

- Sable with the handprint bikini (ok ok not a REAL spot! :p)

- Edge spearing Mick Foley through the flaming table at WM

- Randy Orton taking the bump into thumbtacks after his RKO got reversed by Mick Foley

- Undertaker jumping through the fire to get to Kane in the Inferno Match

- Shawn Michaels throwing Marty Jannetty through the glass window

-RVD knocking Jeff Hardy off the stage with a Van Daminator at Invasion 2001

- Kurt Angle going for a moonsault off the top of the cage

- Rikishi diving from the top of the cage onto Val Venis with a splash

- Jeff Hardy's multiple Swanton Bombs from ladders (can't pick just one)

- Undertaker chokeslamming Triple H off the tower at WM17

- Mankind falling onto the light/electrical tower and making the lights go out at Royal Rumble 1999 VS The Rock

- Shane McMahon falling from the titantron vs Steve Blackman

- Mike Awesome powerbombing Masato Tanaka from the apron at ONS 2005

- Jeff Hardy nailing a Swanton off the stage to Bubba Ray Dudley in the Tag Team Tables match at the Royal Rumble 1999.

I could go on and on!

But I would have to say the spot where Undertaker threw Mankind off the top of the HIAC is my favourite . Although it was planned (unlike Foley's fall through the cage in the same match), the fact it was so shocking, unexpected and looked so devastating makes it my single most memorable moment in wrestling history. As wonderful as so many other things are, Mankind falling through the announcers desk from the top of the cell is always going to be number one.

It could have killed the guy, a slight mistake by Taker and Foley would have gone into the crowd, he could have landed on the TC monitors, he could have broken every bone in his body. It was unbelievable and even now when I see it I just think "OH MY GOD!"
Man you guys already took my answers lol! I guess I will fall back on jericho's debut in wwe in 1999! Or perhaps mankinds wwe title win over the rock! With an assist from dx and stonecold!
Other than the Mankind/Taker spot since it's been mentioned enough already, I'll say either Shelton Benjamin's dive into all the MiTB participants (don't remember which WM it was though), Edge's spear on Jeff Hardy when Hardy was hanging on to the suspended belt in one of the Triangle ladder matches, Jeff Hardy's giant swanton on Randy Orton off the stage, or Goldberg spearing Rosey through the barricade (I saw this when I was little and I was a big Goldberg fan)
When I saw this thread in the Latest Discussion several names came to mind: Jeff Hardy, Mick Foley, Shane McMahon, and The Undertaker

1. Taker throwing Mankind off the cell - By far the craziest thing I've ever seen, it just was so crazy and unexpected and it was in the BEGINNING of the match.

2. Any time Jeff Hardy has done a Swanton off a 15-foot ladder - Whether it be WM2000 or SummerSlam of the same year or WM17, i still get chills when I see Hardy climb the huge ladder

3. Shane McMahon's leap of faith on top of Big Show - Don't worry this isn't Shane's only appearance on my top 10

4. Every spot from RVD vs. Jeff Hardy Ladder Match @ SummerSlam 2001 - best 1 on 1 ladder match I've ever seen.

5. Edge spears Foley through the burning table - I didn't watch ECW so I'm not too familiar with seeing tables on fire. When I saw it at WrestleMania 22, I was STUNNED.

6. The Angle Slam on Shane @ King of the Ring 2001 - Everyone loves the belly to belly suplex botch and so do I but I was much more impressed with how Angle jumped up and got Shane down for the Angle slam all in that one moment.

7. Undertaker throws Rikishi off Cell @ Armageddon 2000 - This match is probably my favorite of all-time and this moment was probably my favorite moment in it.

8. Shelton Benjamin scales the ladder at WM21 - First ever MITB match and it forever lives in my mind as the only time someone scaled the ladder the way Benjamin did to knock Y2J down.

9. The massive Gore to Jericho on Smackdown - Anytime the titantron gets knocked down it's a memorable moment, and this one IMO is the biggest one of them all, to see Jericho get wrecked like that was crazy

10. Shane's fall against Steve Blackman - This was nuts to see, I'm just biased because I hated Steve Blackman but regardless it's one of the best spots of all-time

Honorable Mention: Anything inovling Morrison and parkour, Undertaker's dive at WM25 where Sim Snuka almost killed him, Jeff's leg drop at WM23
I'm not quite sure if this fits the category and I can't find the raw footage... but no one has mention the Sweet Chin Music to Stone Cold during the legendary build-up of their WrestleMania 14 match. Austin goes over to confront Triple H on the stage and just as he turns around he gets the heel right in his face for one of a classic surprise superkick. Does anyone else remember this? Have you found the video? I would love to see it. The following week they replayed it over and over it was the best thing ever. They add a whiplash sound effect hahaha...
Since all the good ones have been chosen, I'll choose one of the most memorable accidental spots in the WWE.

Brock Lesnar's Superplex to Big Show destroys the SmackDown ring (the superplex occurs at ~8:20)

The fact that the sheer force of Brock Lesnar (close to 300 lbs) superplexing the 500 lb Big Show off the top rope caused the ring to collapse, and hearing Tazz's reaction ("HOLY S**T!!") to it just made this one hell of a "What the fuck just happened?!" moment. Both Lesnar and Big Show just laying in the ring, the referee looking around bewildered. It was just simply something that was amazing!
My personal favorite is Taker throwing Mankind off the Cell, and then slamming him through the Cell. Those spots are what made me a wrestling fan when I first saw it. My close second is Bubba Ray falling through 3 1/2 tables in TLC 1. To this day, I still can't figure out how he is still able to walk after that. Honorable mention goes to Lesnar's superplex of Big Show imploding the ring.
The Big Show and Lesnar ring breakdown is #1 on my list.

Totally unexpected and shocked every single wrestling fan. Best moment I can think of.
For me it is Taker throwing mankind off the Cell, then through the Cell. It was just epic and never been topped. Jr. makes this match as well by discribing the carnage.
my first choices are on here already so im gunna have to go with Shawn Michaels super kicking Shelton Benjamin as he was coming thru the air from a top rope springboard. I still damn near jump out of my chair when i see it.
These are all great spots, but what about when Brock Lesnar superplexed the Bg Show and the ring broke on Smackdown? Or Shelton Benjamin running up the ladder @ Mania?
Oh man, I'll lower my gigantic list down to 5:

Kurt Angle misses a moonsault from the top of a steel cage - Raw 2001.


This was CRAZY! It displayed that not only was Angle an amazing mat-wrestler, but he was also a crazy son of a bitch who is happy to take huge, huge risks during his matches. It blew my mind at the time and I was amazed how he wasn't badly hurt from the landing. It would of tore me in half!

Undertaker throws Mankind from the top of Hell in a Cell - King of the Ring 1998.


If one moment defines an era, I'd say that shot of Mick Foley falling from the top of the cell through the table is that moment. It will live forever, that spot, that moment, that match. It opened people's eyes as to how awesome wrestling was at the time and moments like this are what keep many people coming back to watching wrestling. I'll never forget this spot, for the rest of my life.

Edge spears Mick Foley through a flaming table - WrestleMania 22.


Before people start going off on me about this one, I am aware that this spot has been done hundreds of times in the past by other federations. But it's one of the few times I can remember the WWE allowing someone to do this sort of spot. Include fire into any type of wrestling match and it instantly becomes more brutal, simply due to how dangerous it is to work with fire. Edge was MADE when he hit this spot. People sat up and took notice that this was the right time for Edge to take that next step into the big-time. Infact in my eyes, this (along with Shawn Michaels' elbow off the ladder) was the defining moment of WrestleMania 22.

Shawn Michaels splashes Razor Ramon off the top of a ladder - WrestleMania X.


In comparison to other moves like this that have happened since, this is fairly tame. BUT this spot, this move is one of the most replayed and beloved moments in WrestleMania history. In many ways, with one splash, Shawn made it. That one shot of Shawn hitting this made people realise just how talented Shawn was. That type of move was rare at the time and to do that off the top of a ladder... holy shit, it was historic. It was the Mankind/King of the Ring 1998 moment of it's time.

Triple H pedigrees' Cactus Jack onto thumb tacks - Royal Rumble 2000.


One word = OUCH! Nasty nasty pedigree that made both Triple H and Cactus Jack look like two of the toughest bastards alive! I believe every big star has that one moment or spot which makes people take notice of them. This spot was crucial in Triple H's rise because it displayed the ruthless side to him at a time when the company were looking for him to be one of the main faces (and I don't mean 'babyface') of the company. He needed to prove himself as a brutal person to wrestle. It displayed just how far he would go to be 'the man'. And Cactus Jack simply displayed, yet again, that he was just the most insane man in wrestling and would take ANY spot, regardless of the danger.

Infact, simply because it makes me cringe every single time I see it, I'm giving my pick as the best ever 'spot' in WWE history to Triple H's pedigree onto thumb-tacks. Truly amazing.
I think most of mine have been covered already. But I may have one or two personal favourites that have yet to be mentioned:

Already mentioned:

Undertaker launching Manking off the top of the cell during their infamous Hell in a Cell match. Everytime I watch it I get a wierd sensation, not erotic or anything like that, but everything seems to slow down around me and I can hear and feel my heart pounding in my chest.

Both of Shane McMahon's death defying spots against Steve Blackman and Big Show. I think I prefer the Blackman one better as I was watching it on the telly at the time. I only ever saw highlights of his elbow drop onto Big Show, and although an equally impressive spot, the fact I didn't watch it live seems to have taken something away from it for me.

The ring collapsing during the Brock Lesnar/Big Show match on Smackdown. Its just one of those unexpected moments when everybody reacted the same. Holy s**t!

Not mentioned:

During the Triple H/Cactus Jack street fight at the Royal Rumble; the moment when Triple H is stood in the ring with a chair and Cactus tries to rush him. Cue a sick chair shot to the head. It was a nice way to slow down the pace after a frantic start to the match. The moment maintained the excellent storytelling within the match and provided me with one of my personal favourite in match moments. Granted it isn't a death defying high spot, and Foley at that time must have been impervious to chair shots, but its up there for me regardless.

Rhyno attempting to 'Gore' Raven during their Hardcore Title match at Backlash 2001, but crashing through a shopping trolley instead. Mint spot.

And out of the WWE but worthy of a mention:

Elix Skipper's tightrope walk and frankensteiner off the top of six sides of steel on Chris Harris, during the Triple X/America's Most Wanted match at Turning point 2004.
jimmy snuka off the top off a cage, i dont think anybodys mentioned it yet,

and Mankinds elbow from the top of a cage during a triple threat match with ken shamrock and the rock, he should have escaped ....but he wouldnt be mick foley if he didnt take a bump instead
alright i got one no one has mentioned and then my two favorites

3. Jeff Hardy in the Terri Invitational Tournament (T.I.T lol good one Vince) it was the 1st tag team ladder match and Jeff missed a 450 splash from the top rope and landed on a ladder. It was the 1st time I saw a spot like that and wont forget it.

2. The Superplex, Brock Lensar and the Big Show enough said

1. The Breakup, Shawn Micheals superkicking then throwing Jannetty through the window was tramatic as a little kid. Now it makes me laugh as the Brain says one of my favorite lines in the history of wrestling " Jannetty tried to dive through the window to escape, what an act of cowardism"
Seeing as most have been mentioned, I said I'd go for a couple that werent mentioned or really highlighted.


Triple H Vs Shawn Micheals at Armagedon 2002 is my favorite match of all-time, hands down. Severly underrated.


How do so many people forget when Kane electocuted Shane McMahon by his balls? This was classic to me.
My choice has less to do with wrestling, but more to do with the shock value of it. My choice is Undertaker hanging Big Boss Man. That was hands down one of the edgiest things I'd ever seen and as a little kid when I first watched it, I was really in fear for Bossman. It made Undertaker seem insane, willing to do anything. It was a great little spot designed to get 'Taker some more fear to his name. To this day, whenever I watch that spot I get chills, because it is just an eerie sight, seeing another human being strung up like that. To Big Bossman's credit though, he did a great job of selling it and he went completely limp after a while and struggled when 'Taker was trying to get the rope around his neck, he really did a fine job.

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