Your favorite segment on Raw

What was yur favorite segment on raw?

  • McMahon arrested

  • Kevin Owens power bombs Ambrose

  • Referee McMahon

  • Mix TV jobberfest

  • Sasha and Becky

  • The New Day Segment

  • John Cena vs. ADR for US title

  • Other

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Championship Contender
With Monday being the last Raw of 2015, what was your favorite segment??

1) McMahon arrested.... Vince McMahon was "arrested" in the opening segment after putting his hands on NYC finest..McMahon was handcuffed, rode downtown, mug suited, and booked.

2) Kevin Owens attacks Dean Ambrose after his match and threw him into the steps. Then power bombed him off the steps threw the announce table. Then stood there smiling in his own peace. Wicked spot!

3) Referee McMahon.... After posting bail VKM rushed back to raw to make a "going off the air" announcement. That next week on raw Reigns will defend his wwe championship against Shaemus!!! With a special guest referee,cVINCENT KENNEDY MCMAHON!!!

4) Miz TV jobberfest.... Mix came out with no guest and to give uschis year in review. Then he hilariously was interrupted by several stars. Including Goldust, R-Truth, Ryback, Heath Slater, Zack Ryder, and the big show. Show clears the ring and declares himself entrant #1 in the Royal Rumble.

5) Sasha and Becky...Sasha defeated Becky only after multiple interferences from team BAD. Awesome match as always with these two..

6) The New Day segment...hilarious as always.

7) Cena and ADR...ADR retained title after Cena wins by DQ. All members of LoN interfered. Really good match actually. Beat down on cena ensues, Reigns for the save.
Kevin Owens destroying Ambrose, Ziggler and now Neville has been the best parts of RAW since TLC. He is one of the most believable full-time stars in the company. I knew as soon as Ambrose won the title that Owens was going to be unleashed. We don't usually see total chaos on RAW, unless it's coming from Lesnar, so it was a welcoming sight. Owens look of satisfaction after his carnage topped off what was an amazing little piece of action. Fight Owens Fight!
Ambrose KO segments no doubt the divas match comes second and was even main event worthy. Divas continue to surprise.

You forgot one! The post match assault by Kevin Owens on Neville and then Ambrose coming out to beat Owens showing some of his extreme Moxley stuff! :rolleyes:
I would say the Ambrose/Owens segment. This is a newfound aggressiveness we haven't seen from Owens since he came up. He's building himself up well towards becoming one of the top heels in the company.
The Ambrose vs. everybody segment. What he did after Neville defeated him was so completely in character that it helps further KO's development. Then, to have him go off on Ambrose, who was sticking his nose in Owen's business, was even better.

It gets me that some folks on this forum feel John Cena didn't put Owens over by having Kevin defeat him cleanly, because Cena won the next two. The point, though, is that it's not always necessary to outright defeat an opponent in order to build a ring persona. Owens' uniqueness began the night he beat Cena and has continued ever since. His actions Monday night were completely in line with his on-air personality and what he did to Neville and Ambrose only fortifies it.

That's why it was my favorite segment this past Monday.
My favorite segment was the "jobberfest".... Well until Big Show showed up. Did you hear that pop Ryder and Slater got? Besides Cena I don't think anyone got a bigger one. I wish it wouldve turned into more than just Show vs Ryback, though. I would've love to have seen it turn into a mini over the top battle royal. Have Show throw out Truth, Miz, and Goldust. Knock out Slater and Ryder, then have Ryback and Show face off. Slater and Ryder recovers and throws out Ryback while he's pushing out Show. I think the crowd would've pop huge for something like that. Wwe missed an opportunity to give the fans something different but I still enjoyed it. I even wish it would've went on a little longer.
The Kevin Owens and Dean Ambrose segment from Raw was extremely good and one of the best of the year for many reasons.

1 - It featured Kevin Owens and Dean Ambrose, two of the biggest stars in the company.

2 - It had intensity and felt real. It also showed a side of Owens we all know he has.

3 - It was must-see and one of the few reasons to look up from my computer screen Monday night.

EDIT - Honorable mention goes to Vince announcing next week's WWE Title match with him as ref. Now we finally have a reason to tune in other than "Hey it's Monday and it's 7:00 p.m. so let's turn it to USA so we can see some rasslin'"
The Kevin Owens segment, definitely.

I'd like to echo Sally's views as well.

@JJ, "One of the top heels" ?? Kevin Owens already IS the TOP heel in the company, with or without Seth Rollins around. He's the best thing the WWE has besides Seth Rollins when it comes to overall talent, execution, and so on. KO Rules!!!
The Kevin Owens segment, definitely.

I'd like to echo Sally's views as well.

@JJ, "One of the top heels" ?? Kevin Owens already IS the TOP heel in the company, with or without Seth Rollins around. He's the best thing the WWE has besides Seth Rollins when it comes to overall talent, execution, and so on. KO Rules!!!

No Sheamus is a legitimate top heel currently. He continuously draws heat with the LON sneak attacks and his ass-kissing promos. He draws more heat than Owens. While Owens has been more of a Tweener until recently. Owens is getting there, the attacks on Ambrose(arguably the #2 face) and Neville is helping develope him more as a heel.
No Sheamus is a legitimate top heel currently. He continuously draws heat with the LON sneak attacks and his ass-kissing promos. He draws more heat than Owens. While Owens has been more of a Tweener until recently. Owens is getting there, the attacks on Ambrose(arguably the #2 face) and Neville is helping develope him more as a heel.

Owens gets legitimate heat, Sheamus gets go away heat. How can anyone take Sheamus seriously, if he just gets beat up by Reigns every week? League of Nations is Reigns' version of Cena's Nexus.
Owens gets legitimate heat, Sheamus gets go away heat. How can anyone take Sheamus seriously, if he just gets beat up by Reigns every week? League of Nations is Reigns' version of Cena's Nexus.


@JJ, Well, if that's what you really feel/think/perceive/opine, I respect your opinion.

But Sheamus? Seriously? He gets lukewarm reactions/heat at best. He's one of the most drab, utterly inspiring characters and wrestlers out there, IMO. And if that's not enough, the only heat he got post-Survivor Series was lukewarm "boos" on account of him repeating "5.15". Heck, the very reason he'd say "5.15" in his promos was to make the audience react at least that much, considering the overall apathy they were displaying for him and the LON. Del Rio is probably a better heel than Sheamus, if we were to compare.

KO, IMO, happens to be the best heel, and truly a HEEL.

Some other wrestlers in the past who really were that villanous/hated include Randy Orton in 2008/09, Punk(09, 2010, 2012), and who can forget our beloved Chris Jericho! The guy was so cute the way he tried to make the fans hate him that the audiences at times almost loved him, despite just having been called "gelatinous parasites" by him!
My perspective of Sheamus and Owens are neutral. They're not my favorites but I respect them tremendously. Great heels are boo'd endlessly. Fans dislike Sheamus. His character, his choice of words on the mic, his actions and his look. He generates more heat than Owens. Every week we hear; "you look stupid". He's an old school heel. When Sheamus comes out you don't hear half cheers half boos, it's all to the left. Owens walks out and he receives half-half. Look back at any bit of material on heels from the JCP days. Heels were legitimately boo'd, items thrown at them, spit at, attacked. But NEVER partially cheered. That's what separates Sheamus from Owens. If WWE truly believed Owens was over as a top heel what we saw on Raw wouldn't have had to occur.
The New Day, because it's always The New Day.

The are putting out 10/10 stuff on a consistent basis. Every week they're different, and hilarious. You can put them anywhere on the card, any segment, and they will out-deliver everyone else. "We will fight your children." was amazing. Every week I wonder what they will be able to pull out next, and they continue to surprise me.

The KO killing Ambrose bit was really good, McMahon getting arrested was dumb, Divas were cool, Cena was fun. Everything else was whatever.
Owens vs Ambrose stuff is the best thing right now, also Vince (when he is without Stephanie).
I feel sorry for LoN - if Reigns alone can take all of them out, imagine what will happen when he'll join forces with Cena...i believe John returned way to early, Roman need to stay on his own feet more before being put up there in popularity contest with Cena, who could easily return in RR match itself, WWE again goes for quick fix instead of some at least short term plan.
Owens gets legitimate heat, Sheamus gets go away heat. How can anyone take Sheamus seriously, if he just gets beat up by Reigns every week? League of Nations is Reigns' version of Cena's Nexus.

Enough with that 'go away heat'.. Do you realize how dumb that makes you sound?.. Owens gets cheered most of the time, that's not real heat.. Sheamus gets booed.. Getting booed is REAL heat.

Sheamus is by far the biggest heel in WWE.
Enough with that 'go away heat'.. Do you realize how dumb that makes you sound?.. Owens gets cheered most of the time, that's not real heat.. Sheamus gets booed.. Getting booed is REAL heat.

Sheamus is by far the biggest heel in WWE.

Hah, I have no idea what "go away" heat is. Heat is heat, Sheamus makes a convincing heel and that was my whole point. Owens gets cheered for his actions at times - that's why I felt he was playing a tweener role for a while until the creative side decided to attempt to push him over more as a heel. Joe and reniassianceman are allowing their fan of Owens bias eclipse the meaning of a heel. His character may be a heel but if fans are chanting; "Fight Owens Fight!" - then he's not getting over to the fans as a heel. Which is why he has attacked Ambrose and Neville recently - trying to generate more heat to get over with the fans that he's a heel.
My perspective of Sheamus and Owens are neutral. They're not my favorites but I respect them tremendously. Great heels are boo'd endlessly. Fans dislike Sheamus. His character, his choice of words on the mic, his actions and his look. He generates more heat than Owens. Every week we hear; "you look stupid". He's an old school heel. When Sheamus comes out you don't hear half cheers half boos, it's all to the left. Owens walks out and he receives half-half. Look back at any bit of material on heels from the JCP days. Heels were legitimately boo'd, items thrown at them, spit at, attacked. But NEVER partially cheered. That's what separates Sheamus from Owens. If WWE truly believed Owens was over as a top heel what we saw on Raw wouldn't have had to occur.

John Cena get's half boo's and half cheers yet he's the top face in the company, so there is no reason that Owens can't be the top heel and get that response. Throw Wyatt in there as well. You really can't say he's a face, but look at the reaction when he comes out.

With Owens going after Ziggler, Ambrose and Neville now, those boo's will only increase. Sheamus on the other hand is only in the position he is because of the injuries to others. I've said this before about Sheamus and I'll say it again. Sheamus is boring, on the mic and even though I used to like him in the ring, he's boring there as well.

His time has passed and there are more exciting wrestlers on the roster these days. That's just my opinion, but I would rather watch Owens, Barrett, even Wyatt heeling it up any day of the week. I wouldn't call Sheamus the top heel, I would call Wyatt the top heel these days, even though he doesn't really have a feud to sink his teeth into. Owens is running a close second. Sheamus is a distant third.

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