WZCW All Stars: The thread - keep it all in here.

Name: Blayto Brizne
Rep (name): Blayto

Gimmick: Crazed psychopath who adorned a mask to hide his physical disfigurement. He recently escaped from the Carstairs Hospital in Scotland. He was placed there at the age of 20, after he was found guilty of more than 8 brutal attacks in the surrounding area and 5 murders after lawyers got him off on Mental illness.

Alignment: Heel

Wrestling Style: Powerhouse, but he likes to pick his opponents apart with joint locks. Often debilitating them before hitting his finisher.

Entrance Music:[YOUTUBE]6FQG7Eqwtow[/YOUTUBE]

Entrance: Blayto enters the arena after a small pop of blue flame. He is wearing a Large bloody straight jacket. Another similar blue flash of flame goes off around him and when the flames go down he has the jacket ripped open. He drops the Jacket as he walks down the ramp and gets into the ring.

Finisher: Grotesque Impalement(Top rope pile driver)
Name: Oliver Ontum Omega Garcia

Rep (name): Triple O-G


Gimmick:Mexican Gangster

Alignment: West Side! Oh, I mean, Heel, no, face ese, no Heel, yeah, heel ese!

Wrestling Style: High Flying

Entrance Music: [YOUTUBE]QjZ2Qmfb_yY&[/YOUTUBE]

Entrance: Eddie Guerrero low rider entrance.

Finisher: 900 degree Shooting Star Press
Name: Sandy Deserts
Rep (name): Mickie James


Gimmick: Interpretive dancer who thinks she's a sand spirit.
Alignment: Face
Wrestling Style: Luchador who uses interpretive dance to maneuver and perform/dodge attacks
Entrance Music: "One Wish Away" - Katra


Entrance: Golden sparkles and glitter descends from the roof as Sandy walks out using interpretive dance, heading down the ramp while doing so. She enters the ring and goes onto the turnbuckles and moves in a way as if she is being swayed by the ring.

Finisher: Saharan Winds (1540 Splash)
Can we have more than two characters? I think it would be awesome if we could do a non canon version of a wzcw character that isn't ours (like for example I do an RP as action saxton).

Ironically that was my initial intent when I brought up the idea for this.

I don't see why not, knock yourself out.
In addition to Jared I'll aslo be taking on the role of ACTION SAXTON
Hunter Kravinoff will be making an appearance for this show. I approve my use of the character.

*Edit* In case you were wondering, that was sarcasm. I have no interest in RPing as the same character I do every round. Even if I make it exceptional, it'll be ordinary.
Name: Unknown
Rep (name): Saboteur

Gimmick: Mercenary for hire. Has a conscience but doesn't want to admit it.
Alignment: Ambivalence
Wrestling Style: Fast paced, high octane. Prefers striking to grappling, and has a loose grasp of various forms of martial arts.
Entrance Music: Entrance: The lights dim, and each time the drums hit in the intro of Sabotage a few bright lights flash a little bit. When the vocals hit, Saboteur runs out with high knees as a quick succession of pyrotechnics (just white sparklers shooting straight up in the air) go off on either side of him. He starts posing by grabbing his head, spreading his arms, and motioning to the audience. He goes down the entrance ramp in a zig zag of sorts, getting close to the fans and teasing touching them, but never actually doing so. He slides into the ring belly first, sort of like Edge, and pops up and poses on the ropes, pointing to the audience and then spreading his hands.
Finisher: Death Blow (Shining Wizard)
Name: James King

Rep (name): Colby Congo

Gimmick: The son of a son, of a son, of a son, of a son, of a son, of a great grandson of an aid to an Chief of a long gone African Tribe, James’s family have lived in America for a long time, raised on the mean streets of somewhere suitably tough, James had a promising career as a fast food worker, only he threw it all away for a life of crime.

During a bank-robbing spree James was struck and knocked unconscious by an elderly man, when he awoke, James King was gone; instead Colby Congo rose from the hospital bed. After being examined by some world-renowned psychiatrists, Colby was declared a completely different personality from James and as such cannot be tried for the crimes of James King.

However, the greedy banks that James robbed remain unconvinced, and have hired their own psychiatrist (Richard Small) to analyse Colby constantly, one sign that James still exists and Colby is off to jail. Rumours however have surfaced that Richard is in on the act and covering for James, as their relationship has been described as oddly tender by the other wrestlers. When questioned on the matter Colby simply replied that James is serving his time, being forced to watch as his former body grapples with half naked men for a living.

Whatever the truth is, Colby, believing himself to be the spirit of that once proud Warrior now seeks the purest forms of combat, and to him nothing is purer than the predetermined sport of professional wrestling. Each victory grants him Women and Power, each defeat and he must remove a braid from his hair. This is truly an exciting breed of wrestler.


Alignment: Face

Wrestling Style: Lots of jumping around, open handed chops, the occasional belly-to-belly suplex, and dancing, lots of dancing.

Entrance Music: [YOUTUBE]qydHIjL7iMg[/YOUTUBE]

Entrance: Runs out onto the entrance ramp, claps three times into the air with pyro, runs down to the ring, does a lap of the ring, runs into the ring and does some sort of shitty tribal dance

Finisher: Superfly frog splash, usually set up by chopping his opponent in the head, his opponent then wanders around dazed for a full minute while Colby dances around, his opponent then falls into the perfect position for a frog splash.
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Wrestler's Real Name: William Teach
Wrestler's Gimmick Name:
William Teach
Wrestlers Nickname:
Chicago, Illinois
Billed From:
Chicago, Illinois

-----------Hair color/length:
Black, short. Hair may be cut on a weekly basis, but always
maintains sleek black look, heavily styled by professionals and conditioned with Tresemme, the only hair product worth your time.

-----------Eye color:

-----------Facial Hair:
none, but he cuts hisself shaving

-----------Ring Attire:
To the ring, wears greyish or black tights with white/greyish boots. If that’s too pretentious, then screw you, this is wrasslin.

-----------Physical Features:
Pearly white teeth?

Alignment: Face

Wealthy guy that got bored and decided to take up wrestling as a way to kill the time and discovered he was skilled at it. Still constantly bored and will look for anyway to kill the time, even attacking people or slagging off fans in order to feel amused.

Trained By:
Local trainers in hometown, later Dean Malenko

Sample Pic of Wrestler:

This kid in 10 years.


Entrance Music:

Entrance description:
Jogs out at the climax of guitars to a booing crowd. Looks around and walks slowly down the ramp, shaking his head at the fans. Spits his gum into his hand and throws it in a fans face. Usually an older person so as not to offend too much.

Finishers: I’d like to use Shinsuke Nakamure’s Landslide/Avalanche Landslide. Can’t think of a witty name however…

Name: John Doe

Gimmick: Man of mystery. John Doe is a convicted felon guilty of multiple counts of grand larceny and criminal damage against both individuals and major corporations. Doe paints himself as an 'activist' and as such has a huge internet following who are drawn to his inconsistent proclamations regarding "freedom" and "corporate greed". In reality however he is simply a maladjusted petty thief with delusions of grandeur.

Alignment: Heel, but smark favorite.

Wrestling Style: Cowardly, Doe prefers to attack from the shadows and will bail from any direct assault. If forced into a direct confrontation Doe will undoubtedly resort to any dirty tactic he can think of.

Entrance Music:

John Doe enters flanked by his "legion". He enters alongside a swarm on identically dressed, similar featured males. As he gets closer to the ring members of this swarm peel away and retreat backstage until only John Doe remains.

Finisher: DDoST

Guys, I'm hoping to figure out a card by Tuesday night at the latest so the apps will be allowed until then. I've already got Coco, MRC, Lee and Funkay as writers. Is there any one else who wants to volunteer for something to do with the show?

I've already got one match set in my mind and but if anyone has any special requests or ideas for matches/segments then please PM me.
Due to my hayfever draining me of all my energy, I won't be submitting an app for this, but I'm making Blade available for anyone who wants to use him.
Name: Broski Smith
Rep (name): Broski Smith

Gimmick: Former 3 sport(football, baseball, ultimate(frisbee)) at Florida University, and graduated with a 3.8 GPA, and took his credentials and great athletic skills to pro-wrestling. Very cocky; loves to rub his accolades into everyone's face.
Alignment: Heel(everywhere except for Gainesville, Florida)
Wrestling Style: Very fast paced, uses his amazing athleticism to his advantage.
Entrance Music:[YOUTUBE]rxEPFe-WQuI[/YOUTUBE]
Entrance: Walks out in his Florida Gators jacket and sunglasses; walks down the ring with lots of swag, also has a very cocky grin on his face.
Finisher: THE KICK!!!!(Super Bicycle kick)
I dont have a match for ya at the moment as the card was set last night.

But I am expecting another WZCW member to apply in a couple of days and we can have you two face off. If not then I will RP against you.

The card will be announced............later today.
This is our roster for this first ever WZCW All Stars show.

Jax Sax...Phoenix...face
Masked Knight...Zero...face
Mr Thatguy...Agony...face
Triple O-G...Kinghustla...heel
Sandy Deserts...Falkon...face
Action Saxton...Lee...tweener
Colby Congo...Miko...face
William Teach...MRC...face
John Doe...Gelgarin...heel

And this is the card:

Erik vs S.H.I.T. vs Saboteur vs Mr That Guy
Petrol vs John Doe
Japan vs Sandy Deserts
Masked Knight vs Nemesis
Blayto and Triple O G vs William Teach and Jared
Colby Congo vs Kaster
Action Saxton vs Jax Sax

Boards will be up soon, with a weeks deadline. There are no set rules or structures. But the rules of the forum still apply so no flaming etc, you can RP as many times as you like and best RP wins.
I dont have a match for ya at the moment as the card was set last night.

But I am expecting another WZCW member to apply in a couple of days and we can have you two face off. If not then I will RP against you.

The card will be announced............later today.

All good, thanks for letting me in at least.
If Petrol doesn't kick the ever-loving shit out of me I am going to be extremely disappointed.
The ultimate superhero against the ultimate supervillain! What more could you ask for?

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