WZCW Compliment Sandwich


WZCW's Mr Excitement
Credit to whoever started this thread series in the non-spam sections.

I thought this was the most perfect idea for WZCW - kinda surprised it hasnt been brought here already.

The idea is simple. See this example

So, this is the latest in my series of threads that encourage people to really look at a subject matter and get to grips on what they really think about something. The way it works is very simple. You state something that you like about the subject matter. It could be something as simple as how they look or how much they make you enjoy something. After that, you simply state something that you do not like about the subject matter. Again, it could be anything. After that, you, simply round it off with something positive.

Simple as that
As this is WZCW we can do whatever subject we like. A show, a character, anything. For example:

Kingdom Come III!

It was incredible to work on. The stories coming in were top notch, the line-up was generally as good as we could get it and we genuinely didnt know who was going to win any of the matches.

It was devastating not to get someone the calibre of Chris Jones on the card. Even not getting FDR on the card was a little annoying but Falkon's segment made up for it a little.

I can genuinely say that it was the best efed show I have ever seen. We may not top it until KC next year.

Give it a go guys.
Brothers in Arms

A long-term, highly credible tag team bringing prestige back to the titles and the division is a good thing. About time someone retained those belts on PPV.

Toyota's charm and wit make him the clear star of the tag team. Also, they live in the shadow of the potential of Pride Of Toyota.

They gave us one of the most heated tag title matches in recent memory back at the Lethal Lottery. Tip top.
John Constantine

One of WZCW's best. A very credible threat to the mid card titles but also good enough to make his way into the main event.

On the same token, he hasn't quite reached the "total main event" status just quite yet, has lost some key matches.

Has what it takes to carry the World Title at some point down the line.
Austin Reynolds vs Constatine at Kingdom Come III.

That match was great. I read it like seven times just so I can get a better picture of it. I loved it and hope that they continue their fued.

I don't know where they can take it from there with the KC match being a three stages of hell match.

That whole match was great in my eyes.
Phoenix (Thriller):

Has a great character, with an intriguing backstory. And he has never revealed too much. As such, I always want to know a little bit more about his character.

I've found his RPs tend to be found out against upper midcard and main eventers. I think they could always be longer and more detailed. His words are fine but they tend to be within the most basic "interview with Leon Kensworth" structure on every show.

That being said, I've thoroughly enjoyed his face turn and if anything is going to allow us into his backstory and character, it will be as a face. He can also slot anywhere in the card.
John Constantine

Awesome heel who has really become entrenched in the fabric of the upper midcard in no time flat.

He's let losses against top shelf opposition fluster him, causing his character's direction to falter.

Already has one of the most storied rivalries in recent WZCW history under his belt. Can't come in with more of a bang than that.

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