You Have One Week Left to Live


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Assume this is a week in which you are as free and healthy as you are currently.

Are you happy with how you've spent your life?

How do you intend to spend your final days?

Do you burn through your money and rack up some debt having a good time? Or do you leave something behind for your next of kin?

Let's keep this mature and try not to include any assassination attempts in our agendas.
Yes I am happy with how I lived my life.

I would spend it traveling and smoking some fine cannabis. I would travel in the states only seeing the beauty the US offeres to the world.

I would leave my life debt free since I don't have a next of kin.
I'm happy with my life so far.

I'd probably just spend my last week with my wife and daughter.
Pretty happy. Whiskey, herb & travel the world. Since I am dying, my make a wish would be to take a pic with Cena & Paige in front of a famous monument dressed as Superman, Joker & Harley. Then punch him in the dick as they snap the photo. Then run off with Paige & set something on fire.

Blaze of glory.
I have no testicles but I never need to work a day again in my life, I'd have to summarise life as being so-so.

I'd spend my last week the same as I spend every week. With the kids, thinking about when i'll get round to making a Jurassic Park film.
I'm happy with how I've spent my life.

I'd buy a plane ticket for me and another for a friend and travel to spend my final few days with my best friends in the world. I'd work my ass off to finish as much of my game as possible. If I can't see it go to market, I want to at least give my team as much to work with as I can so they can do it for me.

I just want to make sure the projects, websites, and ideas I love are in good hands and I want the people I love to know I love them.
I'd keep it a secret, make sure my finances are in order, plan as much of my funeral myself. Then I'd start trying to constantly show my wife and kids that I care about them. Since I'm a horrible actor, adter about an hour my wife would see that I'm not be my usual cynical, miserable self. She would figure out a way to get me to tell the truth. Then I'd spend a few hours consoling her, realize that I don't want to spend my remaining days with someone who is grieving more than me and I'd just kill myself and get the whole thing over with six days early.
I'd keep it a secret, make sure my finances are in order, plan as much of my funeral myself. Then I'd start trying to constantly show my wife and kids that I care about them. Since I'm a horrible actor, adter about an hour my wife would see that I'm not be my usual cynical, miserable self. She would figure out a way to get me to tell the truth. Then I'd spend a few hours consoling her, realize that I don't want to spend my remaining days with someone who is grieving more than me and I'd just kill myself and get the whole thing over with six days early.

Pretty much this, except I'd probably dispose of a few kiddie diddler sex offenders before running out in front of a semi.
My life has been nothing but failure.

Couldn't rack up any bills because there is no company in the world who would give me a line of credit. I also have no money. Like, at all.

If probably just spend my list few days trying to convince a few ladies that I've been involved with in the past to throw me a pity fuck. Then when that inevitably fails, I'll wallow in my own self pity until I die. Alone.
Happy with the way I lived my life? Even though there are things I would change I guess I can say yes. I mean I'm 22 and have been at school my whole life apart from one year, and that on year I was training the hardest I've ever trained in my life, thus not giving me as much time as I wanted, so how much of the world could I really experience? Though i am happy with what I've down.

As for what I would do in my last week, that's easy. I would travel to either South America or Spain/Portugal and just have the absolute time of my fucking life. Wait, are lady boys as popular in South America as they are in a lot of countries Asian countries ? (Thailand I'm pointing my finger at you). If it is then I might reconsider which areas I go to.
I'm happy with my life. Ups and downs, usual deal.

I'd drive through the Mojave desert. Take in the scenery. Record my musings because I feel the need to leave something behind.
I'd be very happy with my life.

The whole week would be spending time with family and friends, making music and doing everything I can to ensure my daughter is happy, healthy and taken care of well beyond my years. I'd smoke some pot, do some shroomz and be happy as fuck the whole time. I'm dying in a week anyways, no reason not to do the things that make you happy with the people that make you happy.
I could die right now and it wouldn't bother me.

Give me a week and I'd just get in as much family and friend time as possible.

I'd make sure whatever money I have left is there for my family to take. They could use it more than I could use a week of luxury or whatever. I'd just make sure I had some of my favorite foods along the way.
Got to do some cool shit and meet some interesting people.

It's been all right, not particularly standout, but I've at least had an experience unique to me.

I'd just go on as normal and carry on reading & watching wrestling. Not a fan of emotive goodbyes & stuff.
Assume this is a week in which you are as free and healthy as you are currently.

Are you happy with how you've spent your life?

My life has exceeded any and all potential one would have guessed it had judging from were I started. The things I have done and places I have gone are fucking ridiculous.

I do wish I would have taken up wrestling when I had the chance, but with that, I would have never fufilled my full potential the way I have. So if next week was to be the last one, I have done very well with my shot in this world, and im comfortable with it.

How do you intend to spend your final days?

Wishing there were ways to get to Rome, Ireland, and Oslo without spending immense hours traveling, because ill be fucked if I use up my hours on that.

I would start by telling a few people exactly what I think of them.

Then I would guilt movie studios into letting me see Captain America and Suicide Squad early, like they did for that Star Wars guy. I would have J Glass and Shocky over to see the films. I was thinking of guilting CD Projekt Red into letting me have the Witcher 3 expansion early, but I cant share that with anyone and that would be like 40 hours taken from loved ones. If the afterlife exists, ill def be able to get my hands on it there. Itll have to be a risk im willing to take.

Other than that, id just relax with my loved ones. Probably do some kind of DNA freezing so my wife can continue her pursuits of making a kid with me.

Do you burn through your money and rack up some debt having a good time? Or do you leave something behind for your next of kin?

I have too much money to effectively spend it in a week, but not enough to do something truly audacious so nothing special on that end. Plenty of my favorite meals though. So many. My wife is well off, so I guess id leave the money to her, and say do whatever you think is a good idea. :shrug:
I'm only twenty-four and haven't even been WWE champion so I don't think anybody would begrudge me for thinking I hadn't fulfilled my potential. That's a different thing than not being able to come to terms with one's own mortality. I'm determined, whether I'm thirty or ninety when my time comes, not to be in denial about what's going to happen. Doubtlessly easier said than done but I'd imagine it'd be less traumatic for those left behind if they knew I was prepared for death.

In all likelihood, I have enough cash to have a drug-fuelled casino hooker binge, but my conscience would make me leave most of it to charity and I'd just have a curry and a quiet night in with the girlfriend. I suppose I'd get married if she fancied being a young widow.

If I could leverage my unprecedented and exotic fatal disease into meeting Sami Zayn, bonus.

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