WWE TLC - Handicap Match: CM Punk VS The Shield


On last night's episode of Raw, Kane, in his role as Director of Operations, made a match at TLC in which CM Punk goes up against all three members of The Shield in a handicap match. This is after Punk goaded Kane for a bit, such as calling him "the Big Red Ass-kisser."

The odds are stacked against Punk so heavily that I'm thinking he manages to come out with a win. We've been waiting for something to go down that results in a rift forming within The Shield and this match could be what ultimately kicks things off. I don't believe they'll break up at TLC, but I think some sort of mishap will start them off down that road.
Imagine if Punk JOINED the shield much like we all wanted Orton to do so a few months back?

DBry joins the Wyatts too....

two huge factions formed.

ambitious? haha
We've been waiting for something to go down that results in a rift forming within The Shield and this match could be what ultimately kicks things off.

Could be. The match-up itself is so ridiculous that there has to be something more to this than a simple beatdown of Punk. It's not as if the company plans to have him look Hogan-esque and take the measure of all three of them, right?

Maybe Punk's new-found buddies come to rescue him. Although that's kind of lame for a PPV ending, it's also true that Punk has been buddying with guys he doesn't order around (his Straight Edge Society). It's been rather strange watching him cozying up to guys like Cody Rhodes and Goldust to thank them for having his back. He's even been friendly with Daniel Bryan........very unlike CM Punk, but possibly a clue as to how this PPV match will be handled.

Underneath it all is the intrigue concerning a break-up of the Shield. We've been waiting for it, we've been reading about Roman Reigns receiving a singles push.......all that's left now is to get it started......and the TLC event is a good place to make a move.
The way i see it both SHIELD n WYATT FAMILY are gonna cost each other on thier matches aking PUNK n BRYAN win. This will lead to a fued between SHEILD n WYATTS.. This can make Punk n Bryan free from fueds and go after ROYAL RUMBLE VICTORY...Also this keeps Shield n Wyatts away from ROYAL RUMBLE and thus make some space as a lot of legends are expected to return at RUMBLE..
I'm not a huge fan of handicap matches but I'm sure this will be a decent match. It's interesting to see what transpires because I, like several others, reckon The Shield will be over by the end of WM30.

CM Punk defeating all three members of The Shield results in two things. 1) They have become less effective and have let one person defeat them. Suggesting a lack of cohesion and the like. 2) Pisses of Kane and perhaps Triple H. I really wouldn't be shocked to see Kane go back to him old-self and feud with The Shield or The Wyatt Family.
I don't see how this or the other handicap match benefits the two stables. Bryan & Punk might be the #2 & #3 babyfaces in the company, but they should easily be beaten in a 3-on-1 scenario. Only they won't be. These matches will be competitive which benefits The Wyatts & Shield how exactly?
Personally, I was little bummed out, because I thought they were heading in the direction of Kane VS Punk at TLC, so Kane could possibly teach Punk a lesson in the ring at TLC. I guess I'm just anxious to see corporate Kane step in the ring, and if he'll maintain the same mannerisms as demonic Kane. Oh well.

Punk will find a way to survive this. Otherwise, I don't see the point of putting this match on pay per view. If you're going to have Punk give it his all, and The Shield beats the snot of him in the end for the win anyways, then you could save this match for Raw, because we've seen similar scenarios on Smackdown and Raw in The Shield punishment matches this year. The pay per view match should be all about the feel good moment of Punk overcoming the odds to defeat The Shield.

Also, I think Punk NEEDS the momentum more than The Shield. Punk's been wandering around in no man's land since the feud with Lesnar ended, and his character could use a big boost, because I fully expect CM Punk to win the Royal Rumble.

And if Punk wins, then you can use the lose to fuel the inevitable break up between The Shield. Losing a three on one handicap match will be a colossal fuck up on The Shield's part, they'll be in the dog house with Triple H and Stephanie, and you'll know there'll be plenty of finger pointing to go around.
I'm with the people that Punk will escape with the win at TLC. Like the others have said, this could be the beginning of The Shield break up, which I could see starting with Roman going for a Spear on Punk but Punk diving out of the way and Roman hitting Ambrose with it instead, then Punk hitting a GTS on Reigns and covering either one of the two for the win. An interfering Daniel Bryan could take care of Rollins on the outside while that's all going on in the ring. Punk could return the favor for Bryan in his handicap match.

I don't think this will be the last of Punk and Bryan teaming up together in handicap matches. Punk and Bryan seem to be getting involved in a feud with The Authority, and I can see a storyline for the Royal Rumble where Kane books the two in another 2-on-3 handicap match against The Shield at the PPV, with a stipulation that if Punk & Bryan lose then they can't enter the Royal Rumble match. I don't think we've actually seen that since Lesnar vs Show at Royal Rumble 2003. It would be nice to see that "if you don't want win this match, you can't enter the Rumble match" storyline return.
Surely they won't have CM Punk beaten to a pulp at TLC nor will the WWE creative dare to have him beat the Shield in the upcoming handicap match.
Of course, they might just have DB come out for the save perhaps or maybe Taker makes a return.
However, a twist somehow with Reigns becoming Face would make things interesting.

Personally, the only thing standing in the way of The Shield breaking up is that I would love for Taker to seek revenge in time for Wrestlemania.
I've been looking forward to Punk working with The Shield but I expected him to have partners when he faced them, handicap matches feel more like something for TV than PPV.

I think this would work best as a Tables Gauntlet match so Punk could eliminate Ambrose and Rollins without them being pinned or tapped out, before inevitably being speared through a table by Reigns, however that seems very unlikely now.

There hasn't been any signs of The Shield losing their cohesion in the last month or so since the initial night where Reigns shot Ambrose that glance, but the above posts are right that this could be the moment where the wheels start to come off, the prospect of Reigns accidentally spearing Ambrose leading to Punk escaping with a win are certainly possible.

Right now though I'm leaning towards Punk losing in a valiant effort and Bryan being the one that wins his handicap match, but that might be because I'd rather hold off on The Shield split until post-Mania.
Not sure how this is going to work, but the two handicap matches are surely there to set the scene for some form of shenanigans. Someone is turning or something. Not sure what, but it's intriguing.
If Bryan comes out to help Punk whilst embroiled in his own 3 on 1 handicap match, then what will be the Wyatt's role in that event.
Maybe, the Shield and The Wyatt's maybe end up brawling??
Just for the Record; I am loving this storyline quite a bit thus far. As said above, they are intriguing and the Handicap stipulation makes them even moreso... Can't wait to see what the results are going to be.
CM Punk's interview with Renee Young was interesting, in that he basically said he expected to lose But he will try to take as much of the Shield down as he could.
Yeah, if this remains a simple one-on-three handicap match, CM Punk will come out on top. Like you said, The Shield needs a reason to ripple, and a loss to CM Punk when they take up 75% of the participants would be a cause for concern in The Shield camp.

However, an idea that came to mind was adding a Tables, Ladders and Chairs spin on it. Basically, it would be a gauntlet match rather than a basic one-on-three handicap match, with each "stage" being under different rules. For instance, the first is a tables match, the second being a ladder match (with a chair suspended above the ring), and the last being a chairs match. This way, Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins could "soften up" Punk before Roman Reigns gets the victory. He would enjoy the spotlight and cause tension between him and the two other members.

Far fetched I know, but maybe a good idea. Either way, I think it could be enjoyable to watch.
I think after Punk's promo last night he said something along the lines that he knows he's going to lose but the question is how many of The Shield he is bringing with. To me that sounded like an elimination type handicap match (did WWE specify the match yet?).I think they are going to set up a possible match or program between Punk and Roman Reigns for after TLC. Now I'm not sure if its an elimination handicap match or first pin or submission wins but if its elimination style you can have The Shield beat on Punk with Punk picking up a pin or 2 before Reigns ultimately wins the match for his team.
Somehow, this match might result in CM Punk putting Roman Reigns over in a Big way and setting him up for Singles action as a Beast like character. New Goldberg perhaps? Obviously the Spear brings similarities.
Hopefully the WWE creative is thinking along similar lines.
my guess for this match is that it will be very competitive. Punk will fight tough and it will last more than 5 minutes which will impress Cole, King and JBL, but in the end, i think the triple powerbomb beats Punk as he continues his battle with the Authority and i feel that Bryan's match could end in similar fashion which will set up both of them in the rumble and HOPEFULLY with one of them winning the Rumble as i want to see either Punk or Bryan going after the Undisputed title.
Like I said in the Bryan thread, I think one of these two has to win, so at the moment I'm picking Punk to win.

The Shield are growing with dissension towards one another, what better way to increase this with most likely Ambrose getting pinned, letting the team down again? (After his quick elimination last month)

Punk has already said he will probably lose, most of the time face's against the odds always say they will win, but lose after putting up a valiant effort. This is not one of them times in my eyes. Maybe Reigns accidentally spears Ambrose also causing more dissension? I just see Punk winning this to piss off The Authority also, and to build to what I think will be his eventual victory at the Royal Rumble.

This should be an amazing match and it just might steal the show. Punk and The Shield are all extremely talented wrestlers. My only complaint is that this really should have been a Tables handicap match. Every year at TLC we get a Tables match, a Ladder match, a Chairs match, and a TLC match. This year we so far only have a TLC match. I'd correct that by making this be a Tables handicap match instead of a regular handicap match. Oh, well. Moving along to the match and its potential results....

I think this will go on either 2nd to last or 3rd to last with only possibly the divas match following it, and the world title closing the show. The winner is a tougher call than the Bryan match. Both Punk & The Shield have something to gain from winning. Similarly to the Bryan VS Wyatts match, I do not see the feud ultimately ending here. It might extend into the Royal Rumble. I'll take a bit of a risk here and give The Shield the win. They need it to continue their dominance. Punk will not go down without a fight though, he will put up a strong effort only to come up short in the end.

The Shield will defeat CM Punk.
Punk holds his own, eventually the numbers catch up to him and he is getting beaten down. Suddenly the lights go out and we hear the Undertaker's signature gong. The lights come back on and The Undertaker isn't there. Two of the members are on the outside freaking out and looking for him, while Punk rolls up the legal member for the win.

The Shield is pissed and start to beat down Punk after the match. The lights go out again and when they come back on Undertaker is in the ring and helps Punk fight off The Shield. Punk and Taker stare at each other and the lights go out again and Punk is alone in the ring when they come back on. I think if Undertaker is going to retire at Wrestlemania XXX he should compete at Royal Rumble and Elimination Chamber as well to get the most out of his last run.
The segment at Smackdown where Punk said that he may go down and will take also Shield along with him suggest we can expect Shield to win this but I just feel there would be some kind of screwjob by Triple H in this match (just incase they are building Punk vs HHH for WrestleMania).

Say, Punk has got ready for GTS to one of the Shield members may be Ambrose or Rollins and Triple H theme hits but he does not show up. Punk watches towards the entrance waiting for Hunter and turns back only for Roman Reigns hits a spear & Punk lose the match.

Reasons to it as we saw Punk indirectly going on Triple H in his Smackdown segment & then last Monday night RAW where Punk punched Triple H. During Randy Orton's apology acceptance at Smackdown, Triple H also quoted that there are lot of people here who have to apologize to him. Think he was talking about CM Punk.
More than meets the eye, here. Ths could be the implosion of the Shield they have been hinting at this whole last month.

I think Punk will actually come out on top here, by flukey circumstances involving a shield meltdown....which result in him challenging Triple H next, wether directly or indirectly, rolling into a WM angle.
As I said in the Daniel Bryan vs The Wyatts thread, I don't like either of these handicap matches. In this one I was thinking maybe The Shield would finally implode thus letting Punk get the win. I am sure we will see DB in this match, and I figure for some reason Punk will win this one.

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