WZWILL = WZ's newest Admin


[This Space for Rent]
Unlike all the others that are hired in part to the WZ news site, this one's real and he talks.

Since hes taken the time to actually introduce himself to the regular staff (unlike the other admins hired by WZ) I'd like to give him this thread (that will roughly be forgotten about within a day) to show appreciation.

WZWILL.. not me.. but better. :lmao: I think.
That would be nice for a change. I'm tired of these "admins" (not jake or jonny) that think they mean anything around here. Might not mean anything to have him want to talk to us, but it's a step in the right direction.
I think the lot of them that don't speak still do a great deal.. its just for whatever reason, I unfortunately see it as disrespectful that they don't at least introduce themselves to staff.. let alone the forum.

Will came to us first and introduced himself. We didn't do anything or make any remarks that lead to him introducing himself. So that puts him a step above the rest, to me.
I agree with TheOneBigWill.

WZWill is great for introducing himself, and already his effects are showing on the forum with new avatars (I can spell now!).

the other admins also do a lot of work, we just don't see it or them frequently.
Unlike all the others that are hired in part to the WZ news site, this one's real and he talks.

Since hes taken the time to actually introduce himself to the regular staff (unlike the other admins hired by WZ) I'd like to give him this thread (that will roughly be forgotten about within a day) to show appreciation.

WZWILL.. not me.. but better. :lmao: I think.

So is there like any chance of me like blowin him a MOD spot or wut? lol
Thanks for the welcome everyone. I introduced myself to the staff and I didn't want to make too much of a song and dance on the public forums, I wanted to blend in lol. Anyway, for those wondering (and care), this isn't my first dance so to speak. I've been working at WZ on the radio section since January and recently started writing reviews for the main site. I've also worked with WZ's current head honcho Chris Cash for nearly 5 years on several projects, one being a wrestling fan forum :)

Anyway we'll be adding some new stuff soon as well as making things look a little nicer, so thanks again and I'll be off back to my cupboard..
That would be nice for a change. I'm tired of these "admins" (not jake or jonny) that think they mean anything around here. Might not mean anything to have him want to talk to us, but it's a step in the right direction.

I know I sound like a corporate mouthpeice, but the other admins do a lot of behind the scenes business-end shit. They don't get as involved because Jake and Jonny are so good at their jobs. Not every upper manager has to be in everyone's face - that's just how business works.
With the other admins, you can't expect owners of a place to not have an account that they can check forum stats on.

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