WZ's Fav WWE Wrestlers

I certainly hope Coco didn't send you a list, otherwise he's got some explaining to do. Otherwise, shame on you people! Shame on you. Rob Van Dam with just one vote!
Now I wish I'd had my voice heard.

I feel like I've learned an important life lesson here today.
I feel somewhat guilty for not voting for AJ Lee - she's made women's wrestling in WWE worth watching, which is a momentous feat. She's one of the most charismatic individuals, best actors and most accomplished wrestlers on the roster - either male or female. She's also roughly five times more attractive than all the other divas with their Gucci ring gear, fake tits and no idea how to do their fucking job.

<3 AJ
Here are the wrestlers with 30 Points

Bray Wyatt: 30 Points

Fandango: 30 Points

Alberto Del Rio: 30 Points
#MrScissorsKick(#4) The Fabulous Rougeau&#8217;s(#5)
Here are those with 40 Points:

Justin Gabriel: 40 Points
Mac/IOS(#5) Slash-LN(#3)

Tyson Kidd: 40 Points

Ryback: 40 Points

Rey Mysterio: 40 Points

Kofi Kingston: 40 Points

Antonio Cesaro: 40 Points
Mac/IOS(#4) Fallout(#4)

Santino Marella: 40 Points
I'll just PM CM Punk five times five times five times five times five times, so it wouldn't contribute.

Man, do I loathe CM Punk...
No one had 60 Points so here are the ties for 70 Points and 90 Points.

70 Points
Dean Ambrose: 70 Points
TAFKAMDDFA(#3) Fallout(#2)

Randy Orton: 70 Points
Choxy(#5) Galvatron(#4)

90 Points
Sheamus: 90 Points
#MrScissorsKick(#3) TLC(#3) Fallout(#3)

Christian: 90 Points
TLC(#1) Uncle Sam(#2)
Here is the rest of the list.


5. Brock Lesnar (150 Points)
MCMG(#3) Blue Chipper(#2) The Fabulous Rougeau&#8217;s(#2) Blizz(#2)

4. The Rock (160 Points)
#MrScissorsKick(#1) TAFKAMDDFA(#4) Blue Chipper(#3) The Fabulous Rougeau&#8217;s(#1) Blizz(#5)

3T. The Undertaker (170 Points)
Mac/IOS(#1) SAMCRO(#1) TAFKAMDDFA(#2) Blizz(#3)

3T John Cena (170 Points)
Choxy(#1) Mac/IOS(#3) #MrScissorsKick(#5) MCMG(#2) Blue Chipper(#4)

2. CM Punk (210 Points)
Choxy(#4) SAMCRO(#5) Galvatron(#2) MCMG(#5) Blue Chipper(#1) The Fabulous Rougeau&#8217;s(#3) Uncle Sam(#3) Blizz(#4)

1. Daniel Bryan (290 Points)
Slash-LN(#1) Galvatron(#3) TAFKAMDDFA(#1) Blue Chipper(#5) Fallout(#1) Uncle Sam(#1) Blizz(#1)

WZ's Fav Five WWE Wrestlers
1. Daniel Bryan
2. CM Punk
3. John Cena
The Undertaker
4. The Rock
5. Brock Lesnar
Genuinely flabbergasted at Brock making WZ's top ten. Mildly surprised to see Bryan above Punk.

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