WZCW Discussion Thread

Ty's RP is actually in the match thread.

Lee, you won't be missed


fair enough, makes a lot more sense that his other character was in the match. Jigs things up a bit, ignore my complaint as I somehow missed that RP.
With Vega/Tastic turning as well as Ty Burna's return, we are now at a 13/15 face-to-heel ratio. Even if Ty didn't come back, 12/15 is still good considering we've only got one face tag team and the rest of the stables/tag teams are all heels. So why is there an argument about the lack of faces on the roster?

Face Ty, Face Tastic & Face Young Justice have a shit-load of contenders too.

Eve and Aubrey aren't considered a face tag team?
I like to think of Eve and Aubrey as an alliance more than a tag team at this point, but with the void being left by LMD, perhaps.
I like to think of Eve and Aubrey as an alliance more than a tag team at this point, but with the void being left by LMD, perhaps.

Post-Lottery might be the best option. You've got an Elite X title shot and then there is the Lottery to worry about as well. If we aren't doing anything, we've got a back-up to do something for Kingdom Come at least.
Can't wait for All Stars. Have a diva character I'd like to test the waters with and try something completely different on.
I've never actually asked/understood what "All Stars" is... so, what is it?

It's based on the WWE All-Stars game where wrestlers perform their moves in ridiculous fashion (i.e. jumping 15 feet in the air to deliver a piledriver). Basically, the matches are written in ridiculous fashion and people submit characters that are, in turn, ridiculous... so it's a fun CAW event for WZCW.

However, some people use it as a platform to try out new characters or new writing styles, or even just to try WZCW.
It's based on the WWE All-Stars game where wrestlers perform their moves in ridiculous fashion (i.e. jumping 15 feet in the air to deliver a piledriver). Basically, the matches are written in ridiculous fashion and people submit characters that are, in turn, ridiculous... so it's a fun CAW event for WZCW.

However, some people use it as a platform to try out new characters or new writing styles, or even just to try WZCW.

So I can do this?


Or this?

Ty's RP is actually in the match thread.

Lee, you won't be missed.

Shit like this is unacceptable from a creative member and is why the fed has been leaving a sour taste in my mouth and why I've considered quitting recently.

The douchiness displayed by yourself and others in reaction to other fed members questioning something creative does or just in general. Add in the obvious creative clout over the last few months and its why we lost guys like JGlass, Miko and now Lee. Lee, a fucking legend around here and someone who has seen the absolute worst of this fed and is the reason this shit is still here. For you to say something like that to someone who has done so much for the fed and is questioning something makes you look like a douche to me.
Alright guys, let's reign this in. Criticism of the fed is fine, but I'm not going to allow it to devolve to a personal level.
Alright guys, let's reign this in. Criticism of the fed is fine, but I'm not going to allow it to devolve to a personal level.

Agreed wholeheartedly on this.

Lee asked why something was booked the way it was, and it was a legit question that probably a number of people were thinking but hadn't expressed at this junction.

Calmer minds produce better results, let's keep that in thought before we go balls out against each other. I wanted to remain silent on the issue, and I have no qualms with Lee asking why Ty was brought back as a surprise, but I must speak that peaceful and calm conversation will prosper far more than telling people to fuck off.

It's an e-fed people. I'm not asking you to die by your creed of Communism against someone else bleeding Capitalism. I can certainly book a feud if you would like regarding that, and if you can convince Lana and her sweet ass to get involved I'm all the more for it.

On behalf of Creative I apologize for this evening, and if anyone would like to discuss anything on the fed, my Inbox is open as are my ears, or eyes rather in this regard.

We had what I feel was a very good cycle last round, let's start fresh as the LL is on the way. Let me know what we can do better and I will certainly implement your suggestions to my fullest capabilities.

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