WZ Big Brother Season 1

☮ Spidey ✌;4943229 said:
Someone should make a Jury thread so nightmare and A11 can just have at it while the remaining players watch with popcorn and pickles.
If by 'have at it' you mean nightmare talk about his beastiality fantasies and pass them off as someone else's, sure. As I said I'm trying to just sit back and see how the rest of the game plays out so i can give my jury vote.


I think I know why you are though.

I legitimately got upset when you 'wiped your ass' with the american flag. I sent you a polite PM saying it wasn't cool and you came back with a snippy comment along the lines of 'you didn't bitch and complain so I guess I'll stop'

you've been taking pot shots at me every chance you get since.

that sound about right?
No not really

I dont really do potshots, I just hurl continual abuse. But feel free to quote what you think was a potshot.

'you didn't bitch and complain so I guess I'll stop'
Thats what happened you didnt bitch and complain at me, you politely told me why you were offended. I understood and stopped.

Again, I'd like to stress (to nightmare in particularly), I'm just gonna sit on my laptop and see how the game plays out
JAM CENA said:
Instructions: BOLD your answers. DON'T just send me letters. If you send me letters, I won't count your entry. So please copy and paste the questionnaire and simply bold your answers okay? Thanks!

1. Which wrestler appears at the end of the boxing movie Requiem For A Heavyweight?

A. Freddie Blassie
B. Haystacks Calhoun
C. Gorgeous George
D. Don Leo Jonathan

2. Which tag team had the heaviest announced combined weight in wrestling history?

A. Natural Disasters
B. Big Show and Kane
C. McGuire Twins
D. Hollys

3. Who trained Mickey Rourke for his role in The Wrestler?

A. Afa Ano'ai
B. Al Snow
C. Les Thatcher
D. Johnny Rodz

4. Which wrestler performed under the name of Who?

A. Brutus Beefcake
B. Charles Wright (Godfather)
C. Jimmy Del Ray
D. Jim Neidhart

5. How are Mike Awesome and Hulk Hogan related?

A. They aren't.
B. Hogan is Awesome's step father.
C. Hogan is Awesome's distant cousin.
D. Hogan is Awesome's uncle.

6. The Last Battle of Atlanta is considered the inspiration for what future gimmick match?

A. Ladder match
B. Hell in a Cell
D. Casket match

7. The Tupelo Concession Stand Brawl took place where?

A. A concession stand in Tupelo
B. In an alley outside the arena
C. Jerry Lawler's kitchen
D. The catering area

8. Who holds the record for the most combined days as Intercontinental Champion?

A. Chris Jericho
B. Tito Santana
C. Honky Tonk Man
D. Pedro Morales

Sure let me get them
hyourinmaru said:
1. Which wrestler appears at the end of the boxing movie Requiem For A Heavyweight?

A. Freddie Blassie
B. Haystacks Calhoun
C. Gorgeous George
D. Don Leo Jonathan

2. Which tag team had the heaviest announced combined weight in wrestling history?

A. Natural Disasters
B. Big Show and Kane
C. McGuire Twins
D. Hollys

3. Who trained Mickey Rourke for his role in The Wrestler?

A. Afa Ano'ai
B. Al Snow
C. Les Thatcher
D. Johnny Rodz

4. Which wrestler performed under the name of Who?

A. Brutus Beefcake
B. Charles Wright (Godfather)
C. Jimmy Del Ray
D. Jim Neidhart

5. How are Mike Awesome and Hulk Hogan related?

A. They aren't.
B. Hogan is Awesome's step father.
C. Hogan is Awesome's distant cousin.
D. Hogan is Awesome's uncle.

6. The Last Battle of Atlanta is considered the inspiration for what future gimmick match?

A. Ladder match
B. Hell in a Cell
D. Casket match

7. The Tupelo Concession Stand Brawl took place where?

A. A concession stand in Tupelo
B. In an alley outside the arena
C. Jerry Lawler's kitchen
D. The catering area

8. Who holds the record for the most combined days as Intercontinental Champion?

A. Chris Jericho
B. Tito Santana
C. Honky Tonk Man
D. Pedro Morales
I thought the answer to the announced weight question was a trick question regarding a slip up on a Smackdown announcing the Holly's at some crazy heavy weight but turns out I was the one tricked :p

Other than that and the obvious mike awesome confusion I got them right except for the Brutus beefcake question where I may have left it blank haha
I would but I cleared my inbox a few hours ago. I'm pretty sure I got Hogan/Awesome wrong. I should've taken the method I learned from one of my teachers in high school, when in doubt guess C.

I almost picked the Hollys thinking it was a trick but went with my gut...and my teacher.
I just wanted to tell you guys that only two votes were sent in. But since 2 is the majority of the votes already, I'll go ahead and post the results. I'll only do this because KB is kind of in a tight schedule. I'm not sure when he'll be away. Also, if you guys didn't know, he'll be running the HOH challenge which will hopefully be posted after this post in a bit. So yeah, I hope you guys understand. Here are the results.

You are evicted from the game....
Thriller! Thriller stands from his seat not looking surprised at the results of the votes. He gives each houseguest a handshake and wishes them the best of the luck for the rest of the game. Before he leaves, he salutes the houseguests and makes his exit.
Up next is the HOH post from KB. KB will be running that challenge so all your questions will be going towards KB, not me. Congratulations to the top 5!
Huh, Thriller didn't strike me as the type to salute people. Also...


This is the part where Jam normally congratulates you but I would have no issue with you falling into a pit and being sold to nomadic Egyptians.

Your challenge is an old favorite game of mine called Guess the Wrestler. This is a basic idea and will test your wrestling knowledge and research skills. Here's the basic structure.

You'll be competing head to head (and head to head to head in one case) to guess a wrestler, title, or whatever else I pick as a category. The idea here is guessing the right answer in the fewest number of clues. Whoever is going first will be able to make the first bid and say the number of clues they'll need to guess the answer. Their opponent can then either offer a lower bid or tell the person to guess. Once someone is told to guess, they'll be given the number of clues they bid and have one chance to guess the answer. If they're right they get a point but if they're wrong, the other person gets a point. First to three points wins.

An illustration should help a lot in this case.

KB: The category is WWE Hall of Famers.

Player A: I can guess the Hall of Famer in 8 clues.

Player B: I can guess the Hall of Famer in 7 clues.

Player A: 5 clues.

Player B: Do it.

KB: Here are your clues.

1. Won at least three World Titles.
2. Won Slammys in three decades.
3. Once had a fellow Hall of Famer as a manager.
4. Has won in the main event of each of the Big Four pay per views.
5. Popularized a finishing move.

Answer: Shawn Michaels.

Now here's the thing: just because your answer is correct, doesn't mean that it's the right answer. If you go all the way down to one clue, your clue might be:

Once had a fellow Hall of Famer as a manager.

There are at least a dozen wrestlers that could fill that requirement. The more clues you have, the better your chance at getting this right, so you'll need some gaming strategy to play.

Since there are five people, the first round will be one group of three and one group of two. For the sake of time, the group of three will be playing to two points instead of three. The winners of each group advance to the finals.

Are there any questions?

Here are your pairings:

Rated R Enigma


This game needs to get going fast so if you take more than a reasonable amout of time to guess (I won't be unfair), you lose your turn.

Remaining Houseguests
Rated R Enigma
Group of three, your topic is WWE Hall of Famers. Enigma will be going first.

Group of two, your topic is Wrestlemanias. Spidey will be going first.

You guys can do your bidding until I'm here. All you'll need me for is the clues and the answer.
The fast thing could be a bit of an issue unless you're willing to give me a big space this night - I go to sleep in 4 or so hours and I have a football game to play at 9 am, after that it's like 12pm here so there's a period of 17 hours where I'm gonna be on once in the morning before I leave for football
Fiiiiiiiiiine I'll stay awake long enough for at least the first round to be complete
Anyone interested in posting their answers? I'm curious to see what got people.

I answered the Brutus Beefcake was Who, because I knew he wrestled as the Man with No Name. I had no idea about Neidhart's gimmick change. I'm guessing you were hoping to trip people up with that?
"I guess I'll guess in 7?" M says as he says goodnight to the rest of the housemates who made him sit up until 3AM to do that. grrrrrrrrrrrr :p

I'll be in to wake you up with pots and pans in a half hour, gotta tire out the competition for the veto!
Spidey roams the house in search of Jamia Chen.

Where did you go, Jamia Chen? Why have you left us?

Some wrestling fanatic has taken over HoH comps. We are all scared.

Please come back. I'll only call you Satan every other day. Deal?

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