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Your 3 favorite WWE/WWF Superstars of All Time


Getting Noticed By Management
For me,

1 - Kane

I got into watching wrestling because of Kane. I remember being a little kid and seeing a commercial advertising an inferno match I think it was and it was between Kane and The Undertaker. I thought he looked so cool and scary and that night I went out and my mom got me a little Kane action figure, lol. I loved when he tag-teamed with Undertaker when Taker was in his Bad-Ass mode. His tag teaming with Taker, RVD, Big Show, and X-Pac was just awesome. I'm really happy he now has the title, I just wish it was the WWE and not the WHC.

2 - Edge

I've always viewed Edge as one of the most well-rounded superstars in the WWF/WWE. He has the look of a champion, the in-ring ability of a champion, and in my opinion the best mic skills in the WWE. His matches with Christian against The Dudleys and the Hardys were so awesome. Even though at the time I was rooting for the Hardy's. I also think he is hands down the funniest guy in the WWE and the best heel.

3 - Kurt Angle

Kurt is just flat out awesome. I would think at times and this may even be true that he had the most in-ring ability in the HISTORY of the WWE. Maybe that's an overstatement but he is certainly up there. Always put on a show, true wrestler, good mic skills despite that weird lisp-type thing he has, and got in some awesome story lines. The Angle Slam, the ankle lock, the triple german suplexes, the frog splash that he'd do sometimes - it was just awesome. I really wish he was still in the "E".
That's a hard one.

1. Undertaker- perhaps the greatest superstar of all time, has transcended multiple eras in WWE history, wrestled as the same character, at Main Event status for 20 years. His gimmick is timeless, and he is still going.

2. Tie Jeff Hardy/Kane- Jeff Hardy was one of my favorite stars growing up, and i though the swanton was so awesome when i saw him do it. He may not have been amazing on the mic, but his moveset was ever expanding, and had some really cool moves in it. He is kind of in a rough patch, and is looking pretty bad, but i hope he gets better and back on the top of his game.

Kane was just the most awesome character i ever saw growing up, his costume, the silent monster style, the way he looked at people and would cock his head to the side, he was just such an intriguing character. Even unmasked he remained one of my favorite stars of all time. It's really nice to see him finally holding the world title.

Honorable Mentions: HHH, HBK, Sheamus, Jack Swagger, Chris Jericho, Randy Orton, Paul Burchill, and Edge.
1. The Rock. He's my all time favorite wrestler...you could have guessed that much from reading my username. As a kid I was crazy about him; he was the reason why i tuned in to RAW/Smackdown. He was cool, amazingly charismatic. Some would even say his charisma was magical. He could literally make thousands of people chant his name just by the raising of a single eyebrow. Exciting to watch in the ring, just exciting all around.

2. Chris Jericho. He's one of the reasons why I still watch today. Like the rock he was also very, very charismatic. He could and still can put on a great match. He made me hate him as a kid, feuding with the rock, but he could also get me to love him in an instant.

3. Kurt Angle, one of the greatest of all time. He was funny, also very charismatic, a great wrestler, and a great entertainer. I loved him in the Invasion storyline, he provided some hilarious moments. the crowd always chanted "you suck" to his music but it was obvious they all really loved Kurt.
Great thread man. I'd have to go with these three men:
1. The Rock - He was the most charismatic superstar of all time and he dropped some of the greatest promos of all time. He is a sure shot hall of famer.
2. Stone Cold Steve Austin - He was the everyman, the bad ass, he didn't take anybody's shit and he kicked ass. When him and Rocky feuded I always had a hard time siding with one or the other.
3. Jeff Hardy - I love his high flying style, and his ability to pull off some of the craziest spots in WWE history. He was a very important piece in the Attitude Era.
1) Mr Perfect - When I was a kid, he was the reason I watched wrestling. He was one of the greatest technicians of all time and his character didnt let you forget it.

2) Undertaker - In my opinion, he has the best character ever, and for a big man, he can go better than 90% of the roster.

3) Jake "The Snake" Roberts - To me, he defines wrestling psychology. His promos had you hooked, and he was one of the best at telling a story with his matches.
1. The Rock. When I first started to watch wrestling, The Rock was on top of the world. Recently, I was looking through my old clothes when I found a "Finally The Rock Has Come Back" T-shirt. The best match I ever saw live was by far a tag team match of The Rock and Austin vs Jericho and Benoit. After the cameras turned off, The Rock and Austin were drinking beers and offered Benoit and Jericho beers. As the Chris's started to drink... BOOM Stunner and Rock Bottom!!!!!
2. The Undertaker. Again, from when I started to watch. Looking back, the Motorcycle Riding Taker wasn't as good as the deadman taker, but as a kid he was awesome. Whenever my friends and I would play-fight, i would always chokeslam them immediately.
3. Rikishi. That's Right, that fat guy who wipes his ass on people. I learned Rikishi's entire dance with Too Cool, and used to dance around to the music. The Stink-Face was, is, and always will be one of my favorite all-time finishers. I was very unhappy when I found out the Unos or whatever weren't fat-asses like there dad.
Chris Jericho- I liked chris since he first debuted his promos are epic and matches are good no matter who they are against he has never had a bad gimmic and if he is a face or heel he can always get a reaction out of the crowd.

Cm Punk- I liked cmpunk since i first saw him in tna his heel promos are epic and his fued with jeff hardy is the bst fued i have seen in years and the ses they his is doing no is making him one of or the top heel in wwe.

Ric Flair- Best westler in the history of the wwf/e in my opinion 16 time word champ cut some of the best promos i ever herd his matches with guys like Sting, Mr Perfect and Bret hart are the main reason why i started watching wrestleing.
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This is really hard...Three people?

Undertaker. he adapts and changes what he has to, to stay on top but he doesn't change who he is...yeah there's different reincarnations of the same charactore but who doesn't change music once in a while, or get a new look? That's to be expected.

Now I doubt anyone els would say this but....
Val Venus. Being a fourteen yr old female wrestling fan and watching that guy come down to the ring was an out of this world experience....on tv
I was speechless.......' the big valbowski is like a can of beer No No No not short and fat, but when you pop the top you get drunk by what's on the inside....
I may have been fourteen but I wanted whatever he was lol

One more...this is getting a lot harder now with only one more choice....
Kane. I have to go with kane. I had a Kane cake for my birthday when I was fourteen.
I drew his picture everywhere and I made my self my own Kane lunch box...
yeah kids in my class wanted to kick my ass for being a loser lol
I like early Kane a lot back then he seemed unstoppable. Unless McMahon came out with orderlies and they threatend to take him away that is.....yeah I remember that. I would be scared to be taken to the loony bin also but besides that I didn't think anything could destroy him and I always thought he was going to be a multi time champion. i thought he would have a lot of title reigns but time proved to not be the case.
Regardless kane for as long as he has been in the business is not prone to injury, no infractions and just does his job. I like that he is very political and he does more with his time then just get waisted partying after shows.
Stone Cold- I remember watching his King of the Ring acceptance speech when I was 9-years-old and loving it. Then he evolved into my favorite wrestler, mostly because of his feud with Bret and Owen and then his first one with The Rock, which I still think is their best program. (Mostly because of things like throwing Rock's IC title off of a bridge and bringing his pick up truck the ring at the DX pay per view and beating the hell out of the entire Nation of Domination.) While I don't like some of his later stuff(What?!) I have always been entertained by him. Hell, I even loved when he was The Ring Master and he close lined HBK at the '96 Royal Rumble then mocked him by doing his pose.

Mr. Perfect- The name says it all. This guy is the man. He cut the best promos back in the late '80s and early '90s and he put over future greats. He wrestled with a messed up back against Bret at Summerslam '91 and still put on one of the best IC bouts, or wrestling bout in general, ever. It's a shame the twilight of his career was spent singing shitty country songs and feuding with the likes of Konnan.

Chris Jericho- My single favorite run in wrestling history has to be Jericho's in WCW in 1998. He was more funny than most stand up comedians at that time. From him verbally degrading Juvi when he had to take off his mask("If you get sick easily, turn away, because this guy is uuuuuugly!") to his feud with Malenko and naming off all of his "1004 Holds" on Nitro. Him mocking Goldberg when Goldberg, the character and the human being, wanted nothing to do with Jericho's comedy. Not to mention him mispronouncing everyone's names all the time(ex: Greenberg, Jojo Dillon, Quiasijuice, Prince Takamaki, Chris Benwoit, and of course Kirk Angel.) He was just as funny on his initial run with WWF/E and now he is the measuring stick for how good a talent is in the business. Bottom line, Jericho has always been "The King of the World."

Honorable mentions:
CM Punk: He's basically the reason I started watching wrestling again. He cuts the best promos in the business today and he actually has a unique wrestlng style and gimmick, which is a rare thing now a days.

Taz- Up until when he left ECW, though. He was a machine in his run with them and WWF/E really dropped the ball with him when they could have had a bunch of memorable moments. Instead they thought it'd be awesome to but him into a feud with Jerry Lawler and Jim Ross.

DDP- There was a time in WCW when you truly didn't know what he was going to do next. He had insane feuds with Macho Man, Benoit and Raven and even gave Goldberg one of his few interesting matches at Halloween Havoc 98. Not to mention the ways he'd apply the Diamond Cutter were things of beauty.
1. The Rock is my alltime favorite he was truly electircfying, he was so original with his disses and how he mocked his enemies before, during and after the match. He was just a cool mofo, i remember one time he had a match with Kane and lowblowed him then went to the announce table and got a headset and talked shit that went he punched Kane below the belt it felt like a pillow, LMAO. that dude was awesome. 2. Ultimate Warrior growing up i love this guy, he was a like a superhero and he squashed so many ppl as child i didin't know about jobbing and technical matches so to me he was the baddest mofo alive. 3. The Undertaker: This guy is really the baddest mofo alive/dead to me anyways, he can work all types of matches and the first time i saw him do the last ride, i thought he killed the guy. Plus when he's healthy he can still hang with the best of him at his current age.
1 - Edge

I really fluctuate as to whether or not I prefer Jericho or Edge more, but Edge was the first really awesome character I saw when I started watching wrestling. The opportunistic maniac character was the genesis for my rooting for heels. I just loved the character and the storylines he's been in. When I heard a while back that he's planning on retiring in a few years, it really made me sad, because I think he is definitely one of my favorite characters over the past few years.

2 - Jericho

Jericho is just amazing, and I respect that he wants to put over new stars like Evan Bourne. Personally, I prefer the Y2J character, but I also enjoy Jericho in his current incarnation. I really think if the WWE decides to let him go when his contract, then they are fools, regardless of his outside projects. However, if his leaving is his own choice, more power to him. I just hope he make a return soon if he leaves, because Jericho is one of the best assets the 'E currently has.

3- Miz

This was a toss-up between heel Punk and Miz, but I think overall, the Miz has earned my favor more. He's a great character and I always enjoy his promos. I really hope he isn't the first to fail with the MITB shot, but think he will end up as a world champion regardless of the result of the MITB shot. He may not be the best wrestler in the world, but he does more than enough to satisfy me (and probably most of the non-IWC out there). Here's hoping to a good long career for the Miz, because he's awesome.
Only 3 :(
Randy Savage - There was just something about the Macho Man that screamed Main Event, he wasn't necessarily the greatest in ring, but as a total package he could do it all OOOOOH YEAHHHHH

The Rock/Austin - Entertainment machines, once again not necessarily great in ring wrestlers but they more than made up for it when they spoke and did visual comedy.
The Rock slightly ahead

Triple H/HBK - I could care less about there power trip, The game has the look and has been a stable workhorse for WWE since he arrived both in and out of the ring and HBK wrestled almost every match likesit was the WrestleMania main event. and DX was very entertaining for the most part
Triple H - the better look/spokesman
HBK - the better wrestler

other mentions on equal footing
Chris Benoit, Kurt Angle, Bret Hart - Technical wizards with no peer. Kurt Angle maybe being the best of that bunch purely cause he could talk a good game too.

Chris Jericho deserves a mention for his size and apparent mid card stick, he's accomplished a hell of a lot and is very secure in his role, whatever it may be at the time

Jake The Snake/Mick Foley - best promo cutters ever in the business IMO

The Miz may well get a push from me in the future, he's sure as hell changed my opinion from a year ago.
but the thread was about your favourites, not who is the greatest.

no superstar has more passion and desire to be at the top than john he truely loves the company and the fans he may not be the best in the ring but he has put on some of the best matches and rivalrys in history and he is an all around great guy


the most entertaining superstar in wwe history he was so funny and he was just a bad ass he got me into watching wrestling he is a true SUPERSTAR


this man is always on top rather heel or face he is so damn entertaining and he created stars such as orton and batista and has the look of a champion
Hulk Hogan=The reason why I became a WWF-E fan

The Rock= Kept me in stitches he is my all time favorite Wrestler

Macho Man-Funny as hell and a great Wrestler.
It is hard to just pick three here, with over 50 years of great and iconic wrestlers. I wish I could pick five, but I will give it a try.

1. Tie: Hulk Hogan/Jimmy Superfly Snuka - For me, they were the beginning of wrestling for me, so I wouldnt feel right including one and not the other. My dad and older sister got me into wrestling from birth, it was a family event that we all enjoyed together and these guys were the reason for that. I remember my dad would always hype up the Hulk Hogan matches and I would eat it up. I had the big rubber Hulk action figure and the pillow doll and 2 different Snuka shirts that I wanted to wear everyday. No doubt I was a little Hulkamaniac and he along with Superfly Snuka were was the reason I started to love wrestling.

2. Chris Jericho - First Undisputed Champion, a record Nine-Time IC Champion, Always able to cut a promo. Always able to put on a great match. And always able to entertain. Jericho for me is the total package and is the main reason I still watch today. He can be funny or smug, he can make the crowd love him or hate him. His debut in 1999 was epic, and his career in WWE has been epic ever since. Also He seems to have always wanted to help the younger guys out and has been rewarded for it.

3. The Rock - I have always seen WWF fans of the Attitude as one of two people, either you loved Stone Cold or you loved The Rock. I loved The Rock. I remember when he debuted at Survivor Series, i dont remember what year though. Then, he was Rocky Mavia, the clean-cut 3rd generation superstar mega-face, but the fans didn't want that in the Attitude Era, so he adapted into the Smackdown Laying, Jabroni Beating, Pie Eating People's Champ. The gimmick of The Rock was the most entertaining on the mic for me, his promos were golden and usually always hilarious and his in-ring ability was great too.

Honorable Mention: Undertaker, Mr. Perfect, and HHH
Shawn Michaels is in my view the very best of all time. This is likely due at least in part to when I became a wrestling fan. I first got into WWF in mid-late 1997 and Michaels' matches with Undertaker (Ground Zero, Badd Blood at Hell in a Cell) were the first big PPV main event matches I ever saw. These have stayed with me the whole time I've been a wrestling fan. For me it was the cocky, obnoxious degenerate gimmick of Michaels, coupled with his amazing athleticism and unique sells - and the fact that he could go like he did and have such memorable bouts with a guy so much bigger (something that he's done time and again over the years) that made those matches special to me. HBK was the whole package and then some. He rarely if ever put a foot wrong in the ring. His toughness is also indisputable, suffering the back injury that ended up shelving him for over 4 years and still putting together a great Wrestlemania 14 main event with Austin and coming back in 2002 when it looked like he was retired for good. HBK came back and gave us almost 8 more years of the old HBK and then some. I feel his last 8 years were actually superior to his first run and this could be due to his maturity, hunger to make up for lost time, I'm not sure. He consistently put on immense matches against a plethora of different opponents, of vastly different sizes and styles. A glance at the last decade of WrestleManias would see you find that his match has torn the house down in the majority. His matches with Angle in 05, Flair in 08 and Taker in 09 and this year were my favourite matches of those respective years, while I felt his matches with Jericho in 03 and Cena in 07 were also excellent matches. And those are just WrestleManias. I don't think that anyone can hold a candle to The Showstopper personally. He could put on 5-star matches with virtually anyone and did so for a very long time, even coming back from a supposed career-ender to continue doing so. He went out in a style only befitting of one man - Mr WrestleMania.

Another of my all-time favourites is Eddie Guerrero. Eddie - like Shawn - could do it all. He seeped charisma from every pore and his technical skills were on a par (or thereabouts) with the Benoits and Perfects of the world. He worked brilliantly as a face or a heel and incorporated both heavyweight and cruiserweight elements in a way that told beautiful stories in the ring. He was adept in submission, could fly, could talk, and had a charm that may be unparallelled in the annals of wrestling. My favourite wrestling moment of all time does not include HBK, but Eddie Guerrero. Seeing Eddie, who beat many demons to get to the top of the mountain, hold the WWE title going into WrestleMania 20 and retain vs Kurt Angle brought tears to my eyes. Seeing someone with such love for the business and who had been through so much in his journey succeed in a great match at one of the biggest events in WWE history was really special. I also broke down at the sight of he and Benoit celebratiing together following the triple threat that evening. Really special moment. I love Eddie.

Thirdly I will say Randy Orton. He is my favourite superstar of this generation and has a great look, a fantastic gimmick that seems to work as well as or better than it did heel, and a sick arsenal of moves that he executes beautifully. Orton can cut a promo with the best of them too. His segment with Sheamus this past RAW was awesome I felt and this is something Randy does consistently when on the mic. I really look forward to seeing a proper Miz/Orton feud over the WWE title in the not too distant future, I reckon they could put together some real classics both in the ring and on the stick.

So there's my three.
1.Chris Jericho - My all time favorite wrestler since I got into wrestling. He is a huge talent because of his multiple title reigns and unbelievable mic skills, and his ability to turn heel/face in a matter of one week is talent which he can use to feud with every big name which is what he did. He is a big reason why I watch WWE today. No Jericho=No Raw.

2.HBK - I think HBK is perhaps the most entertaining wrestler to enter the business. His charisma is phenomenal and he truly made RAW great every week he was there. He also pioneered one of my favorite match types, the ladder match and his feuds were always solid.

3. RVD - Probably one of the most athletic wrestlers in his stint in the WWE, RVD is just so fun to watch at any time.
1. Bret Hart - Coming from Canada (Calgary no less) it is almost sacrilegious to not like Bret Hart, but that wasn't the reason he was my all time favorite wrestler (although it didn't hurt). Personally I always enjoyed wrestlers with vast technical abilities and I always felt in this category Bret was in a league of his own, this guy could have a great match with Giant Gonzalez if he had to. Not only that he dominated wrestling in the early 90's and was the focal point of the WWF while I was growing up.

2. The Undertaker - Not my favorite but IMO the greatest wrestler to ever lace up a pair of boots. Great in the ring, an unforgettable gimmick, a classic manager, this guy had everything a wrestler needs to be great. His character was so over the top and creepy that I have had legit nightmares about the guy. A staple of the WWE for over 20 years and the one wrestler every fan will never forget. You don't get better than taker plain and simple.

3. The Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase - like taker he had an awesome gimmick and was a sound technical wrestler and was probably one of the most despised wrestlers in WWE history. Seriously, how can you not hate a guy who instead of winning the title, he tries to purchase it, awesome stuff, and when he didn't win it he just made his own belt that was the most visually impressive belt in wrestling history. Forget the World title, the Million Dollar belt is where its at (which belt would you rather have around your waist, a sweet looking belt (although looks like a standard title belt) or a belt made of solid gold with 100's of diamonds encrusted in it). As a whole I always liked the heels more than the faces and when it comes to bad guys you don't get any better than the Million Dollar Man.
Ill write this based on the fact that you are asking for the top 3 SUPERSTARS of the WWF/E, which for me is different than wrestler. So, here are my choices

1.- Hulk Hogan
I mean, the man is the reason why there is the WWF/E. He received ovations in house shows, in Wrestlemanias, anywhere. If it wasnt for this man, there would probably be no pro wrestling...

2.- The Rock
Maybe the most charismatic SS in the business. He made the greatest promos ever, and had awesome feuds with people like HHH, Jericho or Austin (on the mic and on the ring)

He was the everyman, the bad ass, he didn't take anybody's shit and he kicked ass.
3.- Stone Cold
No doubt about it. He really made the crowds go wild with his talent. One of the greatest wrestlers too.

If we talk about best wrestlers:
Bret Hart
Kurt Angle
Really easy one for me I have to give 2 different lists one from when i was growing up and one in retrospect looking back and watching events over again and reliving it.

Growing up-
1) Goldust- Boy did I love him because he was different. He was unpredictable and outlandish. Loved his shattered dreams and also really loved his freak nature. As a kid he was my number 1.
2)Chyna- I loved her. A girl that could kick most guys asses. She was fun entertaining and overall someone I really got behind.
3)xpac- the guy was goofy, a small performer who faced the big dogs and overall fun to watch. He was the heart and soul of DX in my eyes and boy did I love him.

Current list having knowledge of the business and what good wrestling actually is.
1) Mankind/Foley- When I was growing up Mick foley was a tad bit to insane for me. But in retrospect this guy was one of the top 3 on the mic, one of the top 3 hardcore wrestlers, one of the top entertaining wrestlers of his era, and a damn good technical wrestler. Honestly I don't feel any big market promotion ever had a better wrestler then him (I disregard his TNA work since the promotion is crap anyways)
2) Shane Mcmahon- Recently I can't help but look back at all of the work he had did. He was exceptional in every area other then technical wrestling. Overall this guy really had the heart for what he was doing and boy did it show. He knew how to make every match memorable and talked about whether it was a coast to coast into a garbage can, putting someone through a table or falling off the titantron. Overall this guy is a gem and I'm proud to say I am a big fan.
3)Miz- Before you all jump and say it is because of his current stuff and how can you like him more then the Rock and SCSA, I have a simple answer. In late 2000 I grew out of wrestling and thought I was too old for it. I became a major MTV fan watching all of its reality shows. The third real world I ever seen was back to new york which was Mike's season, I fell in love with his zany character and ever since I was a fan. He was the reason I saw every challenge he was in. He was the reason I returned in 2007 watching wrestling again. He is the reason I am such a fan of the product and a fan in general of the business, he got me addicted and honestly I would rank him higher and will rank him higher once he reaches the WWE or World Heavyweight title because then I will feel my faith in him all these years meant something
Ill write this based on the fact that you are asking for the top 3 SUPERSTARS of the WWF/E, which for me is different than wrestler. So, here are my choices

1.- Hulk Hogan
I mean, the man is the reason why there is the WWF/E. He received ovations in house shows, in Wrestlemanias, anywhere. If it wasnt for this man, there would probably be no pro wrestling...

2.- The Rock
Maybe the most charismatic SS in the business. He made the greatest promos ever, and had awesome feuds with people like HHH, Jericho or Austin (on the mic and on the ring)

3.- Stone Cold
No doubt about it. He really made the crowds go wild with his talent. One of the greatest wrestlers too.

If we talk about best wrestlers:
Bret Hart
Kurt Angle

Almost exactly my answer!!!

I think I would have at least put Stone Cold over the Rock just because of the fact that although they are the two top guys that carried the attitude era, the true attitude era was Austin-McMahon!!! Nothing was like the anticipation of what Austin was going to do every week on Raw!!! But there were many moments and feuds where the Rock was better as well, I just have to give the slight nudge to Austin!

I even agree with the wrestlers, but for seeing HBK's career last longer and the innovative matches he was in, he is IMO the best "wrestler" of all time.
To answer this question I must look back on my history of favorite wrestlers. I must decide which one got me into wrestling, my first favorites, my current favorites, etc.

In no order, here we go:

Carlito I choose Carlito as one of my top three favorite wrestlers because he was the wrestler who got me into wrestling pretty much. I was playing Smackdown vs. Raw 2007 (which introduced me to WWE) and I automattically liked Carlito for some reason. He is a great athlete and I love his gimmick. His hair was freakin awesome by the way. lol

The Undertaker Another favorite is The Undertaker. He is a legend in the wrestling business and has one of the best gimmicks ever. Just like Carlito I autommatically liked this guy. He can put on one heck of a match even at his old age. His matches at Wrestlemania where he defends his winning streak is one of my favorite things about WWE.

Stone Cold Steve Austin I can't help but to like this guy. He could tell great stories in the ring (both with promos and wrestling). We are both from the south, so I can relate to him a little bit. We both don't really give a crap about alot of things, and his stone cold stunner is one of my favorite finishing moves in wrestling. Also, I cannot help but to respect him after continuing to wrestle after injuring his neck.

Runner ups (Honorable mentions):

CM Punk: A young talented wrestler that entertains me every time he is in the ring. His straightedge gimmick is perfect for him and also brings something new to the WWE.

Chris Jericho: He can make just about any wrestler look good in the ring. He is a legend in my opinion. One of wrestling's greatest entertainers ever.

Doph Ziggler: Ziggler is my favorite of the younger talent in WWE. He can wrestle very well and reminds me of Mr. Perfect. If WWE is smart we will see much more of Ziggler in the future. I hope he is a great IC champion.
Damn soom of these choices are pretty funny but to each thier own after its about your favortie wrestler weather or not they suck it dont matter.

My top 3

Bret Hart- I remeber watching summerslam 91 and his match stole the show. He was the greatest wrestler in my opinoin... and its weird to cause we both have the same birthday.

Undertaker- greatest gimmick ever

Stone Cold- Defined the attitude ever, he made me watch raw every week.
1. Bret Hart, Hulk Hogan was the man when I entered wrestling but I always loved Bret and was with him from the tag days to his victory of Mr. Perfect, one of my favorite moments of all time. He carried the title with class, defended in some epic matches and was always perfect in the ring. He wrestled so many solid matches over the years for the company it is ridiculous. Also he could get people over because he never dominated matches. His opponent always looked good but Bret figured out a way to win. It was great, he was the best there is was and ever will be.

Razor Ramon-Man this is again around the same time period and I just loved Razor. He was such a badass. He had great matches with Kid, and Shawn, and Bret, and Jeff Jarrett, and Goldust, hell even the IC title match with Rick Martel on Raw was pretty damn good.

Jake Roberts- I just love everything he did before say 1996 or so. He was the best on the mic, he could take a hell of a beating but always had the DDT in his back pocket to fuck you up with. Another guy who always made his opponents look good. He had great feuds with Rick Rude (one of my personal faves, love Rick), Honky, Steamboat playing the heel, Savage as a great heel, Andre, and a great feud with Martel which culminated in a ridiculous blindfold match but hey he hit the DDT so it was ok.
Shawn Michaels:
- I remember as a kid watching him wrestle and I was completely amazed by his wrestling abilities and this was when he was like rookie too. When he came back in 2004, I was like, son of a bitch he is back. Shawn Michaels can have a match with anyone and put on a classic no matter how bad the wrestler is.

Chris Jericho:
- The best in the world at what he does. His matches with Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit, Shawn Michaels, Rey Mysterio, Evan Bourne, etc. are all so good. Since he has been back, wrestling has been better and watchable.

Kurt Angle:
- I remember watching him debut against some Indian guy and he kicked his ass. His best feud was with the Rock and those 2 tore the house down and made the match they had the best ever at the time.

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