

Excellence of Execution
He has been placed in the Prison for crimes against Intelligence, as well as having Racist pictures and creating Alternate Accounts.

Your new Prison name is "I Want to Suck Obama Off". Your sentence will last as long as I say it will.
Oh yes yes yes yes yes yes.

Please keep us filled in on the outcome of your stalking and general emotional scarring of this girl you "like".
hahahahahaha omfg I'm laughing my fucking ass off right now. Ok, I know that's not going to get me outta prison. Sorry. But hell, I'm just glad nobody saw that sig I had 5 minutes before I changed it to the Obama pic, it mighta be more offensive. I'm soo so sorry, I never EVVVER meant to offend anybody, expecilly the person I offended most by that picture, and I just want to clear things up with him, I had no idea you had recently posted that picture Gd, I got it from my little racist friend.

And I'm mostly sorry for making Alts, I didn't know the first time about the alt, and the second time was kinda my fault.

I'm just glad, I thought you deleated my account, because I tried logging in last night, to see if you perm banned me (thank god you didn't), and the pass was invalid, but it couldn't be invalid, because I use opera wand for my passwords.

Well, now i'm in prison..just like my old man...though...he's in a much worse prison...though he does get better lunches then I do at school....

Thanks for not like banning me, I re-read the rules, And I can assure you, I will not post any offensive sigs, nor will make an alternative account now, or if I am for some reason banned in the future. Or any of the other important rules you have.

And btw, My girl wasn't at school today....some ugly chick sat in her seat at lunch...I was really disappointed.
JicKie "FalKon" Mames;1694891 said:
Now starts the long road to rehabilitation. I suggest you save as many cigarette's as possible.

Oo, Rehabilitation is one of my vocabulary words for this week. I have my test tomorrow I think.
I'm sure I was more offended by your sig than, you know, and actual African American man.
He's the one that drove me away from The Squad

Yeah, I'm sorry about that. It looked like a fun group. Blame it on the new leader, Macca, He's the one that wanted me to join, I think it was all his master plan. Wish he'd come down for a vist here, I'd love to talk to him....

Hey, what time is dinner here? I need a schedule, Shower times, lunch?

Do you guys have Count to? I hope you have better food then my School serves. Today for lunch, We had Rubber cheeseburgers, but not just any regular Rubber cheeseburgers, Double Rubber cheeseburgeres, Yay! And they come with a toy! The burger itself is a toy! Toys bounce..my burger bounced...It's a toy.

I read that Macca nominated me for Moderator...too bad I didn't make it...

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