Where's Joey Mercury??


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Why isn't The WWE using Joey Mercury? From my understanding, all the backstage fuss in the Smackdown lockerroom was because of Nitro and Melina, which led to them being moved to Raw. Joey Mercury kept his nose clean and what does he have to show for it?

There's so much talk about Respect in the WWE lockerroom, and it seems to me, regardless of talent, Nitro has been rewarded, and Joey Mercury has been put on the backburner.

Anybody got thoughts?
I dont think Nitro is'nt working as I.C. champ so when Mercury returns I see the reformation of M.N.M. happening.
MNM was one hell of a tag team it would help RAW's tag division but i think Mercury will probable come back as a singles competitor & see how he does, maybe to ECW.
Is This A Person Talking Or A Member Of The Wwe Staff??????????????
LashleyRulez said:
Is This A Person Talking Or A Member Of The Wwe Staff??????????????


Anyways, I don't think he'll be on as Joey Matthews- the name is too similar to Josh Matthews. From what I've seen, I think they won't do much with Mercury.
Flames Out
Yeah, he's in rehab still, i think they'll have him on SD!, i don't see that much of a future though.
:sabu2: :undertaker2: :hogan: :snuka: <------------- DO YOU LIKE THESE GUYS IF YOU DO REPLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Plus he was injured... I think he's supposed to join the ECW brand tho.. He usta work as Josh Mathews there before.. But I read not to long ago he was goin to ECW
No, he worked as Joey Matthews...he was pretty good in there too, but he wasn't with them long before they went under.
I agree with Dragon... He might of been like Nitro is on Raw but for SD!.... Maybe a top U.S. Title competitor...
well obvisoluy WWe is too focused on heel tag teams or cheating 1s so it really isnt complicTated
Joey Mercury is like, gone from drugs r somethin, i hope he does a run in at unforgiven and ruins Nitro's run.

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