WZCW Discussion Thread

Shiiiiiiiiiiiiit my RP is almost done and I think I might be pushing the 3000 mark...
Jesus christ I am happy that's finally posted. Now to hope that the jokes didn't go over everyone's heads....
I don't want to freak anyone out, but it looks as though I might hit 1000 words if I keep at my current pace. Everyone else in my match is fucked.
I've spent this cycle laying some serious undertones and symbolic messages that had to do with my family situation last year. I feel as though I culminated it nicely with my piece this round. It truly is a dedication piece to my uncle.

Last week was the one-year mark of my uncle's suicide. It's interesting how having death so close to you can make you see so much about life. I don't normally share such personal things on the forum here, but that situation had a direct impact on my status in WZCW, and I felt as I though I needed to write something to get closure with the connection of the two.

Thanks again for everyone who has awesome to me back then and continues to be awesome to me now. I appreciate all of my friends on here. Yes, my friends.

And like a drunk teenager trying to hold onto the world by clutching to the edges of a table, Cerberus is on the board. It's all in God's hands now.

We love you Kermit. I was lying about the flies. You can have some.
RP is up! Now for the celebratory Strawberry Margarita while watching my recording of Smackdown from this week.
RP is finally up. That's about as close to the deadline as I've come, I reckon. Still, it's done and I'm happy with it.

I want to thank Ty for being an awesome opponent and for allowing my to use Ty in my RP against his own character. A first for WZCW, I'm sure.
RP is finally up. That's about as close to the deadline as I've come, I reckon. Still, it's done and I'm happy with it.

I want to thank Ty for being an awesome opponent and for allowing my to use Ty in my RP against his own character. A first for WZCW, I'm sure.

I'm a trailblazer what can I say?
Just in case things haven't been relayed back to everyone but the boards are staying open for a while longer (up to 24 hours past deadline). It gives everyone a chance to RP and RP well for the biggest round of the year. No need to rush your shit, guys... although, you would be doing everyone on creative a favour if you could post it up well in advance of this unofficial extension so we can read the RP's and vote on them ASAP so we can work on KC ASAP.

Speaking of, Kingdom Come might take a week to prepare and post up anyway. Y'know, because its KC.

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