WZPW Application


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Billed from:

Alignment (Only heel or faces please):

Sample picture (Try and make it an established wrestler already please):

Theme Song (YouTube links please):

Main gimmick:

Brief history:

Regular move-set (15 maximum! No finishers):


----Prepared finisher (Think GTS):
----Flash finisher (Think RKO):
Name:Sean Cruz

Nickname:The Billionaire Playboy


Weight:236 lbs

Billed from:Galveston,Texas

Alignment (Only heel or faces please):Face

Sample picture (Try and make it an established wrestler already please):

Theme Song (YouTube links please):[YOUTUBE]B3zal6pWUYk[/YOUTUBE]

Main gimmick:Feminine playboy

Brief history:Always popular in school and onward,Sean Cruz has combined his natural charisma with an impressive moveset that concentrates on speed and strikes to become a fan favorite.

Regular move-set (No finishers):
Variations of Kicks:
Leg Lariat

Arm Drag
Russian Leg Sweep
Running Hip drop on Prone opponent
Snap Suplex


----Prepared finisher (Think GTS):Top Rope Leg Drop
----Flash finisher (Think RKO):Super Kick
Name: DK

Nickname: N/A

Height: 6'3"

Weight: 235 Pounds

Billed from: West Hollywood, California

Alignment (Only heel or faces please): Face

Sample picture (Try and make it an established wrestler already please):

Uploaded with ImageShack.us

Theme Song (YouTube links please):
Find the Real - Alter Bridge

Main gimmick: The Vivacious Rockstar

Brief history: Famed musician who's band fell apart while they were only together for a mere five years. After winning a Grammy Award and putting out two albums and three tours they disbanded after personality clashes. At only age 28, Frontman DK Wilton decided to take up his boyhood dream of wrestling.

Regular move-set (No finishers):
Corner Splash followed by a Bulldog
Roundhouse kick to the stomach
Tie to the tree of woe and reverse corner splash
Belly to back suplex.
Flap Jack
Standing knee drop to downed opponent
Chicken Wing (Hold/Submission)
Side headlock to downed opposition.
Standing Dropkick.
Drop Toe Hold
Hard Impact DDT
Dragon Whip
Bridging Suplex Pin
Standing kick to kneeling opponents back
A fake Overdrive/Playmaker into a Roll-Up attempt


----Prepared finisher (Think GTS): The Encore (Green Bay Plunge)
----Flash finisher (Think RKO): Blistering Solo (Fujuiwarma Armbar)
Name: Javier Garcia

Nickname: N/A

Height: 6' 4"

Weight: 280

Billed from: Mexico City, Mexico

Alignment (Only heel or faces please): Heel

Sample picture (Try and make it an established wrestler already please):

Theme Song (YouTube links please):

Main gimmick: A Legend in Mexican wrestling. One of the biggest rudos in history. His size, raw power and brawling ability make him a monstrous foe. Known for his vicious style and uncontrollable mean streak. Has grown tired of crushing luchadores and wants a real challenge.

Brief history: Trained by his uncle and luchador legend Hector "Del Count de Monte Cristo" Gutierrez at 16. Has spent the last ten years dominating the Mexican wrestling scene winning several World and Heavyweight Titles.

Regular move-set (No finishers):
Big Boot
Fallaway Slam (Sometimes into turnbuckle)
Running Samoan Drop
Spinebuster (Arn Anderson Style)
Bear Hug
Super Back Suplex
Yakuza Kick (Running Big Boot into Corner)
Scoop Slam
Sleeper Hold with Scissors
Electric Chair Drop
Stone Cold Style Stomping and Punches


----Prepared finisher (Think GTS): Uno, Dos, Tres (Three Strong/Buzzsaw style kicks to the head)
----Flash finisher (Think RKO): Speedy Gonzales (Superman Punch)
Name:"Stunning" Joe "Safari Man" King

Nickname: The Jungle Warrior

Height: 6'5

Weight: 225

Billed from: Northern Michigan

Alignment (Only heel or faces please): Face

Sample picture (Try and make it an established wrestler already please):

Theme Song (YouTube links please):

Main gimmick:
A crowd favorite, King tends to use a more technical style of wrestling. He studies a lot of tapes of Ric Flair and other wrestlers from the 70's and 80's.

Brief history:
An accomplished Boxer, who's father was a wrestler during the 70's. Early, Joe didn't want to take after his father, he wanted to be a pro boxer, which he did. "Stunning" Joe King won 3 boxing championships, holding each for no less then three fights. After a very sucessfull carrear Joe decided to go into wrestling, which his father, and his father's friend Dory Funk Jr. had taught him. Already, well trained, Joe and his father, trained for many weeks, and Joe started working Indy show's to test the waters. After expirencing the thrill of the audience and the action it's self, Joe's father made a few phone calls, and hooked him up with XWA. In the ring, Joe plays a cocky 2nd generation superstar who beleives everything was handed to him from his father.

Regular move-set (15 maximum! No finishers):
Jungle Lock
Go Flasher
Wake The Fuck Up
Moonsault Side Slam
Burning Lariat
Sleeper Takedown Submission
Half Nelson Exploder
2010 Suplex
Impact Driver
Double the Pain Curbstomp
Gorilla Clutch
Stretch Muffler
Grapevined Ankle Hold
Jungle Cloverleaf
Dragon Sleeper

Muscular Bomb
Jungle Rush
Double Pumphandle Orange Crush
Safari Man Clutch

----Prepared Finisher (Think GTS):The Zebra Bomb
----Flash finisher (Think RKO): King's Delivery
Name: Hunter Kravinoff

Nickname: The Ugandan Wildman, The Classical Freudian Crusader

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 245 lbs.

Billed from: Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada by way of the East African Republic of Uganda

Alignment (Only heel or faces please): Heel.

Sample picture (Try and make it an established wrestler already please):


Theme Song (YouTube links please):

Main gimmick: Big game hunter who fights in order to get people to accept that his tall tales are the truth and that the theories of Sigmund Freud are incontrovertable fact.

Brief history: After witnessing the murder of his parents at a young age in Uganda, he developed a blood lust that he'd carry with him his entire life. Raised by a family of apes, he learned how to fend for himself in the wild and eventually left his adopted family to travel the globe and kill every kind of creature he crossed paths with, constantly determined to up his game by crushing larger and more threatening prey. After stalking human prey from the shadows and learning their language stangely well, he entered WZCW to hunt man on its own battlefield to prove that he is truly the most physically imposing hunter on this plain. After tagging with Wasabi Toyota and forming his first fulfilling relationship with a human being, Kravinoff was taken out by the Crashin Movement and sidelined for a number of months. Upon returning to WZCW, Kravinoff had a chip on his shoulder for all who would follow anything other than their natural, animalistic impulses and began to preach a twisted interpretation of the work of Sigmund Freud.

Regular move-set (15 maximum! No finishers):

-Double-underhook suplex
-Sit-out double-underhook suplex into a pin
-Running-bulldog w/head locked
-Straight kick to the head, shades of Austin Aries
-Dragon suplex
-Tiger suplex
-Texas Cloverleaf
-Running Bucklebomb
-Backdrop driver
-Muay Thai Flying Knee
-Heat Seeking Missile (Austin Aries style suicide dive through the bottom and middle ropes)
-Running Dropkick in the Corner


----Prepared finisher (Think GTS): Ugandan Death Knell (Inverted DDT into Dragon Sleeper w/Body Scissors
----Flash finisher (Think RKO): Double-Underhook DDT
Name: John Constantine

Nickname: The Power Trip

Height: 6 Feet, 4 Inches

Weight: 265 Pounds

Billed from: Washington, D.C

Alignment (Only heel or faces please): Heel

Sample picture (Try and make it an established wrestler already please):

Theme Song (YouTube links please): [YOUTUBE]zuyupBmHfVQ[/YOUTUBE]

Main gimmick: Politician whose corrupt ways have finally caught up with him.

Brief history: See WZCW. I'm not writing it all out again! It took me hours to do his history in my last RP...

Regular move-set (15 maximum! No finishers):
Drop toe hold
Chop blocks
Flowing DDT
Mounted punches
Knee drop to downed opponent
Sleeper hold
Vertical Suplex
Fallaway slam
Sidewalk slam
Swinging backbreaker
Stomps to downed opponent


----Prepared finisher (Think GTS): Collateral Damage – Angle Slam
----Flash finisher (Think RKO): Axis of Evil – Twisting Spinebuster
Name: Aiden Hughes


Height: 6 foot

Weight: 225 lbs

Billed from: Dublin, Ireland

Alignment: Heel

Sample picture:

Theme Song:

Main gimmick: Having been told his entire life he is decended from Irish royalty he believes everything should be handed to him and if it isn't he will take it by any means neccesary.

Brief history: Lived a life of leisure in uptown Dublin. He had enough money to get what he wanted after saving bit but he wasn't what you would call rich.

Regular move-set:
1) Axe Handle
2) Bulldog (any variation)
3) Diving Crossbody
4) Diving Headbutt
5) Hurricanrana
6) Moonsault
7) Frankensteiner
8) Senton (Any Variation)
9) Splash from the top rope
10) Suplex
11) DDT
12) Flapjack
13) Sitout jawbreaker
14) Falling reverse DDT
15) Monkey flip


----Prepared finisher: Celtic Knot (Texas Cloverleaf)
----Flash finisher: The Fiery Red Hand of Ireland (He pours High Proof Alcohol (which he brings with him to the ring) on his heavely taped up hand, lights it on fire & Punches his opponent in the face)
Name: Flamero

Nickname: "King Of The Digital Age" "The Sarcastic One" "The Antisocial"

Height: 6'0

Weight: 220 pounds

Billed from: -

Alignment (Only heel or faces please):

Sample picture (Try and make it an established wrestler already please):

Theme Song (YouTube links please):

"Going Digital" by Jasan Radford and Shuki Levy

Main gimmick:
"King Of The Digital Age" He hates anything that seems popular and antagonizes people for it. He especially loves to hang around on top of high places like the Titantron or the rafters or on top of the building. He can be very sarcastic and usually talks about how stupid pop culture is. If anything, he can out-jerk any jerk.

Brief history:
Hateful and bitter, Flamero is mostly unpopular among the crowd for his attitude and rather absurd hatred of anything people like. It may mostly be due to his stubbornness though.

----Finisher: The Headbuster:


(Can be done as a surprise or by setup)

----Signature Moves:
  • Spinebuster Roll-up
  • Running Big Boot to the turnbuckle (MVP's Player's Boot) followed by a top rope manuever.
  • Gravity Slam (Sambo Suplex)
  • Mostly reliant on striking. Specifically kicks.
  • Springboard into a Diving Clothesline.
  • Vertical Suplex
  • Discuss Clothesline
  • Thesz Press with punches
  • Spinning Wheel Kick
Wrestler's Real Name: Juan Gordo Ruiz
Wrestler's Gimmick Name: Gordito
Wrestler's Nickname: The Dirty One

Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 257 lbs

Hometown: Santa Cruz, CA
Billed From: San Francisco, CA

-----------Hair color/length: Dark Brown/Black - 1/4 in buzz
-----------Eye color: Brown
-----------Facial Hair: Roughly shaven
-----------Ring Attire: Black amateur wrestling attire with ratty blue jean shorts.
-----------Backstage Attire: Battered and soiled "Ric Flair" style robe (red).
-----------Physical Features: Well toned and muscled, but not a muscled freak. Brown skin. Visable light scaring on arms and back. Missing tooth.
-----------Tattoos: None

Alignment: Face

Gimmick: A punk rock type who lives to entertain the fans. He's not concerned with being the biggest, the strongest, or the most decorated; he's here to prove the power of willpower over fate, to show that the spirit of Punk will never die, and also cause a bit of trouble.

Strengths: Surprising durability. Apt technical wrestler. Dangerous with weapons.

Weaknesses: He's hotheaded, and this can cause him problems in the heat of the moment. He isn't very strong, and will often lose "tests of strength" to bigger or better trained men. He often has problems with his knees.

Trained By: The Headbangers, Hector Guerrero

Sample Pic of Wrestler: I was envisioning a punk rock Tazz. See my sig below.

Brief History: Worked as security and roadie for punk rock shows on the west coast for years before he chose to pursue a career in wrestling. Amateur musician. Joined WZCW in the spring of 2010, and by 2011 he was challenging (unsucessfully) for the WZCW World Title. During this year he bought and renovated a nightclub called "The Sludge Pit" in Baltimore, MD.

Title History: None

Entrance Music: "Broken" - by Pennywise


Entrance description: Comes out quick, towards the right side of the stage area. Raises his right arm in a fist and plays to the crowd (yelling, sticking his tongue out, etc.). Proceeds towards the ring, heading towards the left side of the ramp. Pauses to raise his left arm in a fist and play the crowd some more. Enters the ring by sliding under the ropes. Climbs a turnbuckle, beats his chest twice with each fist (alternating) before raising them both and nodding his head, as if saying "oh yeah".


Meteor of War (Double Underhook Facebuster)
Surf's Up, Asshole (Mexican Surfboard Stretch w/abdominal slap)

15 Most used moves:

Diving Elbow Drop
Bronco Buster
Trapping Headbutts

Boston Crab
Half Nelson Bulldog
Samoan Drop
Russian Legsweep
Backhand Chop
Crossbody Block
Cactus Clothesline
Double Axe Handle
Chop Block
European Uppercut
Back Body Drop
Name: Car Bomb

Nickname: Car Bomb

Height: 6'2

Weight: 246

Billed from: Local correctional facility.

Alignment (Only heel or faces please): Heel

Sample picture (Try and make it an established wrestler already please):
Colin Farrell

Theme Song (YouTube links please):[YOUTUBE]YIqbdnaPcT8&ob=av2el[/YOUTUBE]

Main gimmick: Mentally unstable dirt bag of a man, with a checkered past.

Brief history: Has had multiple run ins with the law as well as failed attempts at a wrestling career. Though a low class miscreant, he seems to have an abundance of funds and resources as well as connections with members of high society.

Regular move-set (15 maximum! No finishers):
DDT, Spinebuster, russian leg sweep, STO, backbreaker, belly to belly suplex, german suplex, samoan drop, tilt a whirl slam, piledriver, neckbreaker, vertical suplex, sharpshooter


----Prepared finisher (Think GTS): Lethal Injection (Fireman's Carry into Diamond Cutter)
----Flash finisher (Think RKO): The Cataclysm (Mic check)
Name: Max Karzai

Height: 6'3"

Weight: 230 lb.

Billed from: Bethlehem, Pennsylvania

Alignment: Face

Sample picture:

Theme Song: Max Karzai - Dynamite Tonite

Main gimmick: Shock rocker

Brief history: Music and wrestling. These two passions have defined Max Karzai's life. He is famous (or infamous) in the world of shock rock for the insanity and volume of the stunts he is willing to perform. He also dabbled in the world of wrestling, going from fan to tag team champion in another promotion. Recently he has been feeling the itch to lace up the boots one last time, and this has given him the perfect opportunity to do so.

Regular move-set:
Running bulldog
Boot to the head
Running Clothesline
Schoolboy Pin
Eye Rake
Shuffle Side Kick
Full Nelson
Single Leg Boston Crab
Leg Scissors
Fireman’s Carry

----Prepared finisher: Stairway To Heaven (Coast-To-Coast)
----Flash finisher: Ride The Lightning (Edgecution)
I'll give this a try as I've never done a RP before, can't be that much different than writing a promo for a Book This.

Name: Teddy James

Nickname: "Prime Time"

Height: 6'1''

Weight: 220 lbs

Billed from: Philadelphia, PA

Alignment (Only heel or faces please): Face

Sample picture (Try and make it an established wrestler already please):

Theme Song (YouTube links please): [youtube]S4R01T3Wa_A[/youtube]

Main gimmick: Ain't no party unless it's a Teddy kind of party! Just a kid who loves to go to the club and party it up. And if the club is closed the party continues at whatever hotel suite Teddy is renting out. You'd think fans would hate him, but when his music hits they can help put to dance along with Teddy James. The fans have learned to embrace his party attitude as they all dream of one day partying it up with Teddy James.

Brief history: A party boy from the city of brotherly love. When Teddy James comes to town it is always prime time. Teddy realized that wrestling was his calling after a fight at the club turned into a serious matter and Teddy had to throw some fists. While it resulted in damage to his good looks, Teddy served up a beating and now looks to take his skills to the ring.

Regular move-set (15 maximum! No finishers):
Dropkick (Sometimes from top rope)
Side Effect (wrist lock sit-out side slam)
Swinging Corner Clothesline (think Miz)
Crossbody (sometimes from the top rope)
Russian Legsweep
German suplex
Belly to Belly suplex
Inverted bodyslam
Series of elbow drops with the final one as a jumping elbow (think Dolph Ziggler)
Fireman's Carry Gutbuster
Inverted Headlock Backbreaker (think Randy Orton)
Swinging Neckbreaker
Springboard Elbow Drop


----Prepared finisher (Think GTS): Prime Time Drop (Cross Rhodes (spinning facebuster)
----Flash finisher (Think RKO): The Club Closer (Bicycle Kick)
Wrestler's Real Name: Steven Holmes
Wrestler's Gimmick Name: Steven Holmes
Wrestlers Nickname: The Elite
Height: 6'1
Weight: 240
Hometown: Buckingham, England
Billed From: London, England

Alignment(Face or Heel NOT tweener...I repeat, do not put tweener down!): Heel

Gimmick: An arrogant British aristocrat who looks down upon the weak and the poor.

Trained By: William Regal, Dave Taylor, Fit Finlay

Sample Pic of Wrestler:

Brief History: Born into the aristocracy, Steven Holmes was always destined for greatness. Every day, Holmes was groomed for success and he knew he would be able to get whatever he wanted. Then one day he sat and observed professional wrestling, and ever sicne then, he has trained, knowing destiny will guide him to the top.

Entrance Music:
Hells Bells by Bruce Faulconer:

Entrance Description:
As the music starts, Steven Holmes slowly walks out onto the top of the stage, slowly he walks to the ring, ignoring the fan reaction, he walks up the ring steps and enters the ring. He stands still in the centre, his head held high and slowly raises his left arm with his hand making a pointing motion to the ceiling.

Finishers: Aristocracy Reigns (Camel Clutch), Imperial Impaler (Piledriver)

15 Most used moves:
Knee Drop
Belly to Belly Suplex
Belly to Back Suplex
German Suplex
Vertical Suplex
Underhook Suplex
High Knee
Backbreaker Submission
Abdominal Stretch
Head Scissors
Body Scissors

Name: Xavier Creed

Height: 6' 5"

Weight: 228

Billed from: tokyo, japan

Alignment (Only heel or faces please): face

Sample picture (Try and make it an established wrestler already please):


Theme Song: Waking the Demon- Bullet for my Valentine


Main gimmick: head of security\former hockey player. tough as nails ex military.

Brief history: Formerly from Toronto, Creed played defense for many hockey teams in high school until he was deemed "too violent" & banned from playing in north america. Moved to the U.S. round 21 & was kicked out of the Army Ranger program for fighting other soldiers shortly thereafter. Creed moved to Japan 3years later to help his uncle run security @ his rock club "TWISTED". Creed later became owner after his uncle passed & Has been running cage matches at the club on the nights bands arent booked. Creed has great speed for his size, but is more well known for his ability to withstand punishment. His cocky, brash attitude coupled with a smartass mouth has landed him in trouble everywhere he goes as well as a great following among the fighters... but his ability & sharp tounge makes him a favorite among the masses.

Regular move-set (15 maximum! No finishers):

flying back elbow
harlem hangover
heart punch
running shoulder tackle
jumping pile driver (from middle rope, sometimes off the ring steps)
reverse neckbreaker
indian deathlock
rushing front dropkick (to sitting opponent)
samoan drop
tilt-a-whirl backbreaker
fury strikes
single leg crab


----Prepared finisher (Think GTS):

Event Horizon (stalling fisherman brainbuster)

----Flash finisher (Think RKO):

Negative Feedback (Double A spinebuster)
Real Name:
Sam Smith

Gimmick Name:
Sam Smith

The Law-Abiding Citizen.

6 foot 2 inches

235 pounds

Washington D.C.

Billed From:
Washington D.C.

Alignment (Heel or Face, not Tweener): Face

Main Gimmick: Former lawyer who got sick of the corruption displayed by his fellow lawyers. He now fights for the rights of the every-man through wrestling.

Brief History: Is a very trusting and friendly guy. Went to law school and eventually became a member of the biggest law firm in D.C., was made associate at 25 but left one year later to pursue wrestling. He saw many different people who had been wronged so he lost all of his trust and became a changed man.

Sample Picture:


With a lovely lady. Be jealous. Very jealous. I kid, I kid.

Entrance Music:
Wake Up - Rage Against the Machine


15 Most Used Moves:
Snap Suplex
Elbow drop from the top rope
Sidewalk Slam
Northern Lights Suplex

Finishing Moves:
Falcon Arrow (Final Judgment) - Quick Strike
Sharpshooter (Double Jeopardy) - Prepared
Name: Ashleigh FalKon

Estimated Height: 6' 2''

Estimated Weight: 127 pounds

Billed from: The Skies Above

Alignment: Heel

Sample picture: (Simone Simons)


Theme Song: "Unleashed" by Epica


Main gimmick: Dark, mythical "spirit"

Brief history:

The only information available about one "Ashleigh FalKon" discusses of a male professional wrestler who was last seen being buried by a man simply known as "Vengeance." The cemetery groundskeeper witnessed the occurrence and reported to authorities. When the police arrived on the scene to dig the body, the coffin they exhumed was empty. Other scattered reports have indicated some unusual activities at the same cemetery after the initial burial, all of them after nightfall. One particular report states of a tall female figure performing a ritual in front of the aforementioned grave. When approached, she kept whispering chants in what seemed to be Latin, with the only audible/understandable words being three numbers, "115."

Regular move-set:

Butterfly Lock
Discus Elbow Smash
Headscissors Takedown
Leg-Trap Sunset Flip Powerbomb w/ pin
No-Handed Over The Top Rope Suicide Dive
Roundhouse Kick
Rope-Hung DDT
Running Jumping Clothesline
Spin Kick
Springboard Crossbody
Springboard Moonsault
Throat Thrust
Various/Random Kicks


----Prepared finisher: Foolish Burial (Flipping Piledriver)
----Flash finisher: Second Sun (Phoenix Splash)
I'm just going to call it a day at that, Gents. We have more than enough people to make this interesting now. The team that I have assembled will now decide which matches you will be appearing in and RP boards should be up tomorrow at some point.

Name: Colenol Mitchell Davids

Nickname: "Colenol"

Height: 6ft3

Weight: 257pounds

Billed from: Iraq desert

Alignment (Only heel or faces please): Heel

Sample picture (Try and make it an established wrestler already please): http://www.gerweck.net/nathanjones.htm

Theme Song (YouTube links please):http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GI2tAGCxCPA&feature=related

Main gimmick: Merciless former front-line commander serving in Iraq.

Brief history: Was renound for the iron grip he had on all those under his command after his rapid rise to a position of high power. Those who worked under him say he often was very lax in preparation for engaging in conlficts, resulting in his batallion suffering more casualities than any other. Supposedly this was not accidental. It was believed that he just enjoyed the smell of war, and watching anyone regardless of sides suffering. Sent back and banned from serving indefinately after one particular incident. Apparently a prime example of his typical response to what he considered insolence, needless to say the resulting scene culminated in bone fragments....... Knowing he could never function in a normal 9-5 job, he joins the WZPW in an attempt to manage his near unquenchable aggression.

Regular move-set (15 maximum! No finishers):
Trapping headbutts
Bicycle kick
Short-arm Clothesline
Discus punch
Triangle Choke
Rear naked Choke
Argentine leglock
Full Nelson slam
Slingshot suplex
Implant DDT
Tilt-a-whirl backbreaker
Fallaway slam
Bridged Northern-lights suplex
Pendulum backbreaker
Belly-to-back suplex


----Prepared finisher: Gallows Pole (As done by Luke Gallows)
----Flash finisher : STO

Applications no longer accepted.........that's just what I call bad timing.
You mentioned your interest earlier and are a proven entity. There's a place for you on the card.

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