You would do it too.. And you know it

really the thing about Triple H is that I believe people are jealous.....ppl wish they could marry their bosses daughter and still be a someone stated earlier he was a success before he married her....he has this in his blood with or without the McMahon family....if he would have been fired for marrying Steph or something crazy like that people would be bitching about how great he was and this and that.....people love to hate on someone because its the thing to how everyone loves to hate Cena.....I personally dont find him that bad....sure he could use a gimmick change but it just seems like he is a natural face, and people wanna hate because its the 'thing' to do....I think a lot of the hatred comes from jealousy, but another thing that also urked me was him being champion at the age of 40....true he hasnt been champion since last April....but I think it should stay like that....I mean these guys arent gonna be around forever so just enjoy them and stop actin like little girls
One thing with HHH that seems to get overlooked/forgotten about is if you look back to a lot of his matches in the Attitude era, and I'm not saying it was always him exclusively, how many he times he literally bled for the company. Seriously.
Royal Rumble 2000 against Cactus Jack is one stand-out for me seeing as he wrestled maybe half the match with a big gash in his calf that affected his balance, but not his performance.
Now if it were true that HHH had such a free and easy ride to the top of the WWE mountain, then surely some kudos must go to him for STILL getting involved in some of the most brutal matches in one of WWE's most brutal periods? Like him or not, the guy is a tough sonofabitch (who also has some under-rated mic skills I feel)
But has that not been an issue for top stars for years now? Brock Lesnar put over maybe 3 or 4 stars while there. Hogan only a few also. Cena has not lost a one on one, no interference, pinned 1-2-3 in a standard match in.. well.. I'm not sure how long now.

So i dont know why all the HHH hate, and not as much on the rest.

yes yes totally agree i cannot remember the last time cena lost in a clean decision....supercena doesn't lose unless he's jumped or bashed repeatadly with a chair..then give a thumbs up when he's carted out on a stretcher..lame...triple h on the other hand has lost alot of matches...he put over jericho he put over the rock he put over austin...batisa beat him orton beat him and sheamus is profiting over "ending his career" hell i remember the game losing to jeff hardy for the IC title back when he teamed with austin...he lost to jeff hardy...triple h was my favorite guy to watch in the attitude era and you know what? id bang stephanie too...what he did was brialliant and now he's got 3 kids with her...his legacy is sealed and when vince goes and the mcmahon helmsley faction is in charge of wwe...well get ready for the attitude era again boys

if anyone doesn't put over guys its supercena...hell look at summerslam and raw...cena is beat to hell by jericho and edge yet still gets in and takes out the two top nexus guys like it was nothing...he jumped up after getting ddt'd on the CONCRETE and got up like it didn't hurt and was the sole survivor....then the next night suprise suprise supercena is the only guy to get a win over nexus...orton takes a loss edge takes a loss jericho morrison r truth all job to nexus but does supercena???? does he further push a guy to keep the nexus momentum going?? heeeeeeell no he don't same triple h doesn't put anyone over when supercena is practically goldberg
He doesn't want to put people over, are u sure? If u beat Triple H (not hit him, but beat him), consider yourself at least a future 3-time World Champion. Remember what he said to Sheamus at Raw before Wrestle Mania "If you beat me, your career will fly..". You get the point. Undertaker put CM punk over, and now punk is a great heel but no material. However, when Benoit, Orton, and even batista defeated Triple H, theve reached somewhere high, because if you beat triple H you get an ultimate appropriate push (better than giving them the champion itself in my opinion)
Im as big as fan of HHH youll find cause of the HBK connection....But someone said he hasnt been hogging the main event since summer of last year...a couple people thats true..But mainley The Miz and Nexus and a lil of Sheamus cause Trips has been injured alot..

but not complaining seeing as the miz is like my 2nd fav guy
I believe Triple H would've had a great career regardless of who he married.Yeah it doesnt hurt to be married into the McMahon family,but its hard for me to believe the guy wouldnt have been one of the best wrestlers of the new millenium.The only thing I think would be different is Triple H wouldnt have stayed on top of the title picture as long as he has(I personally dont have a problem with it)after about 2006 I think Triple H wouldve started to fade out of the Main Event picture if he didnt have pull.From 99' till about 06-07 I think Triple H would have won several world titles anyway.The guy is where he belongs in wrestling history and I have no problem with him sticking around 5 or more years and surpassing Flair's title count I think hes earned it.
As compared to who? because if you say Cena, or Orton, or anyone such as that, then you are sadly mistaken my friend. If you read the post made by Davi, you would have seen that HHH has not been in the Main Event in a long time now.

*sigh* Sorry, English isn't my first language, and I tend to screw up my intent when writing sometimes. I don't dislike HHH because I think he's hogging the spotlight. The man just doesn't appeal to me as a wrestler.
Hey look, a pro-Triple H thread. Cool.

You know, as much as I get on the guy about not putting others over, and being an egotistical jerk who laughs in the pain of others...I do respect him. I do like him. And I've honestly not given a whole lot of thought to who will take over the company when Vince leaves, but Triple H does seem like a good choice. Shane seems to be doing his own thing, and I honestly don't know if he has the creative mind to carry on the entirety of the WWE... Honestly, if Hunter and Stephanie are still married, and they probably will be because money is a pretty powerful force in their industry... I think they could really be an effective pair running the WWE. We are of course, assuming that World Wrestling Entertainment will still be around in 20ish years...

Triple H has had a great career. I have no doubt that he would have had a great career without marrying the Billion Dollar Princess. I also have no doubt that he wouldn't have had AS many accolades without the union... But that's ok. That's what marrying the bosses daughter, and being a huge part of the family gets you. I don't hold anything against him, nor would I ever claim that he married or completely to be the best in the business...but I'm sure it crossed his mind.

And it's not as if Triple H has NEVER put anybody over. Look at our current WWE Champion. He was a joke until Triple H. Remember that the Game trained and scouted Sheamus. The whole thing is his baby. He saw what we didn't in the man, and now he's a great and dominant heel champion on Raw. No, Triple H didn't take the loss at WrestleMania, but I think that was the best decision in the end. We were already pissed about him beating Cena and not being legit enough to do so just yet. How would a win at Mania REALLY have looked at that stage in the game? We all say it would have made him more legit, but I think I would have been more mad than anything. Triple H wins at mania, so's his thing. But he's still given us Sheamus, and did put him over with a loss, AND with half a year of his career... That's nothing to scoff at...
I don't mind HHH Being a Multi Time World Champion, as mentioned, He was a 3 time Champion before Steph Came along, and Stephanie made the first move on him, By The Way, so She got them together, and Did Hunter Take The P*ss with his chance? Maybe, But The point is, Had he not Got with Steph, different guys may have been pushed, but Orton, 'Tista and Sheamus wouldn't, Is is a good or bad thing? That's a matter of opinion.

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