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WZCW presents All or Nothing

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Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's Supermod!

A huge pyro display with fireworks welcomes fans to the event. The camera is spinning around the fans, showing the fans going wild for the event that is hotly anticipated.

Copeland: Welcome to Phoenix, Arizona where we're at the US Airways center. Welcome to one of the greatest sporting extravaganza’s of all time. Ladies and Gentlemen; Welcome to WZCW All or Nothing. You’ve joined me, Sebastian Copeland and my broadcast partner, Jack Cohen at ringside and Jack, have you ever experienced anything like this before?

Cohen: I have not, Seabass. These fans are absolutely up for it tonight and so are we.

Copeland: What an amazing show we have for you tonight, ladies and gentlemen! Scores will be settled, rivalries will come screeching to a halt and titles will be fiercely contested.

Cohen: Events like this are exactly the reason why all of us are wrestling fans and tonight we will show everyone that there is nothing better out there, than WZCW.

Copeland: Indeed, Jack. We have excellent matches on the way for you tonight, folks. The first match that is coming your way will be the six-man tag-team match:


This match has some of the brightest new stars of WZCW included and some of the fiercest rivalries will come to a head in this match. This is especially true of Steel and De La Noche, who have been at loggerheads for weeks now. It all comes to a head tonight.

The next match we will have for you is:


Another hellacious feud between two of WZCW’s most dominating superstars comes to head here tonight. These two have been dying to get their hands on each other for weeks and tonight we get to see how it unfolds in only their second match together.

Following that:


The stakes really could not be higher for these two men. Zander Young and Frankie Smith have been battling for months now and they finally have their reward for everything that they have put into the rivalry. The winner of this match will be guaranteed a shot at the Elite X Championship. Finally the light at the end of the tunnel is visible for these two and that light, could well be gold! Rest assured that both men will pour everything into this match and should be one for the ages.

After that match we have a grueling rivalry that is going to end here tonight:


This match will be a Hell of a match with so many variables for what can happen. Blade and Mr. Baller have been at each other’s throats for the last few weeks and haven’t allowed their opponent to rest on their laurels. Baller has been everywhere that Blade turns and Blade has matched him every step of the way. This whole thing took a step in a whole new direction though when Baller managed to turn Blade’s best friend Karnage against him. Karnage is the special guest referee tonight as the two men hope to end this feud once for all.

Following that we have what promises to be a fantastic and dangerous match for all the competitors involved:


The Full House Dave’s put their Tag-Team Championships up against The Second Coming in a ladder match. After a long spell, the ladder match makes a return here tonight as one of the most bitter rivalries comes to a screeching halt, 20 feet above the ring. The belts will be suspended high above the ring as The Second Coming attempt to take the Tag Team Championships away from the Full House Daves. FHD’s have had other things on their minds lately, how will they fare tonight when they step into the ring against more than capable opponents?

And following that, ladies and gentlemen, we have a two-fall, triple threat match that will decide who walks away with All or Nothing:


Someone will walk away from All or Nothing with nothing tonight, Hell, two people could even walk away fro here with nothing as we play for all the marbles tonight, ladies and gentlemen. This feud has rumbled on and tonight we will have a very unique match to cap it all off. The first match will decide who will walk away from here as the EurAsian Champion as Ty Burna puts up his gold. We will then move into Mayhem rules as Showtime, David Cougar, puts up his Mayhem Championship against Ty Burna and Drake Callahan. Multiple feuds will collide and someone could lose it all.

Then. We have the main event of the evening:


This match is the match to end all matches as six men contest the World Heavyweight Championship in a six-pact challenge. Over time, each man will be eliminated as 6 of the most dominant men on the WZCW roster collide in one grueling match. One man will eventually stand tall over the others and be proclaimed the best in the business today.

I’m sure you will agree that we have a huge night ahead ladies and gentlemen. So without further ado, let’s get started.

The arena goes black to a big cheer of excitement from the crowd as “Five Finger Death Punch” starts playing with white lights flashing throughout as a headbanging Trevor Steel walks out onto the stage

Harrys: The following six man tag team contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, weighing in at 270 pounds, Trevor Steel!

Copeland: Trevor Steel heading down to open up All or Nothing with this six man tag. Now Jack, you were on Ascension when Steel and Excellency faced Rafael and Chambers, how did you find it fare out?

Cohen: Well simply put, the win was a farce and I don’t get how Steel is on this pay per view after his involvement in the match

Copeland: Taking you back to Ascension last week

Ascension 3 said:
Steel and Excellency head down the ramp and get into the ring, raising their hands together, they turn around and start exchanging fists with their opponents, Rafael and Chambers

Rafael goes for an Irish whip but Excellency reverses and hits a spine buster

Rafael low blows Steel and hits a half nelson backbreaker

Chambers goes for the AA but Steel counters with a reverse DDT

Rafael slowly gets up and then drags Excellency up with him as well, he goes for the Nike’s Gift but Excellency powers out of it and hits The Crowning on him, he goes for the cover as Steel runs in to take out Chambers, 1….2…..3

Quite an impressive display from those two, hopefully adding Murfish and USA to the mix will make the match even more exciting!

Cohen: With a win to Murfish, Rafael and Chambers!

“Violent Hill” kicks in as Excellency comes out with his arms raised in the air, he walks down the ramp as Steel heads back up and they shake hands

Harrys: His partners, first from Vatican City, weighing in at 260 pounds, Excellency!

They stand at the bottom of the ramp as the Jimi Hendrix version of the “Star Spangled Banner” starts to play with USA coming out and saluting the crowd and his tag partners before he heads down to the bottom of the ramp and enters the ring with both of his partners.

Harrys: And, from The Purple Mountains Majesty, weighing in at 257 pounds, USA!

Copeland: USA’s had an interesting month as he tried to get hold of the Elite X Championship without much success, one would assume that he’s not far from getting another shot after either Zander Young or Frankie Smith who face later tonight

Cohen: He’s had enough chances, he’s an insult to our country. Marines are made to win, he’s definitely not one!

They stand in the middle of the ring with all of their arms raised to an ovation from the crowd and a series of flashes until “Reptilia” starts playing where the cheers turn to boos as Murfish and Rafael come out together having a debate amongst each other and looking annoyed.

Copeland: Where’s Chambers?

They climb inside the ring and taunt to the crowd, Murfish then goes over to Harrys and tells him some instructions, he nods in acknowledgement.

Harrys: Ladies and Gentleman, it has been made noted that Chambers has not arrived in the building, therefore this will be a three on two handicap match until further notice. Introducing the opponents, the team of Murfish and Rafael de la Noche!

Copeland: Well that’s not like Chambers to not appear, you would think this pay per view debut would see him show up

Cohen: It’s a plan, I just know it!

The two teams have a discussion amongst each other as Murfish and USA walk forward to meet each other in the middle of the ring as their partners retreat into their corners. The two start trash talking between each other as the referee signals for the bell. Murfish goes for a clothesline but USA evades and starts to hit the rights into his opponent, forcing him back on the ropes, he irish whips him and catches him with samoan drop on the return. He gets up and hits a double fist drop, he then goes to his corner and tags in Excellency who gets in and kicks Murfish in the face while he’s still down, he picks him up and drags him to the turnbuckle. He tries to bounce his head on the top pad but Murfish stops Excellency from doing so and reverses with a head bounce of his own. He does a few more, turns him away from the corner and hits a big fist to knock Excellency off of his feet.

Steel climbs in for a second before the referee stops him, Murfish uses this chance to tag in Rafael who picks up Excellency and puts his head between his legs. With all of his strength he lifts him up and slams his back into the turnbuckle with a powerbomb, the ref turns around and notices the sudden change, but accepts the tag. Rafael picks up Excellency again but suddenly has his rips elbowed as his opponent tries to break the grip. He runs at the ropes but Rafael hits a big boot to take down Excellency, Rafael goes and tags Murfish back in who pulls Excellency away from his corner by the foot and then locks the Angler lock on him.

Copeland: This could be it right here!

Cohen: Tap Excellency, save yourself!

Excellency screams in some pain with the hold being locked in by the towering Murfish. USA and Steel try clapping on Excellency who’s having a hard time holding on, Rafael is shouting “Come on, tap!” Steel has had enough and tries to re-enter the ring but the ref stops him again, Murfish uses this chance to let go of the hold, drag Excellency to his own corner and tries to re-apply the hold, but he grabs the ropes. Murfish goes to the ref and Steel to try and be a peacemaker, only to give Rafael a chance to hold Excelleny’s throat against the rope, choking him until the ref turns back around, where Rafael proclaims his innocence and gets back into his corner.

Copeland: That should have been a disqualification right there!

Cohen: If the ref didn’t see it, much like me, it’s not illegal!

Murfish tags Rafael back in who tries to lock on the Camel Clutch but Excellency refuses to get away from the ropes, he crawls slowly to the corner midway between the two team corners and Rafael shove kicks Excellency in the head to knock him into the corner. Rafael then taunts USA and Steel, to which USA tries getting in but again the ref stops him from doing so, while Steel tries reaching as close as he can to his team mate. Rafael then kicks his hand and Steel responds with a right hand in his face in respond, he reaches across and makes the tag.

Steel runs and starts letting rip with his fists on Rafael who retreats to the corner as Steel lets the rights continue to chants of his name until the ref counts to four. Steel walks out of the corner and then hits a running knee, followed by an irish whip and jumps on Rafael with the Lou Thesz Press with more rights. He gets up, bounces off the ropes and jumps with a seated senton onto Rafael, he goes for the cover 1….2….kickout. Steel stands waiting for the chance to strike again but suddenly “Fight the Power” starts playing.

Copeland: What? That’s Chambers music!

Cohen: I told you it was a plan all along!

Chambers comes out and walks down the ramp in a storming fashion as everyone in the ring just stands there staring, he reaches up to the ring where Rafael tries a schoolboy roll up on Steel 1….2…kickout Rafael gets up and tags in Chambers who is fresh and ready despite the series of boos and the mouthful that Murfish is giving him. He catches Steel with a T-Bone suplex and raises his fist in the air. Chambers stances in a stalking like position as he waits for Steel to get back up, when he does he goes for the AA, but Steel reverses with a DDT. When he gets back up, he’s met with a double clotheslines from Murfish and Rafael, which leads to USA and Excellency having enough and it all breaks down with USA going after Murfish and Excellency after Rafael. They get Chambers’ tag team partners out of the ring and all three stand around the only opponent left who’s up on his feet again. They hit a few rights on him followed by Excellency taking him on top of his shoulders, he then lets USA grab him by the head and shoulders and lifts him into a Jackhammer position and slams to the mat with the Rocket’s Red Glare.

Copeland: That must have been a Crowing Red Glare!

Cohen: Oh ha ha!

Steel then picks up Chambers and hits the Muscle Buster while USA and Excellency go after Murfish and Rafael. Cover by Steel 1….2…..3

Harrys: Here are your winners, USA, Excellency and Trevor Steel!

Copeland: Chambers paid the price for being late and got man handled by the winning team. He ruined the momentum of his team’s efforts and it’s resulted in this loss to open up All or Nothing

Cohen: Give him some slack, Seabass. Timing was key to this and unfortunately Steel forgot to stay down when Rafael tried to pin him

Copeland: Nevermind Jack, I’m not going to argue with you this early on. Well Ladies and Gentleman, as you saw already this pay per view has a line up like no other and up next we have Celeste vs. Rush, should be a great encounter!

USA, Excellency and Steel all celebrate around the ring in unison while Murfish and Rafael retreat, leaving the fallen Chambers behind.


We’re backstage in Chuck Myles’ office and he’s on the phone looking very pissed off

Myles: You’re what?!

After all the things I’ve done for you!

I spent so much time and effort getting this sorted and you can’t even bother to get down here. You just had to do that and you could have been…

Look, just forget it, I don’t care now. Don’t bother showing up tonight, on Meltdown or anywhere in WZCW. I scratch your back and you take the mick, you’re out of this you here?!

Well I’ll find someone else more reliable who can do it better than you! Goodbye!

Vance Bateman suddenly appears with a slight smile on his face

Bateman: Having some trouble there?

Myles: Nothing that concerns you! I don’t think you have anything I need!

Bateman: Well, I’ve been meaning to talk to you about what the Board has said, so we’re going to be united for next week for once. Meltdown and Ascension will be having a little shake up if you will.

Myles: Funny how it happened like it did last year, one week after All or Nothing. Makes it even more special, I like how there’s a bit of history being repeated in more ways than one!

Bateman: And then we have the Lethal Lottery coming up. Next month is going to be special for sure in the WZCW

Myles: Agreed. Now unless you have any other business than that, I suggest you leave and I’ll see you at my show where we give our special week.

Bateman gives Myles a glare as he walks out of his office

"Ten Thousand Fists" blares out to a brilliant pop as the words SURVIVOR scream out to the crowd, and Rush emerges with a smile on his face as he does his traditional beating of his chest and grabbing of his his right forearm with his left hand and raises it above his head in his signature pose.

Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Windsor, Ontario, Canda, weighing in at 361 pounds, Rush!

Copeland: Rush is set to take on Celeste, the person who beat him on his debut, now it’s going to be interesting given that Rush has had an impressive run of late and to face the first person to beat you will play a huge psychology in this match

Cohen: Of course it will Jack. After all the screwjobs Celeste has had in the past month, is about time she got a good match without being cheated out a deserve victory, she’s my pick for this one right here!

Rush begins to make his way down the ramp to the cheers of the live audience who do his pose in awe of him, he walks around the ring, pointing at Blade before standing in the middle of the apron and poses as the song screams TEN THOUSAND FISTS IN THE AIR in a strobe of camera flashes. He enters the ring and throws his T-shirt out to the fans. He turns to face the stage as he awaits for Celeste to arrive.

“10s” starts playing as Celeste walks toward the ring, ignoring the crowd, absorbed in herself. Celeste leaps up onto the ring apron, and grabs the top rope. Celeste then slingshots herself over the top rope and into the ring. Celeste will then taunt the crowd at the corners

Harrys: His opponent, from Peterburgs, Russia, The Submission Queen, Celeste Crimson!

Cohen: She looks pumped and ready, this one will be over in five minutes

Copeland: Easy there Jack, Rush is no easy opponent, he gave her quite a challenge last time they met

She starts walking back and forth in a slow but steady pace, starting at Rush who stands waiting in a crouching position, he then gets up and walks over to Celeste, he grabs her by the hand and raises it in the air while he points at her with a big smile, the crowd cheer. Celeste pulls away her arm as the crowd react with a series of “ooos” and boos, he then shrugs and clotheslines her and gives a thumbs up and wink to the crowd. Celeste gets up with a look of disgust in her face from the embarrassment Rush has given her, she walks over slowly towards him as Rush just smiles back only for Celeste to suddenly grab him by the waist and throw him with a belly to belly.

Copeland: What amazing strength by Celeste there!

Cohen: Five minutes, I guarantee it

Rush gets back up and starts to click his neck and roll his shoulders and then indicates to Celeste to come at him, she does so and he clotheslines her again. He grabs her by the shoulders and picks her up, he then lifts her with a military press and slams her into the mat. He picks her up one more time but she starts elbowing him in the face and then one in the abs followed by a backflip kick that knocks him back a few steps, she follows it with a shuffle side kick which takes him down.

Celeste walks over behind Rush as he gets up again and tries for another belly grip but he reverses by snapmaring her over his shoulder. He climbs over to the turnbuckle and jumps onto the second rope, he leaps with a leg drop but she rolls out of way and he hits the canvas. She gets up again and waits for Rush to follow as she hits a strong kick to his thigh, followed by another, and another until he grabs her by the leg. He smiles as he pulls on her leg, causing her to fall, he grabs the other and does a giant swing, eventually letting her go, he goes for the cover 1….2….kickout by Celeste

Copeland: She doesn’t let it get too easy for him

Cohen: She’s a warrior, that’s why Seabass!

He picks her up and lifts her by the legs like a spinebuster, but she grabs his head and reverses with a DDT. They get up and she locks him around the waist and throws him over with a release german suplex, she hits a standing moonsault while he’s still down and goes for the cover 1…..2.. power out by Rush. She stands over measuring him as she looks to be going for the Spirit Crusher, Rush slowly gets up and when he turns around she goes for her finisher but he ducks and he hits a big boot when she spins back round again.

Rush picks her up again, irish whips her and catches her on the return with a sidewalk slam with full momentum, he gets up and looks at the turnbuckle and the distance she is to it. He points at it with a smile as the fan get into a cheer, he goes over and starts climbing, when he reaches the top, he signals for the end and goes for the moonsault, but again, she rolls out of the way and he lands chest first onto the mat.

Cohen: That freak could have crushed her

Copeland: Celeste using her wits to keep herself out of harms way on that occasion

They both get up at the same time and Celeste uses all of her strength to irish whip Rush into the corner, she runs at him and hits a thrust kick while in the corner. She grabs him by the head and climbs up the turnbuckle as she looks to try a big DDT from the top rope, she tries to hit the move but Rush doesn’t budge, she tries again but is prevented again. Rush shoves her out of hold and lifts her onto his shoulders. He turns around as Celeste has a worried look on her face as he hits the Rushing Powerbomb from out of the corner. Cover by Rush 1…..2…..3

Harrys: Here is your winner, Rush!

Rush gets over his first loss with a huge win over Celeste, he’s definitely brought up his game since they last met

Cohen: She was cheated out of it again, I’m pretty certain there are laws against where a women wrestler should be handled by the men! Arrest him now!

Copeland: Come on Jack, that’s not going to work when you know of Celeste’s experience as much as I do!

Rush does his signature pose in celebration around the ring as Celeste rolls out slowly and walks up the rampway, she looks rather angry at herself as she holds her head in disgust. She stops and looks back at Rush who’s still celebrating and stares with a small shake of the head. She continues on out as Rush exits and shares some high fives with a few fans.



Backstage, Becky moves quickly to catch up with Celeste. Celeste has an angered look upon her face.

Becky: Celeste, just a few questions about your match that just took place.

Celeste: You are wasting my time, make this quick.

Becky: OK, first what are your...

As Becky begins her question, the lights begin to flicker and dim, the two women look around the backstage area in confusion.

Becky: M-m-must have been a power surge.

Celeste: Obviously, now get on with your questions.

Becky takes a moment to compose herself.

Becky: As I was saying, Celeste what are your thoughts on your match that just took place.

Celeste: First and foremost, Rush got away with a victor...

The lights suddenly go out and a large crash can be heard over the sound of Becky's screams. The lights slowly come back up and Becky is huddled in a corner, holding her mic to her chest. Celeste is gone, and in her place is an odd symbol scorched onto the ground.

Connor: Our next match that we have coming you way is the Elite X, number 1 contender match. Our two opponents have a history that is rich in emotion and hate. Both men have had great matches in the past and this feud will come to a head tonight. Let’s take you back to Ascension 3. It was Zander Young against Garth Black in a single match:

Ascension 3 Highlight:

Black continues the offense and lands a drop kick on his downed opponent after bouncing off of the ropes for more momentum. Black is gaining momentum and hits a missile dropkick from the top rope after Young gets to his feet. He covers his opponent once more. 1...2… Kick out! Young gets up and both men trade punches. Young gains the advantage and hits Black with an uppercut and an elbow smash to inflict some damage. Young whips Black off of the ropes and goes for The Bucket on his return. Black is too wise to the move though and ducks out of the way and hits The Black death. He covers Young. 1…2…3.

Anderson: Here is you winner, Garth Black!

Connor: Young came off second best on that occasion. His opponent, Frankie Smith had a different fate at Meltdown 28. Let’s show you what happened:

Meltdown 28 Highlight:

Frankie gets to his feet and drags Phoenix up and connects with a Wrist Clutch Exploder, sending Phoenix flying across the ring. Frankie pulls Phoenix up again once more, but Phoenix with a knee to the midsection and goes for the fisherman suplex. Frankie blocks it and lifts Phoenix up and connects with The Final Message! Frankie hooks the leg and gets the three count.

Anderson: Here is your winner, Frankie Smith!

Both men have had different fortunes in the last couple of weeks but nonetheless, both men are here tonight and will want to prove something to his opponent and to the fans of WZCW.

The bell rings as the screen turns to a picture of the ring, occupied by the announcer.

Anderson: It is now time for the Elite X Championship, Number 1 contender match. This match will be contested to one fall, under no disqualification rules and the winner will earn a chance to go on and face the Elite X Champion for his championship.


Zander appears on top of the ramp as he comes through the curtain. The crowd cheer as the star of Zander_TV makes his way down the ramp, clutching a briefcase in his right hand. With his other hand, he is giving out high-5’s to the fans that flank the ramp.

Anderson: Introducing the first competitor, weighing in at 235 pounds, from Glasgow, Scotland, Zander Young!

The crowd again cheer loudly as Zander smiles, enjoying the moment. He swings the briefcase that occupies his hand wildly as he reaches the apron. He slides under the ropes and raises himself to his knees. With the briefcase in front on him on the mat, Zander stares at it and then places it under the bottom rope in the corner of the ring and stretches his arms out to his side in typical fashion.

Connor: Here is a man who was made huge claims for this match. The first claim he has made is that he has something in that briefcase that is specifically for Frankie Smith

Cohen: Maybe it’s a bunch of flowers?

Connor: I doubt it, Jack. No, I’ve got a feeling that it’s something a bit more ominous. Nevertheless, the second claim that Zander has made is that he will beat Frankie Smith here tonight and go on to face the Elite X Champion. Whether any of these claims will come to fruition depend on Zander Young…

“In Too Deep” by Sum 41 hits the PA system as Frankie comes through the curtain. Standing on top of the ramp, Frankie looks out deeply into the crowd and smiles. Nodding intently and begins to make his way down to the ring.

Connor: And this man.

Cohen: This could get very messy, CC. Remember that this match is no DQ. Hell, anything could happen in this match and there is nothing that the referee can do about it.

Connor: Also remember that it can only be ended by pinfall or submission and in the middle of the ring, Jack. That means no rope-breaks, no count outs and weapons are allowed under these circumstances.

Anderson: And his opponent, weighing in at 238 pounds, from Dublin, Ireland, The Celtic Destroyer, Frankie Smith!

Frankie continues his descent down the ramp and into the ring, sliding under the ropes. He glances at the briefcase that lies under the turnbuckle nearest him. Turning his head quickly, Frankie looks at Zander. He raises his hands into the shape of a gun and points at Zander. Zander and Frankie stare at each other for what feels like an eternity. It is as though there is only two people in the arena at this point and the emotion that is generated between the two bitter rivals. The referee comes between the two men and they break their stares that are burning a whole in the other man.

Both retreat to their respective corners and await the instruction of the referee. The referee signals for the start of the action as he cuts the air with his hand and the action begins. They come together and the men tie-up. Frankie pushes Zander into the turnbuckle and keeps the lock in as they both crash into the turnbuckle. With both men tied up the corner, the referee forces himself between the two men for the break and the two men slowly and cautiously break the hold. As the men move away from each other, Frankie lands a punch to the unsuspecting Zander. Zander retaliates and hits Frankie with a punch of his own. Frankie recoils and turns his face away. Zander takes advantage and throws himself onto the back of Frankie, applying the sleeper hold. Frankie is quick though and flips Zander over his shoulder and Zander lands back first onto the mat. Zander immediately gets to his feet and the two men tie up again. Zander drops quickly and hits the knee of Frankie with a dropkick. Frankie’s knee gives way and drops him to one knee. Zander gets up and bounces off of the ropes. On his return, Zander lands a huge falling clothesline to his opponent. The impact of the offence reverberates around the arena and the fans respond with a loud cheer.

Both men are strewn out on the mat and begin to get to their feet. Zander is first to get back to his vertical basis and is quick to remain on the offensive. Frankie then manages to get to his feet and Zander lands a hard forearm smash to his opponent. Again, Frankie recoils and Zander maintains his advantage as he moves quickly to his an Enzuigiri to Frankie. Frankie tumbles out of the ring and Zander smiles towards the fans. After a few moments, Zander follows Frankie to the outside of the ring and picks up his opponent. With the commentators table inches away from the competitors, Zander gets Frankie to his feet, Zander attempts to slam the face of Frankie into the commentators table but Frankie is wise to it and throws his arms out in front of him in order to block the impact. Zander tries to force the face of Frankie down but Frankie is resisting. Frankie throws out a wild elbow that catches Zander on the jaw. Zander recoils from the impact and Frankie returns the favour by slamming Zander’s face into the commentator’s table.

Connor: Aw come on! We’re trying to work here, guys.

Cohen: Quiet, CC. Men are going about doing what men do best, inflicting damage to each other. Just sit back and enjoy the destruction.

With Zander lying on the floor, the referee urges Frankie to bring the action back into the ring. Frankie waves the advice of the referee away and picks up Zander by the hair. Zander struggles but gets to his feet. Frankie turns Zander towards the ringpost and without hesitation, launches Zander into the ringpost, Zander falls to the floor again. Frankie nods in agreement and throws his arms out to the side, happy with his work. The crowd boo loudly and Frankie just laughs it away. Frankie picks up Zander once again and launches him over the security barricade. The referee is now outside of the ring and is urging Frankie to turn back. Frankie pushes the referee away and climbs over the barricade himself. The fans are rabid and are having to be restrained by the event security staff. They are trying to touch the competitors and Frankie is taking quite a lot of abuse from the fans. One fan says something that Frankie takes offense to and turns to the fan, staring intently at him. Zander has recovered and takes advantage of the opportunity by launching himself in Frankie causing him to fall into the barricade.

Both men take a few minutes to recover but Zander manages to get to his feet and mounts Frankie without hesitation. He throws punch after punch to the limp body of Frankie. Frankie tries to block the punches but he cannot. Zander continues the assault that leaves Frankie strewn out on the hard stone floor. Zander gets to his feet and climbs on top of the barricade. The crowd begin to cheer as Zander does his signature taunt whilst standing on top of the security barricade. After a second, Zander turns away from his opponent and then launches himself backwards on to Frankie, landing a moonsault with tremendous impact which is reinforced by the hard ground. Both men writhe in pain, especially Frankie who is clutching his gut in agony. Zander is trying to get himself up but is meeting some resistance as his legs are heavy. Using some of the fans to get himself vertical, Zander smiles through pained eyes.

Zander gets Frankie to his feet and begins to throw him up the stairs leading to the exit of the arena. The fans cheer loudly. Frankie is tumbling up the stairs and trying to escape Zander’s attacks. Frankie throws a punch that rocks Zander and continues his ascent up the stairs. Once he reaches the top he disappears from view as he delves into the annals of the building. Zander is following him and eventually catches up with his opponent. The camera shifts as the fight continues in the fan area of the arena. The concession stand is nearby as the two men throw strong punches to the other man’s face. Zander gets the better of the exchange and Frankie turns himself away. Zander takes advantage of the situation once more and launches Frankie into the concession stand. The vendor who is manning the stand is furious as Frankie flies through hot-dogs and candy-floss. He begins to scream at Zander who just pushes him away and applies The Chelsea Dagger to Frankie. Frankie is yelling and the referee, who has caught up with the competitors, tells Frankie that there is nothing he can do about it.

Connor: We have to stop this match! Someone and I don’t mean a superstar, could get hurt badly.

Cohen: These two don’t give a crap about who gets hurt. The Elite X Championship is the light at the end of the tunnel, CC. This will keep going and it should. This is what the fans pay their money for.

Zander gets to his feet and begins to pace around his fallen opponent, smiling widely. In the furore, Frankie has been busted up and Zander notices it. He is on Frankie quickly and punching the wide cut that has appeared above his right eye. Zander gets Frankie to his feet after the assault and grabs him by the neck. As they walk, Zander is throwing Frankie into anything solid but making sure that he doesn’t fall. As the match continues, Zander drags Frankie into another piece of the arena. An ambulance is earby surrounded by the EMT’s. The EMT’s notice Frankie and immediately go over to try and help him out. Zander is quick to warn them off of him and throws him into the side of the ambulance. The impact of Frankie’s head meeting the steel is huge and leaves a noticeable dent on the side of the vehicle. Frankie is again strewn out as Zander brainstorms about how else to inflict damage to his opponent. Quickly, Zander begins to climb the ambulance from the front. Once on top of the vehicle, Zander signals to the restrained crowd that he is going to end it. The crowd cheer as Zander launches himself off of the ambulance. Summoning the strength from somewhere, Frankie moves out of the way at the very last second, avoiding the impact.

Both men are down and the match roars on. The referee checks to see if they are both still breathing and then signals for the match to continue. The EMT’s are concerned and begin to treat Zander as Frankie begins to recuperate at a slow pace. He hoists himself up whilst using the ambulance for leverage. Frankie throws the EMT’s off of Zander and pulls a stretcher from the back of the ambulance. He sets it up and hoists the limp body of his opponent onto the stretcher. He can barely push it as blood trickles down his face. However, he is summoning the last of his strength and pushes with all of his might. He stretcher begins to move and Zander’s body lies limp upon it. A loud cheer goes up as Frankie pushes the stretcher through the curtain on to the top of the stage. Under the titantron, Frankie picks Zander up and throws him down the ramp. Zander can do nothing but tumble helplessly down the ramp. As Frankie follows him, he is constantly punching the body and head of Zander.

Both men reach the ring and Frankie throws Zander under the bottom rope. Frankie gets in a moment after him and clutches the heel of Zander who is now fleeing to the corner. Frankie puts Zander’s head between his leg, into the Powerbomb situation and lifts him onto his shoulders. Almost immediately, Zander whacks Frankie with the briefcase that he had recovered from the corner. No one had seen him collect it, not least Frankie who tumbles to the ground and lets go of Zander. Zander uses the ropes to get to his feet and stumbles over to the corner. He is beginning to play with the lock of the briefcase.

Cohen: Hold your breathe, CC. We are about to see what Zander has had planned for Frankie these last couple of weeks.

Connor: I fear for the worst, Jack.

Cohen: If you need someone to hold you through this, CC. I’m here!

Connor: I think I’ll get through it, Jack.

Zander slowly opens the briefcase and only the contents are visible to him as he sets the briefcase up on top of the turnbuckle. Zander turns to Frankie and kicks him on the head to ensure that he does not disturb his plans. Zander puts his hand into the briefcase and picks out a shred of broken glass and holds it up in front of his face. The crowd let out a horrified groan, which is only equalled by the chaotic cheering of some of the fans. Zander places the piece of glass back into the briefcase and lifts it off of the turnbuckle. Limping across the ring, Zander cautiously pours the shreds of broken glass in a straight line in the middle of the ring, right next to the fallen Frankie. Zander disposes of the case and picks up Frankie. Zander is in control and sets up for a powerbomb. Frankie musters all of his strength and flips Zander over his shoulders. Zander lands on the broken glass and screams in agony. Frankie falls to his knees as blood falls down the contours of his face. He knows that he must take advantage. He gets up to his feet and turns Zander over. He grabs Zander’s face and starts to scrape it over the shards of glass. In a second, Zander is busted open and yelling in agony.

Frankie gets Zander to his feet and hits the G-Force into the pin. The referee begins to count as the manoeuvre finishes in a pining predicament. 1…2……. Kick out. Frankie looks almost lost for words and shocked to the core as the expression on his crimson-stained face. Frankie gets to his feet and begins to argue with the referee. Turning back towards Zander, an idea crosses the mind of Frankie. He picks up Zander and pulls him over to the glass that is on the mat. He picks up Zander and hits him with another G-Force on top of the glass. The referee begins to count once more. 1….2…3

Anderson: Here is your winner, and new Elite X Number 1 Contender, The Celtic Destroyer, Frankie Smith!

Every man and woman in the crowd are standing and clapping as Frankie’s music hits the PA system once more to accompany his win. Frankie gets to his feet and the referee is holding him up. Frankie tumbles into the corner and the referee raises his hand. Frankie looks at his hand being raised in shock almost and cannot believe the hellacious match the two men have had. Zander gets to his feet after a few moments and they both stare at each other. Both men exchange a nod in the other man’s direction as they realise the contest they had was a great test. The fans clap loudly as Zander rolls out of the ring and he allows Frankie to have his moment.

Connor: An amazing match there and a great show of respect between the two men, however small.

Cohen: These fans aren’t stupid, CC. They know a great match when they see it and that’s why the reaction is as strong now, as we celebrate a great match and a new number one contender.



The camera is following the Elite X Champion as he makes his way down the empty halls, carrying a duffle bag over one shoulder and the Elite X Championship over the other. Titus continues to walk down the hall and eventually comes to a wooden door. The sign on the door reads,

“Men’s Locker Room”

Titus enters and sits the bag down on the bench that lies in front of him. He throws his belt over a hanger in beside the hangers.

From behind him, Trevor Steel emerges and catches the glance of the Champion.

Steel: Hey, man!

Titus: Oh, hey! Well done on your match tonight. You went up against some really tough opponents and got the win.

Steel: Thanks, man. That means a lot coming from you. I go out there every week and I give it my all. I got the cover tonight and that’s all that matters.

Titus: You said it, Trevor. Like tonight, I’m going out there and giving it my all. It was a privilege to see your match earlier and I just hope that I can get the same result.

Steel: I’ve got confidence for you, man. You’re a great champ and you’ll do fine in your match.

Titus begins to change into his wrestling gear as Steel undoes the tape on his wrists.

Steel: I’ll let you get ready for your match. Good luck with it anyway, man. I’ll be watching from the back.

Titus: Thanks, man. I know you’ve been making waves here lately and that means a lot. Thanks.

Trevor Steel leaves the locker room and Titus goes back to changing.

Copeland: Ladies and gentlemen, it’s now time for a match that could get very messy in short period of time. For a while now, Mr. Baller has intruded on the matches of Blade without hesitation or without a cause. Now though, we have seen that there is reason for his attacks and a very dangerous one at that. Let’s take you back to Ascension 3. It was Karnage against Celeste Crimson in a match to decide who would be the referee of the culmination of the feud of Blade vs. Baller:

Ascension 3 Highlight
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Now if Celeste Crimson wins, Mr. Baller will pick the special guest referee for his match at All or Nothing, if Criminal Karnage wins, then Blade will choose

Blade tells Karnage to go for it, he slowly gets up, holding his head, eventually realising that Celeste is still on the turnbuckle, he goes and stands facing away from the turnbuckle, pulling Celeste over his shoulders. He starts running and hits the Solitary Confinement. Cover by Karnage 1……2……3

Anderson: Here is your winner, Karnage!

Cohen: Karnage picking up the win in that match but nobody, including Blade was ready for what was about to unfold between the 3 men.

Karnage holds one hand up to his head. He slowly lowers it as he stares at Blade, he then starts looking angry. Blade tries to reason with him only he is suddenly speared by Karnage, taking the wind out of him. He crouches above the fallen Blade, shouting explicit words at him. He gets up and is about to spear Baller who shirks, but Karnage doesn’t move with an evil smile on his face. He exits the ring to a crowd of boos, halfway up the ramp, he turns around and shouts “I’ll see you at All or Nothing!”

Copeland: So many variables are at play in this match and we have no idea about the mental condition of any of the three men who are going into this match. Blade has had a tough time over the last week. He wants to help his former friend, whose betrayal stung Blade to the core. Baller has taken advantage of the situation and has got the monstrous Karnage in his pocket. However, the main variable here is Karnage. What mindset is he in coming into this match? He could easily come in here, destroy Blade and Baller and leave. However, it is deeper than that. There is something wrong with Karnage and Blade knows it. Let’s take you back to the last time we saw Blade:

Blade said:
Blade: Karnage, you beat me up all you want. You can cost me my match against Baller if you think it'll make you happy. But I'm not letting this setback stop us from being friends. I know you're a good person, and I'm not giving up on you. I'm gonna make sure you go back to the real Karnage. The Karnage I'm friends with. No matter what I have to do.

Now Blade's usual smirk spreads across his face

Blade: But don't worry, we're not gonna have one of those situations where I'll refuse to fight you just because we're friends. In fact, if you spear me one more time, I'll probably crack a chair over your skull, just a little heads up. But I will eventually get the real Karnage back.

Copeland: Well ladies and gentlemen; we are ready to get underway. Get ready for a match that should be full of emotion and more so, full of violence.

Harrys: Ladies and Gentlemen; this next match is scheduled for one fall and will be officiated by Criminal Karnage. He has final say on this match and his word is final.


Loud boos fill the arena as Karnage appears on top of the ramp. As he comes through the curtain, his face is filled with anger and he looks very intense. He does not seem like his prior self and begins to make his way down to the ring at a slow pace. The crowd are still booing loudly as Karnage looks around himself. He closes his eyes for a moment and smiles noticeably.

Harrys: Introducing first, the referee for this contest. Weighing in at 287 pounds. From Scotland in the United Kingdom. Karnage!

Cohen: Now this is a man who I can see being a huge factor in this match.

Copeland: Let’s hope it’s for all the right reasons, Jack.

Cohen: Screw that, Seabass. I want to see him live up to his name here tonight.

Again, the crowd boo loudly as his name is announced. Karnage looks as though he is thriving from it though and moves up the steps into the ring. Bouncing off of the ropes in anticipation, he awaits the competitors.

“We fly High” by Jim Jones hits the PA system as Baller makes his way through the curtain. Baller’s reaction is similar to Karnage’s. The crowd boo more as Baller jumps down to the ring, getting pumped for the match that lies ahead. The crowd boo as he smiles cockily to Karnage in the middle of the ring.

Harrys: Introducing the first competitor. From Miami, Florida, weighing in at 220 pounds, Mr. Baller!

Copeland: Here is a man who is making a name for himself in WZCW for all the wrong reasons, Jacko. Interrupting matches and intruding on things that aren’t his business.

Cohen: That’s what I like about Baller. He shows no fear and makes things his business.

Mr. Baller is spinning his trademark basketball upon his finger as he makes his way down to the ring. The crowd are rabid and continue to boo the competitors in the arena. Baller throws the ball into the crowd this time and the fans throw it back. He looks shocked and then regains his calm, smiling widely, feeding off of the heat he is generating. He gets in the ring and stares at Karnage who merely stares back. Getting on top of the ropes, Baller removes his tracksuit and wait in the middle of the ring.

The music cuts as the anticipation of Blade fills the arena. After a few seconds, “Bliss” by Muse hits the PA system. The crowd erupts into cheers as the music hits. As soon as the guitar riff begins in his intro song, Blade appears as red strobe light fly around the arena. Blade does his signature taunt and moves down the ramp, staring at the men who currently occupy the ring.

Copeland: Wow! What a great ovation for Blade here tonight. He is fighting for so much more than the win tonight and the fans are going wild for him.

Harrys: And his opponent, weighing in at 235 pounds, from Dublin, Ireland. He is the Zero Hunter, Blade!

The crowd again erupt into fits of excitement at the prospect of Blade wreaking havoc. Blade continues down the ramp as he begins to shake his head towards Karnage. Upon getting into the ring, Blade shows no fear and immediately faces up to Baller. Karnage has not moved as he stares at both of the competitors in the ring. Baller retreats from the face of Blade and Blade quickly steps towards Karnage, looking him square in the eye. The hurt between the two men is evident and the fans are going crazy in anticipation for it all to break down between the two former friends. Karnage snaps out of his trance and pushes Blade away. Blade is quick to rush back to Karnage though and from nowhere, Baller hits Blade with a steel chair to the back. Blade falls to the mat and Baller covers him. Baller shouts at Karnage to ring the bell and Karnage does so. Karnage drops to his knees and begins to count. 1…2…Kick out.

Copeland: What a cowardly act that was, Jacko. Blade hasn’t even had a chance to defend himself.

Cohen: This is already a great match. Hopefully this is the starting block for more destruction.

Baller gets to his feet and begins to kick the limp body of his opponent. Blade begins to his feet and begins to mount some offence. Both the men trade shots as Blade lands a right, which is swiftly followed by a punch from Baller. The crowd are fully committed to the match and cheer every time that Blade punches Baller and boo every time Baller punches Blade. Baller gets the better of Blade, probably as Blade is recovering from the chair shot that knocked the wind out of him.. Baller backs up his opponent into the corner and begins to lay in the punches. Karnage arrives at the ropes after them and looks on with menace in his eyes. Baller takes the arm of Blade and positions it over the top rope and applies torque using the rope to apply an armbar. Karnage knows that he should break the illegal hold but does not. He gets in the face of Blade and looks into his eyes as he yells in pain as the manoeuvre takes full effect. Karnage begins to smile as Blade yells more and more.

Copeland: This is a disgrace, break the hold referee. He is going to break his arm if nothing is done about this!

Cohen: I know, isn’t it great, Seabass?

Copeland: Great!? This is a damn travesty.

From nowhere, Blade lands an uppercut to Karnage who recoils away from the situation. Blade then begins an assault on the torso of Baller until he releases the hold. Baller does so and Blade takes advantage. Blade hits an Enzuigiri that sends both of the men to the mat. Blade takes this time to recover but in a moment, he is up and moving towards Karnage. Blade is screaming at Karnage about his earlier deed of not breaking the illegal hold. Blade points to the turnbuckle every now and again and continues to yell at Karnage. Karnage doesn’t move an inch and just smiles in the face of Blade. Baller has recovered and begins a run at Blade. Blade sees it coming however and dives out of the way, causing Baller to crash into Karnage with a spear that takes him to the floor. Baller gets to his feet immediately and has a shocked look on his face. He immediately bends over to check on Karnage but Karnage is unresponsive. Baller turns to Blade as Blade gets to his feet. Baller mouths “This is your fault” towards Blade and then runs at him. Blade sees this coming too and ducks out of the way. On Baller’s return, Blade hits a massive spinebuster that sends Baller crashing to the mat. Blade is also strewn out on the mat as Karnage begins to get to his feet. Blade too, is recovering and is also getting to his feet. Immediately Karnage is on Blade, landing punch after punch to the stricken Blade.

Cohen: I knew it! I knew that Karnage couldn’t contain himself.

Copeland: Listen to these fans, they love it. These two men have so much emotion between them that the crowd can’t help but be enthralled.

Blade mounts some offence against Karnage, which is returned by the bugger man. Both men trade shots as the crowd go wild for the culmination of the feud. Baller gets to his feet as Karnage gets the better of the exchange between the two, resulting in Blade being pushed into the corner. Baller runs at both of the men, who are in the corner. Baller launches himself at the two and lands a running clothesline to the back of Karnage, causing him to recoil into Blade. Karnage turns around as Blade falls to his knees in the corner. Baller looks at Karnage as the smile from his face visibly disappears. Karnage looks angry at Baller and moves towards him, screaming. Baller tries to reason with Karnage as he looks intense. Blade comes form behind and hits a German Suplex to the unsuspecting Karnage. Baller looks shocked at what is happening but quickly takes advantage. Blade is taking the brunt of the punishment from Baller but is managing to get to his feet. Blade gets up and ducks out of the way of a Baller clothesline. Blade lands a Chokeslam to Baller that leaves him strewn out on the mat. Blade gets to his feet and climbs the top rope. Blade hesitates for a second and then launches himself off of the top rope, hitting a Frog Splash to Baller.

Copeland: You have to believe that Blade has this in the bag now.

Blade gets to his feet after landing the Frog Splash and moves over to Karnage. He lightly slaps Karnage on the face to bring him round. Without hesitation, Blade pulls Karnage to his feet and looks him in the eye. Baller is still strewn out after a few big moves from Blade and is not moving for the time being. Karnage comes round and supports himself against the corner. Blade looks at him and Karnage looks back. Blade extends his hand as he attempts to shake the hand of Karnage.

Cohen: What is this idiot doing, Seabass!? Take advantage Blade. Cover him!

Copeland: This is humbling, Jack. Even though Blade could have won this match there, he is fulfilling his promise to bring Karnage back from the edge. What friendship…

Baller gets to his feet and before Karnage has a chance to react, Baller pushes the unsuspecting Blade to the outside. Baller goes after him and throws him against the barrier that separates them from the crowd. Karnage is still in the ring and looks absolutely shocked and lost for words. Baller continues the assault and launches Blade into the ringpost as Karnage remains unresponsive inside the ring. Baller throws Blade into the ring and collects the steel chair from earlier on. Baller then gets into the ring and goes to hit Blade with the chair. He hesitates as the chair reaches its height. He looks at Karnage and smiles. Turning towards Karnage, Baller thrusts the chair towards him. Baller yells “You do it!” Karnage looks catatonic and unresponsive. Baller pushes him and tells him to do it once more. Karnage seemingly snaps out of his trance and raises the chair above his head but stops for a moment. “Do it!” yells Baller. Karnage takes a moment to think about it but eventually brings the chair down onto the back of Blade. Baller smiles and cheers noticeably. Karnage then turns to Baller and smiles. Baller throws his arms around Karnage and embraces him. Baller turns Blade over and covers him. Karnage begins to count. 1…2… Karnage keeps his hand aloft and then gets to his feet.

Cohen: What the hell, convict!? Baller had this match won.

Baller looks at Karnage and gets to his feet. He pushes Karnage again and Karnage turns to him. He looks at Baller and lands the Solitary Confinement on him. He immediately picks him up again and lands the Early Release. Dropping to his knees and then to the prone position, Karnage rolls out of the ring. Making his way up the ramp, he signals for another referee to come out to the ring. Karnage gets to the top of the ramp and is passed by another rushing referee. Karnage stops on the top of the ramp and waits to see what unfolds. Blade gets to his feet just as the referee gets into the ring. Blade picks up Baller and hits the Halo. He covers Baller. 1…2…3.

“Bliss” by Muse hits again as the referee helps Blade to his feet and raises his arm. Blade pulls his arm away and looks up the ramp towards Karnage in a questioning way. Karnage just smiles and turns away, disappearing behind the curtain.

Harrys: Here is your winner, The Zero Hunter, Blade!

Copeland: What a tremendous match and we will have to see what will unfold between these men.



We're inside Vance Bateman's locker room who's watching Blade's win on a 42 inch screen. There's a knock at the door

Bateman: Come in!

Enters Frankie Smith who's abit bloody and sweaty but has a towel around his neck with a few bandages

Smith: I just wanted to thank you for the opportunity at giving me a shot at the Elite X Championship. As you probably saw, I'm not going to hold anything back to get that belt around my waist!

Bateman: That's all good and well. But I hope you recover from all the glass shards and steel chairs in time for Ascension, because your title shot. It's happening next week. So I recommend taking some time off until Ascension, because you'll need it!

Smith looks abit shocked but nods

Smith: Ok sir. Thank you sir!

Smith exits as Bateman turns back to his televsion set.
Tech crew start to gather around the ring as they behind setting up some ladders outside and by the ramp way in preparing for the tag team title match. The Tag Team Championship Belts are hanging 15 feet above the ring as the fans start to watch in excitement is about to occur.

Copeland: Well Jack, we’ve been with the WZCW for a good while now and I don’t think we were ever prepared for this upcoming match, like ever before

Cohen: I’m excited at the same time. After a two year absence, the ladder match returns and we will see a first here!

Copeland: Indeed, the anniversary of the tag team championships is celebrated with the first ever tag team ladder match for the WZCW Tag Team Championship


The FHD and the Second Coming continue on their war path tonight after some real close matches in the past few months and a great display at Civil Revolution, it will surely be taking everything up to the next level after tonight

Cohen: This is going to be great!

The tech crew start to leave as the bell sounds

Harrys: The following contest is a ladder match for the WZCW Tag Team Championships!

The crowd erupt in excitement as the match is moments away but it turns to boos as “The Leaving Song Part 2” plays out with the beltless FHD coming out in their new hoodies, standing on either side of the stage posing to the crowd, miming a belt each and pointing up to their titles.

Harrys: Introducing first, at a combined weight of 499 pounds, Ace David and Big Dave, the Full House Daves!

Copeland: The FHD opting to go out first with the champion’s discretion as this will no doubt give some edge going into this match

Cohen: No-one can usually have the edge going into a big match like this, but the FHD can!

They start to walk down the ramp, they stop as Ace does a leaning pose in front of Dave who turns and points at back at the stage to set off a series of pyros. They continue to walk and slide in the ring as they pose on the turnbuckles and continue to point to their belts. They stand in the middle as they have a discussion while they remove their hoodies, Dave starts nodding and points outside the ring, to which Ace gets outside and Dave goes to stand on the apron, facing the stage.

“East Jesus Nowhere” burst throughout the arena to a series of cheers as the Second Coming walk onto the stage talking to each other as they look at Big Dave who stares back at them. They do their signature pose of arms spread and feet together.

Harrys: Their opponents and challengers, at a combined weight of 381 pounds, Phoenix, Garth Black, the Second Coming!

Copeland: The Second Coming getting a good ovation here from this crowd in Phoenix as they will need a good boost to enter the ring with their opponents waiting

Cohen: Counting out your favs already Seabass?

Phoenix and Black start to walk down as Big Dave jumps onto the floor, he goes running the ramp and goes for a clothesline on Phoenix but he ducks and Garth starts hitting some rights as the bell signals. While this is happening Ace slides back into the ring with a ladder, hoping the distraction is enough, but Phoenix slides in before Ace can set the ladder up. Phoenix irish whips Ace and hits an arm drag as Garth tries to whip Dave into the apron but Dave reverses it sending Garth’s back into the ring edge. Phoenix continues to hit the arm drags on Ace and ending on a spinning heel kick, he goes to pick up the ladder in the ring and leans it against the ropes in the middle of the ring.

While this is occurring Dave continues to slam Garth’s head into the ring post and apron, he spots the ladder on the ropes and throws Garth into the stairs as Phoenix goes to pick up Ace. He drags Ace to the ladder but Dave jumps up and slams the ladder into Phoenix’s face who holds it in pain as Ace takes him down with the clothesline. Dave jumps back down and goes back to Garth who elbows Dave in the stomach and slams his head against the steel steps. Ace gets Phoenix back up and shoves him into the corner, hitting a few rights to keep him there so he can get the ladder that’s in the ring. He holds it at waist height and rams the top of it into Phoenix’s abs to the sound of “oows” from the crowd, he slams the ladder to the mat, grabs Phoenix’s hair and face plants him into the ladder.

Copeland: Good god that’s gotta hurt

Cohen: Agreed, but it shows the power is with the champs, Seabass!

Meanwhile on the outside, Garth has laid Dave on top of a ladder, he jumps up onto the apron and hits a leg drop on the tag champion, he does it one more time. While Dave is still down on the ladder, Garth looks under the ring and grabs a steel chair, Ace spots this from the inside of the ring and runs to the ropes for a suicide dive and is met with the chair in his face. Garth drops the chair and climbs into the ring and goes to get the ladder, he sets it up under the belts and then goes to check on Phoenix who’s still down after the face plant. Dave has gotten back up and slides into the ring and stands in the corner behind Black, stalking him from behind. Phoenix points behind Black to turn around, who does so and is met with a big boot to the face. Dave looks to check for any other problems and then starts to climb the ladder, as he does Phoenix grabs hold of his leg and Dave tries to shake him off, he does as Ace is slowly getting back into the ring with a chair in hand. Phoenix gets up and kicks Ace is the face, picks up the chair and slams it into Dave’s back.

Dave holds on in pain as Phoenix slams the chair into his back again, drops the chair and pushes the ladder over, taking Dave to the mat with barely a fall. Phoenix picks up the ladder and sets it up in the corner. He gets Garth back up and tells him to double team Dave, they pick him up and shove him against the ladder, hitting him a few times to keep him groggy. Phoenix points to the mat as he goes to the opposite corner, Garth gets on his hands and knees as Phoenix runs and hits the Poetry in Motion on Dave against the ladder, knocking him to the mat but keeping the ladder in place. Ace slides back in the ring but Phoenix grabs him with assistance from Garth as they double irish whip him to the ladder but he runs up it, he stops and turns as Second Coming stand staring while he jumps off with a double clothesline, taking his opponents to the mat.

Big Dave slowly crawls to the outside of the ring, holding his back in pain and looks to grab another ladder, he picks it up and puts it in-between the middle and top ropes as Black is back up and grabs the other side, trying to kick Dave but Ace starts hitting Black on the back of the head as Dave jumps onto the apron and slams the other side of the ladder up into Ace and Garth’s face as they roll in pain from the reaction. Dave slides the ladder fully into the ring and follows suit as he grabs Phoenix by the hair, he picks him up and body slams him to the mat, he picks up the newest ladder and slams it on top of his fallen opponent and points at Phoenix as he climbs the turnbuckle, signalling for the drop. He leaps off with a money shot and lands on top of Phoenix and the ladder as he holds his abs from the impact.

Copeland: What kind of man puts his own body at risk to keep his opponent down?

Cohen: A WZCW Tag Team Champion, Seabass!

Garth uses the ropes to get himself back up as he’s revealed to have been busted open from the ladder shot, as Ace slides outside and looks for another ladder, this one is double the size of the two ladders from earlier, and he sets it up outside the ring, he then goes looking under the ring and slides out a table from underneath, getting the crowd excited. Ace begins to set the table up as Garth goes to grab the first ladder inside the ring and set it up in the middle. After Ace sets up the table he notices this and starts climbing the outside ladder as Garth goes to climb up the inside ladder, Ace reaches to the top first and stares for a second, he takes a deep breath and stands on the top run. Garth has reached the top of his ladder and goes to the grab the bell, only for Ace to suddenly leap off the bigger ladder over the ropes and dropkick the central ladder to take Black down with it.

Everyone’s down for a while as they slowly begin to stir, Garth’s holding his head, Phoenix and Dave are holding their abs and Ace is leaning on the middle rope to keep himself stirred. They all eventually get up as a bloodied Garth stares at Dave while Phoenix looks towards Ace, they stand toe to toe for a few seconds and then they let the fists fly. Garth has Dave up against the ropes and Ace has Phoenix back on the opposite side, simultaneously Garth and Ace irish whip Dave and Phoenix but they both get reversed followed by Dave spearing Garth who rolls out, Phoenix goes for a clothesline but Ace ducks and then holds the ropes to stop himself. Phoenix runs at Ace but he ducks under the attempt, Phoenix rebounds and Ace picks him up with Dave behind him as they hit the Full House on Phoenix as the crowd boos. Ace signals to go get the ladders, so the FHD pick up the two ladders from inside the ring, Dave sets one up in the corner as Ace stands one near the opposite corner.

Suddenly Garth runs in and hits an enziguri on Big Dave, taking him flat out down and then a spinning heel kick on Ace which rolls him outside the ring. Garth helps Phoenix back up and tells him to go after Ace as Phoenix goes and climbs the standing ladder while Garth climbs the turnbuckle with the ladder in the corner. Ace gets back up on the outside, holding his head in pain, he looks up at Phoenix who’s crouching on top of the ladder nearest to him, he stands up and hits the Final Flight and lands onto Ace, taking both men out. Garth holds onto the ladder as he pushes with his foot to take himself and the ladder with full momentum onto the top of Big Dave’s back which makes me scream in pain, Garth gets back over and locks on the Black Death onto Dave who still have the ladder on top, causing him to scream even louder, he taps his hand rapidly on the mat but nothing happens as Garth has a sick look on his face through all the blood running down it.

That’s a dumb move Garth, you can’t climb the ladder when you’re applying submissions

Copeland: He needs that chance to break free so he can get the titles, but I can’t imagine what pain Big Dave must be going through!

Garth eventually breaks the hold and goes to pick up the steal chair, he stands there stalking Dave who slowly moves from underneath the ladder and uses the corner to pick himself up with all of his strength. Garth stares locked and ready, right as Big Dave turns around he is met with one hell of a steel shot to the face, taking the big man down. Garth drops the chair and moves the standing ladder underneath the belt as he goes to ascend up to the top for the second time, albeit it slower than before. The more he climbs, the more crowd cheer as it looks like Second Coming are going to win this, he reaches the top and tries to grab the belt, but Dave who’s on the floor uses his boot with all his might to give a strong kick to the ladder, causing it to fall over and Garth bounces off the ropes.

Ace is up into a crouching position, as Phoenix uses the steel stairs on the outside to try and help himself up, Ace slowly but finally stands, taking a few moments to get himself back to where he is a bit shaken from the big move by Phoenix. He climbs up the apron slowly and takes a moment before he goes to climb in the ropes but he’s immediately hit with a Singapore cane which Phoenix has pulled from the outside. Phoenix hits him again as Ace falls onto the ring mat as Phoenix gets back up fully and drops the cane, climbs up the stairs into the ring looks at the ladder but then looks at Big Dave who’s laying on the mat and is busted open from the chair shot earlier.
He picks up Dave and puts him in the corner, and uses his might to put him onto the top of the turnbuckle. He looks outside at the biggest ladder still standing next to the table, he slaps Dave in the face and then climbs onto the apron, he pulls his legs over the ropes as he’s sitting facing the table. Phoenix jumps down and climbs the ladder and reaches the top, he signals to the crowd that Dave is going through the table.

Copeland: No Phoenix, don’t do it!

Cohen: He’s gone nuts!

He stands tall and then jumps off and grabs Dave’s head with a headscissor lock for the hurricanrana, but Dave holds on to the ropes, refraining from falling. Phoenix sits up on top of Dave’s shoulders in a powerbomb position as Dave grabs onto Phoenix’s throat, with a sick look on his face, he chokeslams Phoenix off of his shoulders through the table on the outside, Dave looks dazed from the impact on top of the turnbuckle as turns back in to find Ace has got back up. He climbs down and they get the fallen ladder and set it up in the middle of the ring. They start to slowly climb with all the strength they can find as boos from the crowd erupt again.

Cohen: It’s all theirs for the taking!

They reach the top as Garth climbs in and hits a steel chair onto Big Dave’s back, who leans on the top of the ladder and he then takes a whack at Ace who falls off the ladder. Garth climbs up the side where Ace used to be and reaches the top and looks around for where he can drop Big Dave, he leans over but ends up being too far as Dave suddenly gets up with Garth on his shoulders, screaming in strength as he looks for the Stamp of Authority from the top of the ladder, he hits it as he takes Garth and himself straight down to the mat, taking both men out.
With all four men down, the crowd start to give a mix reaction of boos and excitements, but Ace starts to recover on the mat as Phoenix is slowly getting up from the table fall and gets into the ring, they both slowly crawl over to the middle ladder and begin a slowly ascend in a race to the top. They eventually reach the top as they begin to exchange sluggish rights with each other, the impact of each hit causes the ladder to sway and Phoenix hits one last hit which starts to tip the ladder over he grabs hold on the cable holding the belts as it goes over, taking Ace with him onto the mat and rolling off the canvas.

Copeland: Phoenix is hanging up there, but can he hang on long enough?

Cohen: He’s going to fall, I know he is!

As Phoenix hangs high, he takes a risk and lets go with one of his hands and pulls off a tag belt which falls to the floor, with one final piece of strength, he grabs the back of the strap on the other belt. He suddenly falls but takes the belt with him as the bell sounds

Harrys: The winners of this match, and NEW WZCW Tag Team Champions, The Second Coming

Copeland: My god what a hell of a match that was, I’ve never seen anything like it. You got to give it to the Daves who tried but the Second Coming who have arrived in Arizona as the new WZCW Tag Team Champions

Cohen: As much as I thought and hoped the Daves would win, you have to credit anyone who went into that great match and come out the tag team champions. I may not always be right with my predictions but I have grown a lot of respect for the Daves and Second Coming here tonight. And it’s not even over!

The referees and EMTs go to check on the four men as Garth and Phoenix have their hands raised while still half unconscious on the mat, Dave and Ace are no better as they are slowly stirring from their falls and trying to get to grips with what’s just happened. Second Coming are assisted out of the ring one by one as two referees carry them back up the rampway. They would raise their belts, but they’re out of energy to do so

Copeland: Well ladies and gentleman, as Jack rightly said, this night isn’t over and if this wasn’t carnage already, we still have the Two Fall Triple Threat Match to come, that’s up next and of course, the World Heavyweight Championship on the line in that six pact challenge. But after seeing that ladder match, this pay per view full has certainly been giving me all it can provide and nothing to dislike about it!

Harrys: The following contest is the two fall triple threat match for WZCW EurAsian and Mayhem Championships! In this contest the first fall will be contest for the EurAsian Championship under standard triple threat rules and the second fall will contest the Mayhem Championship under Mayhem rules!


Drake appears on top of the ramp as the music roars. He salutes the fans who are cheering for him loudly, with his bottle of beer and smiles widely.

Harrys: Introducing first, weighing in at 215 pounds, from Cleveland, Ohio. He is a former Mayhem Champion… Drake Callahan!

Copeland: Drake Callahan is the man who has nothing but has the most to gain out of the three competitors here tonight as he looks to reclaim a title he shouldn’t have lost and a belt he’s never had.

Cohen: Well he could, but it’s not likely he will Seabass!

Drake slides into the ring and raises his arms in the air to a big eruption from the crowd. “Ladies and Gentleman" plays as the image of David Cougar appears on the screen. Pyros shoot straight up from the end of the ramp to the entrance way, the biggest one at the end with Cougar walking in with his Mayhem Title. The lights turn a dim blue as he walks down the ramp, boasting his belt.

Harrys: His opponent, from Winnipeg, Canada, weighing in at 213 pounds, he is the Mayhem Champion, “Showtime” David Cougar!

Copeland: David Cougar’s Mayhem Title is on the line in the second fall, but could he be the double champion? Even if it’s for thirty seconds?

Cohen: Being rather prejudice there Seabass!

He climbs to the second rope on the left turnbuckle on the outside facing in and raises both arms with the Mayhem Belt high. “Mr. Ouija 2” plays throughout a blackened arena as the static like flash of white light goes off and on. The EurAsian Champion emerges onto the stage and slowly makes his way to the ring, cloaked in his hood as always. He holds his old Ouija scroll and EurAsian belt outstretched in both hands until he reaches the ring.

Harrys: Weighing in at 235 pounds, he is the WZCW EurAsian Champion, Ty Burna!

He climbs in and kneels in the middle of the ring, setting the scroll and belt down before removing the hood from his face. He stands slowly, picking up his items and settles them in the corner of the ring before removing his vest and sleeveless hoody and tossing them outside the ring.

Copeland: Ty Burna has the tough challenge here because he doesn’t have to be involved in the decision to lose the title

Cohen: A title that can’t be lost from a man that’s never been beaten!

They stand in different corners as the referee signals for the bell.

The referee signals for the belt as Ty and Cougar begin with the punches to each other. Meanwhile Drake Callahan sneaks round behind Ty Burna and rolls him up. 1...2....3. Cougar looks on in amazement as we have a new champion in a record WZCW match!

Copeland WOW that was unexpected

Cohen Sneaky Drunk
Copeland Well he's the Eurasian champion!
Harrys: This next fall is for the Mayhem Championship!

The ref signals for the bell as Showtime and Ty charge each other and begin exchanging rights as Drake slides out of the ring and grabs a chair and a trash can from under the ring. He slides the weapons in and sets up the trash can in the corner while Ty connects with a big time round house kick to Showtime, knocking him back into the corner. Ty whips Showtime into the opposite corner, crashing him into the trash can Drake had just set up. Drake turns around and swings wildly, denting the chair on Showtime’s head. Ty walks up behind Drake and attempts lifting him for the Ouija Flame, but Drake is able to counter with an elbow to the midsection and a chair shot to follow.

Copeland: And Drake continues with the momentum here after winning the Eurasian Title. Could he be the very first dual champion in WZCW history?

Cohen: Not going to happen, there’s no way that drunk can keep his focus on a second match, not after how physical the first one was.

Drake pulls Ty up to his feet and whips him right into Showtime in the corner. Drake gets fired up and charges the corner, only for Ty to suddenly whip Showtime right into the charging Drake, knocking both men down. Ty slides outside and pulls a Singapore cane out from under the ring, as well as a table. He slides the table into the ring and follows suit, Singapore Cane in hand. He goes to work on both his opponents, swinging the cane over the back of Drake and the neck of Showtime. After a final shot to the head of Showtime, the cane breaks and Ty throws it to the outside. He pulls Drake to his feet and whips him into the ropes. Ty goes for a lariat but Drake ducks and dropkick right to Ty’s face. Drake grabs the chair and sets it up in the middle of the ring. He pulls Ty up and whips him into the ropes and attempts a drop toe hold but Ty counters by connecting with a reverse Russian Leg Sweep, sending Drake face first into the chair. Drake squirms around in pain as he gets busted open, blood pouring out from his head.

Copeland: That was not a pretty sight there Cohen, Ty hasn’t ever really been in a Mayhem rules match until this point, but it certainly doesn’t seem to faze him one bit.

Cohen: What did you expect Copeland? The man is a lunatic, he knows how to inflict pain, weapons or not. For Drake, he should pass out soon with how much beer he had and the blood loss after that beautiful counter.

Showtime has rolled out to the outside of the ring while Drake and Ty are busy fighting inside it. He drags out a 20” foot ladder and slides it into the ring. He sneaks back in and picks up the ladder, only for Ty and Drake to notice him. They both rush him but Showtime is able to run both of them down with ladder. Showtime gets a sick look on his face as he lays the ladder down right in front of the corner turnbuckle. He pulls Drake onto the top of the ladder, and then pulls Ty to the corner, lifting him up to the top turnbuckle. Showtime climbs up and goes for a Superplex! Drake is able to roll out of the way but Ty is sent crashing through the ladder, bending the frame and Ty arches his back in immense pain. Showtime goes for the cover, but gets a two count as Drake is able to break it up. Drake connects with a few punches but Showtime comes back with some wicked knife edge chops before connecting with an Enziguri to the back of Drake’s head. He slides out of the ring again and grabs a trash can full of miscellaneous weapons. He tosses the garbage can in, slides another table into the ring, and finally grabs a chair and makes his way back. Ty slowly starts to stir, struggling to get to his feet before being put down again by a chair shot from Showtime. Showtime walks over to the prone Drake and begins slamming the edge of the chair into his chest. Showtime then presses the chair down across the throat of Drake. Drake looks to be about out until he’s able to hit a low blow kick to Showtime, dropping him instantly.

Cohen: That’s cheating! There’s no honor in low blowing a more dominant opponent.

Copeland: Cohen didn’t you constantly use the low blow to your advantage in your career?

Cohen: That’s beside the point Seabass, I’m all about the fairness and integrity of competition.

Copeland: This is a Mayhem rules match! Everything is fair game!

All three men now struggle to their feet, Ty grabs a broomstick, Drake grabs a kendo stick, and Showtime grabs a chair. The stumble into each other, Drake swinging for Ty and misses, but connects with Showtime. Ty swings the broom at Showtime, misses but connects with Drake, and Showtime swings for Drake but connects with Ty. All three men drop to the ground again simultaneously, Drake with an arm over Showtime. Drake gets a two count as Showtime is able to kick out. Ty rolls over to the ladder, and props himself up against the corner. He picks up the ladder and leans it against the corner. As Drake makes his way to his feet, Ty rushes him and connects with a bulldog, and follows up immediately with a running knee drop. He drags Drake to his feet and whips him into the ladder in the corner, bouncing Drake back and Ty picks him up, connecting with a big time Spine buster back into the ladder, bending it in half. Ty goes for the cover on Drake, but Showtime is able to somehow break up the pin. Ty and Showtime get to their feet, trading bombs with one another before Showtime gains the advantage, sending Ty into the ropes and hitting a spinning clothesline. Showtime goes over to the garbage can with weapons in it, looking to see what’s left. He reaches in and pulls out a golf club. He stands to the side of Ty, posing for the crowd initiating a round of boos for the current Mayhem Champion. He takes a stance and connects with a hard hit right into the ribs of Ty. Ty rolls over holding his midsection and begins coughing up blood. Showtime continues to pose in the ring, both of his opponents down.

Copeland: Showtime should be going for the win, Drake and Ty are both down, and with that wicked shot with the golf club, I don’t’ see how Ty can continue. He must have broken ribs now.

Cohen: This is what it’s all about Seabass, Showtime is an entertainer, and he’s going to bask in his glory and make sure everyone remembers this victory.

Finally Showtime goes for the cover on Drake, and somehow Drake manages to kick out! Showtime is furious as he gets up and kicks over the garbage can, knocking the remaining items to the outside. He picks up the garbage can and rushes a slowly rising Drake. Drake counters quickly with a Drop Toe hold, sending Cougar’s face crashing right into the very garbage can he holds. Showtime rolls over, and has donned the proverbial crimson mask himself. Drake pulls Ty to his feet, and begins focusing on the ribs as he hits a sidewalk slam. He goes for the cover, but Ty is able to kick out at 2 and ¾. Drake moves over to one of the tables and sets it up. He goes over to Showtime and picks him, and attempts putting him on the table. Showtime is able to counter and connect with a reverse DDT, following up with lifting Drake onto the table now. Showtime climbs to the top turnbuckle and poses for the crowd once again before flying off, going for a huge splash on Drake. Drake is able to move at the last second, causing Showtime to crash through the table. Drake is able to get an arm over Showtime for a pin attempt, but Ty out of nowhere breaks it up. He begins stomping away at Drake before going over and setting up the second table in the ring. He goes outside and grabs a new 20 foot ladder and sets it up on the outside. Ty rolls back into the ring and positions the table where he wants it and throws Drake onto the top of it. He goes outside and begins ascending the ladder. About ¾ of the way up, Drake is able to get off the table and starts climbing the other side of the ladder.

Copeland: What is Drake doing? He could have just pushed the ladder over and picked up the victory.

Cohen: Of course he didn’t’ do the obvious Seabass, he’s lost so many brain cells he can’t even see the easiest route to a win.

The two meet at the top and start exchanging blows, Drake gaining the advantage. Drake pulls Ty to the top of the ladder and sets him up in a suplex position.

Copeland: We’ve seen this before! He did this to Milenko at CRII!

Cohen: No! Someone get that drunk down before he hurts someone badly again!

Drake tries to lift Ty up, but Ty counters with an elbow to the midsection and lifts his head up from under Drake’s arm. He crosses Drake’s arms across his chest and jumps off the ladder with a Straight Jacket Suplex!!! Drake goes crashing through the table in the ring, Ty landing hard just behind him.

Copeland: Oh my God!!!!!! That move was suicide what was Ty thinking?!?!

Cohen: Seabass you wanted to see if Ty was hardcore enough for the Mayhem title, there’s your answer. What a maneuver! It’s about time someone gave that drunken idiot Drake a taste of his own medicine.

Ty crawls over to Drake and wraps an arm around him, getting the three count.

Harrys: Here is your winner, and new Mayhem Champion, Ty Burna!

All three men are down in the ring, the ref lays the Eurasian Title across Drake and the Mayhem Title across Ty Burna.

Copeland: What a match, we now have three new champions tonight. Both Drake and Ty add another accomplishment to their resumes, while Showtime leaves tonight empty handed. Cohen, how do you feel about that match?

Cohen: A great match, this should go down as a WZCW classic. Drake was able to steal the Eurasian championship, but he wasn’t getting the Mayhem. It’s scary to think what Ty will do to hold onto that Mayhem title, now that he has it. As for Showtime, there should be bigger and more opportunities for him in the near future.

Copeland: No doubt about it. Coming up, it’s our Main Event of the evening! The 6 pact challenge as Everest defends his WZCW World Championship against 4 foes he is all too familiar with, and a mystery person as well.
Cohen: Well Ladies and Gentleman, what an explosive night All or Nothing has been, but we still have one match left and we have to give a very warm welcome to Cat Connors, my co-announcer on Ascension, joining us to call the Main Event tonight. You finally get to meet Seabass after all this time, he was quite excited!

Connor: The pleasure is all mine, but this is where I ascend as the better play by play announcer in my first pay per view

Copeland stares for a moment

Copeland: Right…well coming up it’s the big one.


The World Heavyweight Championship is on the line as we have six men going at it. There are different rules to this match which we will go through, but first lets show how these six made their way here, it all started back at Kingdom Come

Kingdom Come said:

Harrys: The following is the King for a Day EEEEEEEEELIMINATION Chamber Match.

Daniel "The Thunder" Stokes appears and raises his arms in the air

Apotheosis walks in a focused manner toward the ring

Murfish begins his way down the ramp

Vengeance walks steadily and intimidatingly to the ring

Grand Mystique has his arms outstretched and back towards the entrance ramp

Ricky then flies through the air toward the chamber, while yellowish-white pyros light up Ricky's path of flight

GM pulls Ricky up, whips him into the ropes, and hits a devastating dropkick

Murfish turns around and throws a white powder in Ricky’s eyes

GM hits a devastating superplex on Stokes in the middle of the ring

Ricky and Vengeance exchange right hands back and forth

Vengeance takes Ricky to the outside, throwing him into the outer chain

Ricky counters the pumphandle, turns Vengeance around and.....DECKSWABBER!!!!! Cover!!!!*





Harry's: Here is your winner...and KING FOR A DAY....STEEEEEEAMBOAT RRRIIICKY!!!!

*The referee raises Ricky's hand as Ricky goes outside of the chamber. He climbs to the top of the chamber where he celebrates with the crowd

Unscripted said:
Harrys: Ladies and Gentleman, this is your Main Event of the Evening. It‘s scheduled for one fall to the finish, and it‘s for the W.Z.C.W World Heavyweight Championship!

Ricky stops right before entering the ring, as he sees a sign in the crowd. Ricky asks for the sign, as he holds it up himself for the camera to be sure and pick up. It simply reads Totally Not Atrocious

Everest smiles, as he just looks around the arena, then focuses on Ricky in the ring, as he begins making his way to the ring

Both meet in the center with a double clothesline hard and early

Ricky whips Everest hard into the steel steps

Ricky throws a quick right, only for Everest to block it, and hit a float over DDT

Everest goes for a Rock Slide, only for Ricky to block yet again, swinging Everest around and hitting a huge Blunderbuss!! Ricky falls on to Everest, as the official makes the count. 1.……….. 2.…………… 3!!!


Copeland: Ricky's done it! We have a new WZCW Heavyweight Champion of the World!!! Steamboat Ricky's career-long journey has culminated in winning the WZCW Title!!!

The Meltdown after said:

Vengeance and Ricky circle each other and lock up

Vengeance hammers down on Ricky repeatedly!

Vengeance lifts him up, looking for a Judge, Jury, and Executioner! But Ricky slips out, getting behind Vengeance. He jumps and plants him right on the mat with a bulldog!

Vengeance knees him in the gut…he lifts up Ricky, he’s got him over his shoulder…he drops him with a huge brainbuster DDT! He connects on the Judge, Jury, and Executioner!

Vengeance is just going down for the cover when out of nowhere, Leon flies into the ring with a steel chair! The referee doesn’t notice right away, he counts the cover and Vengeance gets one, two…but Leon nails him right in the back with the steel chair!

Ricky rolls out of the ring and clutching his title belt.

Vengeance glares infuriatingly at Ricky who’s clutching his head and his belt outside of the ring.

Klamor: From the office of Vance Bateman, as a result of the interference in the main event by Leon Kensworth, it has been decided, that whilst Ricky retains his title, his title shot he was awarded as a result of his King for a Day victory has been awarded to Vengeance…

Vengeance: Tonight, the Broken Soul is coming for you. Tonight you face Lars Reidar.

Meltdown 26

Ricky nails the Blunderbuss! Everest falls back, and Ricky covers Everest, getting one…two…

But suddenly, Lars Reidar is in the ring, and he kicks Ricky square in the head! The count is broken as the ref immediately signals a DQ, but this isn’t over, as Vengeance has a steel chair with him. He goes to town on Ricky, beating the spit out of him. Everest is still out on the ground as Reidar simply demolishes Ricky. Reidar lays the chair out on the mat as he pulls Ricky up, elevates him, and plants his head into the chair with the Judge, Jury, and Executioner.

Reidar: This match…is a TRAVESTY. I am the rightful King for a Day, the rightful contender

I demand a title match at All or Nothing. No…I want more than just a title match…I want to know, to prove, to show, that I can beat every one of my adversaries…every challenger…everyone who thinks they can beat me. I want them all in the ring, at the same time, in an elimination match…where I can destroy them all, one…by…one…

Myles: Lars, old buddy, old pal, look, I like what you’re doing here. How about you come on back here, and we do a little business, yeah? A little contract signing, a little drinking, y’know, the usual business stuff.

Reidar: Myles…you gave me what I needed…now…go away, before I hurt you…


Shots of Everest, Ricky, Titus, Lars and Bratchny exchanging blows between each other for the duration of the song

The Meltdown theme kicks in as Chuck Myles comes out onto the stage with a mixed expression on his face, he has a microphone on him

Myles: Alright, alright. Now I said I had a mystery opponent. Well to be honest, the guy who I originally had decided not to show up. But this doesn’t mean you can keep Chuck Myles from being an honest man. So I went backstage and tried to find the next man available. But unfortunately Ty Burna is nowhere to be seen and Drake Callahan was passed out drunk already! So Ladies and Gentleman, let me introduce my representative in this World Heavyweight Championship Match. He is the one, the only David “Showtime” Cougar!

Copeland: What? But he just competed!

“Ladies and Gentleman” starts playing as David Cougar comes immediately out, despite looking beat and worn down from the match he just had not too long ago. He stops and shakes Chuck Myles’ hand on the stage and walks slowly down the ramp and slides into the ring with a confident smile on his face

Connor: He’s in his third match tonight, will he become the World Champion despite losing his Mayhem belt and missing out on the EurAsian title?

Cohen: Despite being cheated out of them, third time is bound to be a charm here for this man!

Anderson: The rules of this match are as follows. Six people will be in the ring and this will be fought under elimination rules which will include DQs and count outs. Once we get to the final three the rules of the match will then go to the normal rules of Triple Threat.

“Paint it Black” By the Rolling Stones hits the PA system as Carmen Bratchny appears atop the ramp. He stands on the ramp for a second, looking at the fans.

Harrys: Weighing at 230 pounds, from Moscow, Russia, Carmen Bratchny!

Bratchny continues his descent down the ramp and upon reaching the ring, Bratchny goes through the second rope and bounces off of the ropes in anticipation of the arrival of his opponent
At that, “Broken Soul” By Original Sin hits the PA system as Lars Reidar emerges to a flurry of boos from the fans. Reidar does not care though and continues his slow-paced march towards the ring and his opponent.

Anderson: Weighing in at 275 pounds, from Ragnarog, The Broken Soul, Lars Reidar!

‘Over the Seas’ plays out as Ricky comes out to a huge pop from the crowd. He heads down the ramp and high fives fans along the way, he enters the ring and runs in circles around Anderson who tries to remain composed

Anderson: Introducing, from Tortuga, weighing in 260 pounds, Steamboat Ricky!


The crowd erupts as Titus comes out onto the stage, he partially responds to their reaction but he walks down with authority and slides into the ring and high fives Ricky as he goes to the turnbuckle and gives a thumbs up to the crowd.

Anderson: And from Keystone City, Kansas, weighing in at 215 pounds, he is the Elite X Champion, Titus!

“Supernova goes Pop” by Powerman 5000 hits as Everest comes out to the adoration of the fans. He looks around and nods his head in agreement.

Anderson: And his opponent, weighing in at 205 pounds, from Los Angeles, California, He is the WZCW Heavyweight champion Everest!

The crowd cheer loudly as Everest makes his way down to the ramp, hastily at first. Stopping, Everest notices a pretty lady at ringside and begins to smile widely as he begins his descent once more. Once he reaches the ring, Everest slides under the ring ropes and eyes up his opponents.

Connor; This is a match one for the ages, out of everyone in that ring only Lars has never held gold.
Copeland; He chose that though, he should be the champion but he likes his games.

Cohen; I just lost the game
Copeland; Damn you Cohen.

All six men stand apart with the referee in the middle of them. Outside there is another referee and the bell goes as the men begin.

Cougar and Bratchny lock up in an old school test of strength with Bratchny getting the upper hand. Cougar goes down to one knee as Bratchny tries to kick him. Cougar ducks it as he manages to bring Bratchny down on his back by a shoulder charge to the legs. Cougar then just collapses down.

Copeland; Three title shots in one night? This man has it all!

Cohen; You can tell he is somewhat tired though but the resolve is pretty impressive.

Meanwhile Ricky and Everest go at each other. This in turn is another typical start up with both men exchanging punches. Everest hits with a left as Ricky hits with a right, Everest then with a right and Ricky with a left. This carries on as the punches get bigger and bigger.

CC; There really is a hatred in these two men, they've wrestled each other so many times.

Copeland; Yet no clear winner on this, Everest has the upper hand on this.
Cohen; Ricky will not stop at anything to get that belt back, I'm expecting him to win this one.

The punches carry as Everest manages to get Ricky to lose his balance and then does a double strike as Ricky then bashes into Bratchny.

Cohen; Any feud fails to live up to any in this match when you compare it to Lars and Titus.
Copeland; These guys are really going at it.

Lars and Titus are locked up as Titus manages to grab Lars by the waist from behind him. Titus tries to go for a suplex but Lars spins behind and grabs him, Lars goes for a suplex but Titus reverses and goes behind him as Titus goes to pick up Lars, Lars gives Titus a back elbow as it knocks him into the turnbuckle.

The positioning is Lars and Titus top right of the ring in the corner. Everest is standing bottom right as Ricky and Bratchny are in the middle. Cougar is to the left in the middle lying down. The lights flicker a small amount as Everest moves round to Cougar. Everest is now standing above Cougar as Everest picks him up and signals for the rock slide. Everest lifts Cougar mid air and the lights go out.

Cohen; Darn those people in Phoenix, looks like they haven't paid the bills properly!

Copeland; Can we get the lights back on?!
CC: Where is he?

The lights are on as Lars and Titus are still in the corner jostling and Bratchny and Ricky are also locked up. Everest is stood with his hands on his hips looking very bemused as Cougar has vanished. The lights go off again as a symbol appears on the titantron. When the lights come back on Cougar is tied up to a chair at the top of the ramp.

CC; We saw that symbol earlier, it freaked Becky out.

Cohen; There's something strange going on here!
Copeland; Well there's a wrestling match going on, something these men in the ring have realised.

Cohen; So has Cougar who has just been counted out.

CC: Very bizarre.

The WZCW officials untie Cougar who is looking as white as a sheet. Meanwhile in the ring Titus is still in the top right corner as Lars climbs up to start a ten count with punches. In the opposite corner Bratchny is doing the same to Ricky. Everest is just sat on the top left turnbuckle laughing. 1...2...3...4..5..6...7..8...9..10 the count stops as the crowd boo really loud. Bratchny grabs Ricky and goes for an Irish whip as Lars does the same to Titus. Both men reverse as Lars and Bratchny collide in the middle of the ring. Ricky goes down on all fours as Titus sprints and bounces off Ricky's back to give a spinning heel kick to Everest who had since climbed down from the turnbuckle and was standing in the corner. Bratchny and Lars are down in the ring as Everest is now sat in the corner. Ricky and Titus are standing as Titus points to Ricky with a thumbs up. The crowd goes nuts.

CC; That there is a true champ, stops to put his friends over.

Cohen; As if Ricky needs Titus to put him over.

Titus goes and sets up Lars in a British figure four whilst Ricky begins to work on Everest. Lars manages to grab the ropes pretty quickly. The hold is broken as Bratchny then grabs Titus. Lars gets up and stands up next to Bratchny as both men work together to give a double suplex to Titus. Titus is out cold as Bratchny moves over for the cover. 1...2....Kick out after two.

CC: That was close.
Copeland: Almost a three count there.

Lars looks rather pissed at Bratchny for going for the cover. He shouts that Titus is his. Bratchny is having none of this as a scuffle breaks out. Ring positioning we have Ricky and Everest in the top left, Bratchny and Lars in the middle at the bottom and Titus has pulled himself to the top right of the ring. Ricky and Everest once again are going at it with the punches. Lars manages to overpower Bratchny with a Russian leg sleep.

Cohen: Haha that was ironic!

Copeland; Bratchny looks very drained in this match

Ricky meanwhile grabs Lars and throws him into Everest, Everest and Lars begin exchanging punches and Ricky joins in. A three way brawl goes underway in the top left corner. The crowd has erupts as Titus has climbed to the top of the right turnbuckle and has signalled for the Red Comet.
Titus connects the Red comet to Bratchny as he goes for the cover...1....2...3

Copeland: That's Bratchny gone, an amazing Red Comet from Titus there.

CC: That's why Titus is on Ascension, he can fly!
Cohen: It's actually because he's the Elite X champion.
CC: Oh quiet Cohen!

We're now down to Lars Reidar, Everest, Steamboat Ricky and Titus. Lars and Ricky star brawling as Everest and Titus begin fighting each other. The crowd is electric as Lars out of nowhere manages to give Ricky the Judge, Jury and Executioner. Everest manages to give Titus an Irish whip into Lars who was unable to go for the cover. Everest picks up Lars and goes for the Rockslide once again, this time the lights stay on and he manages to give it to Lars. For some reason Ricky has gone for the cover here, Everest is a bit annoyed as he breaks up the cover and gives Ricky a rockslide. Everest then picks up Lars and gives him another Rockslide. He goes for the cover...1...2...3...Lars is eliminated.

CC: That's Lars out

Cohen; That is Lars Reidar who just took two, that's right TWO Rockslides from the WZCW champion, damn that guy is impressive.

Copeland: Just a reminder as well is we're under triple threat rules now, the next person to make a pin wins, plus there is no DQ from now.

Titus goes over to Everest and both men start jostling again. Ricky is sat in the corner as he and Titus begin some mat wrestling. This goes on for a while with a lot of reversals. Ricky is looking pretty exhausted in the corner. Everest manages to pick up Titus and grabs him ready for the Mountain climber. Titus however manages to hit Everest in the stomach with his elbow and gives him a kick to the mid section. Then he goes for the Tit drop, it connects.

CC: This is it!!
Cohen: Surely not? Not Titus?

The crowd are up on their feet going nuts as Titus goes for the cover....Out of the crowd two men come into the ring and break up the count. One of these men have a steel chair with them.

Copeland; What the hell? That's the FHD

CC; They've been out to get Titus for a while, come on Ricky do me proud!

Ricky gets to his feet as the FHD continue to beat on Titus, Ricky comes over and grabs the chair from the FHD the crowd go nuts. However Ricky doesn't hit FHD but in fact he hits Titus several times with the chair. Titus is out cold.

CC: What the?

Copeland: Ricky just turned on his friend dammit!

The FHD leave the ring laughing as Ricky goes to cover Titus, however Everest grabs Ricky and gives him another Rockslide. Everest goes for the count but uses the ropes for leverage, the referee does not see it...1....2....3.

Anderson: The winner of this match and STILL WZCW Heavyweight champion....Everest!

Everest holds his hands in the air as Ricky walks up the ramp with the FHD, with FHD carrying up, medical staff are in the ring looking at Titus.

Cohen: Everest retains in an amazing match.

CC: What a very odd match that was...a bizarre appearance, Bratchny and Lars doing great as ever

Copeland: And Ricky turning on his good friend. You don't want to miss Meltdown and Ascension where we're due a major announcement in the next few hours about this weeks show, so tune into WZCW.com!
Quick Results including match writers

Six man tag-- Trevor Steel pins Marcus Chambers(Phoenix)
Rush beat Celeste (phoenix)
Blade beat Baller (Dave)
Smith beat Young (Dave)
Tag team titles were won by second coming (Phoenix)
EurAsian title was won by Harthan (Lee)
Mayhem was won by Ty (Ty)
World Title was retained by Everest (Lee)

Liked the show? Rep the writers with green!!
Before the event William Teach won a gauntlet match.
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