You own WWE now. What will you do with it?

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Here is a shocker....I would first and atmost reopen WCW.. The older version of it when it was more wrestleing. Open it on Prime Time and Live. Monday Nights at that. On USA Networks from 6 to 8 central timezone. That would be 4 great live hours of wrestleing. Established names will be refitted. Give the new talent their first chance of live TV there. Like people from Ohio training camp. Some bigger names like the 5 time champ Booker T, Steiner'S, Sting, Flair. Bishoff to run it strait down the line. No Vince...
ECW to follow the ways of the founder. Heyman to run the show, not the buisness aspect though. Live and learn..
WWE...Some rules to imply. No more DQ's to keep a belt or belts. Plain and simple. TNA has that going for them.
RAW to go to the source. The fans. Let them vote. Let them be heard. Hire real fans to write the story lines on how the fans vote.
Smackdown...Special ring. Still prerecorded. Think of it as OMG wrestleing.. Anywhere from Hell in a cell matches, elimination chambers, TLC, and a new The Damned Cell. An idea I have the consist of 3 chain link cells that go 3 levels up. Almost like the old WCW version but highly upgraded. No real story lines. Just good ol ass kicking. In all ways.
i'd break ecw off & not have it attached to raw or smackdown

i'd unify the brands again

i'd attempt to bring back : lesnar, vkm & bring in aj styles

i'd re-invent the tag team division

i'd give the cruseiweigts more time on air

i'd bring back king of the ring - winner faces champ at summerslam

i'd use the undertaker sparringly

kane would retire

batista would be heel

i'd take the title of cena, giving it edge

top guys : edge, orton, lashley, kennedy, rvd, aj styles & batista

i'd bring back more attitude, as it seems to have lost some

thats all i can think of
Here's what I would do;

1: Have The Undertaker win the World Heavyweight Title, and go on to feud with Kane, and Kane ending up with the WHT.

2: Make the Women's Division, and the Tag Team Division-Cross branded. One set of tag team titles, and all teams competing on both shows.

3: Bring Heyman back. Stick ECW on a channel like HBO, and bring back the good ol' hardcore wrestling that made ECW what it was.

4: Move Cena to Smackdown, and back to the Mid Card position.

5: Push Finlay. Give him the US Title, and he turns around, and changes it to the European title, thus giving him a new Anti-USA gimmick to help him over w/ the crowd.

6: More gimmick matches. These days, people like violence over traditional wrestling matches. TLC, Cage, Ladder matches. Not often, then there would be no reason to watch ECW.

That's about it.
Here's what I would do;

1: Have The Undertaker win the World Heavyweight Title, and go on to feud with Kane, and Kane ending up with the WHT.

2: Make the Women's Division, and the Tag Team Division-Cross branded. One set of tag team titles, and all teams competing on both shows.

3: Bring Heyman back. Stick ECW on a channel like HBO, and bring back the good ol' hardcore wrestling that made ECW what it was.

4: Move Cena to Smackdown, and back to the Mid Card position.

5: Push Finlay. Give him the US Title, and he turns around, and changes it to the European title, thus giving him a new Anti-USA gimmick to help him over w/ the crowd.

6: More gimmick matches. These days, people like violence over traditional wrestling matches. TLC, Cage, Ladder matches. Not often, then there would be no reason to watch ECW.

That's about it.

why? he's a main eventer these days and sells more merchandise than anyone in the company, and has a #1 dvd in the country and is extremely over with the fans.

Why in the world, would you depush a ME superstar like John Cena back to the mid-card?
i would do the following

1. Sign Tenacious D and let them perform on every RAW episode

2. Sign Sting, Eric Young, AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Chris Sabin, Jay Lethal, Alex Shelley and VKM.

3. Take TNA outta Buisness

4. Cm Punk to Raw and Sabu to Smackdown

5. Create a Match called Urban Wrestling were the only way to win is to climb a ladder get the Stick on fire at the top and Set a fan on fire

6. make a Live Sex show wher you can actually see the two women having sex
i would do the following

1. Sign Tenacious D and let them perform on every RAW episode

2. Sign Sting, Eric Young, AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Chris Sabin, Jay Lethal, Alex Shelley and VKM.

3. Take TNA outta Buisness

4. Cm Punk to Raw and Sabu to Smackdown

5. Create a Match called Urban Wrestling were the only way to win is to climb a ladder get the Stick on fire at the top and Set a fan on fire

6. make a Live Sex show wher you can actually see the two women having sex

Okay...okay...let's see...where to start about this, where to start.

Num 1, 5, and 6 would never, ever, ever happen. Are you serious, a live sex show? That's just stupid man, that's what porn is for, we already have enough of the diva eye candy do we really need porn as well? Reinvent the XPW or something if you want that. Second of all, your urban wrestling match idea makes absolutely no sense. Set a fan on fire? First of all thats illegal. Second of all thats illegal. Third of all nobody is going to want to go sit at front row of a match where the fans get set on fire. Infact, nobody would ever sign off on that and WWE would get sued so many times they'd become bankrupt. So, your goal is to kill WWE than?

If I had the damn company, I'd do every single thing that Kane241 said, plus do some serious pushing of younger talent such as Shelton & Hardy. Also, bring back the classic attitude era, bring back Vince Russo even to try and recapture that feeling, if it didn't work than toss him cause his WCW ideas were ridiculious.
bring back stone cold and the rock- the two superstars that kept the wwe alive and give the strap to shelton benjamin and a major push to cm punk
If I was the owner.....(I'd be lovin' it!)

1. Brock Lesnar, Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, Grand Master Sexy, Rikishi, The Dudley Boyz, Christian, and Kurt Angle would all be in the WWE.

2. Run TNA out of business.

3. Make all of the superstars on all the shows.

4. Take ECW and give it to heyman and the origionals, make that an only ECW show, and make it like it used to be. (No pyro, no video screens, a shitty ring, the announcer table be just a normal table, nothing more, and make extreme matches that weren't boring.

5. Release Eugene, Jim Duggan, Lance Cade, Trevor Murdoch, The Highlanders, The Great Khali, Val Venis, Viscera, Cherry, Dave Taylor, Deuce, Domino, The Little Bastard, The Miz, Sharmell, Vicky Guerrero, Ariel, Kevin Thorn, and some of the OVW/DSW people, along with some storyline writers.

6. Bring back the Badass Undertaker, Hulk Hogan, and Triple H in his old gimmicks, no DX, no Evolution.

7. Titles would be the WWE Title, European, Intercontinental, HaRdCoRe, Tag Team, Crusierweight, United States Champion, and thats it!

8. No GM's, just a commissioner, most likely Mick Foley.

9. Less talk time and filler, more match.

10. More matches with less strict rules.

just the preliminary stuff, filled in more later
If I was the owner.....(I'd be lovin' it!)

1. Brock Lesnar, Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, Grand Master Sexy, Rikishi, The Dudley Boyz, Christian, and Kurt Angle would all be in the WWE.

no, no, and ECW.

2. Run TNA out of business.


3. Make all of the superstars on all the shows.


4. Take ECW and give it to heyman and the origionals, make that an only ECW show, and make it like it used to be. (No pyro, no video screens, a shitty ring, the announcer table be just a normal table, nothing more, and make extreme matches that weren't boring.


5. Release Eugene, Jim Duggan, Lance Cade, Trevor Murdoch, The Highlanders, The Great Khali, Val Venis, Viscera, Cherry, Dave Taylor, Deuce, Domino, The Little Bastard, The Miz, Sharmell, Vicky Guerrero, Ariel, Kevin Thorn, and some of the OVW/DSW people, along with some storyline writers.

no and no.

6. Bring back the Badass Undertaker, Hulk Hogan, and Triple H in his old gimmicks, no DX, no Evolution.

yes, no and yes.

7. Titles would be the WWE Title, European, Intercontinental, HaRdCoRe, Tag Team, Crusierweight, United States Champion, and thats it!


8. No GM's, just a commissioner, most likely Mick Foley.

I suppose...what is the point?

9. Less talk time and filler, more match.

yes and no.

10. More matches with less strict rules.


just the preliminary stuff, filled in more later

can't wait.
i would keep it the same. most fans like it how it is. ill make more money that way.
First thing i would do would be run TNA out of buisness..then id


AJ Styles(TNA)
Samoa Joe (TNA)
Teddy Hart(WSX)
Jack Evans (WSX)
Abyss (TNA)
Tajiri(Free Agent)

Torrie Wilson(she sucks...absouletly nothing original...)
Whoever came up with the King Booker gimmick
Shannon Moore
The Miz
Scotty 2 Hotty (sucks without his partner from 2000)
any cruiserweight thats useless and cant be hardcore

after i did that id bring back WCW and have a WCW and ECW fued id most likely give Burke and Striker to WCW so that WCW can have two good young talent..... the rest of WCW roster would consist of originals and newcomers like Evans and Hart from WSX then id most likely make ECW 2 and a half hours long and make it ECWCW....and it would just be fued matches.. then i would have 7 titles......WWE, WHC,ECWCW, IC,Euro,Tag (interpromotional) and Hardcore...the champs would be

WWE (Raw):Randy Orton
ECWCW:Marcus Cor Von
Tag(IP):Cryme Tyme

After all that i would most likely make a new match alot like the MITB ladder match but have it with 15 guys...and u have to get the suitcase and pin 3 other contestants..if the one with the suitcase gets pinned the one who pinned him now must pin three...

My top Competitors for each title would be

ECWCW:Abyss,Punk,Scott Hall (in shape)
IC:Evans,Nitro,Carlito,Benjamin(for now)
Euro:Finlay,Booker T(not king),MVP,Batista
Hardcore:T. Hart,Sandman, Sabu, RVD

Announce Team would consist of three:JBL,Ross,Mike Tenay
make ppv free lol who can afford them owning wwe you would make enough money. make ecw \, raw and smackdown combine but keep the timeslots they got like sci fi and w/e else its on. and just make each show interpromotional but you can only compete on one show a week (interfere as much as you want). unify all titles so you got wwe title light heavyweight, tag titles, womens title, cruserweight and add a hardcore title with the 24/7 rule. put heyman back as gm of ecw. make someone like dusty rhodes gm of raw. quit chickening out and take vkm(tna) on there offer and send hhh when he gets back and rey mysterio to take um on.get rid of the move ban. get rid of umaga khali and jimmy wang yang's gimmick. and just pay attention to what the fans want. no crap with donald trump in it.
i would probably leave the wwe alone as someone else before me had is doin good for itself right now.the only thing i would change is i would drop ecw and split the stars between shows.also i would make smackdown a tad bit better.
Wrestlemania is the perfect time to shuffle things around. I'm taking over and i'm pissed with ppv buy rates, so no more bull crap. Now this is what I would do realistically with what we have. Sure i'd love to pluck TNA guys and put them in the roster, but that won't happen. But on a side note, if I was in charge of WWE I would offer TNA a buyout to make it go away.

I'm keeping the 3 brands now. Somehow I manage to get ECW Two hours, I move Smackdown to cable on Thursday nights and we go Live with each show so spoilers don't leek online. *cough, i never read those.

3 shows, 3 general managers. Raw = Eric Bischoff. The man is an asshole, but the man gets ratings. People love to hate him. ECW = Was and should always be Paul Heyman. Smackdown = Mick Foley, get this guy on TV and behind a microphone.

Divas: Fire everyone of them and make them pass a physical so they can come back.
Superstars: Drug test, if they fail, they are fired, simple as that. so i'd lose over half the roster right away.
Raw: WWE Champion Shawn Michaels, IC Champion Carlito, Women's Champion: Disbanded until actual wrestlers show up. Tag Team Champions, Cryme Tyme.
Smackdown: WHC: The Undertaker, US Champion MVP, Tag Team Champions, not sure.
ECW: ECW Champion: RVD, Tag Team Champions= World's greatest tag team, Now the ECW TV title I would rename, but I would bring it back and merge it with the Cruiserweight Division. ECW would be the new home of the CW's, but the belt would be more of a Hardcore/X-Div. title, no weight limits though. I'd put that bad boy on CM Punk

For ECW I would try to place all the cruiserweights and more hardcore guys onto the show. Make it almost like TNA.
Raw-Make it more mat wrestling and back to the Attitude Raw feel. Put guys on there that can cut a promo.
Smackdown-mostly gimmick characters. Smackdown has always been the more cartoonish of the two, so put character wrestlers on there.

I would make the brands completly territorial where they have defined places that they travel. One be a West coast brand, the other an East coast. Build tension between the two and it will do better for intepromotianal matchups. I would make ECW Extremely territorial. It only visits small arenas and has that small show feel like the old ECW. Have ECW do absolutly nothing with the WWE, which means no ECW at the Big 4 PPV's. ECW becomes entirely exclusive, but wrestlers can be subjected to trades and drafts.

Now all of this is going to fall apart, since half of the ECW originals will be in TNA by the end of the year. So when this happens, I'm going to fold ECW like a deck of cards. If buy rates do not increase by the end of the year, I destroy the brand extension. What better way then on the anniversary of Wrestlemania 4. By the end of the year if the brands have not improved, there will be a 16 man tournament at WM24 to determine once again, an undisputed champion. This will last until enough talent emerges to right the ship again. That's a merger between all the world titles, 2nd tier titles and tag titles.
The New WWE

Main Titles
  • WWE (Raw)
  • World Heavyweight (SD)
  • Extreme Champion (ECW)

Interpromotional Championships
  • World Tag Team
  • Womans Championship
  • Hardcore
  • Intercontinental Championship
  • United States Championship
  • Cruiserwieght Championship
  • European Championship

Brand Extension will be disbanded but each show will be represented by its main champion.
Only one tag team belt meaning there will be far more competition for the belts. Also there will be less of two singles superstars combing together and more of proper tag teams.
Emphesis will be placed on the reformation of the full DX and Ministry causing a split in the roster giving superstars who are less able a push in the business.
More realistic and in some cases more far out gimmicks are to be made.
There will be at most 12 PPVs per year as well as less live events enabling personal free time for superstars.
New rule that if a champion looses his/her rematch then they are placed on the bottom of the contenders ladder and have to work their way up back into #1 contendership

Suggested Champions:
RAW- Triple H
SmackDown- Randy Orton
ECW- Chris Benoit

Major Pushes for:
Jimmy Wang Yang, Kenedy, MVP, Kane, Ashley, Shannon Moore (SD)
Carlito, Chris Masters, Cryme Tyme, Shelton Benjamin, Victoria (RAW)
Sandman, Elijah Burke, CM Punk (ECW)

Overated I.M.O.I
  • Sabu
  • Rey Mysterio
  • Hardcore Holly
  • Kahli
  • Jeff Hardy
  • Ric Flair
  • Super Crazy
  • Chavo Guerrero
  • Matt Hardy
  • Joey Mercury
  • The Miz

  • Paul Birchill
  • La Resistance (Rene Dupree, Sylvan Grenier, Rob Conway)
  • Kurt Angle
  • Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray and D-Von)
  • AJ Styles
  • Christian
  • Chris Jericho
  • New Age Outlaws (Billy Gun Road Dogg and Xpac)
  • Christy Hemme
  • Too Cool (Rikishi and Grand Master Sexay)
  • Cactus Jack/Mankind/Mick Foley
    • Jazz
    • Raven
    • Tajiri

    Other Champions

    World Tag Team- Hardy Boyz
    Womans Championship- Victoria or Jazz
    Hardcore- Raven
    Intercontinental Championship- Chris Jericho
    United States Championship- Shelton Benjamin
    Cruiserwieght Championship- Kid Kash
    European Championship- William Regal

    Dream Championship Matches
    WWE Championship: Triple H (heel) w/ Ric Flair vs Undertaker (face) w/ Paul Berrer
    World Heavyweight: Randy Orton (face) vs Batista (heel)
    Extreme Championship: Chris Benoit (face) vs Sandman (heel)

    Hope you enjoy comment me back
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