Your experiences with bullying?

Trill Co$by

Believes in The Shield!
Whether you've been bullied, saw someone else get bullied, or you WERE the bully... everyone here has had an experience with bullying. Now WWE and all of those media outlets try to find the perfect "time of the year" when they want to start their anti-bullying campaigns, but to be honest I've always tried to stop bullying completely.

Sure, I've done my fair share of bullying... even at times when I didn't mean to be the bully... but even still I've always at LEAST tried to find a way to make amends or to say that I was sorry for what I had done. Unless I was bullied first and used counter bullying as a method to get them to stop, then it just depended on what happened next.

But anyway, in this topic I want to talk about what you as a person went through in life when the time came for you to play in the "Bully" game.

I'll add mine later, but right now it's 10pm and my body's still thinking 11pm so I'm heading to bed. I'll edit this in the morning, I promise.

Scout's honor!
In school, I hung around damn near everyone. Whether they were a band geek, emo, jock, prep, I was pretty cool with everyone in school. If I had to classify myself in a group, I'd say I was apart of the trouble makers group; so naturally, I bullied my fair share of people. Usually people who I wasn't friends with. But it was fun making the freshmen shit their pants on their first day. Being 6'4 and and upwards around 250, it was fun watching the idiots move out of your way when you walked the halls. I wasn't a complete ass or anything but my friends and I would pick on easy targets from time to time and soetimes, our biggest targets were each other, lulz. High school was a phenomenal time. Today, kids let's everything get to them so you had to be careful when dealing wih some of the whimpier students. It sucks getting a week suspension because you say a kid has man tits. Haha, good times...good, good times.
Personally I never had a problem, I was the kind of guy who was cool with every group in the school but chose to hang with a group that was kind of unique, we were the hardcore MMA/WWE fans and we were chill with everyone except for the wannabe thugs. The only time anyone attempted to mess with 6'2 feet of Gunslinger was when one of the Meatheads from the football team with a bad attitude decided to try pushing me around after I juked him for the 20th time in a PE hockey game where we were the two captains. Anyway he tried pushing me around and when I pushed back and put him on his ass and got in his face that ended that shit, from the on when he walked by his eyes were glued to the ground.

Not much happened at my high school that I was involved in, the only thing that comes to mind is when I had to put one of my own friends in line for being an ass. A kid in our senior English class was giving his senior presentation on his struggles with being gay. I had been friends with him before he came out and he was a really nice guy and my respect for him grew when he could stand in front of 30 classmates and talk about his deepest feeling and emotions, almost killing himself and much more. After his very powerful and moving speech, my friend Scott made an ass of himself and he tended to do and said some things along the lines of "if he'd killed himself the world would just have one less ******" and said he was gonna wear a shirt to school that said "I shoot **** for fun". After that I was fuming mad, I went to the kid who gave the presentation and I told him that I was going to deal with Scott and that if he or anyone else ever tried to mess with him to come to me and I'd stand up for him and kick their asses. Then I went to Scott at lunch and held him up by his shirt against the wall and told him that if he ever said anything like that to the kid or around me again I'd break his nose again.
As a chubby small white kid growing up in Arlington Heights Illinois, I dealt with my fair share of bullying. I grew up in a mostly black/Hispanic neighborhood so naturally I was picked on for being "different" then everyone. Plus growing up with a nerdy love affair with comics and Video games (and pro wrestling of course.) I often came home with a black eye and bruises on my body. In my middle school, I had myself cornered and had to fight my way through groups of kids so I would be able to get to my next class. Once my parents were alerted I were being attacked in school my parents wanted to move me to a school as far as Lake Forest or even Skokie. But neither of them could afford either the time or the money for the train to get me there when my school at the time got me there for free.

But things turned up for me once my family moved down to South Florida when I reached the 8th grade. I had a chance to start over and move away from my attackers and constant threats against my life. Not only that, I moved to nice and quiet suburb so the kids in my neighborhood were a little less violent and bigot then the ones I grew up with. So after spending a majority of time defending myself from gangs of tough kids I ended up beating up kids acting tough. Still at an average, 5'10 200 pounds, I find myself defending others and helping out people who are picked on or outcasted for being "different." Bullying taught me a lot in life, it taught me that I should treat people the way I want to be treated, and a lot about respect.
I was only really bullied/picked on when I was in elementary school. I still have the dude's name ingrained in my memory: Matt Simon. I'm not going to go out of my way to look for him, but, if I ever do come across him, only sympathy for his plight will save him from the ass-whooping I plan on throwing his way.
I didn't really have any experiences with bullying until I left New York and moved to California as a 4th grader. I was the chubby kid in all my classes. Relatively out of shape, the slowest runner in PE (to this day, I still feel like the sole purpose of PE was to humiliate me), and really just the embodiment of a loser. So I was eating alone by myself one day (like I usually do) when a skinny punk with a loud mouth came up to me and called me fat and whatnot. I had (and still have) a short temper so I wasn't taking guff from him, especially since he was smaller than me. So I punched him. Wham. Simple as that. Never bothered me again.

I moved towns after elementary school for middle school. In my new town, everyone (for whatever reason) thought they were thugs with their baggy pants and their Jordans. So in the 6th grade, I was eating lunch by myself again when a kid came up to me and made fun of me for my relatively mediocre performance in PE that day (it took me 13 minutes to run a mile; the time limit was 15 minutes). So what did I do? Naturally, I lost my temper and clobbered him. Never bothered me again. Everyone wanted to be my friend after that incident. That was the last time I ever got bullied. I never dealt with bullying in high school because I generally scared off people just by looking at them. I'm not even joking.
I wasn't chubby or geeky or anything like that, but i was born in Russia and moved to Baltimore at the age of 6, now everything was good until middle-school, you'd think that the chicks would love the Russian guy, but no, i was constanlty made fun of for my accent, but i got over it, cause now i have a girl that actually does dig me for my accent :)
I didn't really have any experiences with bullying until I left New York and moved to California as a 4th grader. I was the chubby kid in all my classes. Relatively out of shape, the slowest runner in PE (to this day, I still feel like the sole purpose of PE was to humiliate me), and really just the embodiment of a loser. So I was eating alone by myself one day (like I usually do) when a skinny punk with a loud mouth came up to me and called me fat and whatnot. I had (and still have) a short temper so I wasn't taking guff from him, especially since he was smaller than me. So I punched him. Wham. Simple as that. Never bothered me again.

I moved towns after elementary school for middle school. In my new town, everyone (for whatever reason) thought they were thugs with their baggy pants and their Jordans. So in the 6th grade, I was eating lunch by myself again when a kid came up to me and made fun of me for my relatively mediocre performance in PE that day (it took me 13 minutes to run a mile; the time limit was 15 minutes). So what did I do? Naturally, I lost my temper and clobbered him. Never bothered me again. Everyone wanted to be my friend after that incident. That was the last time I ever got bullied. I never dealt with bullying in high school because I generally scared off people just by looking at them. I'm not even joking.

Do not feel bad it took me 14 minutes to run a mile;)

Anyway back to my experiences with bullying, there are many types of bullying that range from verbal and physical to sexual. I have been a victim of all 3 (sexual and physical only once) though none of them have ever slowed my down in life.

In terms of physical harassment I was once the biggest kid in my class and no one messed with me (though I have always been quiet and peaceful). IN sixth grade my best friend was going through hell since kids would bully him by making fun of his pre-puberty voice, kicking him when he was using the urinals thus making him piss his pants, and even some fights. I actually witnessed him get beat up (from a distance though) and did not have the balls to jump in and help him. He began to take his anger out on me by kicking me in the nuts at random times, and even slapping me once. Whenever he tried to jump on me I would easily overpower him so that did not hurt. When we got to seventh grade he was so fed up that he gave me a speech about how he wanted to be popular and not hide his feelings like losers (me), and to get a girlfriend (which neither of us have ever had to this day:blush:). It was the most epic speech i have ever heard. Fortunately he never followed up on that and became himself so we were friends again. Sexual bullying exist and a perverted 8th grade female slapped my ass randomly once but nothing like that has happened to me since that again.

Verbal bullying is something I have has to endure my entire life. I was always card a freak for being nearly mute in school up until 3rd grade. I got used to it until someone took it the next level in the 7th grade. This new kid who I befriended became popular and decided to use a geek like me to show he was cool. I vividly remember that on the night of the 2010 WWE draft I was pissed because earlier in school that day he had passed around a graphic picture in math classed that said "(insert my real name here)'s mom". Other than those occasions he would always make fun of me in front of the entire math class by calling me names like fat, geek, kid with no life..etc. Eventually when I fired back he said " Shut the hell up you fucking nerd". My friend who I talked about above (The one who gave the epic speech) gave him a swift kick in the balls when the year ended which satisfied me. I myself would never bully anyone in life since I only like watching violence, not participating in it.

Say no to bullying kids!
Oh man do I have a story on this.

Growing up in elementary school,I was friends with probably one of the most hated kids in the entire school. He also happened to be my best friend,which should be odd if you think about it. One might think that it would put me in a bad position..bad friend stock if you must. I mean he was picked on by almost everybody, the jocks,the preppy bitches,the nerds picked on him..hell...even some of the teachers had their share of amusement out of his misfortune. Being his best friend,I could only do so much,he,however often sough to take matters into his own hands. This kid turned into a fighter,when you had to put up with the abuse he did you really only had one choice,fight back..and so he did. He may not have won every fight but damn sure went down like a man. He built up quite a reputation after awhile for taking on some of the toughest kids around...also for nailing a teacher square in the face with his fist..which was 10 types of amazing.

Don't get me wrong..he didn't have problems..he just had an issue with people who had issues with him. I have nothing but the utmost praise and respect for him,and a lot of people whom he done battle with had later on become good friends with.

On the flip side,even though I hung out with one of the most picked on and hated kids in the school, I was still never really picked on. I did have a little rivalry with one of my classmates. It was one of those love/hate relationships. I mean we could often co-exist and have good decent chats and just mess around outside like we were the closest of buddies.Other time he would just randomly seek me out and just destroy me. This was a guy that had at least a foot and a half over me,pure muscle. In general he was probably the biggest kid in our grade. I remember one time we all headed out for recess and I was chilling by the wall just talking with a friend. He had come out the door last and proceeded to walk pass me when he stopped,turned and with all he power he just unexpectedly started to lay a beating on me like I've never experienced. About a minute in he just stopped and walked off..pretty random stuff. I also remember him chasing me around our jungle gym outside. I was the faster one so he couldn't catch but. So too make up for his lack of speed,he threw a massive rock at me. Caught me off guard and then started to pound me. Luckily for me I had brought a small plastic toy knife with me too school for this very reason,I stabbed him in the leg and got him off. The bell rang soon after and we all headed back to class. About 15 minutes later I was called to the office and had a meeting with my bully and the principle over the matter.

Hes the strange thing, I was expecting him to point the finger at me and place full blame on me. The exact opposite happened. He took full responsibility and blame,apologized and got suspended while I just got detention. It was one of the more confusing moments in my school years. I'm normally good at reading people but this act was just so befuddling and disorienting because I just couldn't figure him out. Maybe he was planning some retribution when he came back? Perhaps an after school beat down? Maybe he would kill my parents, chop them up and grind them into chili and serve them to me......okay maybe that's a bit of a stretch. It didn't ease my conscious though. I was still expecting something...something that never came. He moved away at the end of the year and I never heard from him again.

So at the end of it all,I have witness and been the victim of bullying. I've been at the forefront of it and I've delivered my fair share of heinous remarks. Its not something I condone but its not something I think can really be stopped, just deal with it the best that one can.

That's my story, pretty wild years I'd say and I can tell by reading some of the responses that so are all your stories.
I got picked on some but it was more later on. When drinking, partying, and sex became what was "cool" for people my age was when it got bad because I chose to not participate in that and got bullied for it. By my senior year it reached its worst. People at school began to question my sexuality when I refused offer after offer from cheerleaders and other girls who wanted to get friendly. I kept saying no each time. The same goes for the drinking. My football teammates constantly tried to get me to drink with them and I waited until I was 21 because I am strong willed and will NEVER do something just from others thinking it's "cool". I do my own thing. I have my whole life. Anyone who has a problem with that will learn the hard way to stay away. I ended up beating up one of my football teammates after he questioned whether I liked girls or not. I beat the living tar out of him and they basically left me alone after that. As I got older more people respected my choices although a few frat boys in college nearly suffered the same fate as my football teammate. Basically if you get bullied they will leave you alone if you stand up to them. Make an example out of your bully as to what will happen if they don't leave you alone. It works.
So instead of editing my first post and then making a silly "my post is updated" post, I decided to simply reply and tell me experiences in the bully world.

Personally, I've been on both the giving and receiving in of the bully totem, and I'm not talking about mild bullying either... I mean full on nearly ruining a person's life bullying. Do I feel bad for what I've done? Yes. Do I feel that the bullying I received in return was justified? Yes. Would I wish what I put others through or went through myself upon others? No.

So anyway, growing up as a kid who was always compared to my older brother, I had a knack to want to do get back at my brother... only I was younger and her was older, and for some reason I feared him (until later in life)... So in second grade, I had a classmate of mine who had nearly all the characteristics that my brother had and since he was a smaller person than me, I started picking on him. At first it was simple things like pushing him in line, taking his lunch money, and stuff like that. But as time went on, I began to get meaner. I started to literally trap him in bathrooms to give him swirlies or even started to insult him as a person. One time, I even waited until the teacher left the classroom and broke my pencil only to cry to the teacher and say he did it.

Now I knew that it wasn't his fault that I was treating him like that, and after a while I really began to feel sorry for him. So much that one day at recess, I went to him to try and apologize. And rightfully so, he didn't accept my apology. In fact, he did what any kid should've done and he punched me in the nose... which busted my nose open. My friends came over and saw my nose bleeding, and I told them all that he had every right to punch me. All I did was clean up my nose at the water fountain and walk back into the classroom. Now even then, I knew that after all I wrongfully put him through he still had every right to be mad and not accept my apology. So instead, I did what I doubt any other bully would've thought to do. I told on myself to my teacher... Of course I was in 2nd Grade in Tennessee during the days where paddles were still allowed. So in front of my entire class, I got whooped by my teacher. To this day, I've never been the kind of person to take bullying too far... or even went too long without apologizing for my actions.

As for my experience of being bullied...

Well that would come years later, and honestly, I still believe that this was without a doubt God's way of making me realize just how wrong I truly was. I was in 7th grade and had just moved to Louisiana from my hometown in Tennessee. I'm the new kid in school whose father (step father really, but to me he's my father cause he raised me) is in the military, and I'm living just outside of the base... and if you've never been there, that small town is literally the town with one or two stop lights... you blink you miss it.

So obviously, with my dad being military my family had a bit more money to spend than other kids. So one day I'm in school, with a brand new iPod (the old fat ones with a shit load of song capacity on it) and we're out in the little courtyard area. I'm listening to my music, minding my own business when some 8th graders come up to me. Before I could even pause my music, they swatted the iPod out of my hand and it broke on the ground. Now I don't know about anyone else who has a military dad, but when I was growing up I was always told to stand up for myself. And even though I was out numbered, that's what I tried to do... I learned quick that without friends, movies fights are movie fights for a reason and not heard about it real life... because all four of them beat the shit out of me. Of course, all five of us got suspended. And from there, I honestly thought it was over... but for a total of two years I continuously kept getting stopped by them at either my locker, my classroom doors, and even my bus... and to make matters worse for me, my teachers had it in their minds that I was this Military Brat bad ass that when those four kids found me in a class room, the teachers made sure they left the room and closed the door behind them so that the kids could beat the shit out of me again.

Finally one summer, I was at the Wal-Mart in the town area looking by the video games, and I saw the four kids there... which obviously they saw me too. Only this time, I had my cousin who was there on vacation by my side... and he was a black belt in Karate. So I kept my composure and just kept talking to my cousin when those four kids started coming over towards us. Now keep in mind, I've taken full fledged ass whoopings from these guys for two years straight... and now that I had some sort of back up, I was not going to let them get off easy. So naturally, when they came over and pushed me into the DVD shelves, I went after all of them. My cousin, who had heard about me being bullied (because he was the only one I could confide in at the time) joined in and the two of us made sure that those four wouldn't bother us.

Now of course, because this was in public and because we broke a display case, I along with the four bullies got arrested. They had to do community service while I spent about 2 months in Juvi. When I got out, I moved to South Carolina, and I've been here ever since. The best part of all that, is that I'm now an independent wrestler living my dream while all four of them have recently been locked away from attempt in murder.

Since the introduction of myspace and all these social networks, I've tried to find that kid that I bullied in second grade so that I could apologize... sincerely apologize. Especially since I now knew how he felt after what I put him through. I don't remember his full name, just his first name... but it's a common first name, so that's not going to help much at all.

And that's my experience with bullying... as far as school wise goes. I've encountered Bullying/Abuse from my older brother and step-dad over time but that's another story for another time.
Like a Poster said, I get along with everyone at school and I'm in this group I find it hard to categorize. xD We're all good with the others so I haven't been on the receiving side when it comes to being bullied. (Some might not believe this, cos I'm sure I've given them the impression of someone very meek. But just like the close group of my friends, I don't know which category I really fall in.) I am awkward/ quiet around people I don't know, but I've always had my opinion known when necessary. But giving side of bullying - yes. Two people in my life and the first one's grateful for it and the second one's alright. :) The two of them were the 'prone-to-be-bullied' kind and my Partner in crime (His name starts with O) and I wanted to bully them. Lol, sounds absurd but yeah. It wasn't extreme bullying, just that we cornered them in public - and made them realise what was making them such a 'bully-object.' It was like we were testing them for two whole years. (We were in the same school bus) I know they disliked us at first - in the 'Mind your own business' or 'What's your problem?!' way. But meh. They've changed. The first subject actually has an attitude because she found a boyfriend and the second subject doesn't 'invite bullies' by his behaviour. And oh yes, I've been situations when I've told bullies to cut it out and stuff. Not gonna lie, sometimes it's amusing. That's the problem isn't it? Some bullies just make it all seem amusing while they're doing their deed, making by passers find it very mild or not too ill humored.
I was a very peculiar kid growing up, so I was a victim of bullying. Excuse my tl;dr, it's uncommon for me to post non-spam, and I have a lot to share from personal experience.

My first experience with a bully was in 5th grade, some Mexican kid would verbally pick on me. He'd annoy me and my mind would start racing with questions: should I punch him, talk back to him, hit him in the face with a textbook, kick him in the balls, or ignore him? I would just ignore him and walk away, minding my own business. Eventually our science teacher gave us assigned seats and we sat across from each other, that's when I noticed he had Yu-gi-oh! cards. I opened up to him about 'em and he eventually stopped talking down to me. I guess I was an easy target for him 'cause I was a bit of a mute.

In 6th grade a big Mexican blob and a short Vietnamese twig began to harass me in gym class. They would knock my stuff down, hide my belongings, and bug me. I never confronted them physically because a few months back I sorta lost a fight on the school bus after school, thus I knew I couldn't fight to save my own life. After a while I became fed up with them and plotted my revenge: I took a few firecrackers to school and planned on using them against the bullies -- how I'd use them against the bullies is something I didn't think thoroughly, I was just desperate. Unfortunately, near the end of homeroom period a girl who we'd flirt together stole them from me and did gawd knows what with them. I didn't think twice about it and continued with my school day, not thinking of the consequences for bringing firecrackers to school. Later during the day a teacher caught someone else with them, pointed his finger at us, got himself and the girl suspended, and I had to wait for my sentence. The vice principal asked me why I brought fireworks to school, so I explained to him my situation with the bullies. He called them into his office and dealt with them. Don't know what he did or told them, but after that they began to treat me with respect. I was almost expelled from school, but the vice principal knew I was a good kid and took my situation into consideration: I got a slap on the wrist and was suspended for a week. It was probably for the best, who knows what could have happened if I set the firecrackers off.

In 7th grade I moved to a large town outside of the city for the eighth time in my young life. A few weeks into the new school two girls began to sexually harassed me verbally. Although I didn't mind them at first, I later told 'em to cut it out but they wouldn't stop. Don't get me wrong, it's pretty sweet having two girls come on to you with sexual jokes, but they became annoying and were only toying with me, something I couldn't appreciate. A girl friend confronted them and they eventually stopped harassing me, but they'd joke with me every now and then without pushing the envelope so I didn't mind anymore.

In 8th grade I moved back to the city but in the northside (I grew up in the southside) and attended a new school. Around this time my neighbor who I knew through acquaintances gave me his copy of Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. I fell in love with the game, imitated CQC and adopted a few martial art moves. I rarely practiced my new "skills" with people, let alone experienced fighters, so my "skills" were rudimentary. It was enough to instill confidence in me until I took up taekwondo later in high school.

Anywho, I was bullied due to my perceived sexuality and gender -- I had long hair, plucked my eyebrows and wore black/charcoal nail polish. Three Chicanos would call me Glen and/or Glenda until I stood up to them. Two of them eventually stopped and I befriended one of 'em, but the third one didn't know when to quit and mocked me in class. I couldn't take it anymore, so when he did it again I punched him in the face, knocking him to the ground. A teacher jumped in right away and called someone to take us to the vice-principal. Long-story short, we got detention, and he never messed with me again.

Later during the year some tall black dude would call me gay, ******, and ask "You gay, (insert real name)?" I told him to fuck off many times, but he was too damn ignorant to listen. One day in gym class while the whole class walked around the track, the black dude all of the sudden ran up to me from behind and shoved me to the ground. I was sooooooooo pissed off that I attacked him. A couple of friends stopped the scuffle while the gym teachers came over to investigate what was going on. They sent his ninja ass to the vice principal and that was the last time he bullied me. When we had a class together in senior year he never brought it up, so I assume he learned his lesson.

I've never bullied anyone. I know what it's like to be bullied and that's something no one should ever have to endure. A victim might carry out a horrible mistake that'll ruin their own life or the life of others.
It's different for girls. No, it's not that girls don't bully other girls; in fact, as "gender equality" increases as years go by, a lot of girls have responded by taking on some of the worst qualities of guys, along with now being able to do some good things that were once considered the province of males. Bullying is one of negative qualities, unfortunately.

But, in my experience, girl bullies usually don't pick on the weak as their victims, they're more likely to go after smaller girls who are brassier and more vocal: in other words, small of size, but big of mouth. There's a bit of a code of honor among girl bullies, not that I'm offering any praise for that. While guy bullies went for easy marks, girl bullies at least had a little more of a standard behind their choice of victims.

For myself, I was always too small and weak to be a bully, not that I would have even if built differently. But I avoided being bullied for the most part for two reasons: First, that code of honor I mentioned; I wasn't a loudmouth who put myself in the path of the bullies. Second, my deafness usually exempted me from being picked on; some bullies actually lost face by coming after me; their friends didn't like it and told them so.

On the one hand, it wasn't totally pleasing that I was considered too easy a mark to warrant being bullied.:blush: On the other hand, it probably saved me some undue punishment.

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