WWE's Plot To Own The Entirety Professional Wrestling

As long as you have the ability to change the channel and watch something else the WWE is not a monopoly. Neither is the NFL, NBA or NHL. The WWE does have competition, it's called other television shows, live concerts, sporting events etc.
Is this a joke of a post?

It's called cornering the market? Why would they pass up everything that you highlighted? When you own a business, isn't your end goal to be dominate in that market? I just don't understand why you have a problem with their business tactics?

Are people complaining about WWE now, just cause?

He is exposing what worst wrestling excrement is and how they are ruining the sport of wrestling for yesteryears and how they are using loopholes so wwe don t get taxed and humiliating wrestlers calling them performers or superstars rather than the loose term wrestlers and how they want to wipe out the entire market so us fans can get bored and stuck with them but of course there is UFC to which this day I hope Dana White buys wwe out cause I cannot stand this excremental product I lost respect and admiration for decades and more lol . You disgust me with your ignorance why should wwe dominate the market and not allow wrestling fans the choice of what we want to watch rather than suffer with this crappy circus superbowl wannabee product?
To what end are you rambling on about WWE being a big evil company?

Guess what. Things happen outside of your bedroom. Companies make money, and rich old men become more rich. That's how the world works.

There's a reason you're here crying about WWE buying up talent, and not some pissant promotion from the territory days.

So basically your useless and ignorant answer is cater to the rich and screw the poor its a flow let's follow it what can we do? Why should rich dirty stinking old men have all the money and not young hardworking men that always get stepped over? I am sure you are enjoying living in your parents basement lol
He is exposing what worst wrestling excrement is and how they are ruining the sport of wrestling for yesteryears and how they are using loopholes so wwe don t get taxed and humiliating wrestlers calling them performers or superstars rather than the loose term wrestlers and how they want to wipe out the entire market so us fans can get bored and stuck with them but of course there is UFC to which this day I hope Dana White buys wwe out cause I cannot stand this excremental product I lost respect and admiration for decades and more lol . You disgust me with your ignorance why should wwe dominate the market and not allow wrestling fans the choice of what we want to watch rather than suffer with this crappy circus superbowl wannabee product?

They aren't using loopholes to not pay taxes. They said they weren't a legitimate sport to not have to pay taxes that a legitimate sport would have to pay. Totally different story. And of course they did that, by the time they did that pretty much everyone knew it wasn't a legit sport anyway so why pay taxes you shouldn't have to. As far as them not allowing us the choice to watch what we want what the hell are you talking about. TNA NJPW Lucha Underground and ROH all have national tv right now. There's actually more non WWE on tv, in America anyway, than there is WWE. There's more non WWE on tv now than there was during the Monday night wars. If you are a wrestling fan but not a WWE fan as far as tv goes there's probably never been a better time to be a fan.
So basically your useless and ignorant answer is cater to the rich and screw the poor its a flow let's follow it what can we do? Why should rich dirty stinking old men have all the money and not young hardworking men that always get stepped over? I am sure you are enjoying living in your parents basement lol
Because young hardworking men that always get stepped over haven't realized that working as labor necessarily limits them to what their employer provides, while rich old men (who typically have very large showers and aren't likely to be dirty or stinking, unless that is a personal preference) have been working on the supply side, creating demand for a product that then requires labor to produce. Labor happens to be incredibly plentiful, so much so that we often have problems with there not being enough jobs for all the people that want them. People who are able to invent and create are somewhat less plentiful.

TL;DR, the Marxist theory of labor-added value is bullshit, but it's the new opiate of the masses.
I am going to play along with this post. While i am a WWE Fan, I pretty much agree with what you said. A lot of people on here are saying that WWE is in the right for doing this. Well even if that is the case, the business as a whole should not be made to suffer because of the desire to be the best by one company. I feel that the business as a whole suffers because of one being either at the top, or being at the top in a manner that holds everyone else down. The business as a whole benefits when there are multiple options that wrestlers can apply their trade in, and fans can be a fan of.

It is sort of like college athletics. ESPECIALLY COLLEGE FOOTBALL! Everyone raves about The Southeastern Conference. Everyone says that the best players come from there. What people do not understand is that there are other highly lauded conferences out there. The others are:

1. The Pac 12

2. The Big 12

3. The Big Ten

4. The ACC

You have great players coming out of those conferences just like you do with The SEC. In fact, you can say the greatest NFL Quarterback of all time did not come out of The SEC. He came out of The Big Ten. His name is Tom Brady. Perhaps the greatest defensive end in the NFL today did not come out of The SEC, He came out of The Big Ten as well. His name is JJ Watt.

College Football does best when you have great successful conferences throughout the game, not just one great one dominating the game in such a fashion that it looks like everyone else is inferior. College Football would suffer under a one conference ruling system, and Professional Wrestling is suffering because of a one company ruling system.

I totally agree with your post. I love The WWE, but we need the business AS A WHOLE TO GROW! Not just one company.
He is exposing what worst wrestling excrement is and how they are ruining the sport of wrestling for yesteryears and how they are using loopholes so wwe don t get taxed and humiliating wrestlers calling them performers or superstars rather than the loose term wrestlers and how they want to wipe out the entire market so us fans can get bored and stuck with them but of course there is UFC to which this day I hope Dana White buys wwe out cause I cannot stand this excremental product I lost respect and admiration for decades and more lol . You disgust me with your ignorance why should wwe dominate the market and not allow wrestling fans the choice of what we want to watch rather than suffer with this crappy circus superbowl wannabee product?

Haha do you use the word "excremental" in every post, as well as your user name to sound smart?

The fact that I "disgust" you for pointing out that WWE is doing nothing wrong is hilarious. When WWE sees someone like Styles or Owens or Nakumura do you think they say "you know what, those other promotions like ROH or TNA deserve some stars. I am going to not sign them, and let other promotions take advantage or their success" ? NO. Go find me a business that isn't going to do everything they can to have the best possible employees and talent. Running a business is a competition. It is up to the other promotions to do something about the WWE leading the charge, and it is not up to WWE to help other promotions gain stars and grow as large as WWE is. :banghead:

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