WZ members cameo appearance in "Division Blade" video game

Dagger Dias

One Winged Admin
Staff member
So, for those who still don't know, I've been designing my own turn based RPG video game called Division Blade. It's basically done at this point other than final touching up such as looking for glitches/typos and adding in some extra secret content. That's where this thread comes into the picture.

I handpicked a dozen of my buddies from our forum to participate in a tribute to our forum within my game. There is a parody of WWE in the game (Jellasto Wrestling Federation, or JWF for short) and there is a fan forum being run by some guys inside a stadium. Each of them was given a name and graphic based off their real counterpart, who all get to say they got to be in a video game. None of them are playable, but each of the 12 do get to serve a purpose. Talking to one of them will level up one of the 12 heroes, if you find this secret room. Each levels up a different character, and this can only be done once. So once all 12 heroes have been levelled up by one of the forum people, it can't be done again. The older members might recognize some of these graphics from last year....

Here's who gets to be a part of this, and which of the 12 heroes they can level up (only works once) if talked to.

Dave levels up Dagger the swordsman.

Lee levels up Clinic the mechanic.

Doc levels up Marsh the sorceror.

IC levels up Kay the arbiter.

D-Man levels up Fay the anticlone.

NorCal levels up Roy the warrior.

Becca levels up Lara the blade maiden.

JWGunslinger levels up Gunslinger the ranger.

Notorious levels up Roger the monk.

Theo levels up Zero the ninja summoner.

Stinger levels up Rosa the healer.

LSN levels up Trish the amazon.

So that's everyone. Now here's the room they are in. It's two screens wide, so two pics will cover it. The blonde in red robes is Kay, a playable character.


Next to the equipment in the top left corner is NorCal, Lee is on the bottom by the book, above Lee is Kay (a playable character), above Kay is Doc, to the right of Doc is Dave, D-Man's in the upper right corner, and IC is in the bottom right corner.


Theo is by the wine bottle, Stinger is at the desk, Becca is in the top left corner, JWGunslinger and Notorious are next to the piano (left of it and right of it respectively) and LSN is by the candle.

I was going to post everyone's individual graphic, but we can only do 10 images per post.

So here's how it works.... This is a secret room in the game, and thus completely optional to go to. If you find it, the 3 difficulty settings of the game also come into play. If you're playing on normal, each levels up a hero by 5. If you're playing on easy, they level up a hero depending on what their rep power on the forum is. For instance, NorCal would level up someone by 30+ while JWGunslinger would level up someone by 1. If you're playing on legendary, the most difficult setting, then the same rules for easy apply in reverse. A hero will LOSE the amount of levels equivalent to that person's current rep power. No matter what the difficulty setting, it only happens once. After that they simply talk to you, saying one line of text that they were programmed to say.

Enjoy WZ's cameo appearance in the video gaming world, my friends! :)
That is hella-awesome.

Thanks for adding me in there, buddy.
Also, what are you doing with this game? Are you releasing it to the public, so that I can buy it?
So. Fucking. Epic.

I also like that the triad is in the same room together. And that there is clearly a skeleton on the ground next to me
And that there is clearly a skeleton on the ground next to me

That's a guy who got bant for too many infractions. Hmmm.... Any awful posters who are gone now who that should be? Maybe Areoplex.

Also, what are you doing with this game? Are you releasing it to the public, so that I can buy it?

What I plan on doing is releasing two versions of it.

There's Division Blade Red: Special Edition, which is going to be free. It has a soundtrack that is tributes to all the games that inspired me (Final Fantasy 4, Zelda, Tales of Symphonia, Star Ocean 2, etc....) so for music ownership reasons it must be free. Although it has the better soundtrack, it will have some limitations compared to the original (which does not have a subtitle and is simply referred to as "Division Blade"). The differences are:

In the free version you can only play in Normal mode.
In the full version you can choose from Easy/Normal/Legendary.

In the free version you can only play as the 12 main characters.
In the full version there's 20 secret characters, giving you 32 total.

In the free version you have limited access to the ultimate equipment. Only 9 or so exist, to distribute between 12 heroes.
In the full version you do can buy as many as you can afford.

In the free version you do not have access to items that increase stats.
In the full version you can buy as many as you can afford.

The two versions are identical other than that. Both of them have 1,000 maps and will take anywhere from 40 to 90+ hours to beat depending on which difficulty setting you choose. The point of having two versions is to convince people to pay for the full version (which will probably still be reasonably cheap) to get the whole experience, even if DB Red has the better soundtrack. Red's has the potential to spread in popularity faster due to famous songs in it that fit their moments perfectly, giving my characters and story a good vehicle to be showcased in.

Release is still TBA (game development takes so much longer than one would think, especially for one this large) sometime later this year, hopefully. I am making sure there's absolutely nothing wrong with it before going public. It's close to that point though. ;)
Congrats man, everything looks amazing and well thought out. So, is this an actual product that will be sold in stores - or just online, through a privately ran website?

I know you said one version would be free, as well. Is this a cpu based game (only), or will it have platforms to run off of? Details man, details.

When will it be available? Is it completed, or are these just some early models of a product not fully completed yet?
Congrats man, everything looks amazing and well thought out. So, is this an actual product that will be sold in stores - or just online, through a privately ran website?

The full version is a legit product that I plan on selling. Division Blade Red, however, will be available through floating around online. That version's gonna be free. The full version I'm looking into developing it into an application for phones or facebook. Perhaps getting it onto X-Box Live, Wii's Virtual Console, or PS3's network would be pretty epic too. If it becomes huge enough, that's when I'd sell it in stores. I might start with the Game Stop's in Stephenville or Waco here in TX first and see from there. It's better to only sell locally first, to see what the demand is at. Count on both versions being downloadable at the beginning. I have the thought of running a website for it as well. That might be a simpler solution if X-Box Live or phone applications do not work out.

I know you said one version would be free, as well. Is this a cpu based game (only), or will it have platforms to run off of? Details man, details.

Yeah it's going to be PC. So far any version of Windows XP and Vista run it just fine, 7 should too as well as Linux but I haven't tested it there yet. Macs should be able to now that they are more compatible with PC's than they used to. The ultimate goal is to get it remade for PS3/Wii/360 or whatever the modern console becomes in the future. This is merely a demo and a prototype, but yet also fully playable for all of its 1,000 maps and 90 hours of monster killing. That way the original version will be around if a remake gets changed around too much.

When will it be available? Is it completed, or are these just some early models of a product not fully completed yet?

It's completed in the sense that I or any of my 30 beta testers can sit down to play it out in its entirety. We are making sure there's nothing wrong with it, or at the very least nothing that crashes it. So once we are done testing it, I will release it. I'm done with my test, so the other guys are running theirs while I look into release routes. Fingers are crossed for this fall, but I can't promise that yet. I'm taking this very seriously, since it gets released online everywhere in the world all at once and could get my foot in the door to develop games as more than a hobby.
Why are you giving the free version the fancy title? Won't people see the fancy title and associate it with better features, especially since it's called a "special edition"?
The original came first, thus I felt it did not need a subtitle. I can see your logic here though. I might swap it to where the original is called Special Edition, or have one of the guys on my staff come up with a good subtitle since I cannot think of any at the moment.
Yeah, you should call the one that has more features "Special edition". Or better yet, just make "Division Blade Free" and the full version "Division Blade", with the free version having teasers of the new features on the main menu, for example the ability to go to the difficulty select screen but you can't click on anything but normal or a box telling you about the cool features the paid edition has.
the free version having teasers of the new features on the main menu, for example the ability to go to the difficulty select screen but you can't click on anything but normal or a box telling you about the cool features the paid edition has.

Way ahead of you. The free version will have textboxes popping up saying things along the lines of "Sorry, but this is unavailable. Please purchase the full version to find out what this does" if you try to play as a secret character or purchase an ultimate weapon, etc. The more of those I add in, the more appealing buying the full version is.
I as well feel honored to be added to your game. i cant imagine the time and effort this took. Im looking forward to the release of it, especially so I can receive my royalty check for being the featured character in it.;)

Oh wait, Im just in an optional room? Well, there has to be some money in that too, right?

All kidding aside, this is phenomenal. I cannot imagine how much time and effort this took. I know its been a long time, since we've been talking about it virtually since I joined here. Kudos my friend.

Why am I surrounded by candles? It's like I'm in my own, candlelit love shack. You know me so well.
YES!! You even got the hat down! Thanks a ton Dagger, really appriciate being included. It looks great, good stuff! :worship:
"You must spread some Reputation before giving it to Dagger Dias again." :(

I'm honored to say that I'm gonna be in a video game. Much appreciated, my friend! I'm so stoked for this.
Why am I surrounded by candles? It's like I'm in my own, candlelit love shack. You know me so well.


It's actually wine glasses, although they do look like candles kinda. You've been out partying to celebrate a successful gig with Liquid Courage, of course!

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