You would do it too.. And you know it


Occasional Pre-Show
The IWC always seems to have it's issues when dealing with Superstars.

But for the most part from what I have read around here, there seems to be a lot of hate for one man. Triple H. The main issues people seem to have are that he doesn't put anyone over, he has won too many World Titles, he uses his pull in the back too much. The list goes on. But you really have to look into the facts of it first. HHH married Stephanie on October 25, 2003. Thats right, 2003. He was still dating Chyna up until 2000. Do you know what he had done by the time they split? Here's the list.

3 time WWF champion
2 time Intercontinental Champion
2 time WWF European Champion
1997 King of the Ring.

So are you telling me that he wasn't already on his way to having a great career by the time he started dating Stephanie? Because you're wrong. Now granted yes, those numbers, as well as a few other titles came into play after, But who among us can say they wouldn't do the same is we had the chance? If i had the chance to sleep with my bosses daughter, and have it help my career? HELL YEAH I'D DO IT! You'd have to be slightly ******ed not to if given the chance. I for one applaud HHH for what he has done. Going from being in Vince McMahon's dog house, to being his Son-in-Law. People say he has not helped put people over, and well on screen this can be true at times, but look behind the scenes. Randy Orton, Dave Batista, and most recent, Sheamus. All people HHH picked to get the "rub" from him, and look where their careers went.

I seen a few Pro-Cena people complain about HHH on here. Now if that aint some hypocritical crap, then I don't know what is. There is no differance from what HHH did in 2002 on Raw, and what Cena does now. While people like Cena, and Miz may indeed be out promoting the company, and doing some really good PR work, which by all means is great for the company, HHH has studied how things work on a day to day basis. Has studied how to work the books, how to run the juggernaut that is the WWE. Learning from the master himself, Vince McMahon, He's now in the position that when Vince does kick the bucket (lets face it.. thats the only way he'd step aside) the company will be ran by his daughter, Stephanie, and her husband, HHH. I know people say Shane will get it, but Shane left for a reason. Wants to distance himself from the company, where as Steph has become more involved. Personally I think Shane left due to Vince saying something about HHH/Steph getting the company in his Will, but who knows.

But i digress, it's good that WWE has people like Cena and Miz doing that work outside, but i credit HHH for doing what he is as well, so that when Vince finally does go, we will still have the WWE around to entertain us, and people like Miz and John will still have a place to work.

Now I have finished my rant, I'll leave the floor to you all.
Just thought it would be nice to see a Pro-HHH thread on here for once.
Thoughts and comments always appreciated.
I have always loved Triple H as a competitor and a wrestler. He has put on many classic matches. He truly loves the sport of wrestling and is willing to work hard to make himself a main event superstart whether its a face or a heel. My problem with Triple H is he is an attention hog. Whenever Triple H is wrestling he always has to be in the main event going after the title. He is unwilling to put over younger superstars or give someone else a push unless it gets him a title out of it. He wish he just do what he does best and put on good matches instead of trying to beat records (having more championship titles then Ric Flair). More title reigns doesn't necessarily mean a better a wrestler. The only time he isn't in the title picture is when he is a part of Degeneration X.
The only problem I have with Triple H is the fact that he doesn't put anyone over as you mentioned! He doesn't seem to enjoy losing to midcarders. For example, the only time DX lost to Legacy was when HBK tapped out. When they lost to Miz and Big Show, Miz pinned HBK not him. Hell, Sheamus didn't even get a clean win cause he injured him before the match!
But has that not been an issue for top stars for years now? Brock Lesnar put over maybe 3 or 4 stars while there. Hogan only a few also. Cena has not lost a one on one, no interference, pinned 1-2-3 in a standard match in.. well.. I'm not sure how long now.

So i dont know why all the HHH hate, and not as much on the rest.
But has that not been an issue for top stars for years now? Brock Lesnar put over maybe 3 or 4 stars while there. Hogan only a few also. Cena has not lost a one on one, no interference, pinned 1-2-3 in a standard match in.. well.. I'm not sure how long now.

Lesnar only had 2 years in the E

Cena is the top guy who is a superhero nice guy, so he can only put people over by giving them a rub with partnerships and biggin them up on the mic.

Hogan was a little bitch in that sense but hes making up for it now in TNA by pushing their young guys.

Trips is a great worker (IMO i think he has the same move limitations as Cena) and it great as a heel aswell as having a great look.
However, we all know that he WILL NOT put people over and does hog the main event keeping the young guys out.
This issue isnt a wrestling one, it is personal, unproffesional and outright dissrespectful.
Thats y we all think hes a prick.
I see many of your points about HHH not putting people over, but he has indeed put several people over in his time, look at Sheamus, Jeff Hardy, Batista, Edge (Even more then what he already was), Randy Orton,hell even Chris Benoit among several others.

Triple H has put people over without others realising it, sure he married the bosses daughter and has had a massive championship history put together but you can not deny that this guy does put people over, no matter who ever gets into the ring with him he gets them over, he is one of the most hard working people out there, he has earned what he has achieved.
However, we all know that he WILL NOT put people over and does hog the main event keeping the young guys out.

Again I bring up the names of Orton, Batista, Sheamus. All 3 of them were going nowhere, untill they became buddies with him backstage, He went to Vince and had Vince throw together the angle with them. I'd say thats putting them over. Each one of them beat him. For some of them, more then once.
yes i can see how wrong i am

but should u have guys put forward just because they r your friend or because they r great wrestlers? (im not saying orton isnt totally ddeserving, he is 1 of the best out there)

and when he does put people over we r never led to believe that he is shitter than anyone else
im sure for every loss hes had from an up-and-comer hes had 3 wins / beatdowns for them.

i just feel that if u have this talent and luck, y use unfair backstage politics?
Because that's the way the business works. You have to claw, backstab, and kiss ass to get to the top. That's why I say HHH is probably the smartest man in the WWE, because he is the one man Vince can not just get rid of at any min due to him being family now.
He has put enough people over, more people than Cena...If he was really a prick, he would have been undefeated at WrestleMania...

He put guys over at WrestleMania, He lost to Batista at 21, at 22, he lost to Cena..I have to admit during 2002-late 2003 he was a bitch and hogged the world title, but he is a hard worker and everything he has gotten, he has deserved, its just the fact that he happened to marry the bosses daughter, as long as he is married to her, threads like this will always be made!! Its just unlucky for HHH, because we don't see him for who he really is, a top performer...

And I laughed, when I read above me, that he hogs the main event and keeps the young guys out...:lol:
Exactly where has he been since April?? he has taken time off, and who has been main eventing? Not HHH!! but guys like Sheamus, Miz, Nexus etc... So you can't say he hogs the main event!! Because he hasn't since Summer of last year!!
If Triple H is such a main event hog, when was his last meaningful title, exactly?

I agree with the OP. People love to rag on HHH, but their arguments are mostly invalidated by reality. He was a top level star before he slept with Stephanie McMahon, before he married her, before he made Vince a grandpa. To claim he only reached the top because of Stephanie is ridiculous.

Next, let's look at the theory that he doesn't put people over...and by that, those fans means their favorite midcard wrestler who wasn't ready for the spotlight, but they are too stubborn to admit it...HHH puts people over, you have simply chosen to ignore it while you bitch. This goes back to the last meaningful title question...HHH hasn't been the champ. He has been a main eventer, but not THE main event. He has been involved in non-title feuds a lot more than title feuds the past few years. Those title feuds belong to Cena and Orton more than anyone else.

DX? That was a sideshow, because they didn't have a spot for him in the title picture for either him or Shawn. DX is a time killer gimmick, because they knew they could do the comedy bits with Hornswaggle, they could mock people, they could shamelessly hawk WWE merchandise, and the fans wouldn't notice they weren't really doing anything important. Sure sounds like a main event hog to me...or not.

But he has 12 titles! See? Yeah, he does. And both John Cena and Randy Orton are on pace to easily eclipse that. Cena has only been in the WWE since 2002, and is already winning the belt on average, more than once a year. If he keeps that up, Cena will not only eclipse HHH, but Flair as well. Don't call HHH a belt hog until you consider his contemporaries.
i'm not a fan of when people dog on Triple H for not putting over new guys or young guys or anyone in the world ever.

this is the guy that lost cleanly to Booker T for weeks in a row on Raw leading up to their Title Match at Mania.
this is the same guy that lost to Shelton Benjamin for weeks in a row on Raw.

this is also the same guy that lost the following Mania matches: to the Ultimate Warrior, to the Undertaker, to Benoit (first ever title match that was triple threat and also the first ever to end in a tap out... Triple H put over Benoit by tapping out in the main event title match!), to John Cena (also via tap out), to Batista, and then again to Orton and Cena in one night. his Mania record is not very good because he is constantly putting other talent over.

he's put over Orton, Batista and Sheamus most notably. he established these guys into main event stars.

he put over Jeff Hardy and Edge more than once each. back in the day, he put over Jericho in some amazing feuds and matches.

the time period in question, that 2002 range, lots of people complain that he hogged the main event and the WHC. that is a good point. it's also a good point to note that this is the same time that VKM was wanting to bury WCW and so had his son-in-law bury all the top names from that company. he was just the right guy at the right time. lest we also forget, Triple H had just returned from his first major injury around this time, re-debuted at MSG and blew the roof off the place. he was very popular on his return and the invasion angle was needing him (in VKM's eyes) to bury the former competition.

Triple H is very talented and a very capable performer at the highest levels, with or without his relationships to VKM and his daugther. and yes, he does put people over on a regular basis. he's no dummy. if the company suffers, so does his paycheck.
I don't like Triple H because I think he's hogging the spot-light. I just don't like him. I don't like his look, his moves or his gimmick. I don't hate the guy, but I'm not going to watch his matches or promos.
I don't like Triple H because I think he's hogging the spot-light. I just don't like him. I don't like his look, his moves or his gimmick. I don't hate the guy, but I'm not going to watch his matches or promos.

As compared to who? because if you say Cena, or Orton, or anyone such as that, then you are sadly mistaken my friend. If you read the post made by Davi, you would have seen that HHH has not been in the Main Event in a long time now.
HHH never puts anyone over, he hogs the Raw title scene and squashes guys who could be stars if they ever got a title run.

I can't wait until Wrestlemania 2005 where this stops being true. Oh, wait, it's 2005. Squashing KAne and Booker and RVD was seven years ago. Never mind.
Instead of all the HHH suporters listing guys he DID put over, how bout all the HHHaters give us a list of names that he buried and held down. Who has Trips ever squashed that had legitimate main event STAYING power? The guy is just that damn good and if the company needs him to be the face, he'll be the face. If they are looking for some comic relief, he'll do that. I dont get it? When has he ever shown that he's not willing to adapt and do whats right for the business? If he was on top for all of those yrs, it's because VKM deemed it nessacarry. PERIOD.
he hasnt done anything recently because he is injured whilst his hand-pick gym buddy keeps the title warm for him

yes backstage politics r a part of the game but does that mean i have to like it? and does it have to be so malicious? Y does backstage politic have to be a dictatorship with adolf hunter running things? y cant their be a backstage democracy? (abit dramatic but u get my point)
For all we know we might of missed out on our next stone cold, rock, taker because he asked daddy-in-law not to let them shine.

and how often does a heel go over in the WM main event?
Why do people continue to say HHH never puts anyone over? Evolution was created for the sole purpose of putting Orton & Batista over, even HHH has said this. He tapped out to Benoit @ the biggest event in the industry. He lost to Batista @ the biggest event in the industry. How many months has he been out because of what Sheamus did to him? I really think a lot of the hate towards HHH is jealousy. He "played the game" (no pun intended) to perfection, & went from being in the doghouse to being the heir to the Vince's throne. Like you, I give him credit. And, he is a good performer. Solid in the ring, great on the mic.
I cant honestly say I understand the whole HHH hate thing.

Think about it. You think of going to see a WWE live show, you see HHH on the card. You're 90% sure hes gonna win but you know just from his name its gonna be a good show. (among other things of course)

Now HHH is perceived as a character as a main event player by the fans. No-one can deny this.

Now think of Randy Orton. When he was the cocky young heel wit the injured arm was he considered main event? No. Even after that pre-evolution and during he was the upper mid card guy, the go to guy for a decent wrestling match. The sort of spot the likes of Matt Hardy and John Morrison and The Miz occupy these days.

then Randy Orton left evolution and got into a feud with HHH. Now his win loss record against the Game may go against him but Trips elevated Orton to main event status just by being himself. And you'll find HHH was champion at the time.

Triple H is the champion to get the young guys to the main event. Not many people are capable of doing what he does. He put himself on such a high pedastal through his persona on screen that just by being in the ring with him, 9 times out of 10 your career goes up that little bit.

Case and point of what can happen without a guy like HHH.

I am not a Cena Hater by any means, but Cena is the guy whos superman and squashes talent to make the fans happy. He has a great work ethic and hes filling the modern day Hogan spot. Nothing wrong with that.

But this does mean Cena has trouble elevating the perception of talent on screen like Shaemus.

When Shaemus first won the title, people said it was too soon and they didnt see him as top level talent. This continued through his lengthy fued with Cena. Then came his fued with Triple H and all of a sudden people begin to take him seriously. He is now in his second title reign and people see him as a champion.

Triple H as champion, on a temporary basis is good for business. HHH pushed himself to that position so he could be that go to guy. Well done HHH I say.
Triple H is an old hate button, Cena has completely taken his place as the new ICW
''I hate U" magnet, seriously it has been awhile since I have seen any Triple H hate.

Triple H discussions are more tiring then Matt Hardy ones, and Cena's combined. So I am going to keep this short to stay on topic.

Yes , Triple H put people over. He rarely did it when mattered. There have reports of HHH's ego. His marital status doesn't matter he would still be as prominent with out her. He is a decent performer whose average to good matches have severely been exaggerated on there quality. HHH feels average alright on a mic. All opinions aside, hes a draw and thats what matters.
Over the last 3 years HHH has put over plenty of wrestlers such as Orton, Cena, Sheamus, Legacy, Jeff Hardy, ect. so he has done his part, especially in recent years to put over younger talent.

Say whatever you want about his relationship with Steph, but what most people miss out on is that there is a very good chance that maybe they're together because, I don't know, maybe because they actually LOVE EACH OTHER and both truly want to spend their lives together, stuff like this happens all the time, Steph was going to marry someone and relationships in wrestling are quite common these days (McIntyre and Tiffany being the most recent).

As the OP said, HHH already had a solid career before he ever started dating Steph (when he was champ he was dating someone who was often mistaken for a dude) and was already established as a main eventer. He may not have had as many title reigns sure, but Vince isn't stupid, he's not going to keep the title on an unworthy wrestler just because he is related to him.

The truth is HHH worked his ass off, came back from 2 career ending injuries and earned his place at the top of the mountain. Thats why Cena is so high up right now, that's why Miz is climbing up the ladder of success, maybe Vince just likes guys who are all about the business, have a strong work ethic and don't complain when they don't get their way, frankly the business could use more HHH's and John Cena's.

Anyways that's why I think HHH has had the success he has, and you can't blame him if he uses his marriage to Steph to his advantage, that's just being smart (but I do believe that he's married to Steph for the right reasons, not because of his career). HHH is successful because of his skills in the ring and on the mic and his tireless work ethic, not because of his marriage to Steph and his association with the McMahon's.
I never once got the hatred for Triple H. He has done a lot to warrant a major part of his career. Some may think that Triple H doesn't exactly deserve 13 championships, nor that he was worth the time as champion in Evolution.

However I disagree, Evolution had Triple H as the top dog on RAW, a time where WWE was slowly lacking talent, he truly was one of the only guys to properly do the work as top guy with exception of guys who were stuck on Smackdown, being top guys over there. And that's why Triple H got to be champion for that period of time.

Besides, Triple H did put on good matches, as well as great promos during that time. He helped create stars, as well as he created himself into a future Hall of Fame inductee.

Triple H to me, has warranted everything he has accomplished. And damn well I would've done the same if I had the opportunity. Partially due to the career, and partially due to it actually being Stephanie Fucking McMahon, not for the money, but for the looks.
i normally wouldn't respond to a triple h thread, however i had to in this the original poster, YOU WOULD DO IT TOO, AND YOU KNOW IT? no i wouldn't!! cause unlike triple nose i wouldn't spread my leggs, or in his case unzip my pants just to get a higher posittion, most people in the real world like my self would rather work hard and earn my spot in my company, instead of turning tricks.
HHH puts people over but what people arnt noticeing is he picks key points on when to put people over. He doesnt put random people over on raw because he knows he's a big name, it either wouldnt be believable or a waste of a perfectly WOW moment. HHH puts guys over but he picks the best possible moment and usually that moment is wrestlemainia Benoit, Batista, cena (sadly). That is 3 WM losses in a row.

You think anyone wants to loose the mainevent of the biggest ppv of the year especially 3 times in a row? He probably would have loved to have a little win streak or undefeated streak but he always put the buisness first and layed down when he knew it was time in that fued. He just did it at a time that would make the fued look epic, and not on free tv and waste a perfectly good story.
Well yeah you are basically right about most things on here except Shane. Shane left because he did not like where he was and wanted to do something new I believe. Triple H's career flourished when he started dating Stephanie. He was always getting a mixed reaction for doing heelish things and he was instantly put in the main event. Put it this way, he was given an instant push from the Boss because Vince wanted his son-in-law to look basass so to say. And it worked. I must say though I really think HHH would have been successful in the WWE without being married to the boss's daughter. Maybe he wouldn't have gotten too many reigns as champ, but he would still be The Game.

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