Should Punk be a Unified Tag Team Champion right now?


Pre-Show Stalwart
This monday night it will be DX vs MizShow vs Punk's SES for the Unified Tag straps. According to the post on the match itself, the majority of the forum's members believe the SES will win, myself included. However, my feelings are more because of why the other 2 teams SHOULDN'T win then it is why the SES SHOULD.

Here's my question: While I do believe that the SES should be tag champs now, Should CM Punk be one of those tag champs or should it go to a new recruit to the SES like Joey Mercury which has been rumored on the main site. I'll say Punk introduces Mercury after Monday night and to show how being straight edge makes you better, he gives his title to Mercury. This would also help him say he is eyeing the top prize at EC. He loses yet then goes on to challenge for the IC title at WM 26. The leader of a faction, which the SES is turning into, should not hold a tag title in my opinion but rather one of the singles titles. First the IC or US title then challenge for the WWE/WHC. Yay or Nay?
Well if Mercury as a tag champ would work because he was one in the past. I like the idea of the SES trying to capture all the belts obviously with Punk as the WWE or World Heavyweight Champion, I think that Punk would need to win the title and then hand the belt over to Mercury (if he is indeed joining the SES). I think your head is in the right place but he would need someone else to hold the IC or US belts cause I don't know if you want your leader to be holding a mid-card belt, remember JBL and his cabinet. He always had the title and Orlando Jordan had the Us title belt with the Bashams with the Tag Teams.

So I think that to gain the titles yes it would be a good idea to have Punk win them, but to keep them it would be a good idea to pass them off to Mercury.

PS. If Serena would win the Women's or Diva's title would that be a first for a stable?
While I agree the stable would benefit much more from Punk as world champ it's not really going to happen till after Wrestlemania.

Plus, being the unified tag champ allows him to be on Raw as well, which will allow him to push the stable on both brands, and interact with more people.
While I agree the stable would benefit much more from Punk as world champ it's not really going to happen till after Wrestlemania.

Plus, being the unified tag champ allows him to be on Raw as well, which will allow him to push the stable on both brands, and interact with more people.

Well the WWE has been a little relaxed on the champions appearing on both shows especially with Wrestlemania around the corner. Look at how many times Jericho appeared on Raw after losing the straps. Even if the tag straps did go to Gallows and Mercury or someone else, Punk could still join them on Raw as a collective faction that hold the tag straps.
Well it Mercury as a tag champ would work because he was one in the past. I like the idea of the SES trying to capture all the belts obviously with Punk as the WWE or World Heavyweight Champion, I think that Punk would need to win the title and then hand the belt over to Mercury (if he is indeed joining the SES). I think your head is in the right place but he would need someone else to hold the IC or US belts cause I don't know if you want your leader to be holding a mid-card belt, remember JBL and his cabinet. He always had the title and Orlando Jordan had the Us title belt with the Bashams with the Tag Teams.

So I think that to gain the titles yes it would be a good idea to have Punk win them, but to keep them it would be a good idea to pass them off to Mercury.

PS. If Serena would win the Women's or Diva's title would that be a first for a stable?

No. I recall Stephanie McMahon winning the women's strap as part of the Corporation faction.

I do agree that Punk should be challenging for one of the WWE titles, with Wrestlemania on the horizon, I don't see him in one of those title matches at Wrestlemania which is why I suggested he be in the IC or US title picture (He could very well challenge for the US title on Raw if indeed it was Gallows and Mercury holding the tag straps and he went to Raw with them). Then after Wrestlemania they could bring in a 4th male member for the Midcard title spot while Punk challenges for the world title. I know a few people on the forum suggested Lance Cade as the 4th man which I think would elevate him tremendously in the midcard picture.
Punk + Luke Gallows = Tag champs? More like Punk + Luke Gallows = DISASTER! Tag Champions (IMO) are better if you can find faults between them. For Example, DX have always found problems with each other! But Triple H has always overcome HBK's obsession with 'Taker (until lately) and HBK always overcame Triple H obsession with becoming WWE champ (when he would do ANYTHING to win!). Luke Gallows calls CM Punk a saint, and tbh, it isn't going to work, cos they've only been around for about 3/4 months since Gallows came back. They need more time to make a TRUE stable for the Straight Edge Society BEFORE thinking about the Tag team champions!
I think it would solidify them as a stable instead of some people who are really preachy and don't really matter. I mean if they were to take the tag belts then they would be a force. Also it is so easy to write a fault in the SES it practically writes itself, Gallows has a relapse or something and Punk gets mad or Gallows finds that SE isn't as great as he once thought, there is still time to have everything play out
In time they may decide to split the SES but right now it's working and I do think it's working well. As for them being around for 3 or 4 months being too early to be tag champs, I think it's the opposite. If WWE waits too long to turn the SES as tag champs, people will start to doubt them as contenders. Right now their motto is "straight edge makes us better then you". In order to prove that the society needs gold sooner then later. Take the Hart Dynasty for example, when they first debuted last year, I thought they'd make a good run as tag champs but it's been too long and they are stuck doing 6 man matches on Superstars. Their flame has quickly died.
If WWE waits too long to turn the SES as tag champs, people will start to doubt them as contenders. Right now their motto is "straight edge makes us better then you". In order to prove that the society needs gold sooner then later.

Which is exactly why they should win the titles, and I'm sure you agree with that.

I think there's no harm in having Punk hold the Unified Tag Title. Just because we're assuming they win doesn't mean they're going to have a lengthy reign. Simply snagging the belts off of DX is an automatic plus as they're taking them away from two of the biggest faces and stars in the company. They get the belts, they're better than everyone because they win the belts, they continue to parade around both brands with the belts and Punk's slammy... it's just more for them to brag about. Punk isn't specifically feuding with anybody right now so it's not like he needs to give the belt away. He can just use this as more proof that his crusade is working and then when they do drop the belts, he's free to do his singles stuff.

I don't get why winning the tag titles right now stops him from challenging any title at Wrestlemania. Anything could happen between now and Elimination Chamber, let alone between now and Mania. Plus, he's rumoured to fight Rey at Mania. But that's not what's going on right now. Right now, it's a good thing for them to hold the belts.
Which is exactly why they should win the titles, and I'm sure you agree with that.

I think there's no harm in having Punk hold the Unified Tag Title. Just because we're assuming they win doesn't mean they're going to have a lengthy reign. Simply snagging the belts off of DX is an automatic plus as they're taking them away from two of the biggest faces and stars in the company. They get the belts, they're better than everyone because they win the belts, they continue to parade around both brands with the belts and Punk's slammy... it's just more for them to brag about. Punk isn't specifically feuding with anybody right now so it's not like he needs to give the belt away. He can just use this as more proof that his crusade is working and then when they do drop the belts, he's free to do his singles stuff.

I don't get why winning the tag titles right now stops him from challenging any title at Wrestlemania. Anything could happen between now and Elimination Chamber, let alone between now and Mania. Plus, he's rumoured to fight Rey at Mania. But that's not what's going on right now. Right now, it's a good thing for them to hold the belts.

I'm hopeful that noone carries double gold going into Mania. I think all the titles should be defended at Mania. I also believe we'll likely see several 4 way bouts for the midcard and tag titles so I don't think any huge "feuds" need to be built around wrestlemania if that's the case. It's always a downer when all signs point to a one on one match for a title then more people are thrown in to give them all a wrestlemania match.

As far as Punk/SES we both agree that they deserve the straps. However I disagree with them not keeping the titles for long. If they win the straps then immediately lose them right back, it's harder to get across their "we're straight edge so we're better then you" mentality. They are simply viewed as a transitional champion which I don't think they should be. Plus Punk can still say the crusade is working if his followers are tag champs. If it is the SES followers successfully defending the gold, he can say how them changing their ways led to their success. Plus it would be the better means of incorporating a third male to the faction. If Punk and Gallows are defending the tag title and a third person enters, that person will be in the MITB or one of the mid card matches, when it should be the leader in the singles title matches. Plus it would give that third member, I'm only assuming it's Mercury, an immediate quick push.
Does it really matter right now if Punk were a Unified Tag Champion? Theoretically he could still pursue the Heavyweight Championship as a tag champ. Hell Triple H was pursuing the same thing, and to an extent Shawn Michaels (I know, just for the Undertaker. Which is why I said to an extent.) So for those that say "Oh Punk shouldn't be a tag champion now, he should be holding a singles title" look at the bigger picture. He can hold the tag belts with Gallows, and still pursue other titles, possibly being a double champion. Doubtful, but always a possibility. But the SES needs to win these titles, and it would be foolish to not do it.

Now, regarding the tag belts, I am going to suggest what I think would be awesome to do, granted I am stealing the idea from my buddy Theo Mays, and maybe a few other people. I saw a few posts that say Punk shouldn't be a tag champ right now, which I addressed above. To that, I have an alternative solution. Let them win the titles on Monday night, afterwards, or on Friday if that suits better, have them bring in a third male member, Joey Mercury, Lance Cade, whoever their hearts desire, and "dun dun dun" Freebird Rule. This allows Punk and Gallows to win on Monday, and then if, but hopefully when, they bring in another member, they can interchange, leaving Punk to go for his title, with Gallows and the new member as tag champs. This would also allow Punk to step in if a member would get injured.

Just an idea or two.
I think there are too many potential benefits as of right now to ignore. The first and most obvious one is that the titles will be taken from DX. The titles have been absolutely wasted on DX, they've done nothing with them. JeriShow did a pretty good job as tag champs for much of their reign but most of the momentum they gave to the tag title scene has been all but obliterated by DX. With Punk and Gallows taking the titles from DX, they'll not only gain credibility for that but could gain even more for possibly putting the final nail in DX's coffin, at least for the next few years but hopefully longer. I also think that Punk and Gallows could kickstart the momentum back into the tag team division because, quite frankly, I think that the SES is considerably more interesting than DX is or than JeriShow was.

Another benefit is that Punk will be able to be on any of the WWE brands. While Smackdown, overall, has been a more quality wrestling show than Raw has for a while, Smackdown stars don't get nearly as much exposure as the Raw guys. Punk and the SES are one of the best things going right now in my view, so more exposure can only be a good thing.

As leader of the SES, it would seem to make sense that Punk would be going after the WHC but I think it's a little early for that. There's a lot going on in the WHC scene on Smackdown right now. It's been teased that maybe it could be Edge and Taker at WM for the title. It's been teased that it could be HBK and Taker for the title. Maybe Taker will drop the title in the EC and, if so, maybe it'll be another unexpected champion.

Overall, the world title situation is in good shape as there's a lot of interesting things going on. I think the tag title scene needs Punk more at this particular stage.
However I disagree with them not keeping the titles for long. If they win the straps then immediately lose them right back, it's harder to get across their "we're straight edge so we're better then you" mentality. They are simply viewed as a transitional champion which I don't think they should be. Plus Punk can still say the crusade is working if his followers are tag champs.

Oh I agree with this. I wasn't saying I wanted them to have a short reign, as that would kind of defeat the purpose, but I was just saying if they win them, it doesn't automatically mean they'll have a long reign.
Now, regarding the tag belts, I am going to suggest what I think would be awesome to do, granted I am stealing the idea from my buddy Theo Mays, and maybe a few other people. I saw a few posts that say Punk shouldn't be a tag champ right now, which I addressed above. To that, I have an alternative solution. Let them win the titles on Monday night, afterwards, or on Friday if that suits better, have them bring in a third male member, Joey Mercury, Lance Cade, whoever their hearts desire, and "dun dun dun" Freebird Rule. This allows Punk and Gallows to win on Monday, and then if, but hopefully when, they bring in another member, they can interchange, leaving Punk to go for his title, with Gallows and the new member as tag champs. This would also allow Punk to step in if a member would get injured.

Just an idea or two.

This is actually what I suggested in my original post. I've never said I don't think Punk and Gallows shouldn't win. In fact I believe they should. My issue was whether the title should stay on Punk or go to a third member. Punk and Gallows win the tag titles then on Smackdown introduce their third member.

I think there are too many potential benefits as of right now to ignore. The first and most obvious one is that the titles will be taken from DX. The titles have been absolutely wasted on DX, they've done nothing with them. JeriShow did a pretty good job as tag champs for much of their reign but most of the momentum they gave to the tag title scene has been all but obliterated by DX. With Punk and Gallows taking the titles from DX, they'll not only gain credibility for that but could gain even more for possibly putting the final nail in DX's coffin, at least for the next few years but hopefully longer. I also think that Punk and Gallows could kickstart the momentum back into the tag team division because, quite frankly, I think that the SES is considerably more interesting than DX is or than JeriShow was.

Another benefit is that Punk will be able to be on any of the WWE brands. While Smackdown, overall, has been a more quality wrestling show than Raw has for a while, Smackdown stars don't get nearly as much exposure as the Raw guys. Punk and the SES are one of the best things going right now in my view, so more exposure can only be a good thing.

As leader of the SES, it would seem to make sense that Punk would be going after the WHC but I think it's a little early for that. There's a lot going on in the WHC scene on Smackdown right now. It's been teased that maybe it could be Edge and Taker at WM for the title. It's been teased that it could be HBK and Taker for the title. Maybe Taker will drop the title in the EC and, if so, maybe it'll be another unexpected champion.

Overall, the world title situation is in good shape as there's a lot of interesting things going on. I think the tag title scene needs Punk more at this particular stage.

I don't think a final nail needs to be put in the DX coffin as you say unless there are immediate plans for them to feud which all indicators point to that not being a possibility until after Wrestlemania. As for Punk appearing on Raw, he still could, if he were the leader of the faction, he simply joins them on Raw or Smackdown. WWE has been loose with the "unified tag champs appearing on both shows" rule. Look at how long Jericho was on Raw after losing the straps.

As for your belief on the tag straps needing Punk more then the WHC does at the moment. I'll agree that the SES gimmick will do well in the tag division but why can't Punk cover both in a way. If the entire SES faction comes out for a promo given by punk, he could do a promo for the singles title he owns then follow that up talking about the singles title. You said yourself that "the SES are one of the best things going right now in my view, so more exposure can only be a good thing" which I agree so why not put the SES in 2 title pictures instead of one.

Several of you have commented on Punk needing to go after the WHC or WWE title instead of a midcard title which I agree with, HOWEVER given I don't foresee Punk's involvement in either of the heavyweight title matches at Wrestlemania, he can be involved in one of the matches for a midcard title in what I feel will likely be a 4 way. In my opinion the IC title on Punk's own show, Smackdown, has been stagnant for a while, even if Punk doesn't win at wrestlemania, his involvement with it could give it a quick small rub before he ventures off into WHC land. He doesn't necessarily have to win the fatal 4 way (allegedly) for the title to still get a rub from him. Plus if he loses in a fatal 4 way he doesn't lose any steam himself.
This is actually what I suggested in my original post. I've never said I don't think Punk and Gallows shouldn't win. In fact I believe they should. My issue was whether the title should stay on Punk or go to a third member. Punk and Gallows win the tag titles then on Smackdown introduce their third member.

What I am saying is that they shouldn't just have the Straight Edge Society win the Unified Titles and then Punk just give them to the third person, while he goes in on his quest for the World Heavyweight Title. I do agree wholeheartedly that they need to win the titles on Raw, but I think they should use the Freebird Rule so that any members of the Society can defend them in a match. But that is of course going on the assumption that they will add a Joey Mercury or Lance Cade or whoever a third person would be. That way, if two opponents think it will be Punk and Gallows, or Gallows and <insert new member>, whatever, you can switch it up a bit, gaining more heat in the process.
Like someone said the "Freebirds Rule" would be great and it could be an added bonus in Punk's verbal arsenal saying that in the contracts they signed it states that the Society is allowed to use any members to defend the belts because he read through and his "clean mind" gave him the idea to do this. People would hate him even more for that, and it would give the oppurtunity for Gallows and another member to shine. I'm still hoping for Mercury.
Ok my question to CH David and Schizophrenic would then be "would Punk really be involved much in the tag title matches?" I can see him entering some of the early on matches but let's take Wrestlemania, would you just give the tag title match to 2 and the 3rd one can stand at ringside or would you put one of them (preferably Punk) in one of the midcard title matches or MITB? Or let's say after Wrestlemania when Punk hopefully is in the WHC title hunt... Would we believe Punk would get involved in the tag titles still or let his followers fight that battle? Now if you two just feel the freebird concept would be better then Punk "giving" his title to the 3rd member but ultimately it's the other 2 who defend the titles then I can deal with that. However, like myself and Jack Hammer both agree on, the Punk's heel turn and the ultimate formation of the SES is one of the best things in wrestling right now. I would much rather see Punk go after a singles title while his followers defend the tag straps and maybe involve the female follower in the women's title picture and if a 4th male is involved, put him in the struggling IC title picture. I'm just not sure that would happen if they truly invested in the freebird rule because you never see one of the wrestlers in a "freebird" tag team also going after singles titles.
I think Punk deserves a chance to hold a title to see if it adds to his current gimmick of being "better than you". In fact, I think it would be neat if they used the unified tag titles to invade raw and have Gallows challenge for the US title, since Miz is obviously going to hold on to it for a while longer. Punk himself could continue to pursue the WHC.
Firstly, everyone fucking DROP the freebird rule idea, thats incredibly stupid. Hey, yea, lets throw a couple of utterly heatless greenhorns who cant work for fuck into a tag title match, thatll really bring the fuckin house down. Its Punk or no one, firstly.

I think it would be just fine to give Punk and the SES a run with the tag titles. I dont see Punk going anyplace close to either of the world titles any time soon, being that WM is right around the corner, but he dfinately deserves to continue developing this thing, and the unified tag titles could provide that, for sure. I would love seeing the character multiple times a week, developing and pushing.
I hated Punk. Never sure why, could be his greasy hair. He always seemed oddly out of place, and not in a unique and new kinda way. He just never seemed like he'd be able to reach the level of a Cena or Edge.

However this new creepy gimmick has me incredibly interested in him. He is believable in his promos and is a natural heat magnet. I didn't dig the whole ''im straight edge and better than you'' gimmick but now that he's added some flavor to it, i think he has found his niche finally. It really has a cultish feel going on and when you have people following you, your going to seem more powerful and dangerous naturally.

So i think giving him and maybe Gallows the tag titles isnt a terrible idea. He can thank himself and his lifestyle for allowing him to compete at the level he does and win the titles. Not to metion he isn't going to be anywhere near the world titles, it lets him be a focal point of Raw and Smackdown, which is a huge boost in getting over. The ability of being on both shows will let the character grow and possibly recruit people from both brands.
Hey, yea, lets throw a couple of utterly heatless greenhorns who cant work for fuck into a tag title match, thatll really bring the fuckin house down. Its Punk or no one, firstly.

It's not about the individuals drawing heat, it's about the collective unit drawing heat. Granted Gallows, Mercury, or Cade (those being the 2 most talked about possible additions) can't draw the heat of Punk, by being in his society, they can still draw off of Punk's heat as the leader. You look at the great factions 4 horsemen and evolution. Flair was the main heat drawer for the horsemen yet the entire stable (all forms of it) were successful due to drawing off flair's heat. Same goes for Evolution, when they first started out, Orton and Batista weren't capable of drawing any heat (some would argue that is still the case but that's for another post). They drew off the heat of HHH and Flair. If you beat any member of the faction, you are also beating the leader of that faction and there's your heat and the reason for wanting to see them lose.
It's not about the individuals drawing heat, it's about the collective unit drawing heat. Granted Gallows, Mercury, or Cade (those being the 2 most talked about possible additions) can't draw the heat of Punk, by being in his society, they can still draw off of Punk's heat as the leader. You look at the great factions 4 horsemen and evolution. Flair was the main heat drawer for the horsemen yet the entire stable (all forms of it) were successful due to drawing off flair's heat. Same goes for Evolution, when they first started out, Orton and Batista weren't capable of drawing any heat (some would argue that is still the case but that's for another post). They drew off the heat of HHH and Flair. If you beat any member of the faction, you are also beating the leader of that faction and there's your heat and the reason for wanting to see them lose.

Uh, yea, sure. Thats why Gallows wrestles so many singles matches yea? and UNTIL we see Joey Mercury or Lance, not Lance Cade....Until we see Joey Mercury become a part of this faction, then yes, itll be some heatless dope out there wasting the time of this faction. It can be Gallows and Punk, or "heatless Greenie A" with Punk, but Punk has to be there. It wont work any other way, if they want this on the upper part or even middle, of the card.
Uh, yea, sure. Thats why Gallows wrestles so many singles matches yea? and UNTIL we see Joey Mercury or Lance, not Lance Cade....Until we see Joey Mercury become a part of this faction, then yes, itll be some heatless dope out there wasting the time of this faction. It can be Gallows and Punk, or "heatless Greenie A" with Punk, but Punk has to be there. It wont work any other way, if they want this on the upper part or even middle, of the card.

I never said anything about it being just Gallows in fact I think that would be a horrific idea. I think the reason you haven't seen much of Gallows in singles matches is because he's just simply not talented enough for a singles match. In my opinion he is the big show of smackdown. I don't think it's due to lack of heat but rather lack of ability. I don't wanna see him in singles matches but I think he would go well as the big man of a tag team.

As for your "until we see Joey Mercury become a part of this faction" comment, that's exactly what I stated in the original post and every other comment on this thread. I have never once said it should just be gallows but instead it should be gallows and mercury.

Now do gallows or mercury have the star power to be main eventing a non-superstars match without other main event players? No. But that's another added bonus of the concept, they SLOWLY get the rub from Punk. If WWE refers to them as "the straight edge society" and not simply gallows and mercury and keeps Punk as their mouthpiece because I don't believe Mercury or Gallows are good on the mic then it will work extremely well.
I think that DX will lose the tag titles on Monday, but I think whichever team wins, they probably won't hold the titles very long. The presence of Big Show and Punk on each team keeps DX strong, but I imagine either team will lose to Cryme Tyme or the Harts petty quickly.

However, hypothetically speaking, if SES do win, and do get a decent run, then it will be done to elevate Punk,and they certainly won't go from DX to Festus and Lance Cade as champions overnight. If anything, the SES won't win, and an elevated duo will win the titles for the duo later on, without Punk, but having had a few months' build alongside him.
I don't see why not. As NorCal put it, he isn't going to be near the main titles anytime soon, and a run with the tag belts would keep them in the forefront, as a well as give him some gold until a feud rolls around for a singles title.

The only problem anyone could have with this, is that Punk and Gallows are a semi-thrown together tag team, but with the Straight Edger Society, there's a story pairing them, and a damn good one at that.

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