Y'all Been Waiting For It, It's The Return Of Joey Mercury

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
- One source close to all parties involved reports that former World Heavyweight Champion CM Punk is one of the main people trying to bring back Joey Mercury to WWE. Apparently the two are long-time friends and Punk has been going to bat for Mercury with WWE management. Punk has taken on sort of a "sponsor" role to Mercury and the say Punk's influence has rubbed off. It looks like the rumors of Mercury's return to WWE are indeed true.

I've always been a fan. He get's a bad rep. But he's solid. More so than Morrison. He's not as flashy, and his hair isn't as nice. But he's a good all round wrestler. Where has the Mercury face smash been on WWE highlight reels? I have no idea. But with a little big of luck it will return now that he's supposed to be coming back.

He should return for a short feud with Morrison in which The Miz changes partner. Mercury isn't over enough to go it alone, and The Miz would still benefit from a partner. You also have a new tag team.
For a guy who lost 30% of his vision in one eye for an unadvertised match he should get another run in WWE imo.

I agree that he should fued with Morrison, but not steal Miz as a partner. He should bring someone else up with him, and then have a long tag fued, and THEN steal Miz away to form a stable. Then the three should leave ECW and go to SD!, where the possibilities are greater for them to start angles on a flagship show, otherwise it would just be a waste of time doing it on ECW.
Joey Mercury was always the weaker of the two in MNM(or 3 if u count Melina), IMO. He may not rely on flash, but he was boring and didn't have the charisma Morrison had. Once they broke up, he went on to feud with Matt Hardy, but the fans could have cared less. That being said I think he should get another chance. I don;t think he could get enough fan support(heel or face) alone so pairing him up with Miz, may work. If that were to happen Morrison could finally begin his solo rise to the top.
If he comes back, it will probably be interesting at first, but once his initial feud is over...whether its with morrison or miz or someone else, he'll probably end up being put on the back burner like noble or palumbo and we won't see too much of him.
Joey Mercury was always the weaker of the two in MNM(or 3 if u count Melina), IMO.

Both Morrison & Mercury were the week elements of MNM. The purpose of that team was to get Melina over, and it did just that.

He may not rely on flash, but he was boring and didn't have the charisma

Umm and Morrison is a great big shining light of charisma? Both were given equal mic time. And both stunk the place up. Morrison has since been given more mic time, and he's put to shame by The Miz. He's not annoying unlike his partner. But he looks to be straining to remember his lines. Morrison on the mic sucks.

If that were to happen Morrison could finally begin his solo rise to the top.

But Morrison is shit?
lol im happy hes returning could be a great addition to mid card, but he will never be a main eventer hes not flashy enough and he needs a better gimmick. i doubt he'll get over with the old gimmick he had. hopefully he becomes a good mid card wrestler and mabye gets the ic title
Cool. Mercury was always the least talented guy in MNM, but then again, his partner was a goddamn future world champion! Mercury is an exceedingly good wrestler, and I'd be thrilled to see him back. But I really hope they do not re-form MNM...let Mercury have a singles run, I believe he could be a solid upper mid-carder if used correctly.
MNM, possibly the most over rated tag team of this decade. Boy oh boy the love fest that this team gets by the fanboys is beyond sickening. I have never seen a team of two guys that did absolutely nothing impressive in the ring get as much credit as these two have.

Morrison has improved since his singles run began, but he's still not great. Out of the two, Morrison was the Shawn Michaels of the team, he was always going to be the one to get the push. If Morrison has failed to get above mid card status, what makes anyone think that Mercury will do anything different.

Mercury is smaller, doesn't have the look, and is less charismatic then Morrison. There is no way in hell Mercury is going to come back and make an impact. If he does come back, he'll be relegated to jobber status, and I honestly believe no one in the main audience is going to remember the guy.
Let's not overlook his eventual return yet, Mercury can make something of himself, if given the right tools. Look at Umaga, when he debuted, we all referred to him as Jamal from 3 Minute Warning and that he wasn't going to get anywhere on his own, but he has really made a name for himself in the last two years, more so than his 3MW stint. If it worked for Umaga, it can work for Mercury, he just needs a fresh new gimmick, if he returns with the same A-List style crap, than the chances of him making a name for himself is slim to none, but if he has a new gimmick to work with, than he might get somewhere in the WWE. Mercury needs to break out of the mold that makes him "that other guy in MNM", and become his own character to the point where people will forget he was even in that tag team, just like Umaga did.
People actually care that he's coming back? There's a shocker. I just can't see this guy having any kind of impact in the WWE, period. Yeah, he's a decent worker, but since when did the WWE like decent workers?

And the difference between Umaga and Mercury is, well.. You can build Umaga as a monster, can't really do that for Mercury. So, you would have to fall back on his skill and charisma, which he lacks. I give at least a two month run, in which he'll job to Morrison a couple times,and then he'll be back on the unemployment line.
Unlike Shocky, I actually did like M.N.M. being a Tag Team, and I think they could add some depth to the division, assuming Miz could break off from Morrison and find a replacement. However I agree with Shocky in saying M.N.M. didn't do anything to really become an elite team.

They won the Tag Team Championships from a random single's duo placed together only to break apart and feud. (Eddie & Rey) They lost the titles to a would-be L.O.D. replacement, only to reclaim them later. Then they lost the titles again to Batista and Rey, to once again reclaim them thanks in part to Mark Henry.

Seems to me they had more problems with random pairings than they did with actual Tag Teams. That doesn't exactly strike me as being an elite team.

As far as Joey Mercury goes, I honestly would rather see him return to the W.W.E. with his original Tag Team partner from E.C.W.. that Tag Team seemed Hardy-like and very solid as a unit. And to see them feud with Miz & Morrison could be a nice bonus.

All in all, a Mercury v. Morrison feud is something that NEEDS to happen for Mercury to make it as a single's star. I see this as something similar to the Rocker's, actually. And just like Jannetty, I don't see Mercury making it as a single's star. Then again, the way Morrison's been lately he's definately no Shawn Michaels.
I like this move if it happens. Mercury has been down in OVW as well as ROH and he's playing just a guy from California that is a wrestler. No real gimmick to speak of, and he's by far and away one of the two best talents there, along with Nick Dinsmore. He has a bit of the X factor on a much smaller level where you can tell he could make it as a lower midcarder in WWE. However, as Will said I don't think he could make it as a singles guy. He could however make it in a decent tag team or after a good feud with Morrison and there's another perfect feud with the Miz lined up. It could certainly work if he comes back, but it could also bomb.
How do you repackage the guy though. I get what people are saying, but a repackage from Jamal to Umaga was a great idea. It worked because it was a complete 180 for the guy. He went from gangsta rappa to Samoan Monster. It worked for many reasons, but it worked mainly because Jamal is big enough and scary looking enough to come across as a complete monster. Plus, you can't see any of Jamal in him, and it would only take a true smarky smark to figure that out.

Joey Mercury, what's he going to do, become Joey Matthews, maybe Adam Birch. There is only so much a 5'9" wrestler can do, and in the WWE it's not much. THE Brian Kendrick is getting this years small guy push. There simply isn't any place on the roster for a guy the size of Mercury/Matthews/Birch to succeed. He wouldn't simply be better off hitting the indy circuits.
How do you repackage the guy though. I get what people are saying, but a repackage from Jamal to Umaga was a great idea. It worked because it was a complete 180 for the guy. He went from gangsta rappa to Samoan Monster. It worked for many reasons, but it worked mainly because Jamal is big enough and scary looking enough to come across as a complete monster. Plus, you can't see any of Jamal in him, and it would only take a true smarky smark to figure that out.

Joey Mercury, what's he going to do, become Joey Matthews, maybe Adam Birch. There is only so much a 5'9" wrestler can do, and in the WWE it's not much. THE Brian Kendrick is getting this years small guy push. There simply isn't any place on the roster for a guy the size of Mercury/Matthews/Birch to succeed. He wouldn't simply be better off hitting the indy circuits.

I simply don't think Mercury is going to get a single's push, not one that'll lead to single's gold anyways. But I do have the perfect idea on how to bring him in.

Teddy Long's little gimmick thingy in which he brings in *new* guys. Let John Morrison get outraged for losing, let Morrison get so upset with the way he's being used.. that he WANTS to take it to a new comer.. so have Long give him what he wants.

Then have music play, and have Mercury come from the crowd, behind Morrison, get a quick roll-up in his return and the victory. It won't hurt Morrison, it'll instantly get Mercury over (for the E.C.W. crowds) and you also have a small feud to build off of.

Then, as time rolls along, you either recombine them when they feel they work better as a team.. or you let Mercury team up with someone else, possibly Evan Bourne. (assuming Mysterio and Bourne was a one time deal)

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