WWE without Cena or Orton

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Pre-Show Stalwart
I posted this on a reply to another post, but just wanted to see what you guys thought.

With the state of WWE at this moment, and I am not wishing bad on anybody, what if Cena or Orton would get injured or need time off after Capitol Punishment? Right now there are too many heels on both brands RAW (Miz, Del Rio, Truth, Punk) and Smack Down (Christian, Sheamus, Henry, Barrett) but who are even the number 2 faces and has anyone even been built to be the least bit believeable in the main event of a pay per view? On Raw Jerry Lawler could arguably be the second biggest face but as far as active talent it would go to Alex Riley or Kofi Kingston, not knocking them but next month would you buy a PPV headlined by Miz and Riley for the title or Alberto Del Rio vs. Kofi Kingston for the title. On Smack Down it seems to be worse. After Orton Big Zeke, Sin Cara or Daniel Bryan seems to be the second biggest and once again would you buy a PPV headlined by Sheamus vs. Sin Cara or Mark Henry vs. Ezekial Jackson? It seems nothing has been planned ahead and nobody has taken into consideration what happens without Orton or Cena. They could always call on Triple H or Taker to step in and take the reigns on either show in this case, but would it make sense? All this building of these new guys then Triple H or Taker come in and kill any steam they would have. What do you guys think?
happens without Orton or Cena. They could always call on Triple H or Taker to step in and take the reigns on either show in this case, but would it make sense? All this building of these new guys then Triple H or Taker come in and kill any steam they would have. What do you guys think?

There's no way in hell that Taker can work full time anymore even if it's just for a few months. The only time we'll probably see him anymore aside from special matches or appearances is WrestleMania season.

As to the question: WWE would be in big trouble. They wouldn't lose any viewers to TNA or stuff like that but people would just tune out entirely. They desperately need to build new faces.
Breaking it down the way you did really shows the state they're in. I hear people all the time saying how WWE is finally pushing the younger talent and making new stars. I'd like to see how many of those people would pay nearly 40 bucks to watch R-Truth vs Alex Riley for the WWE Title. Just because these other talents are getting some TV time and rubbing elbows with the Cena's and Orton's, doesn't make them actual SUPERSTARS that the company can depend on. Now I'll give the devil his due, Miz is a superstar. I don't like him, never have.. but WWE did a good job on that one. CM Punk is obviously a superstar, but they don't use him as such. Now the others, Alberto Del Rio, Kofi Kingston, Sheamus, Sin Cara, Daniel Bryan, Mark Henry, Ezekiel Jackson, etc.. tell me how any of these guys are better off then when they debuted? I mean ADR went from winning the Royal Rumble and headlining Mania, to a bunch of boring promo's and whats sure to be a terrible program with the Big Show. Kofi's rockin the same lame gimmick and just carrying belts for fucks sake, and Sheamus went from main eventer on RAW, to just a prop with name value on Smackdown. Even guys like Drew McIntyre, Dolph Ziggler, and Jack Swagger who at one time looked destined for greatness have fallen off COMPLETELY! Usually I have some kind of "solution" in my head, or plan of attack. But man I just don't know how they can solve this problem.
I can see the wwe pulling it off with losing on of the two but damn both would be a terrible circumstance. It would show just how shitty the wwe is at booking their lower talent! As stated above Sheamus is wasted, ADR is watsed, Kofi is wasted and so on and so forth! The Miz being a superstar is not yet in fact true until we see how this Alex Riley bout goes. If the Miz can successfully bring up Riley, which so far so good, then will have some saving grace in those two! Lets hope for the best!! WWE needs to stop being so damn smothering to their lower talent and let them freaking breath!!!

Lets have some matches we havent seen before and lets get guys like SinCara, Sheamus,McIntyre,Swagger,Kingston,Punk,and hell even Ziggler get some real damn exposure!!!!! I would love to see Cara Swagger Punk and Sheamus in the full time title picture after summerslam but as on late this is just god damn pipe dreaming.
There are certainly many ways to build a face:

1) Turn a heel. Classic route. If a heel does a very good job at being heel, people will start cheering for him. It may prompt the bookers to turn him face. I SERIOUSLY hope that The Miz will follow Randy Orton and Triple H in this path SOON;

2) Mid-card elevation. Put him in a program with a very hateable heel, give him character and aggression, and let him run with it. Too bad Kofi Kingston did not get his due. Jack Swagger could have turned face by leaving Michael Cole, but they blew it as well.

3) Tag team split. Well, doesn't apply since the WWE does not have any famous tag teams at the moment;

4) Underdog. Simply effective ...
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