Your Favorite Wrestler

Phenomenal One

Dark Match Jobber
So, I know some people who watch wrestling and i know their favorite wrestlers, and i see all these "so and so" headquarters, but some wrestlers don't have a fan headquarters, so i was just wondering who your favorite wrestler is, you don't even have to give a reason, but you can if you want to. So lets see who's the most popular. This is not held to one company, it can be anyone that is or was a wrestler, from TNA to WWE, ROH to AAA, hell even Backyard Wrestilng.

My favorite wrestler is AJ Styles, not so much his little gimmick, but his ring ability really is Phenomenal, everytime you see him you see something new, and from the first match i saw in TNA with him i just thought that he's the opitome of what TNA was, before they got all these X WWE wrestlers, and I just think he has a great finisher.
Gotta go with CM Punk. I can identify with him as I've never drank, done drugs or smoked or anything. He's great in the ring and cuts a good promo. The GTS is a bit weak but when he hits it it's great. Love when Styles shouts when he hits it.
The Undertaker, hands down. Why?

Amazing entrance.
"Old School" Tight Rope Walk.
7 footer that can dive over the top rope.
WrestleMania win streak.
Hell in a Cell.
Tombstone Piledriver.

Nuff' said.
Taker for me to. He's phenominal, he can wrestle
And for a man near 7 feet tall, he can fly a bit. Plus, he can tell a story. Not to mention he has put over countless people in the past, from SCSA to Cena to Kennedy to Foley, and he is a tireless worker still at full dteam after 16+ years in WWE.

With his size, he able to hit some big aerial maneuvers. The Samoan Spike looks damaging as well.
Jeff Hardy imo hes hardcore,technique,not scared to dive or anything,he kicked out of the pedigree!oh yeah and cool hair
Come on the WWE champion the "one man dynasty"the "legend killer" Randy Orton!!! Lets go RKO!
I'm sorta tied between Rhino and Samoa Joe....Joe because hes big but still is fast and rhino because of the GORE! GORE! GORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jeff Hardy all the way!!!!!!!!!!!!

My favorite current wrestlers.

1. jeff hardy
2. Undertaker
3. rey mysterio
4. HBK
5. A.J styles

dead man walking
My favorite wrestler is definately Christian Cage, he is so good on the mic and puts on good matches, he has always been one of my favorite wrestlers, and i think he got even better when he moved to TNA, although I am more of a WWE fan.
Favorite Wrestlers: 1. Christian Cage
2. Jeff Hardy
3. RVD
4. Kane
5. Randy Orton
The Rock.

No one can beat The Rock on the mic; that, plus he's a pretty good wrestler in the ring too. He is justg an overall entertaining guy, and the total package if you ask me.

So. The Rock gets my top choice. With Stone Cold Steve Austin, Kurt Angle, and Bret Hart in 2nd, 3rd, and 4th.

My current favorite wrestler of MODERN DAY, is probably The Undertaker, or maybe Mr. Kennedy.
Finlay - can brawl, can mat wrestle and put on an entertaining match. ok, he's got the worst creative idea of recent times as an associate, but the guy is talented in the ring and, up until recently, was one of the few true heels in the business.

plus he's from belfast...what's not to like
my favorite is kane hands down....he's an awsome performer for his size and can take all these stupid feuds he's put in like a man and not complain about it...he definately deserves a world title run. he definately deserves 1.
my personal favorite is none other then the show stopper, the headliner, the main event, THE HEARTBREAK KID, shawn micheals

2. undertaker
3. jeff hardy
4. kane
5. aj styles
My favourite is probably either Christian or Hennig both just because they total package in my opinion, totaly different wrestlers but both underated, both held back, and both entertaining in and out of the ring. I like lots of wrestlers though too many to be bothered to list.
Well its a bit hard to choose just one wrestler but my favourite would have to be THE UNDERTAKER alot of people give all these reasons why but mine is.......just because of what he stands for. He doesnt take junk from anyone and he does what he wants.

The Hardys have to be tied for second just because of the different styles which have worked together throughout the years to create one of the worlds best tag teams.

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