WZCW Discussion Thread

I was actually thinking about throwing up a thread a few days ago asking if people thought the Demon Foreigners should split and go singles. I like tagging with Matty and don't want to put the division down another team just as it's starting to get built up again, but when a few people are saying you should go singles, it might be time to have that discussion.

A traditional split up feud between the two of you could be good. It's cliche', but I'll admit I would want to see it. Who would turn face though is the question?
A traditional split up feud between the two of you could be good. It's cliche', but I'll admit I would want to see it. Who would turn face though is the question?

People don't have to go face if the team splits. Both work well as heels and it would be too early to turn them.

I don't think they should split yet though. I might hit the DFs with a PM later today.
I just read over the PPV. The Stormrage/Howard match was awesome. And I thoroughly enjoyed Titus/Showtime. The main event was much shorter than I was anticipating, and the Elite X contender ship fatal 4 didn't even receive a match. It's also going to be really difficult for any team to beat LMD now with the momentum they have.
If you didn't want to blow the load then why have LMD squash 2/3 of the competition in one cycle? I pitched the idea for the fatal fourway before the cycle started, it could have happened.

JAM and I were trying to help shape things up for a fatal fourway as well as it would have put a nice spotlight on the divison. Even if most teams were new I think trial by fire and a big match such as TLC would have created a ton of material and soldified the newer teams relatively quickly.
To add to what Klinz said... I actually went out of my way to make sure the tag match between Young Justice and Cerberus was good because I thought this PPV could be a great launching point for this new look tag division in the fed. I felet if the actual tag title match had done a little better job showcasing the Demon Foreigners, it would have done more for the division.

I will say this to everyone clamoring for the fatal four way, though... I don't mind that the 4 teams had 2 separate matches this time. Perhaps now with a better plan set in motion to build up all 4 teams this cycle you guys could go for a 4 way next PPV. Unless the DF decide to split, then I'd say the pre-show match warranted both teams be regarded as threats to the titles and you could go with a three way fight.

So after the pre-show ... I thought that the Grizzly Bob/Diabolos match was very well done, I thought it continued to set the tone for what I expected to be a great PPV. XXX/Blade was also awesome... very creative ending, and I liked it very much. I thought the Elite X title match was okay, it had it's moments and made Fallout look pretty strong. S.H.I.T. and Constantine was a nice last minute addition, I enjoy most anything those two characters are involved in.

As I touched on before, I kind of agree that the tag title match was a little deflating. The build up to the match also hurt this IMO, like Klinz said earlier. Drake vs Beard was pretty good, I head to re-read the finish because I was confused, but I guess it will play out later on. Kind of interested in seeing where this is going... we'll see.

I wrote the I Quit Match so I'll leave the criticism up to you guys.

I thought the Pure Match was solid, glad to see Titus pick up the much needed victory. A win over Showtime is a hell of a way to break a losing streak.

And the main event... I uh. I kind of laughed as I told some people already. I was reading, slowly scrolling down with anticipation... and then it just ended. A little deflating of an ending. Either way, the show had it's strong points, and some weak ones. Overall I'd say this was still a quality show. At least Batista isn't in it.
I'm currently working on a rare PPV review because there's quite a few things I have to say about the show.
JAM and I were trying to help shape things up for a fatal fourway as well as it would have put a nice spotlight on the divison. Even if most teams were new I think trial by fire and a big match such as TLC would have created a ton of material and soldified the newer teams relatively quickly.

I disagree from my team's perspective. Granted, I was told as everyone else in the beginning that the 4-way was a done deal, but I prefer the end result for us much better. It was nicer to let Hyada focus on Ramparte while we built our team up in the RPs. I felt like the 4-way would of forced us into an unrealistic position in terms of how our team was building. This upcoming PPV now sounds like a perfect point for a 4-way tag team feud.

However, I felt like our match was way more well written and fleshed out than yours. I blame the lack of build on television shows as the key problem.

Edit* Also, I heard rumors that Barbosa was replaced with who ever had the best RP outside of the WHC match. Which basically means that it was a LL type of match for the WHC. I'll be the first to say I have not read this batch of RPs, but have we really gotten to the point where Pancake had the best RP on the entire PPV? I really don't mean for this to be a knock at Pancake, but things have changed mightily since I took my break.
I'm not going to respond to each and every bit of criticism, some are fair, others are not, and some are things we need to discuss internally. I will claim full responsibility for the main event. What came out, it wasn't what I wanted when I took on the match, I got pressed for time and should have passed it off. Had I only written the Blade/Triple X match I would be coming out of this looking pretty good, but instead I ended up with a good undercard match and a poor main event. That's on me.
JAM and I were trying to help shape things up for a fatal fourway as well as it would have put a nice spotlight on the divison. Even if most teams were new I think trial by fire and a big match such as TLC would have created a ton of material and soldified the newer teams relatively quickly.

And then afterwards the four teams would split off into separate feuds depending on the outcome. The team that prospered most from this cycle was YJ thanks to very well wriiten match by Infinity. Everyone else more or less stayed the same.
And then afterwards the four teams would split off into separate feuds depending on the outcome. The team that prospered most from this cycle was YJ thanks to very well wriiten match by Infinity. Everyone else more or less stayed the same.

You don't think Cerberus gained something from our match?
Since we are all getting things off of our chests-

Can I haz Fantabulous 15 this week? Been hoping for another one of those.
So I don't want to add to what's been said besides one point which I feel is particularly important. I'm going to PM Yaz about it as I was planning to mention something else anyway.

I'm surprised no one has mentioned it actually. Maybe Yaz can fix it before it gets mentioned :D
Interesting happenings. Great to see so many have come so far since the old days (which were only a year or so ago). I'm starting to get that itch again...must try that new cream.

I think many of the criticisms I've seen so far have been very fair, but, and forgive an old timer who hasn't been really keeping up with the shows outside of skim-reading, why was the PPV up on a Wednesday?
Interesting happenings. Great to see so many have come so far since the old days (which were only a year or so ago). I'm starting to get that itch again...must try that new cream.

I think many of the criticisms I've seen so far have been very fair, but, and forgive an old timer who hasn't been really keeping up with the shows outside of skim-reading, why was the PPV up on a Wednesday?

We've been on a slightly volatile schedule lately with delays and such.

If Creative gives me permission to do so, I might handle it.

Run your draft by us first, but I'm fine with it.
Edit* Also, I heard rumors that Barbosa was replaced with who ever had the best RP outside of the WHC match. Which basically means that it was a LL type of match for the WHC. I'll be the first to say I have not read this batch of RPs, but have we really gotten to the point where Pancake had the best RP on the entire PPV? I really don't mean for this to be a knock at Pancake, but things have changed mightily since I took my break.

Haha, :icon_eek:

Though I'd imagine it'd take a special kind of essentially random RP to top 3 that had RP'd for the actual match at hand. Or at least, thats what I tell myself...
Ah man, I thought it meant Shotaro was just stepping down, but yeah, that makes sense with the ending of their match :(
Haha, :icon_eek:

Though I'd imagine it'd take a special kind of essentially random RP to top 3 that had RP'd for the actual match at hand. Or at least, thats what I tell myself...

I was hoping maybe you would take Barbosa's spot in the end. Felt like it was going to fit with you not being on the official card and all.
I was hoping maybe you would take Barbosa's spot in the end. Felt like it was going to fit with you not being on the official card and all.

It did work out quite conveniently, now that I think about it...


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