
Sit Upon The Frozen Heavens


I'm not going to tell you that you need to join WZCW because that decision is up to you. What I want to do is ask you a few questions.

DO YOU ENJOY WRESTLING? Odds are good the answer to this quesion is yes otherwise you wouldn't be reading this right now.

DO YOU ENJOY CREATIVE WRITING? If you do then you may like to know that a big part of WZCW is creative writing. What we call RPing is nothing but a story that comes from you. We on creative have nothing to do with what goes in your RP besides constructive feedback.

DO YOU HAVE AN IDEA YOU THINK WOULD BE GREAT FOR A WRESTLER? We've all had an idea that we thought would be good for a wrestler. If you want to see just how good your idea is WZCW may be for you. In WZCW every wrestler is made from scratch by their handler (that's you) and put in the application thread. Once it's looked over and approved by creative you'll be put on the card ASAP.

DO YOU THINK YOU COULD COME UP WITH A BETTER STORYLINE THAN THE BOOKERS THAT HAVE BEEN DOING IT FOR YEARS? Here in WZCW your character only goes as far as you want him/her to. We value what you have to say so if you have a particular story you want to tell all you have to do is message a member of creative what you have in mind and we'll do what we can to make it happen.

DO YOU WANT TO JOIN A COMMUNITY THAT'S MORE LIKE A FAMILY? As corny as this sounds WZCW is more a family. We may argue, yell and irritate the piss out of each other but we all care what happens to each other. If you like how that sounds I'm going to tell you how to join WZCW

Step 1: Read the Guidebook as well the Rules for RPing Also as we do have a 40 post minimum to join you also need that before you move on to Step 2

If those look doable then we move on to step 2

Step 2: Make a wrestler from the ground up. The first post in the Application Thread has an easy to follow template that you just fill out. It really is that simple. You'll see a ban list for reps and moves but because it's woefully out of date just do whatever as long as it's within the rules. If you have a rep, finisher or theme that's already in use we'll let you know and politely ask that you change it. Whether you actually make those changes is up to you but if you don't you won't be put on the card.

Step 3: Keep an eye on the Roleplay section to see when your first match is. Once it's posted you have about a week to RP. If you can't RP or need mor time we do allow extensions within reason.

If any of this has peeked your interest head over to the section that's been voted best section in the WZCW year end awards. If you still have questions feel free to post them here or send me a PM.


I'm not going to tell you that you need to join WZCW because that decision is up to you. What I want to do is ask you a few questions.

DO YOU ENJOY WRESTLING? Odds are good the answer to this quesion is yes otherwise you wouldn't be reading this right now.

DO YOU ENJOY CREATIVE WRITING? If you do then you may like to know that a big part of WZCW is creative writing. What we call RPing is nothing but a story that comes from you. We on creative have nothing to do with what goes in your RP besides constructive feedback.

DO YOU HAVE AN IDEA YOU THINK WOULD BE GREAT FOR A WRESTLER? We've all had an idea that we thought would be good for a wrestler. If you want to see just how good your idea is WZCW may be for you. In WZCW every wrestler is made from scratch by their handler (that's you) and put in the application thread. Once it's looked over and approved by creative you'll be put on the card ASAP.

DO YOU THINK YOU COULD COME UP WITH A BETTER STORYLINE THAN THE BOOKERS THAT HAVE BEEN DOING IT FOR YEARS? Here in WZCW your character only goes as far as you want him/her to. We value what you have to say so if you have a particular story you want to tell all you have to do is message a member of creative what you have in mind and we'll do what we can to make it happen.

DO YOU WANT TO JOIN A COMMUNITY THAT'S MORE LIKE A FAMILY? As corny as this sounds WZCW is more a family. We may argue, yell and irritate the piss out of each other but we all care what happens to each other. If you like how that sounds I'm going to tell you how to join WZCW

Step 1: Read the Guidebook as well the Rules for RPing Also as we do have a 40 post minimum to join you also need that before you move on to Step 2

If those look doable then we move on to step 2

Step 2: Make a wrestler from the ground up. The first post in the Application Thread has an easy to follow template that you just fill out. It really is that simple. You'll see a ban list for reps and moves but because it's woefully out of date just do whatever as long as it's within the rules. If you have a rep, finisher or theme that's already in use we'll let you know and politely ask that you change it. Whether you actually make those changes is up to you but if you don't you won't be put on the card.

Step 3: Keep an eye on the Roleplay section to see when your first match is. Once it's posted you have about a week to RP. If you can't RP or need mor time we do allow extensions within reason.

If any of this has peeked your interest head over to the section that's been voted best section in the WZCW year end awards. If you still have questions feel free to post them here or send me a PM.
Had to fix the broken link
I do have a question. Is a hotdog a sandwich?

A sandwich is meat, cheese (optional) and condiments (only optional if you're a communist otherwise it's a must) between 2 slices of bread.

A hotdog bun is only 1 piece of bread, not 2.
Open faced sandwiches are usually covered in a sauce and you have to eat it with a fork.

If you have to eat it with a fork it's not a sandwich
I'm there.

If I'm there writing stuff then that's enough right there to join dammit.

Come on in. If you like writing and wrestling then WZCW is the place to go.

First applicant will get a free green rep from me and a free feedback reply on your first Roleplay as well. I'll even throw in a "Hello." In the backstage area. Damn!!! That's a pile of incentive right there eh? FUCK YA!!!! Join now and I'll form a Hitleresque Clique with you called The Nazi Party and we'll slowly take over every section of WZCW with our vast two man/woman army.....scratch that last part. Join now.

Edit: Lee is there too.

A sandwich is meat, cheese (optional) and condiments (only optional if you're a communist otherwise it's a must) between 2 slices of bread.

A hotdog bun is only 1 piece of bread, not 2.

Sir that would invalidate two things:

The PB and/or J sandwich.

A sandwich made by folding one piece of bread over the filling. If the same combination and quantity of bread would be a sandwich if the bread was cut in half, then the same should be true if it is folded instead.
I'm there.

If I'm there writing stuff then that's enough right there to join dammit.

Come on in. If you like writing and wrestling then WZCW is the place to go.

First applicant will get a free green rep from me and a free feedback reply on your first Roleplay as well. I'll even throw in a "Hello." In the backstage area. Damn!!! That's a pile of incentive right there eh? FUCK YA!!!! Join now and I'll form a Hitleresque Clique with you called The Nazi Party and we'll slowly take over every section of WZCW with our vast two man/woman army.....scratch that last part. Join now.

Edit: Lee is there too.

Here here!
Dagger has been asking me to sign up, but I just do not have the time or more importantly the writing or creative skills required to do a good job. It would just be an embarrassment that I would rather forgo.
But I do like both hamburgers and hot dogs and don't give a rats ass if they are sandwiches or not. It's food and that's the most important part.

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