Your Favorite big man

Favorite Big Man

  • Undertaker

  • Kane

  • Andre The Giant

  • Kevin Nash

  • The Great Khali

  • King Kong Bundy

  • Yokuzuna

  • Other

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Sorry if this has already been done but.....
What i Would like to know is what Is your Favorite Big Man Wrestler. My personal Favorite was Undertaker. But now ive been just watching Andre The Giant and Buying into all of his hype. And I watched The Big Show Wrestling for WCW as the giant. Some of these guys have a lot of talent for such big men. So who do u believe is the greatest???
Before I vote, are there any clear definitions for what makes someone a big man? Does Hulk Hogan qualify? The roided up, 1st run WWF/AWA Hogan was pushed as a monster heel, and at the time he was about 6'4"-6'5" and a legit 300 pounds. I'm inclined to think he just misses the cut, but if he qualifies, he's got to get my vote. If not, Andre gets the nod.
What up guys i'm brand new to the threads and wanna jump on in. Now in this list of guys. I went with the underdog and went with Yoko. A nice monster type move set. Moved real good for his size before 700lbs. But it was some nice choices in the few given
Out of all the big men listed I'm going to have to go with the undertaker. Yo did put alot of good big men in there but taker the one that sticks out the most for me. He's has always been my favorite superstar since I started watching and that's not going to change for me. He's going to win at mania for all you people who want to know the truth.
Long time reader, first time poster. There have been so many great big men in the history of wrestling throughout the different era's it's hard pick a favourite without having a 1a. I believe if you look at matches, promos etc. you have to give the deadman the nod. My choice would be with Andre more out of nostalgia and the awe you felt everytime you watched him. I have another great big man not on the list and that's the late great Bam Bam Bigelow. You could also add Vader for his dominant run in WCW. Great topic!
I picked other, because there are a ton of big guys who aren't on the list. Guys like Vader, Hogan, Scott Hall, etc. Vader is arguably the best I can think of. Hell even Big Show didn't make this list and he's a great performer. But yeah I say Vader.
I went with Kane because he wrestles a great big guy style with some other stuff mixed in. Undertaker is honestly better because I always forget he is a big man he is that good but I think it takes away from him in a best big man vote.
Umaga is my favorite. He could actually move around the ring while still being a monster. Rather than just standing there and punching etc. He was WWE's most athletic, badass monster, until they released him.
i think the most uder rated big guy and my fovarite is none other then MIKE AWSOME god rest his soul he was really won of the only tall big guy that did any top rope stuff plus he came from ecw were he was hard core too well thia is my first pst so later and if you dont like me bite me
undertaker... because of the whole deadman gimmick people often seem to forget how massive he is, yet he still moves around the ring pretty well, not afraid of the top rope, throwing in a triangle choke/hells gate submission, picking up guys like batista no problem... not to mention his patented Wrestlemania suicide dive through the ropes... Undertaker all the way, such an awesome career, best matches in the WM card for a few years now, a massive feat considering how haggered his body is and the amount of younger talent. Undertaker is a true monster and will be remembered for generations and generations.
Anyone who's ever seen my avatar knows who my favorite big man is: Big Van Vader! I don't think he needs much of an intro to you WZ readers but I'll give a quick few reasons so as to not get infracted :lol:

1. Vader vs. Stan Hansen (1993): A clinic in stiff wrestling from two of the best of all time. More than one cringe moment there.
2. Vader holds the WCW Heavyweight title for almost an entire year before dropping it to Ric Flair at Starrcade '93: How many world champions today do you see holding the strap for more than 3-4 months?
3. Vadersault: 450-pounder on the top turnbuckle moonsaulting on the opponent...Almost as beautiful as Bourne's SSP!
4. Vader was a monster in the ring and got high amounts of heel heat even without the managing heat from Harley Race. I remember Vader attacking Inoki (HoF bound!) and having NJPW (I think) banned from some big sumo hall.
5. Joe Thurman, broken back, 1992...Need I say more?
6. Feuds with Sting, Flair, Hogan, Duggan, and the other huge stars...Not too many wrestlers can put that on their wrestling resume
my vote went into the other category, I don't know how this listing can be complete without bam bam bigelow, yes he had the worst wrestlemania main event in history vs lawrence taylor, however for a big man he had great agility and an amazing moveset. he just never seemed to breakthrough to the next level to be a legit main eventer.... that's my vote and I'm stickin to it.
Kevin Nash takes the cake for me, though any of the men listed are good choices. Kevin Nash had a great mix of charisma and just enough wrestling ability to make him watchable. I actually was never really a fan of Nash when he was Diesel but when he started going by his real name and the nickname Big Sexy, well I was sold. I love listening to him cut promos cause he is damn good at them. He can be funny or serious or even both at the same time. And he really knows how to push a story, even a weak one.

His wrestling is not the greatest but it is just enough to get him by. His power moves do look painful which quiet honestly any big guys moves should look that way, it is really the only thing they have going for them. Nash has been on my top 3 list of wrestlers for a very long time so this choice is a no brainer for me.
I gotta go with Vader as well.
In Japan and WCW this guy was unstoppable. And he was used to perfection. His feud with Sting was a highlight of the early 90s WCW.
Too bad he was treated as a joke in WWF.

An honorable mention goes to Bam Bam Bigelow when he was in ECW.
i think the most uder rated big guy and my fovarite is none other then MIKE AWSOME god rest his soul he was really won of the only tall big guy that did any top rope stuff plus he came from ecw were he was hard core too well thia is my first pst so later and if you dont like me bite me

i agree %100 mike awesome was the best. he was so vicious and mean. he would hit powerbombs out of nowhere. and he wasn't afraid to take off from the top rope. he had good mic skills could wrestle hardcore or regular.

tl;dr mike awesome was the man he had the total package.

p.s. why isn't big show on this list?
Hm, I'm also missing Big Show here - he is one of the largest athletes ever, and still impressively agile for his size; especially when he was a bit leaner at the start of his career in WCW... I remember "The Giant" delivering the occasional dropkick every now and then. He still is quite good, but of course he weighs a bit too much these days... also, he is definitely one of the best on the mic out of all the big men listed, second only to Kevin Nash.

But my vote goes to The Undertaker, and even though I also like Vader very much, Taker still outdoes him a bit. I mean, you don't see many other people doing a rope walk at all; let alone someone almost seven feet tall and weighing around 300 lbs. Add to that his incredible suicide dive over the top(!) rope he does in big matches... I've never before or since seen a man that size do that. So even though the moonsaults of Vader and Bam Bam Bigelow (he did it too, right?) were damn impressive, I still have to give the nod to Taker.
The Undertaker's Deadman gimmick in all its incarnations has been among, if not the single, most unique and original gimmicks in pro wrestling history. Whether it be as a stoic character inspired by the Old West, a demonic fiend, or whatever, it's just been original and entertaining.

Also, Taker is easily one of the best big men inside the ring in wrestling history. For much of pro wrestling history, when you heard the term "big man", the type of wrestlers that sprung to mind were guys like Haystacks Calhoun, Jerry Blackwell, King Kong Bundy and several other wrestlers well over the 400 pound mark. Back in their day, people marveled at the size of these wrestlers even though most of them were EXTREMELY limited inside the ring and quite often put on some pretty damn horrible matches. The Undertaker was something of a rarity. He was big, but not superhuge, and was genuinely athletic inside the ring. For most fans, the first time they saw Taker walk across the top rope, they were stunned. Even though Taker wasn't the first to do that and was taught to do that by Don Jardine, it was impressive just because of the man's size alone.

Even today, now in his mid 40s and the wear and tear of 25 years of wrestling really starting to catch up to him, I'd still rather watch Taker than any other big man in wrestling.
It's a 50/50 split between Bam Bam & Vader. Both broke the big man mold with there athletic style & movement & they dominated as well as anyone I can think of. Bam Bam's matches against Taz in ECW & the KOTR final against Bret will always be stand outs for me, whilst Vaders feud with Sting in WCW & his stuff in Japan epidomise how a big man should be
Wow a Mike Awesome reference... dont see that often enough... but you gotto go with TAKER he is just a legend

Good point but how do we know that Awesome wouldn't have hit legendary status had he lived? I could imagine Mike Awesome taking out the Miz for saying that he was awesome LOL. I'm surprised there's no love for King Kong Bundy, the man who demanded a 5-count! No surprise of Khali getting no votes though:lmao:
Yes, the Undertaker is more athletically gifted and agile, most of the guys listed here were all much more aesthetically pleasing, but Andre the Giant is still the single greatest and most influential big man in the history of this business.For over twenty years (the 70's,the 80's) , Andre the Giant was the most famous star in wrestling.In the United States he was the great equalizing face for every monster heel that he faced in the various territories. In Japan he was equally effective as the heel, and was able to draw there effectively. He even proved able to pull off the heel role in order to put over Hulk Hogan and give him the push that catapulted him over the top and cemented his legacy as the greatest pro wrestler of all time. At no time did Andre ever become sloppy in the ring, and while his ability to physically perform began to suffer as he grew older, at no time did he ever lose the ability to use ring psychology to put his story across in the ring. I'm sure that many (if not most) of the posters here have seen some of the matches that he wrestled in the 70's and early 80's on youtube. If you haven't, I particularly recommend Andre v. Strong Kobayashi; great match. Even now, on the rare occasions that I still tune in to watch the current product that's out there, i still see guys like Big Show, and yes, even the 'Taker execute moves that Andre did.
Thanks for letting me vent; looking forward to seeing more replies.
Top 5
1. Andre is the benchmark, his prime was b4 my time in watching regularly.
2. Taker - the phenom, greatest gimmick eva, and still able to give 5 star matches.
3. Big Show- seen him dropkick in WCW at 7ft 2 400 lbs. Funny as hell but does mean as well. Complete big man.
4. Nash in his prime as Diesel or Big Sexy had the lot, moved ok, smashed people and good on the mic.
5. Kane - my personal fave wrestler, great mover, can work with anybody and still goes top rope clothesline.
Wow, really? I don't get how this can be this much of a landslide. I will never take anything away from Taker but Andre should be so much higher on this list. This man was the biggest star in the business. Undefeated for decades, and he is the man who made Hulkamania work. SHOW ANDRE SOME LOVE!
Wow, really? I don't get how this can be this much of a landslide. I will never take anything away from Taker but Andre should be so much higher on this list. This man was the biggest star in the business. Undefeated for decades, and he is the man who made Hulkamania work. SHOW ANDRE SOME LOVE!

Simply put: Most of the people posting grew up on Taker and his "Phenom" persona and only caught maybe the tail end of Andre's career. I do agree though, Andre deserves some love. It's rather sad to see Kevin Nash (who should have retired at about 5 or so years ago) get more votes than possibly the most legendary of the big men (I don't really count Taker as legendary just yet...let's wait till he retires to bestow that title on him).
taker is definitly the best worker his ministry of darkness time was simply beautiful but i like many other ppl was a wcw mark and i rememebered when kevin nash was feuding with the giant i was glued tothe tv when nash jackknifed show and ggot the moved bvanned omg omg omglol
I'm surprised Vader wasn't on the list. He was considered a big man and could work his ass off when he wanted to.

*EDIT* Sorry King Blitzkonic, didn't see your post. Agree with you 100%

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