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WWE: Who would you like to see debut or return in the company


City Dweller, Successful Fella
My personal choice would be Sting. He is one of the main wrestlers I can think of who never was under contract with WWE, and was always a super star I enjoyed to watch. I've also personally wanted to see a match between him and The Undertaker, that would be awesome.

Even if it was a very short term contract and he was aloud to leave after a few months, as long as I got the match I wanted out of it and he worked some good matches.

Unfortunately this late in his career (this year maybe his last year wrestling) He will just finish off the year in TNA and then retire and we may see some odd appearances by "The Icon" after retirement.

Anyway what superstar that isnt under WWE contract would like to see debut with company and/or return to the company. This is your choice so be creative :)
In all honesty if this was at least 10 years ago I would've said Sting without a doubt. I know this isn't his fault, but he's just lost a serious of steps over the last few years and to me it just ain't the same dude from back then (at least).

Now, who would I like to see debut or return...

I would like to see a return from RVD.

Now I know a lot of people don't like him and yadayadayada, but you can't deny that there is some appeal there after the pop he got at the Royal Rumble and from the Raw anniversary special a couple of years back.

If he was to come back I reckon in a worst case scenario that he could help pad out the US and/or IC title "area" (or ECW if he was to go back there).

Plus I'm just a fan of the guy, so it's something I'd like to see :)

Back to the Sting thing (hey that rhymes), I'm not that big of a fan of him anymore but I can't deny (to me at least) that it would be kind of neat as a fan to see Sting on a WWE show. To me it'd kinda be like him doing everything that there is to be done, or if you will it'd be like him completing his "journey".
I don't care how old he is, I would love to see Sting have a tenure in the WWE. It would be amazing to see him face any top star in the company. IMO, this is what keeps him from being mentioned with the greats. As for a return, I long to see Bobby Lashley come back into to frey. He was huge when he left, if he came back, he would be amazing.
This question comes up quite regularly and for as long as I can remember, I have always answered it the same way.

Kurt Angle.

I know, I know, he is getting on a bit now and cannot do some of the things that he could do, say 5 years ago. However, this guy is the greatest wrestler to ever get into the ring. he is also one of the finest talents to ever hold mike in the history of WWE. Try and remember, if you will, some of the promos he had with a young tag-team by the name of Edge and Christian. They were absolutely hilarious for one and very entertaining to cap it all off.

However, these are not the reasons that I would like to see him come back. The main one is, think of all the great matches he could have. I also know that most of them have been done before but it would be so much different if Kurt Angle was to come back. Imagine the pop you would have if the Undertaker said he would be wrestling a mystery opponent at the next Wrestlemania. People think it's going to be someone like Morrison for example. Taker gets in the ring and a few seconds later, the Olympic chimes of Kurt Angle's music hits. Oh my God, that would be feckin epic. Add that to Michaels and Jericho and you have a winning formula right there.

The best reason to have him back is because WWE needs him as much as he needs WWE. Kurt has been slowly withering away on TNA and has not been the same man in terms of wrestling or promos. WWE needs a good heel to replace Edge at the minute and Angle needs to get off of TNA. WWE also needs someone who can properly wrestle because at the minute, only Swagger can really pull it off well.
One name that I would love to see back is Captain Charisma himself, Christian, errr oh wait, is he already back? Oh yeah, Vince just hates his guts so he is stuck in the Death Valley of Ecw, so scratch that idea.

On a more serious note, the name that comes to mind is the impossible one. Picture this, John Cena doesnt have an opponent going into Wrestlemania 26. He goes out to the ring to cut a promo, complaining somewhat about not being on the card..... and then... for one night only..... Can You Smellllllll What The Rock is cooking? And he whoops John Cena's candy ass!

Of course this is Vince and the WWE, so we can always settle for Doink The Clown instead "sighs"
In his prime, Sting signing would have been a great thing. He is 50 years old now. While a legend in many eyes, I don't think Sting has enough left to make a huge impact. WWE needs youth. Young guys they can turn into stars. Someone like, AJ Styles. Great talent, excellent charisma, good mic skills. If Vince didn't bury guys that have come over from TNA, Styles would be a great sign and future world champion
Well if I was going to be really creative there is one superstar I would like to see return to the squared circle- though in fairness it is being a bit selfish of me. Really he is doing much better where he is at the moment and he seems to be enjoying it a lot more, and strangely it seems safer in terms of his long term health considerations.

I am of course speaking about the Next Big Thing- Brock Lesnar- the first superstar I really got behind (I sorta missed the whole attitude era : ( ) I was young, naïve, and I really hated Paul Heyman (it was my first introduction to him- MYYYY CLIENT), and I fell for his first run with the championship. I also strangely remember being very afraid that a certain Mr Cena was going to beat him, though at that time Brock totally dwarfed him, and easily beat him into the ground.

Anyways, despite the fact that upon his introduction, Brock would probably get his ass handed to him via the same wrestler, he would still be my number one wrestler I would like to see return. Fitting in with my naïve point of view, I would also like to see Rock return- though I am afraid he would get a bit repetitive as he seemingly did back in day. Still got a lot of charisma though and he always drew the eye in the ring (on youtube anyway : p)
Monty Brown the guy never got a chance to show what he can really do he has solid wrestling skills and good on the mike just what ecw is missing just now.
Love to see him pounce some of those ecw jobbers
My personal choice would be Sting.

I would say yes to a certain extent. Sting is known as the greatest wrestler in the business [arguably] that has never stepped foot in the WWE. Taking this away from him if he enters means that he would have to step up big time to live up to the hype. Sorry, but if Sting doesnt become an instant legend in WWE like HBK & Taker are now then his HOF induction would be less special.

However, would love to see Sting Return. [anyone remember the Sting vs. Taker thread??? WM26 anyone... a match rating 6 stars on my FECS 5-star ratings device]

I would like to see a return from RVD.

I have to say, I have marked the f**k out for Rob Van Dam many times. Ever since I learned his name in ECW, I have always respected the man. Anyone remember the invasion...??? I believe RVD was the only guy that got bought over & turned into an instant face. I think he was the only face on a heel only faction.

Many great matches between Morrison, Swagger, Bourne & many others for this man if he returns. Hey... if WWE brings him in there would be no such thing as the TADPOLE SPLASH!!!

I'd love to see Kurt Angle and King Booker return.

Ohkay, ANGLE & BOOKER yes... definately yes. These vets have got at least one good run in them left as being top dogs. After Taker & HBK leave, give them their job to these guys. And for God sakes, give Booker T the respect that he deserves and call him Booker T without any stupid gimmick.

I also wouldn't mind seeing AJ Styles in the WWE.

AJ Styles is a guy who I see has all the right factors in being the next WWE Superstar. He could virtually fued with anybody. Unfortunately, TNA sees that exact thing & will keep hold of him for a long time. I reckon TNA would keep AJ Styles until they become cold & dead in their graves.

I cant believe everyone stole my idea. However, I think they should bring back Elijah Burke. Simply because he actually had a future in the WWE, not a future in the endeavors.
Ok guys Booker T and Kurt Angle left WWE on bad terms they will never ever come back to WWE the rumors also proved Angle signed with TNA and Booker T yeah right!
A.J Styles will never go to WWE and they'll pay him extra$$$ to resign and keep resigning him he is the stepping stone of TNA of that foundation!
Last one is funny Falkon STING dislikes McMoron with a passion if you follow his live interviews and so on he will never ever go to Wimpy Wrestling Entertainment circus and now with the added talents of Mick Foley,Bobby Lashley and Tazz TNA Is getting bigger
Next year Batista and HBK will be heading to TNA once their contract is up
I would like to see Randy "Macho Man" Savage in WWE again Macho Madness ruled 10 X times more than Hulkamania did!
One person that WWF never ever bought in but WCW brought him in is ABDULLAH the Butcher lol hell bring him in the sadistic madman!
I also like to see King Kong Bundy and Kamala return to WWF
Somebody needs to stop with wanting Sting in WWE. It won't happen. Vince does want him, but Sting doesn't want to go there so it will never happen. Here is a small list of people I would like to see debut, not return, to WWE:

Robert Roode--To me, he is THE MAN to make the jump for the right offer. He has the look, the style, the mic skills, and the versatility to go singles or tag-team.
AJ Styles--As athletic as they come. Mic skills need a little work, but he could go to any show, especially ECW or SmackDown, and be a huge hit. Imagine a Styles vs Mysterio or Styles vs Hardy match? Imagine Styles forming a tag team with either one of them.
Samoa Joe--The nastiest SOB on the planet right now, even worse than Orton. He needs mic work and Vince probably will tell him to shed some pounds but WWE can't help but be interested based solely on his mean streak.
James Mitchell--The most underrated manager there is. Is AWESOME at cutting a promo and putting his guy over. Needs to continue being the evil devil or his character won't work. He's best working with unstable minds or monsters. Can you imagine him as Orton's consultant? How about Big Show's manager? Show needs his potential unleashed.
Come on, isn't it obvious. The Rock!

Who wouldn't mark the FUCK out if he came back. I know, I know, it's probably never going to happen but in my fantasy world this would be epic as fuck and the ratings for WWE would instantly go up. The guy could pull an even bigger crowd than he used to and that's saying something. This would be one freaking epic return.

RVD. This is another one where I would absolutley MTFO.

Kurt Angle. I miss Kurt in WWE and would love to have him back. Another low possibility but still, a guy can dream.
Id like to see Goldberg back, I know hes not a great worker. He is however still a big star in the industry and is probaly in descent shape. He could help the main event scene which I think has gotten stale. Id like to see him against the likes of Edge, Batista or Undertaker would all be PPV quality matches.
I'll have to go with "The greatest star that never entered a WWE ring" Sting.

I think Sting's best 2 opportunities to join WWE was in 2000 when WCW was sinking at a fast pace and in 2001, when Vince bought WCW.

But Sting made it very clear that he wouldnt join WWE because he felt he didnt trust how'd he be used. Those were his exact words.

This is why Vince and creative should pay more attention to what they do because it cost them the opportunity of having such a great star in their roster.

Sting coming to WWE to spend his last year in wrestling with them makes as little sense as Michaels spending his last year with TNA.

Michaels has been with WWE for 20 years now, he's been with the company through thick and thin, and for him to end his career in TNA? Yeah right, I just dont see that happening.
This is the nostalgic one in me but I'd love to see Papa Shango come back. He was the first one that got me hooked into wrestling. A tag team of him and the boogeyman (another one i'd like to see return) would be awesome in my opinion.

Another option i'm shocked hasn't been mentioned is Bret "Hitman" Hart. Now I know he's done wrestling due to that dipstick goldberg but just his mere presence would be enough to elevate the hart dynasty.
Two superstars that I would love to see return to the WWE would have to be Chris Masters and Rob Van Dam. I was/am a fan of both of those superstars and I think they would/could go very far in the WWE if they should return.

Rob Van Dam made a quick return to WWE on Raw's 15th Anniversary special and he looked pretty good in his squash match against Santino Marella. I would put him on Raw and instantly put him in the main event. Hopefully it won't be like last time he was on Raw, with Triple H always getting pushes over him. Adding R.V.D. to Raw's main event will allow us to see matches that we haven't seen in a long time, such as RVD vs. John Cena, RVD vs. Randy Orton, RVD vs. Triple H, RVD vs. Big Show and then some matches that we haven't seen, like RVD vs. Batista.

Chris Masters... I would put him on Smackdown. When Masters was drafted to Smackdown in the 2007 WWE Draft, he didn't get much of a chance to shine because of his drug addiction. A forgettable fued with Chuck Palumbo did not help him. But I think Masters has since found help for his drug habits and would make a great fit for Smackdown. He would do just great chasing the Intercontinental Championship, and he could fued with the likes of Rey Mysterio, R-Truth, Finlay, and John Morrison.
As many people than want sting in wwe it would make sence to bring him in. but as many have pointed out won't happen. I would like to see wwe get younger, faster guys on the roster. I'm sick seeing beefed up slow ass 5 move wrestlers!

To that end I would love to see wwe bring in guys like Chris Sabin, Alex shelly, Jau leathel guys that can move around the ring and put on a great show. Mic work has also been brought up, I would personaly like to see less talking and more wrestling on tv you can tell a story through matches and comentery, with only a few promos. by the time the PPVs are on most fans are talked to death and have lost intrest.
I want to see Kurt Angle back.
After watching some parts of the Invasion angle, I became a hugh Angle fan. I became an even bigger fan when he talked about returning to WWE after his contract expired with TNA, but we all know how that turned out. Nevertheless I still would like him to return. He could return right into the main event and feud with the likes of Orton, Cena, HHH, and others.
Well duh, two blatantly obvious ones.

Kurt Angle

I miss having at least one garunteed awesome match. I miss the intensity. I just miss everything. He wa smy favorite wrestler when he left, and he could fill a HUGE void on SD as a monster face, and would be perfect for the WWE PG rating programming. The All American olympic hero crazy fuck.

Hulk Hogan

Damn skippy. The greatest pro wrestler of all time, and he hasnt had a proper swan song. Id love to see one last run, one last Rumble to the next Mania. A title run, a dastardly heel cheats him out of it, he gets revenge on said heel at Mania, and walks off into the sunset. If only I can have the chance to see the man live.
Bill Goldberg loved him in his 2003-2004 run i think he should make one last run on raw kicking Triple Hs ass i would love to see his one of a kind spear again and as for Sting he lost his touch ever since going to TNA i liked the Crow Sting in WCW but this new one sucks shit and doesnt deserve to enter a WWE ring u can - my opnion only dont get offended or get pissed or reply cause i wont chang my mind
1)Tajiri. And no I don't mean the WWF/WWE's version of Tajiri. I'm so sick of all the good talent not being used correctly. If Vince would watch a ECW(and yes I mean ECW not the shit he puts on T.V.)he would know what a great worker Tajiri really is. The one wrestler that made the brain buster look like it could KO for the 3 count.

2)Mickey Whipwreck. Yes you might be able to see where this is going. If "he" brought back Tajiri, why not bring in Mickey? For all of those guys that said, "Sting the greatest wrestler to never step foot in the WWE." I say this, "The greatest Tag Team to never be brought into the WWE." And yes I have watched a lot of wrestling. I back this up because I know how great of a tag team they were.

3)Sinister Minister. Yes he is the man behind the wrestlers. 1 promo alone stands out in my mind. It made me laugh, it made me think and it made me think that the guy was NUTS! I loved the "burning book".

4)Jerry Lynn. Bring him back! Ya, how many of you remember him actually being in WWF/WWE? Put him in the US or Inter. title hunt. The man was amazing and could do better then ANYONE they have now.

5)RVD. 1 Night Stand- Enough Said

6)Bill Alfanso..... Enough Said

and last but not least...

7)Ralphus.. Put him back with Jericho. The typical WWE fans would love him. He would add heat on Jericho like no other. Keep him as his security and watch some good entertainment... Bring him back Jericho, bring him back!

PS Angle not the best Wrestler EVER. That belongs to the 1 guy that NEVER hurt another wrestler the ENTIRE time he wrestled. That would be Bret Hart! But as long as WWF/WWE has that one CHUMP there, Bret would never go back(PS he's never going back either way. I just wanted to call HBK a chump!).
I like it how nobody has said stone cold, even though people thought the sun shined out of his fucking ass. Lol.

Well anyway their are a few i'd love to see back, First being RVD, man I loved him thought he was amazing!!. Another being Rhyno, man i love rhyno i thinks hes awesome, he could be a good main eventer in wwe except they wouldnt cos their dicks :L. Also Aj Styles would be amazing in Wwe imagine a match with John Morrison, Fucking Epic!!. I'd love to see goldberg back just because i loved his spear, looked great. Sabu would be great i thought he was amazing. The rock also would be amazing having awesome matches with cena, michaels even punk lol. Their just my thoughts :)
All my choices are original ECW alumni....total coincidence as being from the UK, we didnt ever get much ECW on TV:

Rob Van Dam Awesome wrestler and can you imagine some of the matches he could have on Smackdown with the likes of Jericho, Edge (when fit....i cant bring myself to consider the possibility of Edge not coming back), Morrison, Punk and Finlay? Can you imagine the triple threat possibilities of Jericho, Punk and RVD?

Tajiri - what can I say.....i LOVED Tajiri....great kicks, fun gimmick with the mist and used to put on great matches! Very under-rated!!

Raven - probably not a great idea in WWE's PG era, but I thought the Raven character was used very poorly in his original WWE run and had massive potential. Capable of amazing promos and Scott Levy is just one dark sun of a gun!! As Paul E says on the Rise and Fall of ECW DVD, probably one of the most creative and interesting characters ever created.
Next year Batista and HBK will be heading to TNA once their contract is up

What? Ya right, we will see AJ Styles, Kurt Angle AND Sting come to WWE Before either of those guys go to TNA.

But REALISTICLY I can see RVD Coming back, Id love to see him come back, either as a main Event guy or a Upper Mid Card either way its good, hed be able to come back and get louder Pops then ¾ of the current roster. Hes a good wrestler, and he can go to ECW or The main brands he will do great anywere.
If we're going to be realistic here, we need to realise that Vince isn't really too interested in Nostalgia for the fans, he views most of the big names now as investments or a quick fire way to getting the ratings to shoot up.

Austin, Hogan, Rock, Flair etc...

I think Vince is more than well aware of how much money could be generated by a Rock vs. Cena programme, the ratings as well would be the best in a long time, and The Rock is one of the last few Attitude guys who gets a huge pop. If you look into the last few SCSA/Hogan returns the pops have been getting less and less, whereas Rock giving his prediction about the Vince and Trump match gave him a much bigger pop alone than Austin had being in the actual "Match'. And also his appearance at the HOF 2008 gave him a huge pop compared to Austin's actual induction.

In all honestly, I'd love to see Rock come back for one more match, Cena/HBK either would be awesome (Well, I'd bet heavy on the latter), what's best also is that out of all of the other suggestions, Rock returning for one night is far more plausible and realistic...if the money is right of course.

Another plausible one could be a Lesnar or Lashley return. Neither left on bad terms and neither have substantially distanced themselves from the WWE in a degrading sense. Either guy could eventually come back around and easily have a good 3-4 year career. We know this because Brock left in the middle of his career which was constantly picking up steam and was about to go even further after his feud with Goldberg. Lashley left just as his was about to take off, for reasons I'm still unclear about.

They both left open books that can be re-opened and eventually finished, whereas suggestions like: Sting (TBH, I've never seen what's so special about him), Goldberg, Angle, RVD etc... Are very doubtful due to the history and accusations that surround them and their relationships to the WWE.

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