The WZCW Legacy Award Guide and Nominations


Staff member

Hey, guys!

I want to take this time to talk to you about a new feature of WZCW that he is looking to get going pretty soon. That feature is the WZCW Legacy Award. The Legacy Award, at least to me, is something that finally recognise all of you for the hard work that you have put into this Federation for a considerable number of years. As WZCW comes close to completing it's full decade of existence we, on Creative, feel as though we should look to mark that fantastic achievement by highlighting some of yours.

But you probably have a few questions about what it is and how we are going to execute and award such a thing. Well, this thread's purpose is to try and explain that as best as I can. If you have any questions, feel free to post them here and I will answer them as soon as possible.

So first of all, what is the WZCW Legacy Award? The WZCW Legacy Award is WZCW's way of recognising the people who have shaped this Fed over the last 10 years. I should make it clear at this point that it is not a Hall of Fame. Yes, there will be a thread stuck in the backstage area that honours all of the recipients of the award but it will not be adressed on a WZCW show ot anything similar. What this award is, mostly, is a way of rewarding people who have given the most to WZCW during their respective tenures.

You're probably asking who can recieve the award? Well, the short answer is anyone. Like I pointed out, this isn't a Hall of Fame for characters. The Legacy Award is 100% an award for the people behind the characters for exceeding what is expected of them and for showing the utmost dedication to the Fed as a whole. Although you may consider the successes of the writer "in the ring" as a means of nomination, it is not the only measure you should consider. Please be aware, as the bottom line, that you are rewarding posters on this forum and not their characters.

So with that in mind, let's get onto how it will work. In this thread, I want you to nominate those that you feel have given the most to WZCW in their time with us. The criteria for nomination is entirely up to you and is determined about what you feel is most important. For me, some of the most important factors would be tenure, success, going above and beyond what is expected of them, overall productivity and the personal legacy they have left. Again, that's what's important to me but your criteria may be different. Once we have a list of nominations for this year, a poll will be created in the backstage area shortly after and we will, as a community, decide who is honoured with the award. This will be an annual thing and will be handed out around the same time as the annual WZCW Awards.

Once again, this is not a Hall of Fame for WZCW and will not include the characters that we have written. To me, this is a bridge between the idea of a Handler's Wing of the Hall of Fame and the Hall of Fame that exists right now. But what's more, this is a community award. It serves as a way of, all of us, recognising the people who have went above and beyond for WZCW and who have shaped it into what it is today.

So finally, you're probably wondering how you nominate? The nominations should be posted in this thread. However, if you'd rather keep it secret, then feel free to PM it to someone on Creative. Either way, please follow this framework:

Name of Nominee: The current name, or most known name, of the nominee

Reason For Nomination: This can be as short or as long as you want. But please be aware that the more information you include, the more likely that the reason will be highlighted to others and support will, perhaps, be gained.

And that is it, guys. Ideally, I would like to get nominations in really soon because we'd like to give this award out around the same time as the WZCW Award Show at the next round of shows.

Again, if you have any questions, let me know. I look forward to seeing your nominations come in.



Steamboat Ricky

my reasons said:
3 out of the 4 have been or are currently in charge of WZCW and that alone deserves some recognition. I doubt it's easy being captain of this crazy ship.

Lee & Ricky helped bring the fed out of the dark times wheen it was in danger of being shut down permanently and without their dedication to this place I highly doubt we'd all be here today.

Yaz has been HoC for a while now and doesn't really get the recognition he deserves. He really does do an amazing job and shows that he really does care about the fed and everyone in it.

Ech has been here since the beginning which is an amazing accomplishment on its own. I also think he was on creative for a bit near the beginning as well.
I have 2 nominations. The first nomination is for Lee. The guy led the Fed through the toughest time in its history. A time when we were being watched so closely and, if things had went pear shaped, we wouldn't have existed. He shaped this Fed in so many ways in those early years and not many of you will realise the extent of it.

The second nomination is for Echelon. Ech has been around since the first day of WZCW and deserves some recognition for it. He has rarely taken a break since then and continues to be as passionate and as good as he ever was. For all those things, he's deserving of a Legacy Award.
It's Lee.

The guy saved the fed. Most people don't have a WZCW legacy without Lee. I'll say it again, Lee saved the fed. If anybody is going to get this award first it has to be Lee.
Yeah I gotta nominate Lee for this award.

Single handedly THE most important person in WZCW history. He brought us back from the grave and put the pieces in place for it to succeed like it has. He must be the first person to receive this award, and I cannot think of anyone else more worthy.

There are a few of us left around here that know how close to extinction WZCW was, Lee put it on his back and dragged it from the abyss. Without him, there's no me, there's no Dave, Phoenix, Barbosa, Showtime, Cooper, Kurtesy, etc. Every person that has ever stepped foot in this fed owes that time to Lee.
Hands down it's Lee for the first of this award, as I said before he bleeds WZCW. He took a dumpster fire and made it into the mainstay that it is today. WZCW was considered a joke prior to his leadership, he turned it into the most popular section (per forum votes). The tag division was revived under his leadership, he helped elevate talent to create main event scene like no other, created the EurAsian Championship, made great friendships, help build me up in Creative to take over, to name a few. The fact he's still an active member of the roster and the longest reigning EurAsian Champion tells you how much passion Lee has for this E-Fed, he is truly one of a kind and WZCW wouldn't be the one of a kind place it is without him.

If you're not down with that, I got two words for ya: IT'S LEE!
It worth mentioning that we're giving out two awards this time around.
Lee, of course, but as I said in the Quick News thread my other nomination is Miko. SHIT had subtle and not-so-subtle influences on just about everyone here and his feedback and thoughts were always more than worth listening to and too often highlighted important issues and concerns that almost no one had thought about until he verbalized them. An outside the box thinker and one of the best.
For me when this award was announced I thought of the unsung heroes of the feds. You know the ones who have been working their arses off for years. Who may have had a taste of the big one but generally they can fit any mould. Are they a midcard champ? Tag champs? WHC? Have they had a billion stables? Do they work behind the scenes doing more than others?

It's Dave. VERY underrated remember of this fed and one that's too often looked over.

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