Wyatt Theme To Be Played At Mania?

Live bands playing entrance themes at Wrestlemania always suck. I don't know why anybody thinks it's a good idea,
It was good compared to the others I guess.

I am detesting this Wyatt entrance music idea now.
I think it could work great. Bray Wyatt wrestling in Louisiana against John Cena! The arena is going to boo the crap out of Cena. I think it's going to be pretty awesome seeing the Wyatts coming out with the band playing and the audience clapping. Of course lighting and all would have to be appropriate.

I think one thing that is the Beauty of Bray's character is that if the audience startes clapping to the music and getting behind him, then it's ok. Bray's gimmick is some what of a cult leader. His whole deal is getting followers to follow him. He wouldn't have to start acting like a face. People that follow him will cheer and those who don't will boo. It will be just like the original nWo. People wore the shirts and cheered them, and they were still the baddest heels in wrestling.

I think Bray Wyatt and Daniel Bryan will both have huge huge moments on that night.
It was good compared to the others I guess.

I am detesting this Wyatt entrance music idea now.

Me too. It's going to be lame as fuck.

Lights go out. Bray Wyatt comes on the Titantron and says "We're here".

Crowd simultaneously thinks "No shit Einstien, a band has been setting up to play your entrance music for the last fifteen minutes"
I like the idea... Its pretty cool to see a band performing the entrance theme song of a wrestler. The only time I disliked it was during the Rock vs Cena match; both performances sucked just as much as the match.
Cult of Personality happened because Living Colour was touring in the area. Didn't make sense otherwise to have it, since it's such a funky song and Punk was playing the heeliest heel at the time.

"Live in fear" shits itself the moment the thrid chord hits.
People talk about the suspension of disbelief and ruining the mystique....but what about the fact that he uses a Twitter account?! That's what really got me.
I have hated the existence of his Twitter handle forever.

He also had a t Shirt that said FOLLOW THE BUZZARDS around SSlam.

I learnt to be ok with all that coz Bray is cool, maybe this will be more of the same.
What would be a lot creepier than the goat masks is if he wore a mask of his opponent. Like during the match between Bray and Cena at WM30, Rowan stood at ringside wearing a mask that looks like he skinned Cena's face off and put it on. Or even a smiling Cena mask I suppose.
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What would be a lot creepier than the goat masks is if he wore a mask of his opponent. Like during the match between Bray and Cena at WM30, Rowan stood at ringside wearing a mask that looks like he skinned Cena's face off and put it on. Or even a smiling Cena mask I suppose.

This would be freaky and as a bonus Cena merchandise sales would triple. The kids love masks.
The match is going to suck hard. So I suggest giving them a jobber entrance. Cena is in the ring, lights go out for a minute, something flashes on the titantron, then you see that lantern hovering in the ring, the light gets blown out, all three attack Cena to start the match at a frenetic pace.
As cool as it sounds...it doesnt fit his mysterious character to walk to the ring with a live performance of your theme. Just doesnt seem right.

Come to think of it...all live performances at a wrestling event suck dick.

Bray just better fn win

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