All-Stars IV Application Thread

Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW
Welcome to the All-Stars Application Process!

Hope you enjoyed our latest PPV Revolution: New Year's Redemption. If you haven't read it, click right here to read it! Nice little plug, right? Anyway, moving onto why we are here! Applying for All-Stars!

It's pretty simple: copy the following in the spoilers box and fill out the application. Once you're done, post your finished application in the thread.

If you need any help, you can contact me or ask a question in this thread. However, it is relatively straight-forward so you needn't worry! There are a couple of rules down the bottom so please adhere to them. They are very standard and very fair, nothing too intense.

Here is the application form for singles:

Singles Only Application:




Billed From:


Picture of Wrestler:


Entrance Music:

Entrance Description:

Finishing Move (1 only):

Signature Moves (3 max):

10 Regular Moves:

Tag Team Only Application:

1 person can apply as a tag team. You don't need a partner to apply.

Tag Team Name:

Name of Wrestlers in Tag Team:

Billed From:



Entrance Theme:

Entrance Description:

Tag Team Finisher (1 only):

Tag Team Signature Combo's (3 max):


Wrestler A's Name:

Wrestler A's Height:

Wrestler A's Weight:

Wrestler A's Picture:

Wrestler A's 10 Regular Moves:


Wrestler B's Name:

Wrestler B's Height:

Wrestler B's Weight:

Wrestler B's Picture:

Wrestler B's 10 Regular Moves:


  • Do not use characters from the WWE, TNA or any other wrestling promotion. Same goes for real life people. You can parody them though.
  • Ask permission to any current member of the fed from the appropriate handler.
  • Try not to plagiarise someone else's character who has already applied. This includes name, gimmick, sample pic, finisher and entrances.

And for the love of all things holy: please do not post up an application that is completely distasteful. We do not want anyone trying to RP as Hitler or a terrorist. This is supposed to be a fun event.

This thread will be open until Thursday, the 5th of February, 11:59PM CST. Please submit any applications by this date and time.

Have fun guys and get creating!
Name: Jack Klockowski

Height: 5'10

Weight: 240

Billed From: on the other side of the phone line

Alignment: Face

Picture of Wrestler:
Kevin James
Gimmick: Insurance provider seller

Entrance Music: Elevator Music

Entrance Description: Jack comes out onto the stage with a clipboard. In that clipboard, it contains many pieces of paper that are applications for every type of insurance possible. He waves it in the air for all to see as he makes his way down the ramp. He throws the applications to the front row and gets into a conversation with someone who's interested in filling out a form. He starts getting boo'd because of how much time he's taking for his entrance so he leaves the person and finally enters the ring where he shakes hands with the ring announcer and referee before retreating to a corner, getting ready for his match.

Finishing Move (1 only): Insurance Policy - Clothesline from Hell

Signature Moves (3 max): Old School (ala Undertaker)
Exploder Suplex
Palm Thrust

10 Regular Moves:
European Uppercut
Samoan Drop
Scoop Slam
Arm Drag
Sleeper Hold
Back Splash (ala Bray Wyatt)
Tilt-a-whirl Backbreaker
Airplane Spin
Stinger Splash in the corner
If this character is accepted, this'll be my first All-Stars event. All-Stars is always a good time for the fed so I hope to be a part of it :)
Name: Guy Dian

Billed Height: Level 32 (until next DLC)

[Actual height is 6' 1'']

Billed Weight: 1626 Defense (until next DLC)

[Actual weight is 201 pounds]

Billed From: The Tower, The Last City, Earth

Alignment: Heel

Picture of Wrestler: Destiny Cosplayer


Gimmick: Self-entilted douchebag Guardian who believes he is destined to become... legend... in the WZCW Crucible

Entrance Music: Destiny OST - The Last Array


Entrance Description:

Guy blink jumps out through the curtain, standing on top of the ramp. He waves to everyone, points towards the ring before dancing for a few minutes, pissing everyone off in the crowd because he takes forever to stop dancing. A stage-hand prompts him to move to which he berates him and pushes him aside before heading to the ring. Guy enters the ring and sits down the middle, waiting for his opponent.

Finishing Move (1 only):

Fist of Havoc - Springboard High Impact Superman Punch

Signature Moves (3 max):

Arc Blade - Boxing Punch Combination finished with an Uppercut
Nova Bomb - Springboard Palm Strike
Radiance - Kip-up Recovery into Throwing Multiple Fireballs

10 Regular Moves:

  • Baseball Slide to standing opponent
  • Dancing & Pointing to distract opponent
  • Jumping Knee Strike
  • Right Hook Punch
  • Running Shoulder Charge
  • Scorch - Palm Strike to opponent's chest
  • Speeder Smash - Ramming opponent into multiple things whilst pretending to be riding a hover vehicle
  • Teabagging fallen opponent
  • Throwing Knife - Knife Edge Chop (Multiple if Precision Damage)
  • Triple Jump Evasion
Name: Barrett Stratton

Gimmick Name: The Ghost of Barrett Stratton

Announced As: "The Ghost of Barrett Stratton"

Height: Somewhat 5'10

Weight: 230 lbs. when he lived

Hometown: Nashville, Tennessee

Billed From: A White Cemetery

Alignment: Face

Fill in the blanks with your information:

Introducing first from A White Cemetery, The Ghost of Barrett Stratton!!!

----------------Physical Features
He's a goddamn spirit.

Sample Pic of Wrestler:


Main Gimmick: Lovable hatemonger trying to get into Honky Tonk Heaven.

2 Characteristics of Gimmick:

1. He's a ghost.

2. He thinks The South will rise again.

Brief Bio/History:

Son of wealthy Republican that in the end kills him and takes his girlfriend. Really fucked up story, bro. But now Casper's back and wants redemption.

Entrance Music: [YOUTUBE]ZoEwR9_Sy_M[/YOUTUBE]

Entrance Description: Barrett Stratton pokes his head out of the entrance ramp and peeks at the audience. Seeing that they're cheering him on, he pops out and flies into the ring. He goes through the ropes and hovers impatiently.

Fighting Style: Fluid.

Previous Injuries/Psyche:

Being ethereal, he can't really lay the smackdown much on his opponent. Neither can the other guy. I'm sure Creative will come up with a clever way to make this entertaining.

He got shot. Loud noises scare him.

Was a diehard conservative so anything that looks like progress could hurt him.

Finishing Moves (2 max):

Spirit Bomb - Tiger Bomb

Signature Moves (3 max):

Spook End - Book End

Ghost Buster - Bronco Buster

Crossing Over - Diving Cross Body

12 Most Used Moves:

1. Spiritplex
2. Boodyslam
3. Phantom Figure Four around ring post
4. Haunted Hip Toss
5. Flying Forearm through ropes
6. Apparition's Arm Bar
7. Demonic Double Leg Takedown
8. Elbow from Purgatory (2nd Rope)
9. Nether Knee Drop
10. Beyond Belly to Belly Suplex

Coincidentally, Barrett had only 10 moves in his original app when he should've had 12.
Name: ART Anderson

Announced As: Doctor Anderson

Weight: 424 Pounds

Height: 6 Foot 5 Inches

From: mART, Texas

Alignment: Heel

Clothing: Green plaid shirt, blue jeans, black boots, black cowboy hat (he wears all of this during matches as well)

Image Rep: John Hammond from Jurassic Park

Sample Pic:


Gimmick: Evil art professor who has a class that meets at 8AM every single day of the year except Easter and Christmas, if you miss his class he will set out to sabotage your day somehow. Then taunt you saying "You should've gone to ART!" He also will yell the "ART" syllable anywhere it appears in a word. He would pronounce Wal-mart as "Wal-mART", for example. He has now signed up for WZCW to defeat all the heroes of his students that skipped his class. He loves to paint things plaid.

Entrance Theme: Dr Robotnik's Theme from Sonic 2


Entrance Description:
Lots of heavyset men with white beards, black cowboy hats, and blue plaid shirts walk out in a single-file line on the entrance ramp. They form two even lines along the left and right edges of the ramp. They all begin pointing to random things and they continue pointing as the real Doctor Anderson walks down the ramp, also pointing at things randomly as he makes his way to the ring. He can heard saying "that's a form of ART.... and that's a form of ART...." then the clones all go backstage once ART has entered the ring.

Finisher: Final Exam (The Worm)

Finisher Sequence: He starts out exactly like Scotty 2 Hotty does in his, then yelling "YOU SHOULD'VE GONE TO ART CLASS!!!!" before hitting the finisher itself.


Bear Hug
ART-K-O (Hits opponent with a Paint Can hidden under the ring, if ref is not looking)

10 Most Used Moves:
Scoop Slam
Knife Edge Chop
Name: Willy DuWitt

Announced As: Willy DuWitt

Weight: 300lbs

Height: 5 Foot 8.

From: San Fransico, California.

Alignment: Face

Clothing: Dirty grey t-shirt with Bucky O Hare's face on it.

Image Rep: Willy DuWitt (child). Bubbles (adult)

Sample Pic:

As a child




Gimmick: In the late 80's, early 90's child genius but loner Will DuWitt was embroiled in a war in Space. This involved mutants and aliens and toads and the legendary Bucky O'Hare. This was 20 years ago. Now aged 40, Willy is depressed but longs onto hope.

Entrance Theme: Bucky O Hare


Entrance Description:
Imagine the shock masters entrance but with Will Du Witt's space armour instead.

Finisher: Toad buster

Finisher Sequence: He gets ready hadouken style and goes to do a tornado kick but being so fat he just falls down shaking the ring.

Belly bounce.
A 450 splash (the only move Willy can hit correctly).

10 Most Used Moves:
Tag Team Name:
The Dynamic Two!

Name of Wrestlers in Tag Team:
Major Dynamo! and his sidekick, Lucky!

Billed From:
Their secret base of operations in Twiggenplums, Alaska

Face (or trying to be)

The Dynamic Two is a superhero and his sidekick, because nobody in the history of fiction has ever done that.

Entrance Theme:
RHCP - They're red hot

Entrance Description:
Lucky high-fives every single bloody person within two rows of the barricade. Seeing as this takes some time, Major Dynamo! enters thirty seconds after his sidekick does. He walks to the ring with his Fanta Orange. Too bad the theme song is just shy of two minutes, so a lot of this happens in awkward silence.

Tag Team Finisher (1 only):
Only The Lonely (flying head drop to groin - Dudleyz)

Tag Team Signature Combo's (3 max):
The Dynamo! (Dynamo! big swings Lucky as a weapon)
The Ol' One-Two (Manhattan drop from Lucky, followed by a stinkface from the Major).
The Smart Attack (Like the Hart Attack, only Lucky's arm strikes somewhat lower, "since he's short")


Wrestler A's Name: Major Dynamo!
(He has an exclamation in his name...)

Wrestler A's Height: 5'11"

Wrestler A's Weight: 277lbs, but a lot of that's muscle

Wrestler A's Picture:

Wrestler A's 10 Regular Moves:
Atomic drop
Butt thump from the apron
Corner hip attack

Double underhook submission
Dropping the opponent groin first onto the top rope
Nerve hold to what he swears is the inner thigh
Polish Hammer to the lower abdomen
Seated senton


Wrestler B's Name: Lucky

Wrestler B's Height: 5'3" (which can be normal for a sixteen year-old)

Wrestler B's Weight: 130lbs

Wrestler B's Picture:

Wrestler B's 10 Regular Moves:
Arm drag
Back kick suspiciously close to the groin
Baseball slide evasion
Bell clap, if he can reach his opponent's head
Hair pull
Kicking the opponent in the shins
Leg drop to the "midsection" - think Jeff Hardy
Some good old-fashioned running away
Sunset Flip
Name: The No Show

Height: ???

Weight: ???

Billed From: Home

Alignment: Heel

Picture of Wrestler: ???

Gimmick: He fails to follow every commitment he's ever made in his life.

Entrance Music:

Entrance Description:

Finishing Move (1 only):

Signature Moves (3 max):

10 Regular Moves:

Meh, too much work. I'll just pass on this.
Tag Team Name: Ninja Raptor

Name of Wrestlers in Tag Team: Foot Ninja & Velociraptor

Billed From: The 1990s

Alignment: Heel

Gimmick: Goofy heel out-of-work Foot Ninja and his pet velociraptor take their talents to the ring.

Entrance Theme:
Entrance Description: As the music picks up, the Foot Ninja comes out riding on the raptor. They make a mad dash to the ring and jump into it from the outside.

Tag Team Finisher (1 only): Foot Ninja rides on raptor to trample over enemies.

Tag Team Signature Combo's (3 max): Foot Ninja holds up an opponent as the raptor rams its head into the target.

Team Pic:


Wrestler A's Name: Foot Ninja

Wrestler A's Height: 6’0

Wrestler A's Weight: 180

Wrestler A's Picture:

Wrestler A's 10 Regular Moves:
  • Right punch
  • Left punch
  • Right kick
  • Left kick
  • Rest hold from behind
  • Swinging and flinging the opponent up into the air and into the screen of the omnipotent camera view lens.


Wrestler B's Name: Velociraptor

Wrestler B's Height: 8’2

Wrestler B's Weight: ??? (You try to weigh him)

Wrestler B's Picture:

Wrestler B's 10 Regular Moves:
  • Right claw attack
  • Left claw attack
  • Bite
  • Headbutt
  • Trample
  • Screech
  • Kill
  • Maim
Disregard this app if you have too many characters.


Name: Steve the Volleyball

Height: 8-10 inches

Weight: 8.1 oz

Billed From: The Island

Alignment: Face

Picture of Wrestler:


Entrance Music:

Entrance Description: Steve comes out on a bicycle. The bike stops on the entrance ramp until the lyrics start. Then, Steve rides the bike down to the ramp to the ring until the bike crashes sideways into the ring apron. The impact causes Steve to bounce off the bike seat and into the ring.

Finishing Move (1 only): Spike! (Through some means, Steve is flung into the face of his opponent for a K.O.)

Signature Moves (3 max): Letting people slip on him.

10 Regular Moves:
  • Bouncing
  • Rolling
  • Enziguri kick
Name: "Killer" Chuck Myles

Height: 5'9

Weight: 213

Billed From: His Ferrari

Alignment: Face

Picture of Wrestler:

Following his departure from WZCW, Chuck Myles left with former referee's James Aubrey, Dillon Morse and some other bloke to Tijuana, Mexico for vacations. However they ended up stuck there due to unforeseen circumstances and must find their way back to the US. Chuck Myles once again dives into the world of professional wrestling to get himself and remaining allies out of Mexico legally. But this time, he's gotta get in the ring and get in shape.

Entrance Music:

Entrance Description:
A red Ferrari bursts through the entrance ramp. The doors open upward blaring out steam as Dillon and Aubrey emerge in suits and sunglasses. The hood opens up to steam as well before Chuck Myles jumps out and lands perfectly on the hood. He then walks down the ramp slowly with his ref's walking behind him.

Finishing Move (1 only):
  1. Future Endeavored (Bloody Sunday Brainbuster)
Signature Moves (3 max):
  1. Pele Kick
  2. Springboard Superman Punch
  3. Completely Unnecesary Shooting Star backflip followed by a slap to the face
10 Regular Moves:
  • High flying, spot monkey-styled offense
Name: CunderThunt

Height: 5'2

Weight: 173lbs

Billed From: The Back-Alley

Alignment: Face

Picture of Wrestler:


Gimmick: "World's Worst Superhero". Spends more time beating off rather than beating up criminals. He's helped put away an amazing 0 criminals behind bars, only attacked 3 people who didn't deserve it and has been forced to pay back just over $25,000 in repairs to an office block he trashed, claiming "He was definitely in there!!". Needless to say, he really just wants to get the money from this.

Entrance Music: [YOUTUBE]1gO59rZrisQ[/YOUTUBE]

Entrance Description: He runs out onto the stage, nunchuks in hand. Attempting a couple of tricks, they end up flying into the air above, as he ends up sprinting down the ramp to avoid them falling on his head. He tries to slide in the ring, but hits the apron, so to save further embarassment he uses the steps to get into the ring.


Finishing Move (1 only):
Die Criminal Scum! - (Similar to Mojo Rawley's "sit on the chest" finisher) - Cunder runs towards a floored opponent and leaps in the air and lands his ass right on his opponents face, which brings the immediate pin.

Signature Moves (3 max):
None. He's not that good, lets face it.

10 Regular Moves:
Running DDT
Dropkick to knee
German Suplex
Scoop Slam
Belly-to-Belly Suplex
Arm Drag



Billed From:


Picture of Wrestler:

Gimmick: Invisible Wrestler

Entrance Music:

Entrance Description:

Finishing Move (1 only):

Signature Moves (3 max):

10 Regular Moves:
Name:Thomas the Tank Engine

Height: 5’11

Weight:220 pounds

Billed From: Island of Sodor


Picture of Wrestler:


Gimmick: Disgruntled former children’s entertainer goes on a rampage.

Entrance Music:


Entrance Description:

Thomas comes out on the stage and performs a few crotch chops before walking down the ramp shouting obscenities. He slingshots himself over the top rope before taunting the crowd.

Finishing move [1]:

Figure 4 Toe Hold

Signature Moves [3]:

Running Shoulder Tackle
Spinning Toe Hold
Discuss Lariat

Regular Moves [10]:

Short Arm Lariat
Side Belly to Belly Suplex
Side Headlock
Hip Toss
Double Leg Takedown
Kneedrop onto the foot
Tree of Woe
Stomps to a fallen opponents torso
Diving Leg Drop
Disregard this app if you have too many characters.


Name: "The Candyman" Candy Desserts

Height: 5' 8''

Weight: 143 pounds

Billed From: Candyland

Alignment: Face

Picture of Wrestler: Mickie James


Gimmick: Sandy Deserts' alternate ego, the Candyman! She's looking to bring joy and happiness to everyone by giving them candy.

Entrance Music:


Entrance Description:

Walks out with a basket of candy, skipping down the ramp and giving out candy canes and various assortments of candy to the fans as she does the "Too Sweet" hand gesture. She makes sure to give candy to the commentators, announcer and referee before standing in the ring waiting for her opponent.

When the opponent comes out, she gives them a candy cane.

Finishing Move (1 only):

Just Desserts - Candy Clutch

Signature Moves (3 max):

Hurricandy - Series of open-candy slaps followed by a spinning candyfist
Sprinkle Mist - Rainbow Candy Mist
"Too Sweet" Tooth - Holds up "Too Sweet" hand gesture before hitting a Reverse Candyhouse Kick

10 Regular Moves:

Candy Fist Drop
Candy Kick
Candy Knee Strike
Candy Legsweep
Candymare into Candy Kick
Running Swinging Candybreaker
Springboard Candy Axe Handle
Springboard Candy Senton
Springboard Candy-sault
Wheelbarrow Bodyscissors Candydog
Please disregard if we have too many characters.


Tag Team Name: Furberus


Name of Wrestlers in Tag Team: Spex Muffel and Rupert

Billed From: The Furry Forest

Alignment: Heel

Gimmick: Group of furries who idolize Cerberus

Entrance Theme: [YOUTUBE]_-OY_QsXQLg[/YOUTUBE]

Entrance Description: Furberus come down the runway on all fours. Rupert trips and lands on top of Spex Muffel and they tumble to the ring. When they stand up, they put their paws over their hearts and bark "Hail Furberus!" to the groans of the crowd.

Tag Team Finisher (1 only):

Yiff Pile: Double Splash onto downed opponent

Tag Team Signature Combo's (3 max):

Hound & Pound: Spex tackles opponent into a turnbuckle. Rupert gives opponent a Bronco Buster.

Spin & Win: Spex grabs opponent and swings them. Rupert gives opponent a Bronco Buster.

Furry Godmother: Rupert leapfrogs over Spex and gives opponent a Bronco Buster.


Wrestler A's Name: Rupert

Wrestler A's Height: 6'1

Wrestler A's Weight: 190 lbs

Wrestler A's Picture:

Wrestler A's 10 Regular Moves:

Sprinting Calf Kick
Bronco Buster
Bronco Buster
Sitting Senton
Bronco Buster
Leg Scissors to Midsection
Leg Drop
Bronco Buster
High Crotch Takedown


Wrestler B's Name: Spex Muffel

Wrestler B's Height: 6'5

Wrestler B's Weight: 220 lbs

Wrestler B's Picture:

Wrestler B's 10 Regular Moves:

Delayed Vertical Suplex
Gutwrench overhead throw
Inverted Backbreaker into Inverted DDT
Modified Abdominal Stretch with ankle pulled back
Turnbuckle Powerbomb
Belly to Belly Suplex
Electric Chair
Half Leg Boston Crab
Fireman’s Carry Gut Buster
Short arm clothesline
Knee strikes to the gut.
Disregard this app if you have too many characters.


Name: Waldo Williams

Height: 6' 6"

Weight: 280 lbs

Billed From: Cleveland, Ohio

Alignment: Heel

Picture of Wrestler: Jack Swagger


Gimmick: NEEEEERD KILLEEEEEEER! Waldo spends all of his time on a quest to rid the world of all nerds and lock them in a locker, which he carries at all times.

Entrance Music:


Entrance Description:

Waldo walks out holding a large locker. He raises it above his head and walks down the ramp. He slams it down in front of the ring and bangs on the doors before rolling in the ring. He points to the crowd, then to the locker and makes cut throat gesture.

Finishing Move (1 only):

Locked Locker Lock (Torture Rack)

Signature Moves (3 max):

WEEEDDDDGGIIIIEEE! (Gives opponent wedgie and german suplexes them)

Not Gay if it's Funny (Tree of Woe Bronco Buster)

Swirlie (Giant Swing)

10 Regular Moves:

Gutwrench Suplex

Big Boot

Ten Punches in Corner


Military Press

Stalling Suplex

Running Headbutt (Kozlov Headbutt thing)

Full Nelson Bomb

Yakuza Kick

Bear Hug
Real Name: Jack Burton

Gimmick Name: The Admiral

Announced As: 'The Admiral' Jack Burton

Height: 6' 5"

Weight: 289 lbs

Hometown: America. Is that a problem, friend?

Billed From: The clear blue sea of freedom

Alignment: Face

Ring attire

Naval officers uniform taken off for match, black pants with a single gold stripe down each leg. Black boots with the diagonal gold pattern stripes (from jacket) on each calf. White wrist tape.


Sample Pic of Wrestler:

Gimmick: Eccentric Journeyman Hero. Champion of the People.

Always up for a good laugh & a fight, he travels the world in search of evil to vanquish & friends to drink with. Is a comedic hero of the people with a serious streak if you cross him.

He has become quite eccentric over the years & the thirst for a good time has been fueled by a seemingly endless fortune. Always armed with a quick wit and optimistic outlook. Jack has been dubbed 'The Admiral' by his fellow man, due to his large yacht and that alone, because the man has no military rank or sailing experience whatsoever. He is shadowed by his hired servant Wesley Worthington IV, whose family has served the Burtons for generations. A dry fellow, akin to most butlers who have a somewhat arrogant high born tone, Worthington plays the straight man to our comical hero.

Entrance Music: [YOUTUBE]PfjhvTOEhVI[/YOUTUBE]

Entrance Description:
Dark house lights, gold and white lights flash and flicker along with the beat of the music. crowd shot panning overhead. :16-:29 motorized 2 person sailboat (mast up, sails out- flying an American flag) raises from beneath the stage. Admiral stands on deck, saluting :29-:41 His right arm motions forward, the boat takes off down the ramp as Admiral is waving and talking with the crowd. :41- 1:07 The boat stops ringside & Admiral throws out an anchor before getting out of the boat & walking around the ring, slapping hands with the fans. 1:07- 1:20 Admiral climbs the steps, walks the apron & climbs into the ring 1:20- 1:32 The music kicks up as Admiral climbs the top turnbuckle, motioning the crowd to get up as he raises both his hands for a pose (similar to HHH) 1:32 - ? Admiral climbs down & walks the ring waiting for his opponent.

Fighting Style: Roughneck with decent submission knowledge & a good right hand. Has picked up many tricks from brawling throughout his travels. Hands of stone & a frame like an oak tree, Jack wastes no movement & is precise with each strike. His strength comes at a cost for speed. While quite nimble for his size, he is not very fast.

Previous Injuries/Character Psyche: Has 3 pellets stuck in his right calf, which he refers to as shrapnel, that he got in 7th grade. Has had 2 elbow surgeries on his left elbow so that can be an issue at times. Multiple broken bones over the years, but nothing cripples him like his fear of Koala bears. Yes, Koala bears. Dont ask.

Finishing Moves (2 max):

Fallen Sails- Spinning Falcon Arrow Pin

Signature Moves

The Distress Call- Single Leg Crab

Anchors Away- Ippon seoi nage sets up for a Cannonball Senton off the top.

10 Most Used Moves:

Discus Punch
Pendulum Backbreaker
AA Spinebuster (after irish whip as desperation move)
Double Underhook Suplex
Standing Leg Drop (sometimes to the knee)
Release Fisherman Suplex
Swinging Side Slam
Front Headlock Forearm Clubs
Shoulder Block
Pop up Flapjack
You guys are hilarious. This is going to be an amazing show.
I would just like to clarify that it will all make perfect sense once my RP is submitted.

Name: Gelgarin

Height: 6ft

Weight: 10 Stone - don't know what that is is Earth weight.

Billed From: Norwich, England by way of Mandaq, Saudi Arabia.

Alignment: Heel

Picture of Wrestler:

Gimmick: Not being stupid.

Entrance Music: Total silence.

Entrance Description: Gelgarin walks to the ring.

Finishing Move (1 only):

Signature Moves (3 max):

10 Regular Moves:
Name: Ash Ketchum

Height: 5ft

Weight: 95lbs

Billed From: Pallet Town

Alignment: Face

Picture of Wrestler: Ash Ketchum

Gimmick: Pokemon Trainer

Entrance Music: Season 1 pokemon theme song

Entrance Description: Comes out, turns hat backwards (signifying that shit is about to go down), runs to the ring awkwardly.

Finishing Move (1 only): Calls upon Charizard to save the day.

Signature Moves (3 max): Throws poke ball in an attempt to catch said opponent. Uses potion in an attempt to heal himself. Calls professor oak in attempt to ask him if it the time to use this move.

10 Regular Moves: Body slam, Double Slap, Back Breaker, High Kick, Low Kick, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Surf(rides opponent back), Scary Face, Tackle.
Can I put in an app roughly 12 hours after the deadline? I have everything already in mind I'm just nowhere near a computer ATM :(
Name: JaMarcus "The Love Muscle" Russell

Height: 6 foot 6 in

Weight: 309 lbs

Billed From: The VIP in da club

Alignment: Heel

Picture of Wrestler: Entrance:


Gimmick: NFL bust who thinks he has everything but is in denial. Thinks wrestling will save his dying career.

Entrance Music:
Entrance Description: Russell and his entourage, chanting Russ, only garnering more heat. Drench in his fur coat and bling, diamond dusts falls from the sky. Russell's crew takes his coat and bling as he gets one a knee and attempts to throw a football into a target above the ring. Russell will likely miss but his crew has a device that will set the target's pyro off if he misses. Russell thinks he is the real deal as he showers with some champagne before entering the ring.

*Poor stamina, will stop for oxygen on outside supplied by his entourage*

Finishing Move (1 only): The Hail Mary (botched Moonsault where Russell pretty much falls backwards and lands on his opponent.)

Signature Moves (3 max): Gamesaver (Spear)
Poppin' Bottles (Dusty Rhodes theatric elbow to the head)
Personal Foul (Running splash)

-Big Boot
-Corner Splash
-Leg Drop
-Back elbow to a cornered opponent
-Pancake (throws opponent up and hits the ground)
Name: Simon

Height: 5 foot 10

Weight: 180

Billed From: SimCity

Alignment: Face

Picture of Wrestler:

Gimmick: He's just your normal everyday Sim from one of the Sims games, with a normal family in a normal home in a normal neighborhood who somehow ended up with "wrestler" as a career path.

Entrance Music:

Entrance Description: Simon walks down the ramp with a bubbly enthusiasm, smiling and waving his hands all over the place greeting all his fans on the way to the ring.

Finishing Move (1 only): Through Death's Door - Simon throws his opponent into an empty room that has appeared in the ring because wrestling, then he somehow deletes the door and watches as the opponent's hunger meter drops dangerously low before dragging the unconscious opponent out through another door and pinning them. After the pin the Sims' grim reaper shows up to take the unconscious body away.

Signature Moves (3 max):
Simon pushes opponent into a pool and removes the stairs required to get out, the pool appearing at the start of the move and disappearing after the opponent has gotten out.

Simon chats to the fans, making the (hopefully heel) opponent envious and draining their social meter. The opponent begins to see the Social Bunny who proceeds to hold their arms back while Simon unleashes various kicks and punches. To the naked eye, however, this just looks like the opponent is stuck in place by unknown means.

10 Regular Moves:
Missile Dropkick
Top Rope Cannonball Front Flip Crossbody
Running Neckbreaker
Running Corner Double Springboard Punch to the Thigh
Yoshi Tonic
Enziguri into a Headscissors into a Sunset Flip
Springboard Chocolate Rain

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