WZCW Discussion Thread

Just take two wrestlers who have fuck-all to do with each other's family and call them brothers. Feds do this shit all the time. No, it's not enough that they trained together and are best friends in real life. Brothers or GTFO.
Big Dave had a sister named Dani, but she was more of a NPC/manager.

Let's see.

Ty Burna - Parents dead, possibly arson caused by Ty when he was a child. No siblings.

El Califa - Sister died in a car accident caused by El Califa. Mother died shortly after, no idea about his father.
Let's see.

Ty Burna - Parents dead, possibly arson caused by Ty when he was a child. No siblings.

El Califa - Sister died in a car accident caused by El Califa. Mother died shortly after, no idea about his father.

Jeez, your characters put Ashleigh Falkon to shame with all those deaths.
Theron has a twin brother named Feron, he leans toward the heel side of the spectrum but their actual D&D counterparts got along great on the battlefield.
S.H.I.T was isolated from all his loved ones, then systematically brainwashed until he forgot who they were, then forgot who he was, then forgot he was even a person. Then someone thought it'd funny to slap him in cardboard and parade him around for the amusement of a bunch of blood thirsty maniacs. It deals with this by single mindedly attempting to cripple whoever it enters the ring with as per "directives", before retreating into its own world in the vague hope of finding a friend of sorts that isnt using it for their own purposes, since it has no hope of family and wouldnt know them if it saw them, if they even exist.

Err, does that top a meteor strike?
I wouldnt expect anybody too, keep up to date with that shit for going on 3 years? That'd be heroic.

I do make the mistake of assuming people do though, my Apocalypse RP makes more sense if you read my KC RP, my KC RP makes more sense if you read my LL RP, my Meltdown 100 RP makes more sense if you've read them all, S.H.I.T's attachment to Barbosa makes more sense if you read why it created the VR abandoned Church in the first place.

I am drawing on nearly 2 year old material to continue a current day theme sometimes, and even then it relies on my ability to transfer that from my head so ya'll can see it, so I'd be arrogant if I said the fault lie with the reader and not the writer.
I can't help but appreciate what it takes to deal with that kind of story. I went week to week because I don't think I was good enough to come up with that kind of deep storyline.

It's why I want to return but won't.
Барбоса;4788753 said:
Yeah, it couldn't be my fault.

Definite improvement after you took over.

I can't help but appreciate what it takes to deal with that kind of story. I went week to week because I don't think I was good enough to come up with that kind of deep storyline.

It's why I want to return but won't.

If you can write week to week and keep it interesting I envy you, I use the overarching story as a crutch to make sure I've got something to write about when I am in a lull, or when I just want to chuck my computer out of the window.
I'm going to naturally assume that abundant silence from Creative means that the show will be up tonight...
I'll be honest, I was in a minor car accident this morning, and I've had 11 beers since, so my writing tonight will either blow your mind or suck gooch. I'm giving 3/1 odds on the latter.
I'll be honest, I was in a minor car accident this morning, and I've had 11 beers since, so my writing tonight will either blow your mind or suck gooch. I'm giving 3/1 odds on the latter.

That's about as Irish as it gets. I would guess the latter, but that wouldn't be a change from the norm.

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