Your 10 standout Wrestlemania matches of the decade?

The Eighties

Forward Thinking Nostalgist
First thread so be gentle. :laugh:

We are closing in on the end of the first decade of the new millenium and it got me thinking, what would everyone rate as the 10 standout Wrestlemania matches of the decade? Not in any order because some of the matches simply aren't comparable. I'll start with my Wrestlemania 10

Kurt Angle vs Shawn Michaels
Perhaps the greatest match in WrestleMania history, a true dream match but unusual in the sense that it was a dream match based around being the best two in ring performers of the modern era, as opposed to being the top 2 hyped up draws.

Hollywood Hulk Hogan vs The Rock
Watching the match in the cold light of day it becomes apparent how much The Rock had to accommodate Hogan, but for that 20 minutes as it happened time stood still as past met present in a surreal encounter.

Edge vs Mick Foley
I'm sure this will be regarded as an odd choice but for me it was a statement match, Edge was very unfortunate to have his world title reign cut short before Mania, so he went out there and stole the show in the last great mainstream hardcore match, the finish is a classic piece of Mania spectacle.

Ric Flair vs Shawn Michaels
Sure time has tainted this to a degree, but the match was filled with emotion and the finish “I’m sorry, I love you.” is an all time classic Mania moment, plus the match will remain Flair's true farewell to the big time he had been a part of for 35 years.

Hulk Hogan vs Mr. McMahon
Proof that moves do not make matches great, this was a masterclass in in-ring storytelling from two men who understand the business like few others, a bloodied Vince staring wild eyed over the ring apron at a fallen Hogan is as iconic as it gets.

John Cena vs Shawn Michaels
The match that cemented John Cena, a passing of the torch on the grandest stage of them all, they would go on to have better matches, but Shawn tapping out to the new face of the company at Wrestlemania, an event he has made his own, was a huge moment in a very oldschool title match.

The Undertaker vs Ric Flair
Flair's career as an in ring performer had been sabotaged and degraded in WCW in the previous 8 years to the point his confidence was very low, this was a match that showed 'The Naitch' still had it in spades and re-ignited him as a wrestler rather than just an on air character.

Triple H vs Chris Benoit vs Shawn Michaels
This was arguably the best triple threat in WWE history but that's not why it's here, what made this stand out was that on the 20th anniversary of Vince's most important creation, the guy that ended the show by winning the world title after a life spent working for it, was not a big muscly charisma creation, he was a guy whose overness and career had been built on his abilities as an in-ring performer.

Edge vs The Undertaker
I'm not a fan of Taker or the streak, but I would rate this as the best World Title match at Wrestlemania this decade, everything about it was executed perfectly, from the story based on Edge countering Taker's big moves, to the close falls to the great finish.

The Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels II
I know quite a few prefer the first Wrestlemania match between the two, but from a drama and emotion perspective this one is on it's own in Mania history. An epic battle with a truly memorable finish, and a fitting final act for the greatest Wrestlemania performer in history.
Nice thread! I'll participate:

Undertaker vs Batista (Wrestlemania 23)
This was an extremely good match, the best of the year. It was very exciting and both men performed very well. Batista speared Undertaker right as the bell rang, and the match got underway. For the first half, the two mostly battle out of the ring, with Undertaker occasionally running in an out of the ring quickly to break and restart the 10 count.It featured many high spots, including Undertaker hitting the Chokeslam and Last Ride and still failing to win the match, and Batista hitting a running powerslam through the announcer's table. Late in the match Batista hits a Spinebuster and Batista Bomb but Undertaker somehow kicks out. More back and forth action follows, Undertaker wins the match, the championship, and a 15-0 Wrestlemania record after a Tombstone Piledriver. Classic battle!!! Undoubtedly Batista's greatest match ever!

Shawn Michaels vs Triple H vs Chris Benoit (Wrestlemania XX)
This is perhaps the greatest triple threat match I have ever seen. The crowd was solidly behind Benoit for this one. Surprisingly, this match was a bloodbath, as Michaels and The Game bled gallons. I thought Benoit was taken out of the match when he was suplexed by HBK and the Game through one of the announce tables. However, Benoit returned, and won the match when he made the Game tap to the Crippler Cross Face. Unreal match, perhaps the best main event in Mania history. Nice touch at the end with Benoit and Eddie Guerrero hugging in the centre of the ring, with confetti filling MSG.

Shawn Michaels vs Kurt Angle (Wrestlemania 21)
Match of the night. This needed to be the main event. It was darn good and suspenseful. Both men showed why they are some of the greatest wrestlers of all time. It seemed that Angle rose like a bat outta hell in this match which made it all better.

The Hardyz vs The Dudley Boyz vs Edge & Christian (Wrestlemania X-7)
Among many tag team matches in the history of WWE, perhaps this one is truly the best. A classic and legendary match. The best match the entire 6 performers will ever have in their career, and this match also won 2001 Match of The Year Award. Edge's spear from the top of the ladder is one moment that will last forever in the mind of the fans.

Undertaker vs Edge (Wrestlemania XXIV)
Perhaps the most overlooked and the most underrated Wrestlemania match of all time bar none. Undertaker vs Edge is THE best Wrestlemania 'WRESTLING' match since Angle vs Michaels at Wrestlemania 21. Edge reminded everybody that he's one of the best in the business & not just a transitional champion. He was actually more dominant over The Undertaker than anybody else has ever been at a Wrestle Mania. Edge reversed almost every Undertaker move and what made the match even more interesting was the less predictable finish which saw The Dead Man win via submission instead of The Tombstone that EVERYBODY was expecting him to win by. Wrestling quality wise, this match is on another planet compared to Shawn Michaels vs Ric Flair in a 'retirement' match(which doesn't hold any meaning by now cause Flair wrestled again in TNA). The wrestling quality alone makes this match a top to bottom classic. It surpassed my expectations and was extremely intense. The first half of the match featured many counters and reversals, including Edge reversing Old School, the Chokeslam, and the Last Ride. The match picked up the pace big time later on. Undertaker hits the Chokeslam and Last Ride, but fails to get the pin on both. Undertaker later attempted a big boot but hit the referee instead, this gave Edge the opportunity to nail Undertaker with a video camera. Undertaker gave Edge a Tombstone Piledriver afterwards, but the ref was still out so as Undertaker pinned Edge, a new ref had to sprint down the entrance ramp to make the count. Unfortunately, this gave Edge enough time to kick out. Edge later hits a spear, but Undertaker suddenly locks Edge in his new submission hold immediately after. After hanging in for a while, Edge submits and The Undertaker wins the World Heavyweight Championship at WrestleMania for the second straight year. A WrestleMania classic and amazing match.

Kurt Angle vs Brock Lesnar (Wrestlemania XIX)
Well, here it is, a wrestling purist's dream. Olympic Champion vs. NCAA Champion. Two of WWE's best going at it for the richest prize in the game. This match was great, especially considering how Kurt Angle was risking paralysis by competing; he is one of the most gutsy, professional and inspirational wrestlers ever, no doubt about it. I also appreciate the fact that the rookie Lesnar continued the match in a concussed state after somewhat of a blown spot that made yours truly CRINGE. As a matter of fact, I was cringing during the entire match. So Angle walks in risking his health, and Brock leaves almost just as bad - how ironic is that? Great main event to end of the show!

The Rock vs Stone Cold (Wrestlemania X-7)
Two of the biggest names in The Attitude Era, the number 1 & 1A, battling in what served as the 'closing ceremony' of the mentioned era. The atmosphere and the hype was unmatched until this year's Taker vs HBK came around. The intensity between the two was unsurpassed at that time. This match is a landmark for all matches between faces of an era. he greatest encounter of the night. These two always put on a top form match against each other. With the no disqualification rules they take it to one another with every inch of weapon that they can find. In the end Vince McMahon comes out and when you wonder why he is out there you suddenly see him align himself with his longtime enemy Stone Cold Steve Austin. They beat down the Rock and Stone Cold finally regains the WWF Championship.

The Rock vs Hulk Hogan (Wrestlemania X-8)
As dubbed by WWE, Icon vs Icon. The face of the past against the face of the future. The in-ring psychology was 5 star and the attention garnered was more than that. The match's live crowd chants is rivaled only by Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania XXV seven years later. This match won MOTY 2002 and rightfully so. This is one of the most anticipated, the most talked about match in the history & it is finally here at Wrestlemania. You can feel the electricity in the arena & the fans reaction very well. Not really a bad match, but it was slow & to everyone's & including my shock, all the fans were chanting for Hulk Hogan & booing the Rock. Rock still was able to ignore the fans & nail a Rock Bottom, followed by a People's Elbow on Hulk Hogan for the win. After the match Rock & Hulk Hogan shake their hands in respect towards each other, then while Rock leaves, the NWO {New World Order} attack Hulk Hogan resulting Rock to come in & clean house taking Kevin Nash & Scott Hall out of the ring. Rock then helps Hogan to the back as this is definitely a memorable moment at Wrestlemania which will not be forgotten for a long, long time to come.

Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels (Wrestlemania XXVI)
Is it better than their first Wrestlemania match? No. Is it overrated? Whoever says otherwise is dumb. But still, being overrated and not being as good as their previous match doesn't make this match unworthy of being mentioned. What a way to end the show and what a way to end a career. These guys have got to be the best performers in WWE history. After Mr. Mchmahon did not put last year's match as the main event finally he gave them what these great legends deserve. Micheals was amazing and spectacular and Taker was scarily moving and phenomenal. The entrances were just superb and the atmosphere in the night was incredible. Taker should never lose at Wrestlemania and it was the most respectful result HBK has retired and Taker might never retire as he goes 18-0. This is one of the greatest main events to end a Wrestlemania. Unforgettable and emotional main event.

Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels (Wrestlemania XXV)
Often cited by many as the greatest match in the history of Wrestlemania itself, and it's not for a vain reason. We had two great legends that had each been wrestling for a very long time. They had never met on the grandest stage and hadn't had much communication with each other for about 11 years since their feud in the late 90's. This match had high expectations and it surpassed everyone's opinions. This match had some of the greatest in ring-story telling that I have ever witnessed in my lifetime. As far as storyline goes it was built up very well. As far as in ring action goes, it was a privilege to watch. As far as ring psychology goes, it was a master class. As far as crowd reaction goes, that much crowd reaction hasn't been seen since Hogan vs The Rock. On a side note there was a spot where the Undertaker flew over the top rope & HBK moved out of the way sending Undertaker straight to the floor. Undertaker landed head first into the cameraman & a crunching noise was heard. I honestly thought for 5 seconds that The Undertaker had broken his neck & died live at Wrestlemania, thank God he didn't! Every few days I watch the youtube video titled 'Shawn Michaels vs Undertaker- WM XXV highlights and I never got bored. This match was light vs darkness and it didn't need to be about titles because the match was bigger than that. The crowds were erupting as each man defied the odds and repeatedly kicked out of finisher moves and signature moves. Some of my friends who attended the event even told me the security, who was supposed to guard the stadium, were going nuts during the match! John Cena, Edge, Big Show, Triple H, and Randy Orton fell flat on their faces when they tried to follow this match afterwards, proving just how far the difference of their level was. This was about 30 minutes long and was the best match in wrestling I have ever watched on my TV....if not ever.
Hulk Hogan Vs The Rock -I was quite excited when this match was announced. Half of me was wishing it was stone cold doing so but i was excited still. I was not expecting that much of a match and to be honest the in ring action wasn't that great. However the crowd was buzzing.It had a huge match feeling to it and I was into it. Great ending with Hogan's official face turn as well.

Wrestlemania 25- Shawn Micheals vs Undertaker-
I had been hoping for this match to happen ever since we saw them in action at the rumble in 2007. When it finally came about I was very excited and expected a great match. The match was even better than I thought it would be though. It was amazing and saved Wrestlemania 25 from total disaster

Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit Wrestlemania 17 -amazing match by two great in ring competitors on my favourite Wrestlemania of all time.

Kurt Angle vs Shawn Micheals Wrestlemania 21- Back in 05 I was a huge Angle and HBK mark.When the match was announced I was over the moon and knew it would be great. It was great in the ring. I agree with OP that this match was a dream match in the sense that it was two of the greatest in ring competitors rather than the biggest draws like hogan vs rock.

TLC 2 - this match was great. Some great table spots and true holy s*** moments

Undertaker vs Edge Wrestlemania 24 - This match was my favourite on the card. They had the main event spot and put on a great match with great build.

Kurt Angle vs Brock Lesnar Wrestlemania 19 - This match was great and the shooting star press amazed me.I loved Brock Lesnar winning back the WWE Championship.

The Rock vs Stone Cold Wrestlemania 17 - This match was great and the crowd was into it. I was not expecting the ending as well. Last match of the Attitude Era.

The Rock vs Stone Cold Wrestlemania 19 - This was one that I was really hoping The Rock would win as he had never beaten Stone Cold one on one. The match was great and the hollywood Rock gimmick was fresh and needed as he became stale in 2002.

The Undertaker vs Batista Wrestlemania 23 - this was my favourite match of the night and should of ended the show as this was The Undertaker's first World Title run in years.
Interesting thread idea, if only because it lets us cut past some of the standard choices for top Mania match lists (Bret vs. Austin, Bret vs. Owen, Savage vs. Steamboat, Hogan vs. Savage, etc). That said, I'd like like to note to everyone that a decade is ten years, not eleven. 2000 to 2009 or 2001 to 2010. I'll be going with the former, as our standard definition of the 90s would be 1990 to 1999. Consistency, eh? Not a huge deal though. I wouldn't be including anything from WM16 or WM26 anyway.

1) Steve Austin vs. The Rock - WrestleMania 17

The two top faces of a generation in front of a red hot stadium crowd at the peak, and end, of an era. There was bloody brawling and passion galore. My kind of match.

2) The Rock vs. Hulk Hogan - WrestleMania 18

Red hot crowd which made you feel what would have been an otherwise lackluster match. But that feeling changes everything. Endlessly rewatchable and the massive reaction to Hogan catches you by the balls every time. Hulk still ruled.

3) Chris Jericho vs. Shawn Michaels - WrestleMania 19

Great battle between two wrestlers who were billed as similar entities. The key here is that it didn't overplay it's hand. Very fun back and forth and the match of Jericho's life that finished on a high note.

4) John Cena vs. Shawn Michaels - WrestleMania 23

The final few minutes were high drama as it really seemed Shawn Michaels stood a chance. He really didn't, but such a well put together match had me believing otherwise live. Epic.

5) Shawn Michaels vs. Undertaker - WrestleMania 25

Overplayed it's hand in classic modern day finisher-kickout-ery fashion. That said, it was still an epic, back and forth, world shaking, strong style clash between two legitimate cornerstones of the modern WrestleMania franchise. Memorable.

6) Undertaker vs. Batista - WrestleMania 23

Undertaker got what many see as a long overdue World Heavyweight Championship here against a Batista who was thrown into unique territory as the object of the audience's ire. Once again, memorable. Two men who were predicted to underwhelm did anything but.

7) TLC 2 - WrestleMania 17

Sometimes you just need some good fun spots. This match provided more than you could ever ask for and raised the bar to a level all other spotfests are measured by. The gold standard.

8) Edge vs. Mick Foley - WrestleMania 22

Barbed wire, flaming tables, and tumb tacks lead to Mick Foley finally creating that classic WrestleMania match. The defeated looking, quivering, blinded Edge we see post match is a picture worth a thousand words.

9) Money in the Bank - WrestleMania 21

This set the bar for the Money in the Bank franchise. It gave several men who deserved a spot on the card a place to battle for a prize they were more than worthy of. Great storytelling from Benoit and unique innovation from Shelton Benjamin highlight the birth of a star making tradition.

10) Chris Benoit vs. Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels

Benoit wins the World Heavyweight Championship, Shawn Michaels gets shit on by the New York crowd when he dares to take on the real star of the show, and several bloody stories come to a head in a dramatic, well put together main event. Overrated at the time, overlooked now because of what Benoit did, but still a classic.
I'm sorry to some people but you can't really say Taker/HBK II because the decade is from 2000-2009!!

I'll do it 1 wrestlemania at a time and chose the best match!

WrestleMania 2000
Triangle Ladder Match - Hardy Boyz vs Dudley Boyz vs Edge/Christian - This was the first time we saw 3 great tag teams go head to head and it was at the grandest stage, and include ladders in this match which makes its soo much better, we found out Edge/Christian and Hardyz like ladders from their 1999 Ladder match and Dudleyz love the tables from Royal Rumble 2000.. And what a match this was!! They got the tables out and well every wrestler deserved a standing ovation..

WrestleMania X-Seven
TLC II - Hardy Boyz vs Dudley Boyz vs Edge/Christian - It's not really fair because this was such a good WrestleMania.. A lot of great matches!! Such as the WWE championship, Angle/Benoit and HHH/Taker.. But this has to take it.. the spots here were just amazing!!!

WrestleMania X8
The Rock vs Hollywood Hulk Hogan - It was between this match and Taker/Flair, but I just have to pick this.. This match was good, some say it wasn't all that, but just the atmosphere, the stare down at the start of the match!!! 2 great icons standing in a WrestleMania ring.. who dya go for????

WrestleMania XIX
Shawn Michaels vs Chris Jericho - There were 4 good matches here, but this one takes it... HBK's first WrestleMania since he got KO'd by Mike Tyson.. Epic match here and the ending was surprising.. Didn't expect Jericho to do that...

WrestleMania XX
World Heavyweight Champion - Triple H vs Shawn Michaels vs Shawn Michaels - This match was just huge!!!! 3 guys going after the 1 big gold belt, bloodied, battered, bruised and tired!!!! The crowd jsut loved this and the ending was just amazing, a moment to remember in us true wrestling fans hearts!!

WrestleMania 21
Kurt Angle vs Shawn Michaels - Is there a need to say anything about this match, 2 great wrestlers going at it, and I think the better one won.. It didn't matter who won for me, because I saw a great match!

WrestleMania 22
Shawn Michaels vs Vince McMahon - This match got a perfect 10/10!! what more could I say about this match!!! I wasn't a big fan of this event.. mostly because I kinda cut down on my wrestling..

WrestleMania 23
World Heavyweigh Championship - Batista vs The Undertaker - It was between this or the WWE championship match, but this one takes it, IMO should have been the main event, don't know what it was doing as the 4th match on the card.. It was a great match!!! 2 faces, the world title and the streak!!

WrestleMania XXIV
Career Threatening Match - Ric Flair vs Shawn Michaels - Between this, the world title match and the MitB ladder match..
It was the first WrestleMania I watched live since 2002!! and I was impressed and glad I ordered it.. because the others I just got of my friends and etc.. But this match stood out for me, I think we all kinda knew somewhere in ourselves that HBK was going to win this match and it had some good spots but the ending was just the best..

WrestleMania XXV
The Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels - Now personally, I think this was better than their rematch, not onlt because it was the first, but these two have had that history in the past and now being veterans they showed us they still had it.. I just loved how this match ended!!

This definitely is a great thread. I'm going to do this in reverse chronological order, which means most recent to the past.

Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels- WrestleMania 26

Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels (Wrestlemania XXVI)
Is it better than their first Wrestlemania match? No. Is it overrated? Whoever says otherwise is dumb.

I look to my degrees, and I can honestly say "Wow, I didn't know I was dumb until today." Seriously however, I disagree with this completely. Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels II is personally my favorite WrestleMania match between the two of them for several reasons. 1) There was a lot more on the line in the match. Therefore, the drama was just that much more intense. 2) I liked the pace of the match better. It was slower, but sometimes, that is a good thing. 3) It was a perfect ending for Shawn Michaels' career, literally slapping the face of death before the end. Personal taste being what personal taste is, I prefer the encounter from WrestleMania 26 to 25. That's not taking anything away from their match at WrestleMania 25.

Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels- WrestleMania 25

Their first WrestleMania encounter and, as you have read from others, the most widely beloved. There's a good reason for that: these are two men who have mastered their craft and know how to make watchable matches with talentless hacks and how to make gems with people with at least some talent. Undertaker and Michaels had a great rivalry back in 1997-98 which led to some good to great matches (Hell in a Cell being one of them). What I like about this match is that both guys essentially went kamikaze: they hit their big moves, and when those didn't work out, they gave in to desperation and took physically insane chances. The facial expressions of the Undertaker and Shawn Michaels actions in one moment of the match really put this match over the top. Undertaker sold the peril of the situation when Michaels kicked out of the Tombstone Piledriver, which few if any have ever done. Meanwhile, Shawn was so desperate to win that he was willing to take a countout victory. Classic WrestleMania encounter, and it deserves to be in the top tier of great WrestleMania matches.

Undertaker vs. Edge, WrestleMania 24

As several have already said, this was the unsung great match of this decade. Undertaker and Edge had a great match at this WrestleMania, and it deserves to be on this list of matches of the decade.

Undertaker vs. Batista, WrestleMania 23

Undertaker completed his sweep of Evolution with his victory in this match, a shockingly enjoyable and even borderline classic match between himself and Batista. What I liked about this match was that it was essentially like watching Godzilla vs. King Kong, two monsters clashing. Tables were broken, Taker flew through the air, and both men looked like they could credibly be booked to win. This was the superior Main Event of WrestleMania 23, and it should have been given the honors of the main event (an unfortunate trend of these last ten WrestleManias).

Kurt Angle vs. Shawn Michaels- WrestleMania 21

Another classic WrestleMania encounter featuring the Heartbreak Kid. This time, he was facing Olympic Gold Medalist and another consistent performer, Kurt Angle. It was a dream match in the making for wrestling fans, and this match didn't disappoint. It was a back and forth contest, and both men gelled well against each other despite never having wrestled one another before. They would go on to have a solid rematch at Vengeance and a 30 minute Iron Man Match on the Raw Homecoming show later that year, but everyone fondly remembers this encounter.

Chris Benoit vs. Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels- WrestleMania 20

Can one match make or break a WrestleMania? The answer is yes, especially if that match features three of the best performers a company has to offer. This match sadly gets overlooked today thanks to the actions of one of its participants, but it is one of the greatest WrestleMania main events in history. All three men seemed to have their moments in this match, and any of the three could have logically won the match. The ending with Chris Benoit becoming World Heavyweight Champion and celebrating with Eddie Guerrero is both heartwarming and now slightly disturbing considering all that has happened. In this decade of WrestleManias, if there is any honesty, this match HAS to be included.

Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho- WrestleMania 19

The classic Idol vs. Worshipper storyline was kicked into full degree here as Chris Jericho looked to overtake his former idol, Shawn Michaels, on the grandest stage of them all, WrestleMania. Keep in mind this was Shawn's first WrestleMania match since coming back from a 4 year hiatus, and this match is instantly magnified. On a card where Hogan was facing Vince McMahon, The Rock was facing Stone Cold Steve Austin, and Brock Lesnar was facing Kurt Angle, this match came up from the shadows and stole the show. Some have gone so far as to compare this to the Steamboat-Savage WrestleMania 3 match. While I don't believe that it was on that level, this was a wrestling fan's match. The fact that it is more fondly remembered than the four main events on that card says a lot in and of itself.

The Undertaker vs. Ric Flair- WrestleMania 18

There was a lot of questions whether Ric Flair still had it in him to have a great match coming into this match. Flair was 53 at the time, I believe (Flair now would look back to this as the golden years, but I digress), and he hadn't competed in a major wrestling match (with another wrestler) for years. This match with Undertaker proved all of us critics wrong as Flair and Undertaker had a solid encounter at Mania. It was an all-out war involving the biggest superplex I've ever seen, pipe shots, your daily dose of Ric Flair's blood, and an appearance by The Enforcer, Arn Anderson. At the end, Flair proved to the world he could still go, and Undertaker's streak gained more notoriety.

The Rock vs. Hollywood Hulk Hogan- WrestleMania X8

What can I say about this match that hasn't been said already? If you are looking to experience the power of a crowd, this is probably the best example possible. Hogan came into this match the villain. He had mocked, beat up, and literally ran down The Rock in the weeks leading up to the match. However, 70,000 people in Toronto's Skydome refused to boo Hulk Hogan. The result was one of the most amazing moments wrestling has produced in the last several decades. Credit has to go to The Rock in this situation as well as he changed it up in mid-match and played to the crowd in typical Rock fashion. Some people have blasted Rock in recent years for this action. To me, what Rock did was the most professional thing he could have done. The fans knew who they wanted to cheer for. Why go against the grain? If 70,000 people are cheering for the other guy, why not antagonize them and get the crowd riled up for maximum output?

The Rock vs. Stone Cold, WrestleMania 17

This was effectively the end of the Attitude Era, and while I prefer both of their other WrestleMania matches in terms of the actual wrestling, this match was frankly the highlight of their rivalry. The promotion of the match was superb, with an excellent highlight video done by WWF for the match. The WWF spent weeks building interest for the match, with each men trading off Stunners and Rock Bottoms. The match itself is what you'd expect out of the two at a WrestleMania. The ending of the match is probably what it is most remembered for: the alliance made in hell between Stone Cold and Vince McMahon. It was a bold move to shake things up within the WWF which I don't think nearly paid off to the degree they wished. Still, one can't help but look back at this match and appreciate the era in which this came out of. It was the final chapter in the Attitude Era, and it was definitely memorable.
Great thread surpised i didnt think of it....

1.WWE Championship WWE Champion Eddie Gurerro vs Kurt Angle(Wrestlemania XX)-Great Eddie fashion on the win beating one of the best wrestlers to step in the ring....

2.World Heavyweight Championship Triple H(Champion) vs Chris Benoit vs Shawn Micheals(WMXX)- Best Triple threat match, great story on how Micheals wasnt ready to give up on winning the World title back,Benoit winning the Rujmble at #1 and fufilling his dreams on da grandest stage of them all and celebrating the win with your family and your friends especially the Two Top Champs of the industry ending the show.....

3.WWE Championship Kurt Angle(Champion) vs Brock Lesnar(WMXIX)- Great all around wrestling match to end a great Wrestlemaina. Lesnar's Shooting Star Press attempt is and will be forever a Wrestlemania Moment especially sin8ce he came back and won the match....

4.Undertaker vs Shawn Micheals(Wrestlemania XXV)-Light vs. Darkness, Heaven vs Hell and Hell won this one... Since there feud in 97-98 HBK had the win column 2-0-1 with Taker losing in both a Hell In A Cell and a Casket MAtch both Takers matches.... With his Streak on the Line and going against Mr. Wrestlemania and the favor was not Takers way. To win this match and winning the next year at WM26 Taker even the Score 2-2-1 and thus ending the career of one of the greatset of all time...

5.Hardcore Championship Raven(Champion) vs Kane vs Big Show(WM X-7)-I put this match in because entertaining wise this match was great it was David vs Goliath vs. The Giant from Jack in the Bean stalk... Kane ended up winning the match by booting Big Show off the stage who had Raven in a Military Press and elbow dropping Big Show for the win... This match seen Raven go thru a Window, Kane getting throwed threw a Wall and Door, A Go Cart chase, and Raven eventually getting hit by a Go Cart, possibly the greatset Hardcore Championship match ever....

6.Hulk Hogan vs The Rock(Wrestlemania X-8)- Icon vs. Icon, Past vs Present, NWO vs WWE, this match had everything the crowd hype, The swag from the two is unmatched, The Peoples Elbow, The Legdrop, The Big Boot, The Rock Bottom, Just Bring It Taunt, Hulking Up, Sportsmanship, what more can you ask for, The best match of the night and should of been The Main Event of this Wrestlemania...

7.TLC 2 WWF Tag Team Championship Hardy Boyz(with Lita) vs Dudley Boyz(Champions and with Spike Dudley) vs Edge and Christian(with Rhyno) WM X-7- The first TLC match was Incredible, but this one was Legendary. With the sidekicks of the Teams invovled it made this the greatest Ladder match ever.... The stunts set the Bar for future Ladeer matches like MITB, and hell even got a PPV out of it. Possibly the greatest LAdder match ever.....

8.Stone Cold vs The Rock(Wrestlemania XIX)- The final match between the Two, Stone Colds final match period, and The Rock's Final Markie Wrestlemania Match.... This match was the typical Stone Cold Rock match but the diffrence was that THe Rock was finally better than Austin and showed The People and Austin he was done.... Great match for Austin tho after having a very bad neck(Dang Owen R.I.P) and this match was the breaking point for him.... After Rock beat Austin he made the score between the Two 3-2

9.Money In The Bank-winner Mr. Kennedy(Wrestlemania 23)(Ten superstars in this match)- The biggest Ladder Match ever Ten participants going for a briefcase almost seems impossible. The Spots in this match will be unmatched only because of the injurys sustained int this match(Edge got dragged out on a stretcher after Jeff Hardy does a Sitting Senton off a 20 ft. Ladder thru a LAdder which took him out the match, and Randy Orton second serious shoulder injury happend in this match)....

10.Shawn Micheals vs Chris Jericho(Wrestlemaina XIX)-Comeback Wrestlemania for Shawn and Chris Jericho's best Wrestlemania match. With both men's style so similar with Jericho having the edge in submission is probably the greatest wrestling match that each superstar have kept up with each other for tit-4-tat in the Wrestlemania History since Bret vs Shawn.... Kurt and HBK go on to have the same type of match two years later but this one is great because both superstars almost mirror each other....
I'll pick one from each Mania, to be different :p

16 (aka WM2000): Hardyz vs Dudleyz vs E&C: oh the year 2000, when ending everything with a Z was cool. Although TLC didnt come around until Summerslam, this match really sparked the feud these 3 teams had during the year. It almost had a TLC feel to it. Really began the great chemistry they had with eachother as well.

17 (X Seven): Kane vs Raven vs Big Show: Hardcore Championship. With a full card of incredible matches (minus Chyna vs Ivory and the Gimmick BR) it was hard to chose. Back then, I loved hardcore wrestling and this match saw Raven getting thrown through a window, Kane looking rediculous driving a golf cart and some other sick bumps. CLose second is of course TLC 2 and Rock/Austin.

18: Growing up just outside of Toronto I would of died to see this one, but alas: no dice. Rock vs Hogan: The match itself was not that good, but the hype was incredible and everyone who walked out of the Skydome that night, talked about that match.

19: Brock Lesnar vs Kurt Angle: They've already wrestled a few times at this point, but Kurt was going in with a messed up neck and put on a 5 star match with Lesnar. Of course we cannot forget the botched Shooting Star...hard to believe it was Brock's finisher in OVW.

20: (obvious choice) Benoit vs HHH vs HBK: Need I say more? I marked out like crazy when Benoit won the belt, even more so at the finish with Eddie. Two of the best in ring performers in history finially get what they deserve.

21: Angle vs HBK. This is why he is called Mr. Wrestlemania. period.

22: Edge vs Foley: Even past his prime Foley steals the show.

23: in my opinion, the worst Wrestlemania EVER. Nothing stands out for me.

24: Undertaker vs Edge: Yet another terrible 'mania card

25: Taker vs HBK I

26: Taker vs HBK II
WrestleMania X-7: TLC 2
I prefer TLC 1, but this was still one of the best matches of the year, the first of my choices from WM17.

WrestleMania X-7: Triple H vs Undertaker
Probably the most entertaining Triple H match from any WM, albeit one he lost in. Great match.

WrestleMania X-7: Stone Cold vs The Rock
My personal favourite of the three encounters between the two. The heel turn from Austin, joining McMahon, end of the attitude era. Just a perfect way to end the show and end the era.

WrestleMania 18: Hollywood Hogan vs The Rock
The standout match from WM18, crowd were more into this than any other match i've ever seen, and thats what made it so special.

WrestleMania 19: Kurt Angle vs Brock Lesnar
The first and only WM main event for both these guys, title on the line and something we'd never seen before in Brock's Shooting Star Press. In a strange way botching it made it even more memorable.

WrestleMania 20: Triple H vs Chris Benoit vs Shawn Micheals
The only time I think of where a multi-man WM title match has worked. What a great match it was as well. The ending with Benoit and Eddie was truely a WrestleMania moment.

WrestleMania 22: Shawn Micheals vs Vince McMahon
Another personal favourite, imo the best match McMahon has been in of all time. Great story telling through out, good spots and great all rounder from two veterans.

WrestleMania 22: Edge vs Mick Foley
The last great hardcore match, a true classic provided a breath of fresh air into WrestleMania and a great way to both establish Edge as a true main eventer and give Foley his great WM match.

WrestleMania 24: Money in the Bank Ladder Match
Many will disagree here but this is my favourite MITB to date. Morrisons backflip with the ladder was the standout moment.

WrestleMania 25: Undertaker vs Shawn Micheals
The match that saved one of the worse WrestleManias of all time. This match alone is worth buying the DVD, classic match between two all time greats.
Wrong. The decade is 2001-2010. The first year was year 1. That means the first decade was 1-10, second decade was 11-20, then 21-30, 31-40 41-50...all the way up to 1981-90, 1991-2000 and, you guessed it, 2001-2010. By your definition of what the decade was, there would have have to have been either a decade that was only 9 years, or a year that repeated itself at some point. Neither of which occured. Why do you think the first post said the decade is coming to an end? That means you must remove the match from WrestleMania 2000 and replace it with a match from Wrestlemania XXVI. Thanks in advance.
(Normally it'd be no big deal and I'd let people use either 2000-2009 or 2001-10, since both are generally accepted, but to come on here and say you "can't" use one - the correct one, no less - is unacceptable.)

See above, as you are 100% wrong. Please explain to me which decade only had 9 years, or please explain to me which year occured twice. I know a lot about history and I've never heard of either one of those occuring. 2010 is the LAST year of this decade, NOT the first year of the next decade. Why do you think the first post said the decade is coming to an end? If you're going to be an a-hole, at least be right.

I hate to involve myself in a silly argument about the definition of decade but sometimes I can't help myself. A decade is a period of ten years. That is all. 1985-1994 was a decade. 1998-2007 was a decade. Typically when people speak of a decade they refer to the 70s, 80s, 90s, etc. Therefore it would be more logical to discuss manias 16-25 for this thread, but as I pointed out a decade is any ten year period 17-26 would be acceptable too. My list will be 16-25 and go in chronological order

Vince McMahon vs. Shane McMahon, WrestleMania X7: I wasn’t too happy about this match when it was announced. I’m happy to say I was wrong about that opinion. This match was filled with drama and the crowd ate it up. Classic mania moment.

Hulk Hogan vs. The Rock, WrestleMania X8: What can I say that hasn’t been said? The crowd made this an all time classic. Hogan hulking up after at the end was a great moment. Gives me chills every time I see it.

Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho, WrestleMania XIX: Great, great match. This is one of my all time favorites. HBK had returned to mania and Y2J was a great opponent. The crowd reaction built throughout the match and even I popped from my couch when HBK got the pin.

Hulk Hogan vs. Vince McMahon, WrestleMania XIX: Just goes to show you don’t need the greatest technical ability to put on a great match. I loved the surprise appearance by Piper. This was another one the crowd ate up. Maybe one day Daniel Bryan can improve enough to be able to tell such a compelling and emotional story in the ring.

Brock Lesnar vs. Kurt Angle, WrestleMania XIX: I admit it didn’t quite live up to my high expectations but this was still a damn fine match. You might have guessed by now WM19 was my favorite.

Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Benoit, WrestleMania XX: I don’t like triple threat title matches for mania but these three put on a hell of a match. Great emotion in the Garden when HHH finally tapped out.

Shawn Michaels vs. Kurt Angle, WrestleMania 21: I actually feel this match is overrated but I still think it was a great match. I don’t think it’s as great as it’s made out to be. I thought HBK vs. Y2J was better. It’s still good enough to crack the top ten of the decade.

Undertaker vs. Batista, WrestleMania 23: I honestly don’t know why I was surprised by how good this was. Both guys are capable performers and they stole the show that night.

Shawn Michaels vs. Ric Flair, WrestleMania 24: Like others on my list this is more story than action. The action was good, but it’s the story that puts this in the top ten.

Shawn Michaels vs. Undertaker, WrestleMania 25: I don’t think this is the be all end all of matches like some do but it was a great match and a true mania classic.
1. Wrestlemania 27- Streak v Career... Undertaker v HBK
This was THE match of THE decade. Even though they had a brilliant match the year before, with the stipulation of all time on the line, I don't think anyone wanted either of them to lose. No matter the outcome, the WWE would lose a great entertainer. In the end, we lost Mr. Wrestlemania, and to this day, we still are talking about it, and this will be a match that will be hard pressed to come close to for years and years to come.

2. Wrestlemania 24- Career Threatening Match..HBK v Ric Flair
So Flair had the gauntlet thrown down by VKM towards the end that if he lost any match, he'd be gone. He did a great job of getting himself saved, and then come WM time, he wanted to prove himself worthy. He then was put up against, his protege, and friend, and Mr. Wrestlemania, HBK. Both had everything on the line, HBK needed to live up to his own standard for the fans, but yet didn't want to lose his mentor. Flair wanted his protege to give it everything, and was torn internally about this, because he could lose it all. It was one of the hardest matches I could watch at that time. (Hindsight is 20/20 now...since he's in TNA.) But with that last shot, where he was begging HBK to give it his all, and when HBK mouthed 'I LOVE YOU' and hit that sweet chin music, there wasn't a dry eye in the house after that 3 count was hit.

3. Wrestlemania 20-Chris Benoit v HHH v HBK for WHC..
I was on the edge of my seat for this match. You had two close allies from past times in the ring, which you thought would give one of them the upper hand in a situation like this. Then you had the Rabid Wolverine, the seeming underdog, but you never discount his fierce aggression. The three of them were very evenly matched for the time. It was hard to say at first who was going to get it, since all were technically sound artists in the mat work. But then at the last second, you see that beautiful Crippler Crossface to HHH, and the Rabid Wolverine gets the victory. Even the post WM celebration with his family was a touching moment.

4. Wrestlemania 19-Brock Lesnar v Kurt Angle for WWE Championship..
This one was a goodie for me. Granted, I wasn't the biggest fan of Brock Lesnar. But him and Angle made for a GREAT match. Then you added the stip that the belt could change on a DQ and/or Count out, also upped the ante on that. So you knew both would be balls out for this. I think what got me most was when Lesnar went for a moonsault instead of covering Angle, and as he was finishing the flip, he clearly botched it and you could see him hit the mat in a very awkward and painful way on his head/neck. :wtf: OUCH! But, despite all that, Lesnar worked through and managed to gain the upper hand to pin the Gold Medal wrestler.

5. Wrestlemania 19-Stone Cold v The Rock..
What more can be said about these two? Two of the biggest icons in WWE, facing off on the grandest stage of all. It was a match up made in heaven. Of course, Austin, no stranger to his own Achilles heel, his leg braces, imemdiate targets for the Brahma Bull. Then, only as Rock can do, Rock proceeds to take SCSA's vest to do his own form of flattery. SCSA was none too pleased, since they say "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery," SCSA decided to give Rocky a Rock Bottom. Rock then hits back with a Stone Cold Stunner. Rock fails to make the full 3 count, after doing a fabulous People's Elbow. So what next? Rock Bottom! Not one, not twice, but three of them, which led to Rock winning the match.

6. Wrestlemania 22-Edge (w/Lita) v Mick Foley -Hardcore Match..
This ain't your average, everyday hardcore match kiddies. What do you get when you add tables, lighter fluid, tack, barbed wire, and matches? You get an amazingly grotesque amount of guts and determination from an ECW original to try to prove that he didn't sell out, when he goes up against the Rated R Superstar and his lovely girlfriend. Each person was balls to the wall in this match, and you were torn between covering your eyes, or keeping watch to see what would happen next. I think for me, the Barbie bat suddenly turned my stomach and I was floored by the sheer willpower Edge still had. As if they couldn't still go after the body slam into the tack, then I see Lita with the lighter fluid, and then :wtf: the table on fire, and Edge does his infamous SPEAR to the Hardcore legend into the table and getting the 3 count.

7. Wrestlemania 17- TLC 2 for the Tag Team Championship..Of course this was one of the coolest triangle TLC matches, I think for me, this one was better because it also involved the sidekicks of each of the tag groups as well. We had all seen Edge & Christian, Hardys, and Dudleys do their regular thing before on the regular programming and the previous year's WM. But then you added that extra factor of Spike, Rhyno, and Lita. It was a car wreck you all wanted to keep watching. No matter who won or lost, the audience at the arena, and at home would win for the sheer action alone.

8. Wrestlemania 21-Money In The Bank Ladder Match..
With entrants like Edge, Benoit, Kane, Christian, Jericho, Shelton Benjamin,
this was the first time we had ever seen this concept before. Of course there had been ladder matches before, but nothing with the priveleges like this. A guaranteed shot at a title for the next year. It was unheard of until just recently. Each one in that initial spot all great performers in their own right, put on a spectacular show that evening with so many ":wtf:" moments, and "Oh My God!" from the announcer tables that it is considered legendary enough to now garner its very own PPV. The first winner was Edge, and each one thereafter has gone on to change the face of the title belt when they cash it in.

9. Wrestlemania 22-HBK v Vince McMahon..
I don't know if some people may like this one or not, but I was a fan of this. To me, it showed HBK's resiliency, and his grace under pressure, his ability to keep faith, and to always believe in oneself. It was basically a battle against VKM when McMahon was putting him down, and belittling him in a way, and questioning HBK's integrity, etc. This was before the re-formation of DX back in Summer of '06. However, the constant henpecking from VKM, and HBK trying to retaliate without going against his beliefs led to this amazing fight. It was a no holds barred, and HBK went all out to keep to his beliefs when Vince was trying enforce 'McMahon-ism.' :disappointed: But anyways, HBK basically beat the sense back into him, and threw him onto a table after putting a trash can on him, then ascended a tall ladder, and gave the infamous DX crotch chop, and his flying elbow drop, and won. It was the essential 'Good v Evil' match, and like the saying goes, 'Good can conquer evil.' I did enjoy seeing HBK perform that night.

10. Wrestlemania 23-ECW Originals v New Breed..
Okay, so maybe this isn't in EVERYONE's top list, but this was on it for me. I always liked ECW. I was glad to see them get some press on the grandest stage of all. Even though it was the watered down version of the ECW many of us knew and loved, I was happy to see some of the originals on the BIG stage living out this dream.
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1. Wrestlemania 27- Streak v Career... Undertaker v HBK
Pssstt... It was Wrestlemania 26

Wrestlemania 2000: Triangle Ladder Match

The reason I didn't go with the WM 17 edition was because this one came first. My God, I was just absolutely blown away by the stuff these guys did to themselves. I had seen Carlos Colon in Inferno Matches, I had seen Abdullah The Butcher stab countless people with a fork and of course your standard ECW hardcoreness. But when I saw this match... I drooled.

Wrestlemania X-Seven: Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit

Murder/Suicide aside, I was a diehard for Benoit. And Angle had shown to be a hell of a wrestler in just one year. This did not disappoint in the least. During that particular time period, it was rare to see mat wrestling like that. Then the match completely changed into a brawl and finally, it turned personal. This one match went through many layers that would normally take multiple matches. Basically you saw an entire feud develop across one particular match.

Wrestlemania X-Seven: "Stone Cold" Steve Austin vs The Rock

The sheer amount of star power jammed into this match alone makes it stand out. Then you see the actual match and you see Broadway for men. These two had mad chemistry for storytelling. And it was no different in the ring.

Wrestlemania X8: Triple H vs Chris Jericho

This may seem like an odd choice, but back then when this feud developed i really felt for Triple H. The story heading into the match was great by itself. The epic comeback of The Game. Then you add the estranged marriage and Chris Jericho targeting the quad. Triple H did such a fantastic job selling the quad that I actually thought he was screwed and it was torn again. The match, by story alone was just awesome in my book. The win in the end was also truly heart felt for me.

Wrestlemania XIX: Hulk Hogan vs Mr. McMahon


That picture was worth a thousand words. The brutality and the emotion that went into this match could make any wrestling skeptic believe Hogan and McMahon were tremendous wrestlers.

Wrestlemania 22: Edge vs Mick Foley

I never expected much from this match, but just like the Triangle Ladder Match, the stuff these guys did to each other was unbelievable. The flaming table spot and Edge quivering like if he just got defrosted were truly unbelievable sights.

Wrestlemania 22: Rey Mysterio vs Kurt Angle vs Randy Orton

This was a very fun 3-way match. I actually liked it more than the previous one at WMXX. The 3 different styles the guys brought to the table blended well and the match was kept pretty short and sweet. In my eyes, the way any 3-Way match should be played.

Wrestlemania 22: Triple H vs John Cena

Back then I was huge on both these guys. But one thing that springed to my mind was that Triple H was just too superior to Cena and that Cena wouldn't stand a chance. It just made me curious to see how Cena would fare against such a major player. Boy did it deliver and it made Cena look like absolute gold. Plus the awesome entrances really added a new level of spectacle to Wrestlemania.

Wrestlemania XXIV: Finlay vs JBL

The story was just all levels of stupid. But my God could these two do hardcore wrestling. Suicide Dives and trashcan lids make awesome combination's.

Wrestlemania 25: The Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels

The epicness of this match was truly unbelievable. The drama in the match was amazing. I was biting my nails every time there was a pin cover. I thought 'Taker was screwed after the botched Plancha. These guys wrestled to the point that they ran out of moves. I was wondering "what will they do now?" Truly the perfect blend of great story telling and great match psychology.
This definitely is a great thread. I'm going to do this in reverse chronological order, which means most recent to the past.

Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels- WrestleMania 26

I look to my degrees, and I can honestly say "Wow, I didn't know I was dumb until today." Seriously however, I disagree with this completely. Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels II is personally my favorite WrestleMania match between the two of them for several reasons. 1) There was a lot more on the line in the match. Therefore, the drama was just that much more intense. 2) I liked the pace of the match better. It was slower, but sometimes, that is a good thing. 3) It was a perfect ending for Shawn Michaels' career, literally slapping the face of death before the end. Personal taste being what personal taste is, I prefer the encounter from WrestleMania 26 to 25. That's not taking anything away from their match at WrestleMania 25.

Oops! Sorry for the dumb remark. Maybe I should have found a better phrase, I'll edit it later. Anyway, I kinda believe it's overrated because while it was wasn't THAT good to be called by many as the greatest Wrestlemania main event ever. Then again, we are entitled to our own opinion. But I believe both Shawn Michaels and Undertaker have had greater Wrestlemania matches than this one, worthy of being called the best.

Again, I apologize for the stupid remark.
WrestleMania XXV: Shawn Michaels v. The Undertaker:
Match of the Year. This match stole the show, and it wasn't even the main event. People WENT to WrestleMania to see this match. It told the story of good vs. evil. The two World Championship matches simply couldn't follow.

WrestleMania XXIV: Edge v. The Undertaker:
This was definitely one of the best WRESTLING matches in recent WrestleMania memory. There were definitely a lot of times where I thought Edge might actually win. He had a counter for almost every one of The Undertaker's moves. It was also nice to see Undertaker win by using the Gogoplata instead of the Tombstone that everyone always expects.

WrestleMania X8: The Rock v. Hollywood Hulk Hogan:
"Icon v. Icon" A dream match. A match most people thought they'd never see. The crowd was clearly behind Hogan during this match, despite him being aligned as a hell with the nWo. I loved this match, and it was seen as a "passing of the torch" by many.

WrestleMania 21: Shawn Michaels v. Kurt Angle:
Definitely THE WrestleMania match of the decade. I loved seeing these two go at it in a classic wrestling match. Mr. WrestleMania and Mr. Submission one-on-one. One of my favorite matches of the decade.

WrestleMania XIX: Shawn Michaels v. Chris Jericho:
Another "passing of the torch" match. Shawn and Jericho took each other to the limit in this match. One of the greatest displays of technical wrestling during that night.

WrestleMania 23: Shawn Michaels v. John Cena:
Shawn Michaels... This man constantly puts over talent. Very few can say they've made Shawn Michaels submit, let alone on the Grandest Stage of them All. John Cena can say that. What made this match so special was that everyone expected HBK to win. Everyone WANTED HBK to win. Cena winning made it that much more special.

WrestleMania 2000: Edge & Christian v. The Hardy Boyz v. The Dudley Boyz:
These three teams revolutionized the Ladder match. This was definitely the defining moment in their careers up until this point. I enjoyed every minute of it. Plus, it led to the TLC match at SummerSlam.

WrestleMania XIX: Vince McMahon v. Hulk Hogan:
These two men showed us all that you don't need a fancy moveset to have a good match at Mania. While Vince may not be a trained wrestler, he definitely had one of the best matches and rivalries with this man.

WrestleMania XX: Chris Benoit v. Shawn Michaels v. Triple H:
A feel-good match for everyone. This was Benoit's thank you from the WWE for all he's done for the business. It was also a well deserved match. Many thought at one point that Benoit was out of the match after being double-teamed by Triple H and Shawn Michaels, only for him to come back and make the former submit with the Crippler Crossface to become a Two-Time World Champion.

WrestleMania XIX: Brock Lesnar v. Kurt Angle
This match was another dream match. The NCAA Champion v. The Olympic Champion. Both men put their bodies on the line in this match, and the finish even had to be rushed. But, these two had one hell of a match.

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