WZCW Discussion Thread

So.... Ready Player One is epic levels of awesome. I have not enjoyed a movie that much since Inception. Recommended to all.
That's one of those movies I need to watch again. I watched it when company was around and really didn't give it my full attention. Today's lesson: When you want to watch a movie and company is around, pick the movie. Kick the company out.
This is going to be one of those rounds where my RP turns out so much shorter than I thought it was but the content seems strong. Good thing RP length doesn't decide winners or I'd have an awful record.
This is going to be one of those rounds where my RP turns out so much shorter than I thought it was but the content seems strong. Good thing RP length doesn't decide winners or I'd have an awful record.

Meanwhile mine's over a thousand words and I haven't mentioned anything relating to my match yet.:lmao:
I apologise for no showing. I was out to the country side for Easter and thought I will have internet. Unfortunately I didn't. No time to write my RP either and no internet to notify the creative team. I really am sorry.
I apologise for no showing. I was out to the country side for Easter and thought I will have internet. Unfortunately I didn't. No time to write my RP either and no internet to notify the creative team. I really am sorry.

It was EST for about 8 years.

Uh....we just had our 10 year anniversary show and I was the one that switched it either while I was second in command or when I was head of creative. It's been set to Central longer than Eastern.
I feel like the Eastern Time Zone thing is new for me... so I was under the assumption the change took place in the 5 years I was gone. I remember having to look up what CST was all the time like an idiot just to make sure.
To be fair, I changed it to Eastern because I know that is 5 hours behind and that's what I remembered it being before Yaz. That said, I've never enforced a hard deadline. It's almost always when I wake up the next day which is normally 8-10 hours after the deadline has passed.

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