Y 2 Jake vs Downward Spiral

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Downward Spiral

I'm Not From Your Country

After Y2Jake threw Downward Spiral out of the ring at the WZ Rumble, costing him his shot at the WZChampionship at WZmania, Spiral seeked revenge, and got it, brutalizing Jake and costing HIM his chance by blasting him over the top rope with a chair, leaving the fans stunned as to why someone who was such a good friend and mentor to Spiral, could turn into his mortal enemy. This is a case of Downward Spiral taking every man for himself at the Rumble too far, and took it over the hellacious edge.

After Jake was eliminated, Spiral took Jake down with many vile and heinous attacks, leaving the fans confused, Downward Spiral grinning evilly and Jake bleeding all over the place. The final contenders in the match were as stunned as the audience, but Downward Spiral showed no contempt to Jake.

The use of weaponry was utilised by Downward Spiral at the Royal Rumble, but at WZMania, the only weapons will be these two's bare hands as they go at it to prove if the student can outsmart the master or if experience can overcome all. Y2Jake said that Spiral brought what he will do to him at WZMania on himself.
"At WZMania, I will give Downward Spiral the lesson he will never forget: I am the one and only master of deception and strength, and that I will be the one who kicks the hell out of his ass at WZMania”.

Downward Spiral came on the next week after the Rumble and stated that he could beat him hands down, and that he was better in every way: From intelligence, to their own countries.

On that night, he said he would show everyone what Jake's country was all about. He then brought out a group of fat, buck toothed, yellow toothed, beer drinking British impersonators. This was too much for Y2Jake to handle, as he hit the ring and everyone in sight, showing that he was ready for a fierce fight and didn't take kindly to insults of his home country and he wasn't going to lay down to Spiral, who fled the ring angrily after this.

Jake then proposed that THEY have a match to see who the real greatest mod is, which Downward Spiral accepted after stating
"We have gone one up on eachother every week, but at WZMania, I will come out on top and prove once and for all that Jake is nothing more than a lie that these fans lap up week in and week out."
"I am the best in this business, and he knows it. The only lesson he could ever teach me, is how to act like a stupid moron, and believe me, I will make him look just like that, and that is that!

Later in the week, both showed that this match is going to be one to remember, after both destroyed their opponents and sent messages that nothing will be held back and only one will be a winner. Both were determined in their demolition of the opponents, but they have intent only on destroying eachother.

These two have gone a long way from when Y2Jake brought in Downward Spiral to WZ, and General Manager Jonny B is sure to take notice.
"These guys hate eachother, and that is only going to mean ratings. They will destroy eachother, and that is a risk I am willing to take. You can be assured that the winner of this battle will get more than my respect. And that is a promise."

These two have built up hatred that is fit to explode at WZMania, and the fans are lapping that up. They are solidly behind the fan favourite veteran Y2Jake, and despise the ungrateful up and comer known as Downward Spiral. The fans have taken their sides, and it is going to turn into a bloody mess in what is one of the most heated, heinous rivalries in WZ history. Both claim they will demolish their opponent, and even though there can only be one winner, these two are sure to come out of their match worse for wear.

"At WZMania, Jake, you will not know your left from your God Damn right, and I am going to beat every shred of sense out of your fat head, and there is nothing you, or any of your fellow moronic countrymen can do about it."

"Spiral, you brought all the pain and suffering you are going to receive at WZMania on yourself. I will teach you the one lesson that these fans know, and you will damn sure know after our match, and that is that Payback...is a BITCH!"

Tune in to WZMania, as this heated rivalry will finally be resolved. Who will win out in the battle of the Teacher vs The Student, Country vs Country and Legend vs Up and Comer? Only time will tell.


(Downward Spiral has brought out a bunch of English impersonators, who are fat with yellow buck teeth, and are drinking beer and are worshipping a portrait of the Queen. Spiral is carrying a soccer ball with the English flag on it. Spiral is in the ring with the other men and is on the mic.)

"I am SICK of having to bow down to guys like Y2Jake and I get no respect from any of you morons! You worship guys like these fat slobs here, so that means that you worship England! (Crowd chants you suck) SHUTUPPPPP!!!!!!! I have to stand here in what is the skidmark of the entire universe known as the United States of America and I am disgusted, and the fact that I have to share this ring with British pigs makes me sick. Y2Jake is one of them."

"Look at this (Gestures around all the Impersonators). This is all that Jake is. This is his country, and you idiots idolise this crap. (Picks up the painting of the Queen) what do we have here? This looks like the woman my country is supposed to bow down to. Look, right there at that face. What the hell is that? Why should my country be put behind some limey's who make us worship a God Damn old woman?"

"(Points at one of the men) What? Do you like this? Kiss it. Go on, that's all you do, every day. (Guy gives it a big kiss.) Well how do you like it now?! (Slams the painting over his head, breaking it.) As far as you British go, you can kiss my ass, and so can all of you people who have no respect for what my country goes through." You try to run my life, and my country and I are much smarter than all other people and I am a much better wrestler than you Jake, or any other British guy there is."

"And look (Holds up the soccer ball) If it isn't Englands only past time. Just like everything else, you SUCK at it. (Throws the ball up in the air and all the British guys fight over it) Look at you idiots. Come on Jake, this is what you do. Come on out and show the world what you are really like: A fat, bigheaded idiot."

"Look at this stupid thing (points at soccer ball. Tries to grab it off one guy who won't let go so he punches him in the face) Oh you want the ball? You don't deserve a damn thing! (Pulls out a knife and slashes the ball and sromps on it) Where is it now huh? My country doesn't need it. We are above that. We are sick of having to be run by you people. You want the ball (Spits on it) here you go! (Shoves it up the unconscious guy's ass and starts laughing) How do you like that? England loses again, just like Y2Jake will. Don't you see I am sick of pigs like these people. That is all their life was. And now, it has been shoved up their ass! (Laughs and the British guys get angry and start drinking and eating.)

"I know that is all you and your country are: A bunch of fat, gross, moronic losers, but these fellow morons can't seem to pick it up because I am not as stu-stu-stupid as they are. You think your country is better than mine huh? Well how will the British deal with it, when I take all of them Down!? (Gives a Reverse Rock Bottom to a British impersonator.) That is your fate Jake, and that is all you are going to be good for, getting your ass kicked."

"I suppose you people want an anwser as to why I attacked Y2Jake after the Rumble. Fact is...I do not deserve to have to share my thoughts with a bunch of idiots who will forget it 5 seconds later (crowd boo) But on the other hand, I think I will let you in. You see, Jake walked around pretending that he was some kind of legend. I know for a fact, that he is anything but."

"I am the only talented one in this industry. I know it, my country knows it, and all of you idiots should as well. What happened at the Rumble was coming to Jake all this time, and he couldn't see it. I will knock Jake senseless anytime I want, and he will never remember a thing again. Believe me Jake, you and these idiots here have a lot more coming to them than you think. You pissed me off more than you can imagine, and I had been pushed around and put before guys less than half as talented as I am, like you, for too long. I took a stand, and I am doing it for what is right. What is MY right!"

"And you can't do a damn thing about it Jake and neither can anyone in the back, anyone in your pathetic country and any hick in this arena, because the one thing you do know, is that I am better than you and everyone else in every way. Your first act of stupidity was trusting me, like these idiots in America did, and that was a big mistake. You think I ever respected you? The only reason these idiots respect you, is because you act like you are big, but you are a fake, just like your country is. You want a reason to why I did it, you just got it: I despise you and your country and anyone who was mislead into thinking you are something you are not."

"You people are nothing but a bunch of fat hicks who suck up to everyone, and that includes fake people like Y2Jake who thinks he is good because he is a so called 'veteran', but I know that I am better than him in every way because I am that damn good. Each and everyone of you SUCK!."

"And once more, I am going to prevail over Jake in the name of my country, the greatest country in the world, AUSTRALIA!!! And there is nothing a bunch of fat limeys can do about it."

"Y2Jake thinks he can outsmart me? I can beat him, any day of the week, because I am more talented, smarter and a hell of a lot better than each and every individual that is the dregs of society in this arena, and that includes Y2Jake.."

I never once respected Jake because he didn't deserve a shred of it. He tried to act like he was God's gift to wrestling, but when I get my hands on him again, he will be beaten down so much that he will never get up from that ground again, and I will have completely crushed the legacy of his country and whatever legacy that halfwitted, halftalented British oaf had, and you will no longer see Jake parading around like he is better than me, and his country will fall in the same place as well."

"I will dominate and my country will dominate England because it is our RIGHT! I am sick of being looked over for a bunch of idiots like these guys, and Y2Jake is going to suffer anytime I get my hands on him, because he will see that I am above him in every way. I am going to make him suffer and cry like he has never done before. You people haven't even seen the beginning of what I am going to show him. Look at that (points up to a replay on the screen of him smashing his head into the stairs with a chair) Let's see that again! Look at that! His fat British head actually fit there. That is only the start. He won't live the next time I see him."

"He cheated to eliminate me, and you idiots can't see that. I had no choice but to lacerate him after beating his ass out of the match. He thought I wouldn't notice that he was cheating to eliminate me because he knew I was too good for him to do anything the right way. Well next time, he will be bleeding so much that he can't even see where he is going, although he and his country drink enough beer like the pigs they are so they can't see where they are going at any time. Point is Jake, that there is suffering to come. And that is directed right on you. I am going to make you hurt. I will..."

(Jake hits the ring and beats up all the British mockers and lays some punches on a furious Spiral who escapes the ring. Jake looks angry and determined as he gets on the mic)

Jake: "It is not over. You will pay for this. You want respect, you have to earn it. These people know that I and everyone else in the back is better than you, and I will teach you just that, by showing you that I have earned my respect. Spiral, I am going to tear flesh from your bones at WZMania, because that is what I do, and nothing else. Be prepared, because we are going one on one at WZMania, and I am not asking, I am demanding that match. I will show you just how ruthless I am by tearing you apart. Be ready Spiral, because my country is better than whatever half assed impression you dig up. These fans hate you, because all you are, is a pompous, Son of a Bitch! This means war Spiral, and it is one, that you can be assured, you will not win."

"Spiral, Payback...is a BITCH!!!

Downward Spiral = Red

Y2Jake = Blue

General Manager Jonny B = Green

Downward Spiral has come to the ring in response to Y2Jake's challenge last week. He is wearing bandages and has an angry expression on his face.

"It has come to my attention, that Y2Jake actually believes he can take it with me. This PROVES without a shadow of a doubt, that Y2Jake is the stupidest thing to grace this World since President George W Bush, and Queen Elizabeth the second were given some of the highest powers this world has to offer. You see George Bush makes actions without any thought crossing his moronic mind, and Jake is no different. The Queen of England does absolutely nothing and yet still thinks that she can boss around other people and is nothing more than condescending, like the entire US of A, that disgusting shithole known as Great Britain, and now this moronic buffoon known as Y2Jake. There is nothing great about Great Britain because like I showed you people two weeks ago, they are all fat limeys who do nothing at all, just like Y2Jake."

"The fact that Jake has the audacity to challenge me, ME to a match is just another show of disrespect to his better. No one challenges me because I call the shots around here! None of you hicks have any power over me because you know I am the best this business has ever seen and that my country deserves better than being Britain's Bitch. How would you like being told to bow down to people who are clearly stupider than you are? I will give you people in this arena some credit. For once you have found people that can outidiot you (crowd boos) What's that? You don't like the truth? Well Y2Jake will get the reality check he needs, because I am SICK of being pushed around by guys like him, who have achieved NOTHING in this business. I am the future, and Y2Jake is just the fat past."

"My people work 10 times harder than the rest of the world because we are civilised human beings, and I am taking a stand against the morons that think they are better than us. You fat limeys push us around and treat us like slaves, and I am taking the initiative to tear anyone who gets in my way, and I will prove that we can prevail over anything because it is in the name of the greatest country in the world...(assumes JBL's wrestling God pose) Australia. We have to listen to what America and Britain tell us to do, and I have to listen to what Jake tells me to. Did you not notice how long it took him to come out and attack me? That is how slow that moron is, that he couldn't even pick up the fact that he was a stupid less than has-been until it was blasted into him by the one person in this business who has a shred of sense. Last week, I proved just how strong I was when I took apart that other disgusting Englishman known as Abyss. Just one in a line of attacks I am directing to get what is my right."

"As for the match Jake, like I said, I don't listen to you, or any other moron that pollutes this world. I make the matches, and I am the one who orders people around because I am better than EVERYONE else. You and I both know that I will kick your fat ass anyway. So the answer that all these people have been waiting for is...."

"(Looks at the crowd) HELL NO!!! I don't have to bow down to you or anyone else and you do not order me around. You and me at WZMania, is not going to happen and that is the word of the greatest wrestler in the industry. As much as I would like to kick your ass, I don't feel obligated to do it in front of the idiots in America, but you know you would lose anyway. So the match is off, and that is that! I don't have to-"

(Just then, Y2Jakes music hits and the crowd go wild. He walks out on to the ramp and Spiral is fuming again. He has a mic in hand and has an expressionless look on his face.)

"You know Spiral, I knew you didn't have the guts to face me because you are weak, and all you do is mouth off when I am not around as if these people want to hear your voice. Why don't you-"

"Shut your mouth! How dare you come and interrupt me you stupid English bastard. You have no respect for people you know are better than you. Whoever said that they wanted you out here? I swear to God, I will come down there and kick your limey ass. One more w-"

(Imitates talking with his hand) "Spiral, you act as if people give two shits to hear your voice you foolish sod. Does anyone in here want that clown to open his mouth again? (Crowd Boo) I think that is settled you Australian jerk. Everyone knows you are too gutless to face me. I don't think that you could go anywhere near to kicking my ass, because we ALL know that you are a no talent whiner that no one cares about. You think you can badmouth my country by yourself? Spiral I know the way you act and I know that you have guys everywhere to get me. Fact is, none of them can take me because they are all like you: Condescending son's of bitches."

"I don't need help to tear you limb from limb. You can't tell me what to do because I am better. Don't tell me that-"

"Don't give me your crap Spiral. It isn't working. I saw your 'cavalry' and took them out accordingly. But I know you are too weak to fight for yourself, so I recruited one guy who I respect, and is one of my fellow countrymen. He is another legend of this business, and together, we will show you and anyone else like you what respect is about. Ladies and Gentlemen, this man has just recovered from an injury and has been a great General Manager in his time off (crowd hypes up) And you have inspired him to come back Spiral, because he wants to kick your ass too. Everyone, please welcome: Jonny B!!!"

(Crowd gives a good reception to Jonny B, who comes out without the leg brace he has been wearing for months. He is smiling as he looks at Spiral who looks angrily surprised. He has a mic in the hand and raises it enthusiastically.

"Hey Spiral, I am back. And you know what, I knew that you didn't have the guts to face Jake. What you said about my country was dead wrong. I know your country is ruined by guys like you who have no decency. So now, I have shrugged off the injuries and was looking forward to seeing a great match at WZMania, but you are a coward again. You wanted respect? Try not acting like such a jackass all the time and better yet, SHUT YOUR MOUTH!! So tonight, I am going to show everyone what I do with undeserving people who don't belong on my company."

"You can't do anything Jonny. I will tear you apart just like Pastie did 6 months ago. You are just another one who thinks he is bigger than he really is. I will teach you the lesson, and there is nothing anyone can do about it. Yeah I have guys around to kick your ass, but I can do it myself. Jake, you better watch out, because I can come from anywhere, anytime and either way, I will crush you. No one you can bring out can stop me, and you cannot boss me around anymore. I will (Jonny evilly pulls out some Brass Knuckles wrapped in Barbed wire and Spiral trails off.)

"You see Spiral. You can't win. We all wan't to kick your ass and tonight, that wish is reality. (Starts walking down to the ring and Jonny looks between him and the Knucks on his hands in the same spot.) You see, the British are known for one thing: We can tear flesh from bone and knock the bloody sense out of you, and that's what is going to happen RIGHT NOW!"

(Jonny B smiles and follows and Spiral looks petrified. Jake stops, points at Jonny and then Spiral and laughs and the crowd are pumped. He takes a step and from behind him, Jonny B runs up and angrily belts Jake in the back of his head. Spiral starts laughing and Jonny looks around with a look A la Edge. Jake is rolling around bleeding just outside the ring and Jonny continues the attack. Jonny slams him into the steps and then gets in the ring with Spiral and they both raise their hands as the crowd boos.)

"You actually believe that you had backup? Not even people from your own country can help you now. Jonny was in it all along and you stupidly believed him, and these idiots saw right through our act. Now, I will show you what pain you never saw coming."

(Spiral goes outside and starts beating on Jake as the medics arrive and Jonny B hits them again and knocks them away. Spiral continues the beating and lacerates Jake further with a steel chair. Jonny is laughing as he lifts up the mic.)

"Spiral is right Jake, you are nothing but a washed up loser. You ruin the name of our country and deserve nothing. You were foolish enough to believe that I had your back? That proves how stupid you are. I don't care what you think, what the fans think or what anyone thinks about what I did. I am GM and I call the shots and I just did. Your luck has run out and this is an era known as the Downward Spiral era and I will make your life a misery for what you do to the future of this business. You haven't seen pain yet. (He pulls out an English flag with Jake's head on it) Now can you guess where this is going? I guess you will now literally have your head shoved up your ass. Spiral will you do the honours?"

"With pleasure. (Takes it and punches Jake in the face and then shoves the handle up Jake's ass. He then starts laughing) You like that? Huh? You haven't seen nothing yet and as for your match at WZMania, I just have a few things to say. With Jonny's help or not, you will still not come out of WZMania alive. This is not over. At WZMania, I call the shots again and two words Jake: I ACCEPT, but I will choose the match, and for that, you and these idiots will have to wait for what I say!"

(Spiral's music hits as Jonny raises his hands as they stand over an unconscious Jake. They grin evillly as the crowd boo incessantly.)
Here is Jake's one and only promo that he wrote himself:

(It's the opening of the show and Y 2 Jake is standing in the middle of the ring. He cut's his promo staring hard into the camers.)

''Y'know at the Rumble a great thing happened. Something that I though would never happen. Spiral showed some initiative. I trained that little bastard for two years. TWO YEARS. And not once did he ever show any initiative. He was my lap dog. I constantly had to tell him what to do. I've trained some great's in my career. Downward Spiral was never one of them. He had potential but that mean's nothing if you cant execute it properly. The irony is that when he decided to show some potential, he used it against me. I'm proud of you Spiral. I truly am. Unfortunately for you you went to far. It's weird how you mock my country when you think I'm not even in the arena. It's very easy to mock. I could have come out here with a fat, inbred Mick Dundee imposter. But I'm better than that. Everyone take's the piss out of the way the English talk. But the only reason that is, is because nobody in Australia know's what class is. You Australian's who live in hut's and eat Koala testicles aren't even a country worth mentioning. In England the only work Australian's are worthy of are working in Australia themed pubs. You're countrymen come to our country to work in a pub, that's the same as the one's in Australia. Must make sence if you're a stupid Aussies.''

''Anyway there's one reason that I've come here and that's to challenge you to a match at WZ Mania. And I think it's obvious what the stipulation should be. But seeing as you're a little slow I'll say anyway. How about it Spiral? You and me in a Flag Match?''

(Y 2 Jake chucks the mic on the floor not waiting for a response, and walks out the arena.)
(Downward Spiral has come out to his music, Drown by Three Days Grace, with a smirk on his smug face. He jumps in the ring and snatches the microphone off the ring announcer.)

"So yet again we see that I am truly dominant over all challengers. Jake proved again that I can outsmart him any day, at any time, and I have proved to all of you that I am the best this business has to offer, and Jake is washed up. Jake has no friends in the back because they all respect me for what I do. You are on your own Jake, but I don't care because I can take you on whenever I want and as for our match at WZMania, even though everyone knows that I will kick your ass, the match is ON!"

"You see I have told Jonny what match I want, and he has made it official. Jonny also has a few things up his sleeve as of now as well. And like I said before, I can beat you anywhere I want and at any time, so our match at WZMania will be..."

"A Falls Count Anywhere match. And that isn't it. The winner, which will no doubt be me you stupid son of a bitch, will get to burn the losers country's flag. How do you like that huh?! Wouldn't that be a shame when I beat your ass to within an inch of your life and then finish your country off and MY country, AUSTRALIA, will reign as your rightful superiors, and we will no longer be considered second-class citizens, because it is my right that I get to unleash my gigantic, god-given wrestling gifts onto your fat ass, and when it is all said and done, I will have proved without a doubt that you are nothing but a once-was, and I am the true future of the business! There is no way out of the beating coming to you Jake, and it will be merciless and you haven't seen anything yet."

"And now Jake, let's say hello to the man that double crossed you last week. Let's here what General Manager Jonny B has to say, and this, you don't want to miss."...

(Jonny B's music hits as he walks out to the ring and shakes hands with a grinning Downward Spiral. He looks out with a disgusted look at the booing crowd.)

"So many people have been asking why did I do it? Why did I double cross someone who was meant to be a close friend, to align myself with someone who supposedly disrespected everything I stood for? Why did I beat Jake to a bloody pulp? Well the fact is that I am the authority figure in this company, and what I say, goes."

"Jake thought he was above me and thought that I would listen to him, but the fact is, he never respects guys like Spiral that make this company what it is. So Jake, I did what I did to you because I felt like it and I was sick of condescending people like you who have no respect for the guys who make this business what it was. You were never anything. I proved that along with Spiral last week and now it is my job to reward Spiral because he is a great talent and someone who will carry this business from this day forward, and I will not stand for you Jake, standing in his way. I call the shots and that is the way it is going."

"So come on out Jake because we are ready for you again. Come on Jake (Jonny B starts warming up and Spiral is concentrating on the ramp. Spiral then shakes his head and goes and throws the ring announcer off his chair and takes it into the ring.) You want to come out again Jake? We are ready. You are stupid and we know it, so why not prove it again to these people because they need to see that you are nothing and that I deserve the respect. Not you. I am the General Manager God damn i-"

(Jonny is cut off by Jake's music. Jake comes out with bandages and is looking furious. He stops at the front of the ramp and doesn't take his eyes off of the two men in the ring. He has a mic in hand and raises it slowly....)

"Wow Spiral. You actually proved to everyone that you really have no balls at all. Jonny, I had respect for you, but you have proved yourself to be nothing but a jackass. Spiral, I couldn't care if it is a submission match, a tables match, a ladders match or even Hell in a Freaking Cell. I will still pay you back for everything you have done to me because you don't deserve anything. So let's keep it short and sweet Spiral and Jonny. I will make you pay and I don't care what I have to go through. You will feel my wrath right now and I don't care whatever you do because I am ready for it. There will be no backstabbing now and you can't go anywhere and I never demanded respect, but I sure as hell will have earned it after tonight."

(Jake takes his shirt off and starts heading to the ring with a determined look on his face. He reaches just short of the ring where Spiral and Jonny are waiting anxiously and Spiral is holding the chair tightly. Jake then stops and starts laughing.)

"You guys think I am stupid enough to go down there when it's 2 on 1? Really you guys. See I have friends who could destroy you just as easily as I could and they know you are nothing but two girls so there will be no more crap. These guys are real up and comers and they will be the ones teaching you a lesson. There is no running away now. Guys, come on out...."

(Jake's music hits as Extremetwistoffate, Wrestledude and Abyss join Jake at the front of the ring in front of a terrified Jonny and Downward Spiral.)

"You see guys, the tables have turned. This is Team Jake and you guys are no chance. Chairs or nothing, we are taking you down."

(Just as they got in the ring, Spiral and Jonny ducked out. Jake's team get in the ring and start yelling at them. Just then, the crowd starts booing as Luther Hull and Pastie 1545 hit the ring with chairs and knock out Jake's team from behind. This starts an all in brawl with everyone except Spiral and Jonny, who are still looking worried on the outside, in there. Jake gets the chairs off of Ace and Pastie and their team goes to belt them with it when Spiral and Jonny come back in and lays the other team out. Jonny's team starts laying into Jakes team and they continue for a while before Jake's team fights back. They grab the chairs and go for Team Jonny before Team Jonny escapes under the ropes. Team Jake look a little groggy, but they all stand up on the turnbuckles holding their chairs up to a roaring crowd. Jonny's team looks angry as they are glaring and seething at that sight. Jonny picks up the mic that Jake dropped when he went in the ring.)

"You son of a bitch Jake. I knew you were too gutless to do things yourself but now, we will have to destroy those so called, 'superstars' you have gathered. These guys here are now known as Team Jonny, and these guys are going to smash any sense you losers have. You made a war Jake, and it is a war that we will win. Team Jake vs Team Jonny at WZMania Jake, in a Survivor Series style, elimination match, and I call the shots and it is official. You have brought you and the rest of your 'posse's' demise on yourself. You got off lucky tonight but none of you will not leave with an inch of your life after what we do to you. And just a taste of what's to come, next week, it will be Downward Spiral agains Wordisborn. Looks like all of you will get two beatings on one night as well, because all your matches are still on at WZMania, and you guys will lose because this is the real WZ and you guys can't hold a candle to us. This is not over."

(Jake's team grins as Jonny's look angry. Jake's music hits and the crowd is electric.)
(Downward Spiral has made his way to the ring with a few bandages from his match with Extremetwistoffate. He is alone and slowly gets in the ring. He raises the microphone after looking around at the crowd.)

"You know Jake, I have now seen just how you act. You act in numbers, and nothing else. You used this Team Jake vs Team Jonny as a distraction to our match. Have you forgotten? Do you need reminding you idiot? Well here's the facts. (Looks at the camera and talks in a childs voice) At Wrestlemania Jake, I will be kicking your ass in a Falls Count Anywhere match, simply because I have told you before that I could beat you anywhere, anytime. (Looks out at the crowd and assumes normal tone) You hear that guys? Spiral said it. Jake is going down and it is all because of me."

"Sure, we have that other match going on, but Jake that doesn't mean I am going any easier on you. You may have tried to step around it by using your "J Team", but I can remember. But YOU, will not remember anything after I am done with you. I can take you down with backup or not, and there will be no mercy. No remorse on anything I do to you at Wrestlemania. There will be blood Jake, and it will be coming from you. You can't run Jake, no matter how hard you try. I will make sure that you idiots here, and you Jake, NEVER forget my name. And that...is Downward....Spiral."

"The match is still on Jake, and at WZMania, you will get not one, but two beatings. The first will knock you senseless, thanks to me. The second one...will finish you off forever, and wipe your miserable life off the radar, courtesy of Team...Jonny. I don't need backup Jake, so Team Jonny is staying out of our match at WZMania. Whether you get help or not, NO ONE can keep me from destroying you. I have not forgot what you did to me before Jake. Everything you did to me, will be taken into account when I am beating your ass all around the arena. My country will reign supreme, and the English flag will be shoved so far up your ass you can't breathe."

"FINALLY, you morons here will realise that Jake is nothing but a lie. I am the future, and now, the present. Jake, I will knock you into the past, and there is nothing you can do about it. You tried to run, and now, you have gotten yourself into something you never wanted. I am the most skillful wrestler the world has ever seen, and at WZMania, I am after you!"

(Spiral drops the microphone and goes to leave before Jake's music hits and he comes out to the ramp.)
"Spiral, it's the same old nonsense every week. You saying I am going to be taken down. You saying I don't have a chance. I am tired of it, and these fans are damn sure tired of it (crowd pops). Listen guys, you can come out from your toilet break now because Spiral is off the microphone."

"Don't give me this crap again. I don't need the J Team to prove to these guys that you are full of garbage. I came out by myself, and if you want to keep being a hypocritical son of a bitch, that's fine by me because it only angers me further."

"So Spiral, listen up and listen good. (Gets angrier in his tone and pauses for a second without taking his eyes off of Spiral) You cannot beat me. You made your deathbed, and I am going to make you lie in it. Your falls count anywhere match is just going to benefit me. I would have much rather had a hardcore match, to show you what the British are really made of, but I guess this will allow me to kick your ass as much as I like. You can come out here and insult these guys and myself, but the fact is, we are laughing at you Spiral. You are a condescending little bitch, and I will be the one proving things come WZMania time. Don't deny it Spiral. I am the one who will be delivering the beatings, and whether it be the J Team or myself, you and your "posse" won't know what hit him, and it definitely won't be pretty. I didn't want to run Spiral, but now, you had to go and piss me off again. I hear the same thing from you every week. So to shut you up, I am coming down there, where you cannot run. You cannot hide now Spiral. It's one on one. Team Jonny is down for the count, and we will repeat the beating you got last week. Prove you are a man Spiral. Prove to these fans that you actually have some balls, because I am not falling for any lie you spit out of your mouth."

(Jake drops the microphone and starts slowly walking towards the ring. Spiral looks a little reluctant, but he gets in a fighting position. Jake slides in the ring where Spiral steps back a bit. Jake looks behind him, and then at Spiral, and smiles. He slowly moves towards Spiral, who stands his ground a few steps away. Jake reaches Spiral and they both start glaring at eachother and their faces look intensely angry as they are very close. Spiral's eyes slowly drift to the ground, and he throws a punch at Jake, who doesn't show the slightest bit of pain. Spiral looks a little scared, as he starts backing away from an angry Jake. Spiral quickly gets out of the ring and starts walking away and looking at Jake, who's eyes don't wander as they look angrily at Spiral. Jake starts laughing as Spiral has fear in his eyes. Jake looks at a cheering crowd and smiles at Downward Spiral. As Downward Spiral is walking backwards up the ramp, Team Jake slowly steps out and stands behind Spiral, as Spiral quickly looks around and trips over. Team Jake is joined by Jake, as he stands behind Spiral. Spiral looks at Jake, and then back at Team Jake several times before standing up and looking scared. The J Team stop smiling, and have expressionless faces. Spiral slowly backs out as he looks terrified and Team Jake's eyes follow him. He slowly moves towards the back and Team Jake still looks at him but do nothing. As Spiral goes out to the back, Team Jake raise the English flag between them all and keep their eyes on the back. They look between eachother, before moving to the back as well.)
(Y2Jake's music hits as he walks out to the ring with an expressionless face. He picks up the microphone and stares into the camera.)

"Last week Spiral, you got off easy, and I will admit that. People may be asking why I didn't beat the holy hell out of you then, but I have told everyone the same reason. I will never go down to your level and like you saw, I don't gang up on people like you do everytime. I felt no need to kick your ass last week but Spiral, I am saving that for WZMania."

"You see, I was being complacent for a long time. I was in a rut. I had lost focus on training and I was beginning to feel like there was nothing left. And then...along came you Spiral. You and I were fine until the WZRumble, when you tried to make a name of yourself. I made you Spiral. You had potential and you could have been great. Instead, you threw it all away because of your damn grudges. You think you can tell me I have no idea what's coming to me at WZMania? I know damn well what is coming for me at WZMania, and that is that I am walking out the winner."

(He walks out of the ring and grabs a chair and goes back in to the ring and sits down.)

"You have awoken something that I had left behind. Something I hoped I would never have to go back to. You have brought back the hardcore, British son of a bitch, known as Y...2....Jake. You have made this a war Spiral, and I will seal your fate. Like I have said, there is no running. There is no hiding. And I can assure you that there will be no remorse from me when I beat you to within an inch of your life. I am Y2Jake Spiral, and you want to teach people things? Why don't you teach yourself that you do not mess with me? I am going back to where I once was. I am making you my bitch at WZMania, and I will go through anything to get it into your big, fat head, that you have no right trying to tell these people that you are something you are damn sure not!"

(He gets up and takes the chair and looks to the top of the ramp. He stares at it for a while before looking back up.)

"Falls Count Anywhere....Anything goes...Anything Counts....but only one of us will be falling. And Spiral, that person is going to sadly, be you. Chairs, barbed wire, tables, ladders and my own damn hands, are ALL going to take part in your hard earned lesson. I am sick of the crap. Anything you do is going to add fuel to the fire Spiral, and you have no idea what you are getting into. If you had the balls to actually fight me Spiral, I may actually take you seriously. And if you do want to fight, I have just one thing to say. Don't bother trying to come and get it Spiral, because the beating is coming to YOU!!!!"

(He throws the mic to the ground and lifts the chair up to his face where he grins maniacally at it. He then smashes it into the ground and walks out, raising his hands to the crowd. He disappears into the back as the picture turns to an image of Downward Spiral vs Y2Jake at WrestlezoneMania. The camera fades out...)
(The Ring Announcer is in the ring and holds a microphone to his mouth.)

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I have some sad news for you. Y2Jake will be unable to appear tonight, because of family troubles at his home in England. It is with great regret that I tell you that his father is losing his battle with cancer. He will not be coming back for a week and-"

(He is cut off by Downward Spiral's music, as Spiral is walking out with a grin on his face. He quickly gets into the ring and shoves the announcer to the outside after snatching the microphone off him.)

"Well, well, well, Jake makes up more excuses just so he doesn't have to face ME. Last week, all he did was talk trash which he KNEW he couldn't back up. So now, his father has cancer. Very unfortunate situation but there is no way that I am going to let Jake step out from facing me."

"You know what, I am not taking this crap. Jake is just making up crap, and this is another of his white lies. You people eat this stuff up. You are as stupid as he is for thinking that his dad is really suffering from 'cancer'. Okay, I'm coming clean. I made it up, and now, Jake is on a one way ticket to his hometown slum, in that disgusting part of the World known as England. (Starts laughing) How stupid can you get? You actually believed this Jake? You were stupid enough to believe what I tell you? This proves that Jake is nothing more than a stupid fool, and you people still think he is worthy of getting in the ring with me? Well, I got rid of you Jake and made you look like an idiot doing it, and now you will have to stay in England where I won't have to face you. I am putting up with no more of your crap Jake, and now, my feud with you is over. Have fun wherever you end up, because I am certainly having fun without having to put up with you."

(Spiral gets out of the ring and starts to walk up the ramp before he notices something in the crowd. He walks back and comes face to face with someone in a Y2Jake shirt. He looks at him once before raising the microphone to his mouth.)

"What do we have here? Why, I've heard of you. You are the hometown hero here in this cesspool known as Washington State. Why, you are one of Jake's closest friends, and yet you remain here with these idiots in the crowd. Everyone, you want a definition of washed up, well here he is. The so called 'veteran' known as....Kasey!!!! So Kasey, do you think that Jake will ever come back huh? You are his best friend, so you know better than anyone how stupid he is, and both of you are just as washed up as eachother, but I guess Jake is still able to move his fat ass in the ring, but where are you huh?"

(Kasey is glaring at Spiral the whole time. Spiral starts laughing, and stares right back at Kasey, before slapping him right in the face. Spiral is laughing even harder now,and he picks Kasey up by his hair and tosses him over the guard rail. Spiral lifts Kasey's head up to his, points at him angrily and then irish whips him into the steps. He rolls Kasey into the ring, and turns around and lifts his arms in the air in victory. He slowly walks to the announcers table where he glares at the announcers, before picking up a chair.

He looks with despise at the crowd before rolling in the ring with the chair. Kasey is standing up, and as Spiral turns around, Kasey starts laying the punches into him and the crowd is wild. He grabs the chair off Spiral and lifts it up, but is kicked in the groin by Spiral and drops the chair. Spiral picks it up and he steps back a bit, and smashes Kasey with the chair on the top of the skull. He lines Kasey's head up against the bottom turnbuckle. Spiral walks back a few steps, before running at Kasey full pace and smashing him across the head with the chair, busting him open instantly.

Spiral throws the chair down viciously, and starts pummeling Kasey's head with punches and kicks. He then rolls out of the ring and looks under the ring, and pulls out a table. He slides it into the ring and sets it up near the turnbuckle. He picks Kasey up and slowly climbs the turnbuckle with Kasey in a headlock. He is at the top with Kasey in the Downward Spiral position, but shakes his head and pushes Kasey to the ground. Spiral gets out of the ring and looks under again, and pulls out a container of lighter fluid, and a gas lighter. He looks out at the crowd before jumping into the ring.

He steps over and douses the table with the lighter fluid and sets it on fire, before tossing the lighter and fluid to the outside. He again lifts Kasey up to the top of the turnbuckle in the Spiral position, and as he gets to the top and as soon as he is facing the table, Y2Jake hits the ring, without music, and Spiral doesn't see him as Jake starts running down to the ring, and he pushes Downward Spiral off the top turnbuckle, and through the flaming table!!!! The crowd is going nuts, as Spiral writhes in pain to the outside. Jake picks up the chair in the ring, and walks around to Downward Spiral, but referees and officials run down and prevent Jake from doing anything to Spiral.

Jake backs off angrily and tosses the chair to the floor, as EMT's run down to check on Spiral and Kasey, who is still lying in the ring. Jake rolls in the ring and brushes the EMT's off Kasey, and lifts him up and raises his arms. Kasey is a little more conscious and he smiles at Jake, and both go over to the ropes and raise their arms to the crowd, who are going wild. They both go to the outside and Jake is holding Kasey up so he doesn't fall. They head to the curtain before Kasey breaks out of Jake's arms, and raises his arms to the wild crowd, before they both glare at Spiral and head to the back.)
(Downward Spiral is walking in the back but is stopped by Maria.)

"Spiral, Spiral, I just want your thoughts on facing Y2Jake at WZMa-"

(Downward Spiral snatches the microphone and stands over a cowering Maria)

"Just you shut your mouth you filthy tramp. Maybe if you weren't as stupid as you are, you would have paid attention to what I have been saying these last few weeks. Now don't you EVER get in my face like that again you moronic bimbo, ang get the hell out of my sight!"

(Maria quickly runs away.)

(Looking after her) "Filthy ****. Makes me sick...(Looks at Camera) As for what she said, my thoughts? My thoughts are that there is no need for contemplation or discussion about my match, because the end is obviously enevitable. I am not worried, nor do I care about the match, because it is going to be a walk in the park, and Downward Spiral and the greatest country of them all, Australia, will come out on top YET...again. So don't even try to cheer for Jake, because you see what happens to condescending smartasses in the crowd who try to boo me. You idiots don't know talent when you see it, and the only reason you cheer for Jake is because you can relate to him because all of you and Jake have one thing in common: You are all PATHETIC! (Crowd boos.) And you know what else is pathetic, is the fact that you morons hide behind a loser like Jake, and take pride in the very few victories he gets, because you are all worthless piles of crap just like Jake! (Crowd boos even more.)"

"So Jake, you and these fans can go about with your stupid looks on your fat, ugly faces, but reality is going to set in soon. Right about the time I have beaten your ass to a bloody pulp and you are lying on your back in the middle of the ring at WZMania, and the referee counts (gestures with his hand) 1...2....3 you will know that you got your fat ass into something you could never get out of, and if I haven't already proved week in and week out that I am the best this business has to offer, you and the fans will damn sure know after I prove to everyone what a pathetic, washed up piece of crap you are. I am sick of hearing this crap about you being fired up and how you are going to beat my ass at WZMania, because NOTHING could be further from the truth. I could leave your body mangled and twisted night after night, but I am saving that for WZMania when Downward Spiral reigns supreme over a has been, and you fans can stick any confidence or pride you have in Jake straight up your asses before I belt it out of you! (Crowd boos.) Shut your God Damn mouths because booing is not going to stop me from pummeling Jake back into last year at WZMania, so I suggest you shut your mouths before I come out there and do it to each and every one of you pathetic losers! (Crowd boos very loudly.)"

"You have heard my God damn thoughts week in and week out and I still can't get it through your thick heads that Jake has absolutely no chance coming out of WZMania a winner, or still in one piece, because I am simply superior. He can come out and do his little tough guy act which you idiots lap up every week, but you will all see at WZMania that he is nothing. Jake is pathetic and washed up and it's a joke I even have to face him. Now you listen up and listen good. I call the shots around here and no one gets in my way without paying the consequences. Don't try to run Jake because I know you want to, and no matter what you bring to the table against me at WZMania, there is no chance in hell that you could beat me, because you will be busted open straight after the bell rings. You have no idea what kind of hell you have dragged yourself into but it is not going to be pretty. Falls Count Anywhere, which means I can brutalise you anywhere I want and any way I want. If you ever make it out of WZMania, which I doubt you will, you can be assured I will just keep beating your fat ass down until you are just a distant memory and I and Team Jonny reign as rightful superiors in WZ because we are just that Damn Good! And That...Is....That!"

(Spiral throws the microphone away and glares closely at the camera before laughing and walking cockily away.)
(Jake is shown in a dark room with an English flag in the background. His head is bowed but he looks up at the camera after a while.)

"WZMania.....a week away. Anything said beforehand will be forgotten. We will all be tested. It's survival of the fittest. The strongest. The toughest. Men will be separated from the boys and no one will come out the same. It is the biggest phenomenon in sports entertainment history and it's going down this Sunday. Words are meaningless before WZMania, but I want each and every Wrestlezone fan to listen up to what I have to say."

"You see, at WZMania, I am going to be taking on Downward Spiral in a Falls Count Anywhere match that is going to steal the bloody show. You fans don't know what you're in for, but I can give you a little insight. Spiral doesn't respect what you fans mean to the business. He doesn't even respect this business and he is a disgrace. But the truth is, I am looking forward to facing the kid. He can say anything he wants, but at WZMania, he's going to have to back it up, and Y2Jake is not going to make it easy for him. I've heard people say he is a pompous little bitch and at WZMania, I'm going to show everyone he is nothing but that."

"I have looked back on my career during our feud and I realised I haven't had that moment in time that has made me truly deserve my spot as being considered a legend in this business. You fans have not seen my full potential left, and in this body there is still fight left. Downward Spiral....you've brought the fight out of me and at WZMania, it's being unleashed on you. My career has been too easy and I became complacent. I'm going to be upfront with you guys, before Spiral turned on me, I was in a rut. I had begun to doubt my career and doubt my ability. (Looks down) I was losing it and it was showing. What you see on the television is only a very small part of a wrestlers life. In reality, we are not always the people you see on TV. At WZMania, you are going to see a hardcore Y2Jake but outside the ring, it's not like that. During my dark patch, I had begun to take it out on the people around me. My family was falling apart and I had lost respect for myself. It has been creeping inside me, torturing my soul and I just have to come clean with all the fans. I was not good to myself before Spiral came along. I had nights where I would be out all night drinking and burying my life. It got worse. I had begun to torture myself literally, and I couldn't hide the scars inside...or outside my body, and it was all because of the fact that I know I'm not exactly the wrestler I was."

"It was torturous to me. (looks back up at the camera with a fierce look in his eye) but then...you came along Spiral. I was your mentor, and only there to build what I saw was a great talent into the wrestling business, and you turned on me like a slap in the face or a shot to the goolies. You are the sole reason I wake up in the morning and you have taken me back to a stage that I had lost, because all I want..is your destruction. When you cost me my shot at the WZ Title at the WZRumble, you took away those demons in my life. You made me see that there is still life in Y2Jake and now, you have pissed me off further. I don't know what's going to happen in our match at WZMania, but I know for sure that I'm going to come out with dignity and in the hope I have taught your ass a hard earned lesson. It doesn't matter what blood is shed! What sweat is shed and how much our lives have been shortened! What matters is that I am back and better than ever and at WZMania, the end is not a good one for you as I can ensure all WZ fans, Downward Spiral will not come out the same courtesy of yours truly."

"So after all is said and done, after it has all been settled, we will see who truly is the best competitor and my life right now is dedicated to kicking your ass Spiral! Everyone of your comments was not a dagger in my heart like it would have been before, because now, it's the fuel that feeds the fire and passion in my heart, and it is only getting me more ready for this match and I want to thankyou Spiral. I want to thank you for getting my life back on track because if there wasn't a boring son of a bitch that picked a fight with me, my life would not be worth living. So thank yourself for bringing on your own personal destruction, because at WZMania, the beast...is unleashed. We've had the battles before, but at WZMania, it will be the war, and it is a war you are sure to lose. 1 week Spiral, and we will be showing the greatest match WZ has ever seen. There will be pain Spiral, but there will be ecstasy for the winner. So take whatever steps you want to take to prepare, but you will be facing someone ready to go past levels unimaginable to prove myself to the fans. There's still more in me Spiral, so don't take me lightly. WZMania 1 will be...the end of Downward Spiral..."

(Crowd cheers as Jake gets up and walks away. The camera zooms in to the British flag as it fades out.)
The WZ Theme music stops as the lights go dim. On the titan tron, an image of Downward Spiral vs Y2Jake: Falls Count Anywhere is shown on the screen as the crowd goes absolutely insane for this one. The crowd is amping up before the pyro goes crazy as Y 2 Jake's music hits and the veteran comes out all fired up. The crowd is giving him a standing ovation as the entire crowd is raising their arms for him. Jake is wearing his red and blue British tights and has a look similar to the Bulldog. Jake stops at the top of the ramp and looks out at the crowd with a small smile on his face. He lifts his arm in the air and starts jumping up and down preparing for this one. He looks out at the crowd once more before swiftly running down to the ring and climbing up the steps and soaking it up once more before getting under the ropes and in the ring.

JR: "My God King! It's finally here! We finally get to see this heavily hyped match right now! Falls Count Anywhere, can you believe it?!"

King: "I'm ready for this one JR and I can't wait! For so long these two have gone back and forth and now the talking stops and the action begins, and now we'll see who the real man is here, and I think I know who it is."

JR: "And Jake looks absolutely pumped for this match and it's this mentality that's getting him the win in my vew here"

King: "Are you kidding me JR? Jake is just preparing for the beating of his life and he's going to be lucky to survive this one. I'm going Downward Spiral all the way here."


Lillian Garcia: This contest is scheduled for one fall and is a FALLS COUNT ANYWHERE MATCH!!! In the ring, weighing in at 250 pounds, from Stoke-on-Trent, England...Y! 2! Jake!

The crowd chants along with Garcia as Jake climbs up on the turnbuckles and starts looking out at all the crowd before raising his arms again as the crowd is still insane for him. Jake jumps down and focuses his attention on the top of the ramp, still stretching and warming up.

Suddenly, Jake's music stops as "Drown" by Three Days Grace hits the speakers and the cheers for Jake immediately turn into fierce boos as Downward Spiral slowly appears in dark red and black spotlights at the top of the ramp. He has his head down as he walks out and the crowd does not like him one bit. He stops at the top of the ramp and looks out at the crowd with disgust. Downward Spiral lowers himself to the floor and proceeds to jump up with an Orton-esque pose that sends the boos raining down. He is wearing his red and black tights with his trademark barbed wire criss cross on the sides. Spiral begins to walk down to the ramp before stopping and looking at the yelling fans before shaking his head in disgust. He stops before the ring, staring Jake in the eyes, as they both have a heated stare-down. Spiral raises his arms again as Garcia begins his introduction:

Lillian Garcia: And his opponent, weighing in at 235 pounds, from Brisbane, Australia..."The One and Only" Downward SPIRAL!!!!

This sends the crowd into an angry frenzy at the sound of his name as Downward Spiral remains on the outside, looking out at the crowd once more. The referee signals for the bell as this one begins!!!


Part 1:

Jake and Spiral begin circling eachother, looking anxiously for a spot to attack one another. The crowd is on fire in anticipation for this match. The two combatants stop and look out at the crowd who have changed cheers to chants of "Let's go Jake!" and "Fuck you Spiral!". The two eventually stand face to face in the middle of the ring with Spiral talking trash to Jake, who is standing with a determined look on his face. Jake offers his hand out for a tie up, as Spiral quickly locks his hand in with Jake's. As both wrestler's other hands slowly creep up and lock together, Downward Spiral shoves Jake away and ducks to the outside of the ring, leaving a furious Jake standing and looking out at him.

JR: Would you look at that! After months of talking this one up, Spiral exits as soon as we get it underway.

King: It's just mind games JR. He wants to let Jake become his own enemy and fool him into making rookie mistakes and by the looks of it, Spiral doesn't have to work too hard to get Jake worked up.

JR: Well King, mind games or not, that certainly wasn't the actions of someone who feels he will wipe the floor with Jake and it's going to come back to bite Spiral in his Australian Ass, mark my words.

As Spiral shakes his head at Jake and points at his head, Jake just stands in the middle of the ring yelling at Spiral to get his ass in there. The crowd begin to boo Spiral as Spiral looks shocked out at the crowd. Jake takes this opportunity to head to the outside and spin Spiral around into rights and lefts. Jake winds up for the big blow, but Spiral hits a thud to the eye, followed by a drop toe-hold onto the steel steps.

Spiral steps back to regroup himself as Jake slumps to the ground holding his head in agony. Spiral looks at Jake and the steps and smiles, before rushing towards him and hitting a big boot that rattles the arena into Jake's head on the steel steps. Spiral laughs as he drags Jake towards him and covers him on the mats outside.

1, 2 but Jake gets a shoulder up! The crowd goes wild at this sight as Spiral starts ripping his hair out and yelling at the referee. He is getting in the referees face who is backing away a bit. The crowd boo this but Spiral takes no notice. Spiral heads over towards Jake and picks him up and drives him back-first into the edge of the ring. Spiral rolls Jake into the middle of the ring and follows him inside. As soon as Spiral is in the ring, Spiral begins ferociously stomping on Jake and jumps into a high knee across Jake's head.

King: Spiral is being relentless in his attack here and I am loving it!

JR: He certainly has taken control King but these fans certainly don't love it.

Spiral looks out at the crowd very cockily and gestures with his hands in a 'what?' movement, before putting a foot across Jake's chest and covering him. The ref gets to 2 before Jake gets another shoulder up, before Spiral hits a quick elbow across the face. Not stopping there, Spiral lifts Jake up and irish whips him to the ropes and as Jake comes back, Spiral hits a spinning side-slam. Spiral lifts Jake up again and nails a spinning neckbreaker before quickly charging to the ropes and back into a legdrop. Spiral keeps his leg over Jake's throat as the ref begins counting.

1, 2 but Jake again kicks out. Spiral looks furious as he looks around in anger. Spiral lifts Jake up again and irish whips him to the ropes. Spiral runs at Jake off the rebound and tries to hit a running neckbreaker but Jake lifts him up into a sidewalk slam onto Spiral's neck. Both men lay flat out on the mat as the referee begins the 10 count.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and Spiral is up by then along with Jake, as Spiral charges at Jake with a clothesline before Jake stops him with a flattening STO. Jake slowly lifts Spiral up again and lifts him onto his shoulders. Jake looks out at a roaring crowd before slamming Spiral on his knee. Jake goes for a quick cover but only gets a 2 count. Jake places his knee across Spiral's throat shortly after, not letting him breathe, before jumping up and slamming it back down again. Spiral writhes in pain, as Jake slowly goes to the top rope.

JR: What is this now King!? What is Jake thinking here going up to the top rope?

King: I think he's getting too old for much these days and this could be the move that sends Jake on a Downward Spiral!

As Jake steadies himself on the top turnbuckle, Spiral slowly gets up. Jake flies in the air but Spiral catches him mid air with a Randy Orton reverse neckbreaker across his back. The fans are forced to cheer for that one as Spiral slowly crawls with an arm across Jake's chest.

1, 2 but Jake gets a shoulder up. Spiral slowly gets to his feet and lifts Jake up and sends him to the ropes again. As Jake comes back, Spiral tries to hit a back body drop to the outside on Jake but Jake hangs on to the ropes from the apron. Spiral wipes his hands cockily as he turns around into a right hand from a groggy Jake. Spiral looks shocked before charging at Jake and hitting a dropkick to his knees, taking his legs out from under him as Jake slams across the apron head first and starts walking around in agony, holding his throat. Spiral holds his head and shakes away the punch, before charging over the top rope in a clothesline attempt to the outside, before Jake dodges out of the way, sending Spiral crashing and burning to the floor to the delight of a roaring crowd.

King: OH NO! Spiral, why'd you have to do that? He had Jake out of it before that brain explosion.

JR: Whatever it was, that is what these fans want to see King and I can tell we are in for more of that as this match goes on!

Part 2:

The referee quickly begins counting both men, both laid out on the ground as the crowd chants along. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, before Jake slowly makes it to his feet as the crowd cheer for him. Jake gathers himself and begins to stomp on a recovering Spiral. Jake picks Spiral up and begins to belt him with rights and lefts, before throwing him into the side of the ring. Jake charges back at him and into the gut of Spiral, sending Spiral into agony. Jake drags Spiral out and covers him, but the ref only gets to 1 and a half. Jake gets up a little frustrated and lifts Spiral up again, and charges with a clothesline, but Spiral counters into a toss into the barricade, creating a hard thudding sound. As Spiral taunts the angry crowd, Jake gathers himself to his feet and slumps on the barricade. Spiral turns around and slowly walks up to Jake, but Jake counters and reverses the position, before belting Spiral with brass knucks, sending Spiral flying over the barricade and into the crowd!

JR: Did you see that King? That's the British Bastard being brought back, and by God, those knucks will keep Spiral down and out in these rabid fans here!

King: And the bad thing is JR, everything is legal here. Come on Spiral, you can hit back!

The crowd loves that spot as Jake laps it up. Jake looks at Spiral gathering himself up, holding his head against the barricade, and Jake places his knee on the barricade, and swiftly smashes Spiral’s head against it. The crowd behind Jake begin a “Jake!” chant, which the rest of the crowd quickly pick up as Spiral is shocked, laying on the floor in pain. Jake seizes the opportunity as he lifts Spiral’s head up from over the barricade, and tries for a neckbreaker over the side, but Spiral counters into a neckbreaker of his own, blasting the back of Jake’s head with a thud, that has the crowd ‘ooing’. Spiral continues to shake off the pain and while holding his head; he shoves a fan off his chair and picks the vacant steel chair up.

JR: What the hell is Spiral going to do here?! He's manhandling the fans and looks about to nail Jake with a slobber knocker of a shot with that chair.

King: This is what I love about Spiral JR: He's willing to use anything he can find to get the win, and Jake's going to find that out in oh, about 5 seconds.

He looks out at the crowd before reaching over the barricade and slamming it into Jake’s head against the barricade in a sideways movement. Spiral throws the chair into the ring, and climbs over the barricade as the crowd get mad at him. Spiral looks at Jake and picks him up by the hair and slams his head into the steel steps repeatedly, trying to draw some blood, but not breaking through the skin. Spiral gets frustrated and hits a quick kick to the gut and DDT. The referee is quick into the cover on the outside mats. 1, 2 but Jake gets a weary shoulder up, which the crowd semi-react to. Spiral begins getting frustrated and slams the mats with his fists.

He stands up and looks around with his hands on his hips. He mouths off to Jake saying “How do you like this Jake?” He lifts Jake up and tosses him into the ring. Spiral jumps onto the apron, and grips the ropes, readying himself for a diving leg drop over the top rope onto Jake. He gets up and lifts his arms in triumph for the crowd to boo. Spiral spots the chair he had earlier in the corner of the ring and smiles as he walks over to it and picks it up. He sets it up directly in the middle of the ring, and smashes Jake’s head across it. Spiral places Jake on the chair and climbs to the top rope. Spiral stops for a while and points at Jake, talking trash again before diving off into a dropkick across Jake’s chest, sending Jake hurtling backwards off the chair.

King: OH YES! He nailed that dropkick on Jake and that was a beautiful move.

Not wasting any time, Spiral places Jake’s head in between the middle and top ropes and gets the chair ready for another swing to the top of Jake’s head, but this time, Jake ducks out of the way, as Spiral feels the rebound of the chair off the top rope, as it cracks into his skull. Spiral stumbles back as Jake picks up the chair himself and slams it side first into Spiral’s stomach, sending Spiral hurtling towards the ropes. Jake quickly charges at Spiral and throws the chair into his throat as they both go over the top rope to the floor, with Spiral smashing into the side of the announcer’s table. The crowd are on fire for Jake now as they are out again, but Jake gets up quicker this time and climbs on the announcing table, carrying Spiral up with him. Jake smiles as he looks out to the crowd, but the crowd can see a shiner on his face from the chair shots. Spiral is stumbling before Jake hits a quick kick to the gut, and places Spiral into a piledriver position. The crowd is anticipating this one but Spiral is wiggling his way out of it. Jake everntually gives up the move and stumbles back a little to a groan from the crowd, before Spiral charges with a clothesline across the table, but Jake ducks under it and turns Spiral around again into a piledriver position, and this time, Jake wastes no time in driving Spiral through the table head-first, breaking the table and sending the fans insane!


King: What the hell was that for? I guess the directions to the Spanish table are in Spanish now!

Jake is feeling the effects of this one as well, as they both lay out before a shocked JR and King. Jake is slowly crawling amongst the wreck towards Spiral and he drapes his arm across the chest of the battered One and Only. The ref begins a count in amongst the rubble of what was the announce table. 1, 2 but Spiral kicks out just before the refs hand comes down! Jake rolls back, exhausted, as Spiral continues to writhe around. The EMT’s are called for by the ref as they swiftly descend on the rubble, and as Jake is helped up, but Jake angrily shoves them off, throwing one into the siderail and clotheslining another, as they begin to back off. Jake spots the EMT’s checking on Spiral, and runs up and hits them with kicks to the gut and face, before picking one up and suplexing them onto Spiral. Jake has snapped but the crowd love it, as Jake threatens the rest of the EMT’s, who slowly begin to back up towards the top of the ramp. Jake looks around at Spiral on the ground and shakes his head, before looking out at the crowd with a look of determination on his face.

JR: Jake has gone absolutely insane here King! He has compltely snapped!

King: Well what do you expect JR? He just can't beat Spiral and he knows it, and he's going nuts by destroying the EMT's here. What's that all about?

He notices the ring apron and walks over to it, and lifts up the apron and takes a look underneath to see what he can find as the crowd heat up in anticipation. After a while, Jake pulls out a wooden table, which the fans love. Jake laughs while holding it in the air, before setting it up on the outside, parallel to the ring. Jake walks over to a half-conscious Spiral, and angrily picks him up by the hair and drags him towards the ring. He stops by the table and points at Spiral and at the table telling him that he better get ready. As Jake goes to roll Spiral onto the table, he stops and looks around again. He smiles before throwing him in the ring instead. The crowd are puzzled here, before Jake follows Spiral and grabs him up again. Jake turns towards the table on the outside and places Spiral’s head between his legs, and begins to lift him up in a powerbomb position, which they all go wild for. Jake stumbles a little and goes to throw Spiral over the top rope, but as Spiral is heading down, he counters into a hurricanrana on Jake, which sends Jake flying over the rope and through the table on the outside!! The crowd still pop for this sight, as the two combatants roll around on the outside with Jake gripping his back.

JR: Another insane move here! These two are taking it to the limits King and these fans are loving every second of it!

King: They are going to kill eachother with this JR, but not before Spiral gets the win here! Come on Spiral, you've got him here!

Like Jake, Spiral takes a while, before crawling into a cover on Jake. The ref only gets to a 2 and a half count, as Spiral falls back in tiredness, looking as though he’s about to cry. The ref sees that both men are down and begins to start a 10 count. He gets to an 8, before Spiral slowly makes his way to his feet. Before Jake can get up, Spiral hits an angry kick to the throat, which sends Jake down again. Spiral is furious as he begins kneeing the back of Jake. Spiral stomps on the knees and back of Jake, before standing on the knees and holding the ropes for leverage. The ref can’t do anything as the fans boo Spiral loudly. Before long, Spiral lets go of the hold and glares at Jake, and heads towards the TV cables and begins choking Jake out with them. They are being wrapped right around the eyes of Jake, who is screaming in pain. Spiral stands behind Jake while doing this, and lifts the cords up one last time before slamming Jake’s face into the mat with a thunderous boot. Spiral, still hurt, taunts the crowd before locking in the Australian Agony! This figure-four like Sharpshooter has Jake in agony, as Spiral is really putting it on, wrenching the legs and back of Jake. In what seems like an age, Jake is still trying to get out of the hold, with the fans really willing him on. Spiral doesn’t see it, but Jake is heading towards the chair he fell out of the ring with. Just when it looks like Jake will tap, he grips the chair and drags it towards him. With a quick blow, he strikes Spiral in the back of the head with an overhead shot with the chair, sending Spiral hurtling into the steel steps on the side of the ring.

Part 3:

As Jake is laid out on the mats, exhausted, Spiral rests on the steel steps, holding his head. He is dizzy as he gets up, and he stumbles back into Jake, who gets Spiral with a chop block, head first into the chair on the ground, with a smacking sound that sends shivers through the crowd. Spiral writhes in agony grasping the back of his head. Jake is shaking off the pain as he is fighting to get up and he eventually does, stumbling a little bit but rocking the roof off with determination as the crowd wills him on. Looking at Spiral with a look of menace, he snatches the chair from the ground and wraps it in Spiral’s head. Jake grabs Spiral’s head and moves to place it under the bottom rope of the ring. Jake rolls in the ring as Spiral squirms to get out of the predicament, but Jake is too quick as he runs to the ropes and back into a legdrop across the chair and Spiral’s throat, bringing the two together with a snap that Spiral rolls about from as if it was torture. Still with his head under the bottom rope and in the ring, Spiral manages to get the chair unravelled from his head and neck, but Jake just takes it off him and blasts him right in the face, sending Spiral crashing to the ground yet again.

King: Come on Jake, don't ruin Spiral's good looks here, calm down!

JR: How can you tell this man to calm down King! He is giving a hell of a beating and God knows, Spiral deserves every pain-wrenching second of it and I am loving everything these two are dishing out to eachother, and if that last shot from the chair doesn't leave a mark, nothing will.

Jake just doesn’t stop as he sets the chair up in the middle of the ring and rolls out of the ring again, heading for the steps. He rips the top of them off and slowly heads towards Spiral with them. He stops before Spiral and looks around with a look of insanity on his face, as he lifts the stairs up like a powerbomb and slams them down on Spiral’s abdomen, as the crowd gasps in shock at that move. Jake quickly takes the steps and places them over Spiral’s head, trapping it under there, as Jake runs back into a low dropkick that rattles the stairs over Spiral’s head. Jake calls for the referee, as he covers Spiral. The crowd chant along, expecting a win but Spiral gets his shoulder up to boos from the crowd. Jake looks up a little frustrated, but turns his attention to the uncovered steps, under which is an unmarked sack. Jake smiles as he slowly heads over to it, looking between the crowd and the sack, and slowly lifts it right up in the air and the crowd know what’s inside.

JR: Oh no King. My God, Jake cannot possibly go through with this.

King: This is great JR! What are these two going to do next, and I think the fans know what is going to come from Jake here.

Jake slowly rolls in the ring and stops by the chair in the middle of the ring. He looks at the sack and begins to untie it, before turning it upside down and spilling the entire contents over the chair and the ground around it.


Jake quickly looks out towards Spiral, and rushes out towards the ring. He lifts Spiral up by the hair and thrusts his head towards the direction of the chair and thumbtacks. Spiral has a look of terror on his face and is trying to wriggle out of the way, but Jake throws him in the ring and quickly follows him after. Spiral slowly struggles to his feet without taking his eyes off the thumbtack-covered chair, and painfully moves backwards but bumps into a smirking Jake, and fearfully turns around to face him. Spiral pleads with Jake but Jake shakes his head and hits a blow to the face of Spiral, and repeatedly tries to get him near the chair, but Spiral is just staying balanced as the crowd watch anxiously. Quickly, Jake Irish whips Spiral away from the chair to the ropes behind him, and as Spiral comes on the rebound, Jake readies for a bulldog as he turns around, but Spiral stops in a hurry and nails a low blow on Jake, which has Jake coughing as Spiral falls away.

JR: Spiral doing everything to get away from those tacks and please ref, get them out of there before these two destroy eachothe with them!

Spiral quickly tries to shove Jake into the chair but Jake hits some elbows to the head. Failing this, Spiral irish whips Jake to the corner, and follows with a quick clothesline to the winded Jake. Spiral slowly begins to make his way to the top rope with Jake in a headlock, but Jake hits a punch to the throat that rocks Spiral, and Jake quickly gets Spiral in a superplex position on the top rope, ready to send Spiral through the chair and into the thumbtacks. Moments before Jake lifts Spiral, Spiral hits a quick poke to the eye and gets Jake in the headlock position again and flies off the top rope with Jake in a tornado DDT that sends Jake face first into the tacks on the chair!! The crowd goes INSANE for this spot as both Jake and Spiral writhe on the ground as Jake looks around in torture with a horrified look on his face, which is now a bloody pincushion, and stays rigid on the ground screaming in pain. Spiral is gripping his arm in agony as he gets up and quickly begins pulling at the thumbtacks in his arm.

King: (Screams)


The camera goes to a close-up of Spiral’s bleeding arm, and the pain on his face, and as Spiral gets the last of the thumbtacks out with his teeth, he slumps to the ground near the ropes, with a small smile emerging on a pained face. Jake continues to try and rip the tacks out, but he is barely able to get up. Seizing the opportunity, Spiral slowly gets up and limps over to Jake, and hits a shining wizard that sends Jake back into the thumbtacks, and Jake sends out another cry of pain. Spiral places a boot across the face of Jake and rolls his head around in the thumbtacks, as the crowd squirms in horror at this. Thumbtacks are rolling everywhere and most land in Jake’s head, as blood continues to flood the floor. Spiral now, with a sick look on his face, picks up handful after handful of tacks and places them across the abdomen of a shaking Jake. Spiral then pulls the chair and flattens it out, and carries it with him to the top turnbuckle.

JR: Oh please Spiral! Enough is enough, Jake is hurt! Think about what you are doing here!

King: Who cares if Jake is hurt!? Spiral is going to teach Jake a sharp-earned lesson here, come on Spiral!

Spiral looks out at the crowd in a cross between pain and cockyness, as they wait in shock for what he is about to do. As Spiral readies himself, he jumps off the turnbuckle and places the chair under his leg and hits a legdrop onto the tack-covered abdomen of Jake!! Jake is pain filled as Spiral gets up limping and pulls a few tacks from his leg, and with a look of anger on his face, he yells out that the fun stops now, and begins to grab Jake by the leg and spin him around on the floor through all the thumbtacks, and drags him away from them eventually and orders the ref to start counting. The ref slowly moves in for the cover: 1, 2 but Jake gets an arm up as the fans go wild, but Jake is still sick and sorry. The ref quickly attends to Jake and pulls out a few tacks, as Spiral goes insane and begins to kick the turnbuckles in frustration. He grabs the chair and slams it down repeatedly in anger before ducking out of the ring and getting in the face of a yelling fan, and decks that fan with an angry right hand that sends him into the rest of the angry, booing crowd.

JR: Oh come on Spiral! Show some damn sanity for God's sake. This man should be arrested for laying hands on the innocent fans in attendance tonight.

King: Well, he had no right to boo him JR, and mouthing off like that is going to get you beaten, but I do think Spiral should concentrate on taking out Jake rather than the fans, and he's starting to lose it.

JR: Starting!? I think he's well beyond that stage King!

The crowd despise Spiral after this and he yells at them to shut up, and proceeds to rip more of his hair out in frustration. He kicks the sidewall once more before heading back into the ring, The ref stops him as Jake continues to painfully remove thumbtacks from all over his body. Spiral shoves the referee out of the way and heads over towards Jake. Spiral picks up a thumbtack and dangles it over Jake’s head, and goes to thrust it down but Jake smashes Spiral in the chin again, sending Spiral hurtling backwards. Jake is fired up as he slowly gets to his feet and faces a shocked Spiral, but Jake can’t walk as the pain is too much from the tacks. As he holds his back, he stumbles backwards into the ropes, as Spiral charges towards him. Jake looks up at the last second and hits a back body drop to the outside, but Spiral catches on the apron. Spiral, looking stunned, manages to catch himself, before Jake shoves him off the apron into the barricade with a thud.

JR: Jake is showing some fight and by God he's digging deep here! Come on Jake!

King: I think the only things digging deep are those tacks in Jake's body, and that could be the last offense he gets in JR!

Spiral grips his back and looks up at a furious Jake, still in pain. Spiral slowly gets up and heads toward a bent over Jake and takes his legs out from under him and drags him out of the ring, letting him fall on his back again, as the tacks drive in once more. Spiral picks Jake up again slowly and steps back for a clothesline, but Jake dodges into a bubba bomb on the mats outside. Both men fall back in pain, as Jake wipes the tacks and blood from his eyes, as Spiral again holds his back in misery. Jake stumbles back again as both are feeling the effects as they breathe out exhaustedly in pain. Spiral begins crawling away, and manages to get up to the start of the ramp, but Jake follows and kicks Spiral in the back of the head. Jake picks Spiral up and slams him into the barricade before slamming his head in the side of the ramp. Jake rolls Spiral into the middle of the steel ramp and rolls a knee across his head. Jake lifts Spiral up and goes to hit a DDT on Spiral, but Spiral counters into a swinging neckbreaker that rattles the ramp.

JR: Jake is tougher than a 2 dollar steak, but surely he can't take this much pain here!

King: I could feel that last one rattle the arena here JR! What a match we have. Every time one of these guys gets the upper hand, the other reverses it! I'm loving it!

Spiral rolls away and gets up slowly and heads towards Jake, and raises his head again, and wipes the blood off his face and onto his chest, looking out at the crowd, before putting Jake on his feet and running back into a flapjack on the steel rampway, which sends Jake’s body shivering as he is in immense pain. Spiral gets up and drags Jake viciously up the rampway towards the top of the stage, and stops when he faces the sidescreens near the titan tron, where the WZMania logo is flashing. Spiral turns around and lifts Jake up again and signals that he is going for a running powerslam off the stage to the equipment on the sides. As he lifts Jake on his shoulders, Jake wriggles out and falls to the ground, but Jake trips Spiral into a sharpshooter position, and as Jake is going to turn Spiral on his stomach, Spiral hurriedly kicks Jake off, sending Jake into the side screens, and as Jake bounces off, Spiral kicks him from the ground and gets up and kicks Jake in the stomach. Spiral looks at the screens and at Jake, before grabbing Jake by the tights and the hair, and hurtling Jake head-first into the screens, smashing the glass and sending electrical sparks flying everywhere!

Part 4:

The referee steps back a little and holds his hands up to his head, watching the carnage, as Jake slumps down to his knees with his head in the glass. Spiral, stepping back and panting, drags Jake violently out and hooks the leg, as the ref begins to count. At 2 and a half, Jake gets a weary shoulder up and Spiral looks out at the crowd angrily and frustrated. Spiral starts slamming the ground and drags Jake by the hair towards the edge of the entrance ramp, and looks down at the mass of electrical equipment below, and maniacally back at Jake. The crowd amps up for a big spot, but the referee steps over to Spiral and begs him not to do it. Spiral looks between a barely conscious, bleeding Jake and the referee, before throwing Jake away and holding his hands up exasperatedly. He has his hands on his hips as the referee breathes a sigh of relief, before Spiral looks up at the ref and quickly tosses him off the edge of the ramp and into the equipment with a terribly loud bang. The crowd cheer for that spot, as Spiral spits out at the shaking referee, as the paramedics quickly rush from the back down to him.

JR: Come on Spiral, you can't put your hands on an official! That poor man could be broken in half for God's sakes!

King: JR, Spiral is just venting his anger at the referee for getting in his way. Anything goes here, and so does that.

Jake, still struggling, manages to seize this opportunity and trip Spiral’s legs out from under him, sending Spiral throat-first across the metal edge of the ramp, his head dangling over the side. The crowd fires up, anticipating Spiral following the referee, but Spiral holds on. Jake crawls over to Spiral’s head and tries to shove him off but Spiral resists. Spiral desperately kicks out at Jake, who hurtles backwards. Spiral inches fearfully backwards, with his eyes locked on the destruction below him. As Spiral makes his way to his feet, Jake makes a small push at his leg, which buckles under Spiral, who sits down immediately as the crowd laugh at him. Jake, slowly getting up, hits a kick to the back of Spiral, but falls back in pain, holding his bleeding head again. Spiral crawls back towards the entrance curtains and ducks behind them, leaving Jake to gather himself and head back with him.

JR: This match is living up to its name as 'Falls Count Anywhere' because it looks like we are headed for a backstage brawl.

King: It's just more places that Spiral can beat the hell out of Jake in.

As the cameras go to the back, they show Jake crawling through the curtains, but he is met with a swift kick to the side of the temple by Spiral, sending Jake into la-la land again. Spiral slumps an arm over Jake, but there is no referee. Eventually, Spiral gets up in rage and slams his fists over cabinets, before storming over to another referee, who is talking to an official. Spiral begins yelling at him to get his ass over there, and snatches his coffee off of him and throws it at the official, who scurries off. The referee, a little shocked, apprehensively moves over towards Jake as Spiral begins pushing him, but what Spiral doesn’t see is that Jake has dragged himself wearily onto a medical table, and using that as support, Jake is able to get up and nail Spiral with a DDT right through that table and through a lot of syringes. The new referee jumps back, as Jake lays out panting, as Spiral writhes in pain. Jake slowly drapes his arm over the chest of Spiral, and the referee slowly begins counting. 1, 2 but Spiral gets a shoulder up, and it hurt him. Jake looks out in pain himself, before turning to a bag of syringes that was knocked off the table. A smile creeps onto his face as he reaches over and picks it up, and lets the syringes flow on to the ground, sending the crowd crazy. Jake, maniacally picks one up and stares at is, before looking at Spiral, and taking the syringe back and stabbing him with it in the arm repeatedly, as Spiral lets out a bloodcurdling scream at the sight of his shredded arm.

JR: Good God, Jake is injecting Spiral with painkillers, but the syringe is causing the opposite effect here, and Spiral has been opened up on his bicep there!

King: This is over the top JR, Jake has lost his mind, if he had one before.

JR: I have to agree with you King on the over-the-top comment. What these guys are doing to each other is going too far, and this match has gotten way out of hand.

Jake has found a will to fight on, but he is still very groggy, as the referee pleads him to drop the syringes. Jake goes for another shot at the arm of Spiral but stops himself, panting, and throws it away. Jake drags himself to Spiral and hooks the leg this time, but still, only gets a 2 count. Jake is a little pissed now, but manages to drag himself to his feet, before staggering against the wall again. Out of nowhere, EMT’s run up to Jake and start wiping the blood off his face, but again, Jake throws them off himself angrily. Seeing a roll of medical tape on the ground, Jake picks it up, and after a moment of thinking, he blindfolds Spiral with it, and starts slapping him in the face. He drags Spiral up and smashes his head into the wall as Spiral flails around pathetically in pain. Jake holds Spiral’s head back and smashes him with a fist across the nose, into a back elbow, that busts Spiral open. Jake continues to knee the blindfolded Spiral in the face, and continues to work over the nose area with slow but effective European uppercuts. The cameras close in on Spiral’s face, before Jake lifts Spiral up and shoves him into the nearest camera, breaking the glass in it, leaving the viewers with a huge, bloodied crack to look through.

JR: Come on Jake, please, show some contempt here, show some remorse. Enough is enough, please!

King: Are you kidding JR? I"m loving this match, even when it's Jake with the upper hand. They are leaving nothing to be desired here in this one, and this is one hell of a match.

The tape has fallen off the eyes of Spiral as he slumps to the ground. Jake moves over to Spiral and continues to hit him with boots to the face, before dropping an elbow into a cover. He again only gets a 2, and as frustration builds, so does his anger. He lifts Spiral up and starts beating him again, before throwing him against the wall and picking a thumbtack out of his back. As Spiral is against the wall, Jake throws the pin like a dart, and it scrapes across Spiral’s forehead and sticks in as the crowd wince. Spiral struggles around to get it out, and as Jake looks over at him, laughing, Spiral hits him with a square kick to the gut, and swings at his eyes with his fingers, sending Jake back into a door, before Spiral charges at him with a big boot, breaking the door down. Spiral drops to his knees and crawls over to cover Jake as the ref makes his way through the mess to count a cover. It gets to 2 before Jake kicks out angrily again. Spiral furiously starts beating on Jake, but Jake is shrugging it off and getting up, and the two begin to brawl with eachother. Blow after blow, and neither of them is backing down. They both fight through to another room, and as the door shuts, the fans see that they went into the women’s locker room. A camera quickly goes to the locker room as Jake takes Spiral down amongst a group of screaming divas. RVDGurl pleads with them to leave, before Jake sees her and swaggers over to her and begins chatting her up, before Spiral shoves Jake into her, with Jake dragging her towel down in the process.

King: HELLO!!

RVDGurl screams, as Jake turns around and belts Spiral with a hairbrush that was on the table, as Spiral staggers out into a hallway. Jake stops and says he’ll see the ladies afterwards, and heads out to follow Spiral. As the divas are looking out gasping at what they saw, DC appears from the other room and puts his arm around RVDGurl and asks her what that was all about.

King: How many men does she have? If we weren't watching a classic, I'd go back there and give her a hello of my own.

JR: Would you stop and just try to enjoy the carnage we are witnessing in this slobber knocker, rather than just drooling like a dog over your 'puppies'?

As the cameras go out to Jake following Spiral, Jake is met with a stiff clothesline by Spiral, which sends him hurtling into a cabinet near the wall. Spiral heads over and starts slamming the door onto Jake, and turns back with a look of insanity on his face. Spiral looks smugly as the crowd start an asshole chant back in the arena. Spiral turns around again into the same brass knucks he was hit by last time, and falls to the ground. Jake feels his head for more blood, before stomping on Spiral again. Jake looks at the cabinet, and tries to shake it and make it fall on Spiral, but as he does this, Spiral rolls out of the way, but Jake runs over to him and picks him up and throws him into the steel garage door, that leaves a huge dent in it. Jake looks around and sees a staff member looking on from a forklift, and heads over to him and yells at him to give him the keys to the forklift. The staff member does and runs off, as Jake climbs into the drivers seat of the forklift and starts it up, before heading towards Downward Spiral and lifting him up with it. Spiral is raised high in the air and Jake reverses it around so that it faces an open dumpster, and Jake heads towards it and dumps Spiral straight inside, sending the crowd crazy.

JR: SPIRAL IS TAKING A GARBAGE BATH KING! I guess he will stink as much as his attitude does.

King: Come on now Jake, you are being ridiculous.

Jake rams the dumpster repeatedly before getting out and shutting the lid on Spiral’s head, as Spiral squirms about in amongst the rubbish. Jake looks quickly at the door and the dumpster, and starts to roll it towards the steel door, and smashes the dumpster straight through it as it tips over in the parking lot! The lid flies open as Spiral rolls out to the foot of a limo in the parking lot, as Jake walks over to him and begins slapping him again in the face and asking him how that felt. Lifting Spiral up, Jake slams Spiral’s head into the side of the limo, before throwing Spiral onto the glass, which cracks it as Spiral rolls up onto the roof and lies over the open sunroof. Jake jumps up to follow him, and leg drops Spiral, sending Spiral inside the limo from the sunroof. Jake slowly stands up on the roof, looking confident, before out of nowhere, the limo drives forward, sending Jake hurtling off the top and to the ground, landing hard on the gravel. The limo door opens, and Big Ace steps out as the crowd boo that sight.

JR: Oh come on, what in God's name is that slimeball doing here?!

King: This is great JR, and like I have said a thousand times, anything goes, and Spiral can use whoever and whatever he wants in this match, and with Ace here, we are in store for one hell of a beating! I love it!

Ace helps Spiral out of the car and they both head towards a hurt Jake and begin stomping on his face, before double irish-whipping him into a truck. Ace tells Spiral to get the car started, as he places Jake’s head underneath the car and near a wheel, but as Spiral starts the car, Jake nails Ace with a low blow, and ducks out of the way as Spiral drives back and forth. Ace, winded, is thrown into the back of the reversing truck and is knocked out and begins rolling down the road, as Jake walks over and opens the car up and drags Spiral out and decking him with a clothesline into a window. Jake presses a button inside the car and the window lowers to the bottom, and Jake places Spiral’s head in the window and begins elbowing his throat on the corner of the window. He then takes Spiral’s legs and leans back with them, sending Spiral head first into the top of the truck, and Jake drags him out, slamming his head on the ground. Jake looks around for a referee, and orders him to come over.

JR: Jake is annihalating Spiral here, and by God he deserves it!

King: Jake is insane, and he belongs in a jail, not in a wrestling ring, or outside of one as they are doing here. But there is no way Spiral is staying down from whatever Jake does here.

JR: Well with everything Spiral has in his cheating arsenal, I wouldn't be surprised if- Jesus Christ! WHAT THE HELL DID ACE JUST DO TO JAKE!!??

As Jake turns around, he is met with a steel chain shot to the back by Big Ace. Ace starts choking Jake with it, as Spiral gathers himself and looks at the sight. Ace holds the chain over Jake’s throat in a camel-clutch manoeuvre as Spiral runs towards Jake and hits a shining wizard on him in that position. Spiral foot chokes Jake out as Ace drags his head back with the chain. After the referee pleads with them to let go, Ace hits more body shots with the chain on Jake, before letting it slide out of his hand. Spiral walks back and finds a steel chair in amongst some equipment at the side of the building, and smashes Jake over the back of the head with it. Spiral throws the chair onto the hood of a car, as Ace drags Jake on top of the car as he and Spiral ready themselves for the ‘Dead Sexy’. Spiral lifts Jake on top of his shoulders in a firemans carry, before spinning him off in an F5 move as Ace catches Jake with an RKO on to the chair.


King: Calm down JR. I'm sure they don't care what you think of them, especially not after Spiral wins this mat-

JR: Oh for God's sake King! They have every right to know exactly what people think of them, and Spiral and Ace's actions tonight have been nothing short of despicable, and you know that as much as I do, and Spiral is being absolutely pathetic! Oh, yeah, yeah Spiral, you really are a hero. King, you know that Spiral is a cheating bastard, and so do all these fans and it is nothing short of disgusting that Spiral has to double team Jake to win this match!

This breaks the hood, as Jake goes through the car, as Ace and Spiral drag him out. Spiral orders the ref to start counting as Ace celebrates, but the referee only gets to a 2 on Spiral’s cover, as Spiral and Ace look out shocked and angry. Ace threatens the referee, before Spiral lifts Jake up and wraps the steel chain around his arm, and ties Jake to the exhaust pipe of the car. Ace rushes around to the drivers seat as the referee tries to stop him, but Spiral shoves the referee away, and Ace starts the car and accelerates with speed, all around the parking lot, as a screaming Jake is dragged around mercilessly. Ace heads towards the side of the building and swerves at the last second, sending Jake hurtling into the building, and breaking the chain.

JR: Oh this is absolutely sickening. Show some contempt Spiral for God's sake!

King: He's taking Jake for a ride JR, and he's within rights to do it whether you like it or not!

Spiral runs over to Jake and kicks him again in the face, before lifting him into the Downward Spiral position. Ace gets out of the car and heads over to help Spiral out. Ace readies himself for a superkick to the back of Jake’s head, which will assist Spiral’s move, but Jake switches positions with Spiral at the last second, and Spiral cops a superkick from Ace to the back of his head, and Jake charges at a confused Ace and hits a quick flapjack into the side of the arena building, as all 3 men are laid out. The EMT’s rush over to assist Jake and Spiral, and drag the two inside the arena through a door, and slam it. Eventually, Ace gets up groggily and walks into the door and falls down again, saying let me in loudly, but to no avail. Back inside, Jake is seen throwing the EMT’s into the walls, and he picks up a garbage can lid and begins beating them all with it, finally knocking them all out and saying ‘I don’t need you’.

JR: Come on Jake! This is why the fans love him! It's his will to win, and he's not going to let Spiral off easy! He's fighting and refusing any help in this match, even if it risks his own health, and I view that as bravery and heart!

King: Where has that gotten anyone JR? I see this as pure idiocy, and I know that's going to cost Jake this match! Do we even have any EMT's left?

He falls down, but gets up limping, holding his back as he heads towards Spiral, but Spiral kicks Jake in the leg, as Jake trips into a pipe on the ground, as he rolls over in pain. Spiral and Jake eventually both crawl towards eachother and resume their fist fight, as they go through an apron and find themselves high up in the aisles in the crowd. Spiral again cheats his way out and thuds Jake in the eye, before taking a sign from a fan that says ‘Spiral Sucks’ and slamming it over Jake’s head, before tossing him into a man carrying fairy-floss, sending the candy into the air. Spiral walks over to Jake and looks out below, seeing a mass of electrical equipment belonging to the Television towers, on a platform. Spiral looks out at the crowd with a mad look on his face, before picking Jake up by the head and choking him out in a standing headlock, before gripping his arm around his head tighter, readying for a Downward Spiral off the edge of the top tier of the crowd, through the television towers metres below them.

JR: Oh Jesus no Spiral, think of your lives for Goodness sake! Enough is enough!

King: Now this is over the edge Spiral, come on. Then again, these fans are loving this destruction...

JR: But think of their CAREERS King! Lives will be shortened, if not destroyed if Spiral does this!

As the crowd hypes up for the move, Jake hits an elbow to the head, which sends Spiral teetering close to the edge, but before Jake moves to push Spiral off, he stops, and pulls Spiral back. Jake gets up on the edge of the top tier, which is about 2 metres across, and looks out at the crowd, before shoving Spiral between his legs and grasping his stomach. The crowd are absolutely insane, as Jake raises Spiral above him in the powerbomb position, before jumping off the edge and flying through the air and sending Spiral with a powerbomb breaking the tower with an explosion as both he and Spiral crash to the arena floor as the crowd goes nuts for that spot!


King: LISTEN TO THESE FANS JR! THEY LOVED THAT!! But these two have lost their minds and I hope they are both okay!

JR: Okay after THAT King!? After THAT!?

Jake grips his back and is in utter misery and agony, as Spiral is completely unconscious and laying face down. Eventually, with the crowd willing Jake on and the referee making his way to the wreck that they are entangled in, Jake moves himself slowly towards Spiral and rolls him over, draping one arm across the chest of Spiral as the referee makes his way through the crowd and starts counting as the crowd chant along.

1! 2! 3!

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner: Y! 2! JAKE!



The crowd rush towards Jake and help him up, cheering along with him and raising his arm. The referee calls for assistance to help Spiral as Jake stands with the fans, limping over a fallen Downward Spiral, who hasn’t moved. Jake stops and looks at Spiral, and drops to his knees, out of breath next to him. As the EMT’s come again, Jake looks up at them a little angrily, but decides to let them help Spiral, as they dig him out of the mess. Jake looks at the bloodied Spiral, and pats him on the chest, before limping away through to the ring, and slowly rolls in the ring and calls for a microphone, as confetti streams down on him and the fans are giving him a standing ovation. Jake drops to his knees again, panting and still groggy, as he lifts the microphone to his mouth.

Jake: Spiral…we went through a war tonight, and I know for sure that our lives have been shortened. I’ve known ever since the Royal Rumble that you were a slimy cheater, and that opinion hasn’t changed…but kid…you have guts for what you did tonight, and whether we ever go at it again…I am looking forward to it. I want to thank you Spiral, for giving me my defining WZMania moment, and I want to thank you for giving these fans their moneys worth, because Spiral, you and I stole the show tonight!

The confetti continues to stream down as Jake drops the microphone, and gathers himself to his feet, with the fans still on their feet applauding him. Spiral is being assisted to his feet as well, and gets a small amount of applause, but he is still knocked out and is taken to the back, as the image fades out to Jake standing in the middle of the ring with his arms above his head in victory…..
I mean to tell the honest truth you have gone above and beyond the duty of a BT! Writter and created a high entertaining match that had just about everything imaginable...Table's, Interference, Nudity(Poor RVDGurl, lol), Crowd Abuse(I press charges, lol), Backstage Brawling, and I could go on forever(This match was great!)...this was probably the most well written, the greastest, the most interresting thing I have ever read on any site, you truly have a gift for writting matches and setting them in a realistic pace which gives the readers a more grand experence. This match will no doubt be the best match at WZMania, I didn't think I could ever be more impressed with your work then I already was but this was incredible and blew me away, and now more then ever I truly hope you consider creating a fed over in BT! so all of us can continue to enjoy your wonderfully creative genius. Byfar the greatest, crazyest, most in-depth(which I loved!) match I have ever read, Great Job!
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