WZ vs The other guys

Let's pretend it was a forum I didn't like, and it was a heated dispute.

The five best would be:

Mighty NorCal
Disco Inferno

Alternates would be Uncle Shocky, OneBigWill and Slim Pickns, and our specialist would be HBK-aholic.

This team would be the complete team. If Xfear posted anymore, he'd be on here as well. But, we got history, we got WWE, TNA, ROH, and women's wrestling. We'd be a little weak in general Indy wrestling and international wrestling, but with our starting lineup, we'd be MORE than able to bullshit our way around that.

This would be the WZ Dream Team.
LOL, Sly loves Disco, you did see Boogie Knights in the tag tourney
I did. It's a pity you had to include Alex Wright to have Disco.

And, Disco would TOTALLY rule in one of those things. All he does is pick fights with posters anyways, and he obviously is a MUCH better source on all things TNA.

Disco would rule.
Why not turn this idea into a reality and have an actual war? It would be more interesting than talking about one.
Hmm, interesting question. I would have to say that my team would include vets.

First Team:
Sly, Me, Jake, Norcal, Will.

Second Team:
Monkey, Shockey, Sparky, Blaze, Shago

If the first team fails in any way, the job of the second team is to slaughter the survivors and to annihilate the enemy.
I hardly even consider him part of this place. Although for him to not get paid to keep coming in here does say something for him.
I highly doubt that he comes on here for free. He must have better things to do. After all, he IS Disco Inferno...
Yeah. There's got to be a foreign tour for him to open for somewhere. You know Brooklyn Brawler and Maven need an act to warm up the crowd for their main event.
IC25 would be our leader. With NorCal, Will, Becca and Shocky right behind him.

Thats an unstoppable force right there.
If they start going all indy on us let me step in.I'll shut the ROH fan boys up.:headbanger:

Team should be-
IC25,Jake,Polley,KB and Shango(just to annoy the forum).

And if all else fails just post rick roll and porn all over the place.lawlz.
Nice thread. I'd have to go with this as the logical line-up.

Leader: IrishCanadian25 -- He's defeated Sly before in debates. I haven't actually seen it, but I heard about it. Rumor or not, even with someone saying Sly's been defeated the one doing it has to be considered "the" best.

2nd in Command: Uncle Shocky -- Without a doubt he's a vet. who knows his stuff. I'm personally shocked that Shocky and Sly haven't faced off in a debate. And if they have, I'd very much like to see it.

Rounding Out: (in no order) Mighty NorCal -- To be honest, I wouldn't pick NorCal because of his debating skills, or his in-depth knowledge because he honestly has gaps. He'll admit that himself, since he missed portions of Pro Wrestling. However I'd want him going to battle for us, because he's very emotional in the understanding that he'll tear into someone and break them down. He won't have to win a debate by logic, so much as he could via just making them feel like their opinions are worthless.

Slyfox -- Arguably one of the best debaters I've ever seen on this forum, much less I'd assume any other. Sly's very mysterious in his personal life. (meaning he's posing as a 12 yr. old boy, and not much is known about him) However this isn't a "pick your most talked to friend" war.. so Sly is definately not to be left out. He's beaten the best, and has an ego to back it up. The funny thing about it.. it's not him being cocky, so much as confident.

Jake -- Now to be honest, I'm sure I could find anyone other than Jake to be a strong debater. But why go to war with 5 great debaters, when we could take 4 and a wildcard? Jake has a way to make anything you say sound stupid and pointless. Hell, I wouldn't be a bit surprised if Jake could even make Sly look like a fool, if it hasn't been done already.

That'd be my top 5.
We should just make them read Will's posts. They will probably look at the size of it and give up.

If they were great posters, the like's of Sly, Shocky or Irish.. they wouldn't. They'd read them, and lick their chops because they'd have even more to pick apart and try proving me wrong with.

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