Technical Wrestling and Professional Wrestling


Pre-Show Stalwart
I couldn't find a better place to start this thread.

Some people especially Cena haters(No offense to anyone please don't take it personal) think that wrestling is seperated into two areas.Being a real wrestler in their logic like Hart,Benoit,Angle or being an entertainer like Cena,Batista,Rock and they think real wrestlers(Just because they're technical) superior to them.If wrestling was a legit sport you would be %100 percent right but in reality it's fake sport so being athletic is not the only factor to make you a great wrestler but it is not true at least since the Hulkamania era.Being a good worker means doing what you're supposed to do and a wrestler is supposed to make crowd watch himself to make some money for the company that wrestler is working on.That's whole purpose of a wrestler.

Professional wrestling is not a legit sport but has so many styles for wrestlers and technical is one of them and interestingly least populer of them in WWE crowd right now.So why would Batista do a chain wrestling.It's not his style.In this logic Bret Hart must do the moves Bourne is doing right now.I don't know who teached people technical wrestling is what makes a real wrestler.I can't understand what makes that style so special.If you find someone laying on the mat for 20 minutes without doing anything else entertaining then you just pause the match and look for 20 minutes to screen.It doesn't make any difference for me.Technical wrestling is not boring for me if it is a match like Benoit vs Angle but I find what some people find entertaining is boring(Punk vs Joe II If Meltzer really gave that match 5 star he should've been drunk when he was watching the match but it is for another thread)

You can ask me if we don't count how technical that match is for rating the match.How can we rate a match?It's simple it maybe is the lost art of wrestling storytelling,fast paced exciting action,great counters,can't ever predict until the end who will win.These things make a great match for me.Now nonsense laying down the mat for no reason.If you can make all these things that I've listed with one move then it doesn't matter how many moves you know your match is great.

All in all technical wrestling is one of the wrestling styles of wrestling.What makes a good wrestler is making people watch you because you're an entertainer so you should entertain people.Wrestling is a fake sport and that's why it doesn't matter how athletic,technical you are or how many moves you know.
Yeah, it's like some people never played Smackdown vs Raw 2008, dont they realise that technical wrestling is merely a wrestling style that has it's advantages and disadvantages the same as any other.

If someone's a good worker they are a good worker it's as simple as that, regardless of their style, or how many moves they know, it's about how entertaining you are to the masses, seeing how wrestling is a preditermined sport that is pretty much the only way to determine how good someone is.

John Cena's five moves of doom entertain me way more than some of the supposed clinics Kurt Angle has put on.

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