WZ Posters Tournament Sign Up/General Discussion

BAW GAWD!!! you rigged the results of the greatest tournament of the planet. You sir, deserve to be in the deepest pit of hell.

Also, you voted for yourself, so that's pretty bad.

How would I possibly do that?

And who else would I vote for?
Sheesh grandpa

Well, I never!!! You young whipper snapper with your hip hop music and your Cenation and your gender confusion - wouldn't have gotten this disrespect back in my day when we respected our elders! And to think, I used to think that Canadians were such nice polite people!
Can I go ahead & request the upgrades to my lair now or do I have to wait until after the coronation ceremony? I'm thinking something like this:


Maybe even with a nice throne for the library. You know, something slightly intimidating & ominous.

Still don't know what we're voting for (or against), but an esteemed forum member just IM'd and said he'd be my slave forever if I signed up.

That was too much to resist; please add my name.
Can I go ahead & request the upgrades to my lair now or do I have to wait until after the coronation ceremony? I'm thinking something like this:


Maybe even with a nice throne for the library. You know, something slightly intimidating & ominous.


Soo the party is at your lair? I'll inform Spidey and Dirk.

So this person wants to be a slave on top of losing?

Sally has some crazy power over men.
All right, I think that'll do it. We have 54 competitors at this point. I think I will just fil it with random names so that we have 64.

Applications Closed
All right, I think that'll do it. We have 54 competitors at this point. I think I will just fil it with random names so that we have 64.

Let me guess... Oncewalker, DEADMAN'SNUMBAONEFAN, Game Rage, Prowrestlingfan, and Stonecoldhell?

Basically a whose, who of terrible.
I filled it with actual posters who aren't really around any more. I have made the bracket and boy is it juicy.

I'm going to send it to KB and then we can hopefully get this show on the road.
Soo the party is at your lair? I'll inform Spidey and Dirk.

Figured we would have more space there, if that's cool with you guys. Got a great deal from this creepy real estate agent Skel E. Tor. It's inside somewhere called Snake Mountain. Pretty secluded so we wont have to worry about neighbors if we get too crazy. Bring a jacket though, it's oddly cold even though we are surrounded by a moat filled with molten lava. I'll send you the GPS coordinates & leave the drawbridge down for ya.
I filled it with actual posters who aren't really around any more. I have made the bracket and boy is it juicy.

I'm going to send it to KB and then we can hopefully get this show on the road.

Orton Pose is going to win the end-of-year user name contest again, so he might as well be in this thing.

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