WWE Title VS WHC ... Consistency?

Evan Snow-Wolf

Running On Diesel Fuel!
Has anyone else noticed the glaring difference in the title reigns between the two in recent years?

It appears that the WWE title is Cena's personal binky, rarely leaving his side except for extremely brief interludes. Almost any challenger to the title we can't take seriously, because everyone assumes that Cena will just win anyway. And its a pretty safe assumption most of the time.

But what about the WHC? In the span of time Cena has been WWE champion, the WHC has seen Batista, Rey, King Booker, Undertaker, and Edge? (I miss anyone?)

Any thoughts (other than an injury) why one title would be held down so tightly while the other can see several holders?
I think the reason being is that no offence to the World Heavyweight Championship, but its just a second rate title. The World Heavyweight Championship doesn't really mean anything. When it was brought in in 2002 it was just handed to Triple H, and wasn't won, didn't help its cause. With the exception of Batista, Triple H (for the most part), Undertaker and maybe Edge (and thats only a maybe), The World Heavyweight Title has had no real momentum, and nobody has really cared about it. Maybe because WWE fans grew up with the WWE Title and that is what they consider to be their real world championship, that could be a reason.
The World Heavyweight Championship is what the Intercontinental title used to be. It is the measuring stick of main-eventers to see if they could succeed as the number one champion in the company on the number one show. Now, granted, things are a little different due to roster split, but basically the WHC is the B-title in the WWE, relegating the IC and US titles to opener status..and so on down the line.
I look at the WWE Championship as the #1 Title in WWE because its on the number 1 show and the show with the best ratings...because of those high ratings Raw gets they hold the belt on its biggest draw which like it or not is Cena thats why Cena has had the belt this long because he draws money in for the companyNow 4the WHC its the B-title on the B-brand and can be used for anybody just too see how capable they are as champion..But in a way i think the WHC has had better champions than the WWE title since the brand extension as they have had Batista (twice) Edge,Taker,Angle,Bookah,Mysterio IMO they are all good wrestlers and make the title more prestigousand we dont constantly see the same champion all the time but IMO the WWE title is the #1 Title and always will be just because of its great history
The worth of the belt has very little to do with the actual title holders, but more to do with the show it is on. The WHC was arguably more prestigious in its run on Raw from 2002-2005, then the WWE Championship became the more sought after title when the titles swapped shows.

I personally think that the WHC switched shows, just so they could put it with the US title on smackdown. But Shocky, why not just swap IC title for US title instead of moving the belts. Simple, because the 2005 draft was a big ratings draw. With it being spread out over a month, the WWE did a very good job with it.

So just to get it right.
Triple H
Triple H
Triple H
Triple H
Triple H
Batista (swaps shows)
King Booka

Brock Lesnar
The Big Show
Kurt Angle
Brock Lesnar
Kurt Angle
Brock Lesnar
Eddie Guerrero
John Cena (Swaps Shows)
John Cena
Rob Van Dam
John Cena

So from that list, you can argue amongst yourself of the value of each title. The WHC has switched 16 times, 15 minus the vacancy, and the WWE Title has switched 14 times. That's 14 times which include a 9 month run by JBL and a current year plus long run by Cena. Personally, the long title reigns of JBL and John Cena do little to add value to the belt. I think it's more of a reflection of the lack of talent on that respective brand at the time. If Cena managed to stay over as champion as long as he has, without a roster split and legit competition, then I would be very impressed.
i read alot of the wwe championship is on the #1 show so its the #1 championship what about when it was on smackdown did u consider it as the number 2 title or consider smackdown the number one show
i read alot of the wwe championship is on the #1 show so its the #1 championship what about when it was on smackdown did u consider it as the number 2 title or consider smackdown the number one show

Yes when the WHC was on RAW I considered it to be the #1 title in WWE at the time because RAW is the A show while Smackdown is the B show and RAW is always been loaded with the best talent so therefore the WHC had to be the # 1 title of WWE at the time IMO but if we were talking about overall history of them both id say the WWE Title...but pretty much whatever title is on RAW id say is the #1 title just because its the number 1 show
Has anyone else noticed the glaring difference in the title reigns between the two in recent years?

It appears that the WWE title is Cena's personal binky, rarely leaving his side except for extremely brief interludes. Almost any challenger to the title we can't take seriously, because everyone assumes that Cena will just win anyway. And its a pretty safe assumption most of the time.

But what about the WHC? In the span of time Cena has been WWE champion, the WHC has seen Batista, Rey, King Booker, Undertaker, and Edge? (I miss anyone?)

Any thoughts (other than an injury) why one title would be held down so tightly while the other can see several holders?


Batista got himself injured and had to drop the title.

Same thing for Undertaker. Although, he wasn't a long term solution for a champion either, considering he's close to retirement and in his forties.

Booker was given the title as a favor by the company since he's probably coming close to semi-retirement.

Rey won the title because it was just too good of an opportunity to give up, giving the title to him.

But none of these guys other than maybe Batista and the current champion Edge are the people you want to be carrying your company as champions. They're either injury prone, close to retirement or gimmick champions.

Frankly, I think it's just a stroke of luck that there wasn't really a viable long term solution on Smackdown! that stuck during Cena's tenure. As much as people hate Cena, I think he's clearly the best solution for a long term champion at the moment and has been for the last couple of years. You can't give the title to HBK for more than like a month, Lashley isn't and wasn't ready, Edge was almost constantly injured, Triple H had his long title reign (and received the exact same negativity Cena's getting now might I add) several years ago.

But anyway, like I said, I don't think there's a specific reason why the Smackdown champion seems to always be on a shorter term than the RAW champion, just circumstance. Nor do I think it has anything to do with Smackdown being the "B" show. Other than several title reigns since the mid ninetees, most have been short term since then so I don't see as being a big issue really.
Smackdown might be considerd the "B" show but i think it could be equal to RAW the considerd "A" show because right now RAW stinks IMO!

It has the worst ever WWE champion, btw i believe when Cena was given the title it was a bad move to have him on RAW so quickly.

Should have given him a couple of months 4 max title reign on Smackdown and then have someone else take it to RAW and have Cena go there to reclaim his belt.

IMO Smackdown has allways been funner to watch.

The whole you where only created to be a competition to WCWs other show is bull. Look at it then it had the Rock on it and Triple H, the Undertaker has been its main guy for years.

Now it has guys like Kane, Rey, Edge, even Batista to a point, Matt Hardy, Chavo, Victoria, Khali, MVP (cept his rubbish gimmick), Masters and Flair IMO all great wrestlers.

Raw now has IMO only a few great guys Kennedy moving was bad for him he will get less time on tv and so was Booker as he will get demoted to jobber to Cena and LASHLEY WHO I HATE even more than Cena!

Guys on Raw that are great are Kennedy, Booker, HHH, Orton, HBK, London/Kendrick and WGTT.

IMO on Raw these guys will never be used correctly ever.

World Heavyweight when on RAW i never considerd it the biggest achievment.

I allways considerd the WWE Championship the Highest achievment.

Cena has ruined the title and i see that the WHC has had better and more deserving Champs in its existance on Smackdown.

WHC has gained the prestige it needed on Smackdown and i consider its champ better not the belt itself but the title holder.

RAW has ruined the WWE title period.

I can see Smackdown being equal to RAW but not the Flagship brand as RAW has been the Flagship Brand for years and so it should be.

ECW shouldnt be a testing ground for new commers it should be a more hardcore version of wrestling something you cant see on Smackdown or RAW.

Being on RAW dosnt make you a top guy you should earn that and be respected by fans and have a title reign on any show to be a top guy.

IMO Taker, Edge and Matt Hardy while not on Raw are still some of the best WWE has to offer compared to RAWs Bobby and RAWs Umaga.

RAW shouldnt be better than Smackdown coz then Smackdown has no point to it whatsoever it should be equal and have the same amount of developemt guys in it as RAW and not just put every up and coming guy and every top guy on RAW and use Smackdown to put the rest on and have the rising stars star there.
In my view the only two people that really pushed the WHC as the 'A' title were Angle and Benoit, Angle really brought his aggressive streak and made every match count, As for Benoit...i would like to say thats when he cemented his legacy, but... At the moment I barley watch any Raw PPV's because even without seeing it, I can tell you play by play of the main event and tell you who will magically retain the wwe title, theres no suprise in grapplin anymore because they wont let cena drop the belt and go heel.
I think it is a good sign for viewers like us who want some 'inconsistency', who wants to sit through another RAW PPV to see Shity cena overcome the odds again??? In smackdown u atleast have some rotation and something... So it's nice to switch titles for a bit to keep the viewers interested...
Has anyone else noticed somthing wierd? A few years ago, before the 05 draft, I read somplace that the WWE Title deserved to be on RAW. It was the WWE title that all the greats held, not the World Heavyweight Title. So the WWE decided to make things right by switching the titles, so that the #1 title was on the #1 show, and the #2 title to the #2 show. When you look at it that way, they made things right by putting the good title on the good show, but they made one huge mistake. Nothing against Cena, but the "title that was held by the champions before" is no more, they replaced it by a peice of bling for Cena, and then had him keep it for two years. I agree with putting the WWE title on RAW, but not putting the Cena title on RAW as the big one. So IMO, since we've seen 3 different RAW champs in the time we've seen 7 Smackdown champs, I think the WHC is the greater of the two at the moment. Less predeictable, more changes, worth paying to see the outcome.
I always considered the WWE title as the number one championship because since I started watching the WWE in the very early 90's it was the main title. Even when the World title was on RAW, the WWE title was in the actual main events of WrestleMania (excluding WrestleMania 20). It always got the somewhat better treatment. In my opinion I think many of us are too use to seeing constant title changes but I more believe in long title reigns, such as Cena's current WWE title reign. I am not a huge fan of titles being passed down as if it's used as the Intercontinental or US championship. Despite what I said, I wouldn't want to see a long reign like Bruno Sammartino's or Bob Backlund's, that's too long for the modern wrestling fans.

I see how some are saying the WWE title has more meaning because it's on RAW and any title that's on RAW is the primary title. But when Batista won the World title after WrestleMania 21 and Cena won the WWE title in at the same time, John Cena still got the better treatment IMO. Look as Brock Lesnar on SmackDown!. He was representing the WWE more than Triple H over on RAW at the time as the World champion.
If it wasn't for The Undertaker's injury, he still would be champion right now. Slyfox doesn't like the fact that Edge used Money in the Bank to get it from an exhausted and beaten Taker on Smackdown, but I think both belts are held in high regard. If Cena were injured, the same problems would exist on RAW.

I harken back to an old point that in the past four years, the winner of the Royal Rumble has always gone after the World Heavyweight Title instead of the WWE Championship. Chris Benoit and Batista both chose to face HHH instead of Brock Lesnar and JBL, respectively the WWE champs at the time. Rey Mysterio and The Undertaker chose Kurt Angle and Batista respectively over WWE Champ John Cena (who in real life would actually do that, choose to fight an Olympic gold medal legit shoot wrestler and a jacked-up bodybuilder over a white street thug wannabe?! maybe they were afraid he'd pop a cap in 'em?!)

On one hand you could say that it adds credibility to the title, but where does that leave the WWE title? Look at the quality of matches: Undertaker\Batista was a four star match over Cena\Michaels, and Mysterio\Orton\Angle was a much better match than Cena\HHH. And the Benoit\HHH\Michaels main event was probably one of the best triple threat matches in history. Besides, the WWE title has its own prestige. Before Edge's attack on the Taker, the Money in the Bank was used to take the WWE title off of Cena.

We shouldn't call the World Heavyweight Title a 2nd rate title because of injuries. Both Taker and Edge were legit injured, otherwise, both would have held the belt for at 6-8 minimum, and both men are held in higher status than Cena (except for the select few). The WWE is scrambling on Smackdown because of lack of depth, but the World Heavyweight Title is just as big as it can be.
The fact that 3 champions have had to lose the title to injury is just a bad run of luck. A long title run by Edge would have helped the WHC, as it could have enabled WWE to build a decent feud culminating at a large PPV event.
i think the WWE Title is the more promienent title in the WWE. It has gotten the most buzz and is always a huge main event drawer at Wrestlemania, more then the WHC.

The "A' Show Has the WWE Title

Just because of the fact that the WWE Title is on RAW and RAW is clearly the premier show in the WWE, the WWE Title is more prominent than the WHC and more ppl can relate to it becuase of the higher ratings. i also think thats y they moved the WWE Title to RAW, for it was the better show and the WWE title is the better title

History That Surrounds the WWE Title

The WWE title clearly has more history then the WHC and has been around
way longer, with the WHC debuting in 2002, (i think).
The WWE is skeptical of moving the WWE title around because of its great history, so thats y reigns like John Cena and in the past JBL have had the WWE title, and yes, the competition was weak on the brands, but they werent supporting quick li reigns with these crappy wrestlers, while the WHC has been shifted around quite much, with recently the Great Khali winning it with a pointelss tasteless random royal rumble thing. and the Great Khali is surely NOT a good champion on my opinion.

i think the WWE Title is the more promienent title in the WWE. It has gotten the most buzz and is always a huge main event drawer at Wrestlemania, more then the WHC.

The "A' Show Has the WWE Title

Just because of the fact that the WWE Title is on RAW and RAW is clearly the premier show in the WWE, the WWE Title is more prominent than the WHC and more ppl can relate to it becuase of the higher ratings. i also think thats y they moved the WWE Title to RAW, for it was the better show and the WWE title is the better title

History That Surrounds the WWE Title

The WWE title clearly has more history then the WHC and has been around
way longer, with the WHC debuting in 2002, (i think).
The WWE is skeptical of moving the WWE title around because of its great history, so thats y reigns like John Cena and in the past JBL have had the WWE title, and yes, the competition was weak on the brands, but they werent supporting quick li reigns with these crappy wrestlers, while the WHC has been shifted around quite much, with recently the Great Khali winning it with a pointelss tasteless random royal rumble thing. and the Great Khali is surely NOT a good champion on my opinion.


Your first point:
So was the World Heavyweight Championship more valuable because it was on Raw from 2002-2005? If the title is valuable merely because of the show it is on, then that says little about the belts being talked about. If the belt is only as powerful as the show, then that means somewhere that something is wrong. The belts should be prestigous for being the titles that they are, not for representing the show they are on. Hell, the WWE title should be able to go to ECW and be that brands championship, and still be the most valuable title of the bunch. The Title should make the brand, not the brand should make the title.

Onto the Second Point:
The WWE when they first introduced the WHC used the lineage of WCW to give credibility to the title. They knew simply handing a gold belt to Triple H meant nothing. Most smart fans know that the belt has a longer lineage than five years. That title has WCW's lineage, the good and the very bad of 2000, plus that belt is the NWA championship, and can directly link it's history into the 1940's. yes I said it is the NWA championship, because when the NWA champion decided to drop and kill that title for the WCW championship, its legacy went with him. Flair was never beaten for the NWA title.
Your first point:
So was the World Heavyweight Championship more valuable because it was on Raw from 2002-2005? If the title is valuable merely because of the show it is on, then that says little about the belts being talked about. If the belt is only as powerful as the show, then that means somewhere that something is wrong. The belts should be prestigous for being the titles that they are, not for representing the show they are on. Hell, the WWE title should be able to go to ECW and be that brands championship, and still be the most valuable title of the bunch. The Title should make the brand, not the brand should make the title.

Onto the Second Point:
The WWE when they first introduced the WHC used the lineage of WCW to give credibility to the title. They knew simply handing a gold belt to Triple H meant nothing. Most smart fans know that the belt has a longer lineage than five years. That title has WCW's lineage, the good and the very bad of 2000, plus that belt is the NWA championship, and can directly link it's history into the 1940's. yes I said it is the NWA championship, because when the NWA champion decided to drop and kill that title for the WCW championship, its legacy went with him. Flair was never beaten for the NWA title.

I agree with you on point one, the brand the title is on shouldn't batter, but let me correct you on the second point.

First, no, the WWE did NOT use the lineage of WCW, go to their website and check the title history. The first World Heavyweight Champion was Triple H in 2002, they even have seperate pages for Khali's current title and the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. That's from the WWE themselves, so you can't say THEY used the lineage of WCW. Now, if you want to say the title was still the same anyway, that's fine, I'd probably agree with you. But there is no truth to the rumor that the WCW was the same as the NWA title, they were completely seperate. I've heard many people say this but it's inaccurate. The AWA, WWE, ECW, and TNA have all done the same thing WCW did and none of their titles carried on the lineage. By the way, for what it's worth, if you're going back to the 1940's with the NWA title, might as well go back to 1904 when it really started. The first world title was in 1904 and it just happened to be given a name in the 1940's.

In summary, all of these titles are connected in some way, but not directly linked as you claiemd. All those titles I mentioned earlier are just as connected to the NWA title. By your logic the AWA title (which is still around today, in ZERO-1 MAX, not many people know this) has the NWA title lineage from before 1960, WWE has the NWA's title lineage from 1960 to 1963, the WCW title has it from 63 to 1994, and the TNA title has it from 94 to present. But none of that is true, the WCW title is no exception.

By the way, I just noticed one of the Did You Knows on WZ said something about WrestleMania VII being moved from the Rose Bowl to LA Memorial Sports Arena because of fears a sniper would take out Sgt Slaughter. Wtf? First off, it was moved from the LA Memorial Coliseum not the Rose Bowl, and it was moved because of poor title sales the WWE made up the cover story of a threat.
I am personally confused beyond belief on this topic. Back when the World Heavyweight Championship was on Raw, Jim Ross would constantly say that it was the most coveted prize in the history of "our" business. Now he says the EXACT same thing about the WWE Championship during Cena's title matches. In my personal opinion, the WWE Championship will never be taken seriously as long as it is represented by a ridiculous pop culture toy that is called a spinner. Cena in my view is NOT believeable as an unbeatable Champion and never has been. Just look at Raw's rating this past week. A 2.5!!!!!!!!! Enough said. I'll take the World Heavyweight Championship over the WWE Championship at this point in time.
Now it has guys like Kane, Rey, Edge, even Batista to a point, Matt Hardy, Chavo, Victoria, Khali, MVP (cept his rubbish gimmick), Masters and Flair IMO all great wrestlers.

Congratulations kieran, you are, in all likelyhood, the first person in the history of history to call both The Great Khali and Chris Masters "great wrestlers". Good job.

First, no, the WWE did NOT use the lineage of WCW, go to their website and check the title history. The first World Heavyweight Champion was Triple H in 2002, they even have seperate pages for Khali's current title and the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. That's from the WWE themselves, so you can't say THEY used the lineage of WCW.

Hdog, I am impressed by your extensive knowledge of championships, and you make some very good points, but I must correct you on this one issue. The WWE DID indeed use the lineage of WCW for the WHC UNTIL it was moved to Smackdown. If you were to look at wwe.com's history of the WHC back when it was still on Raw you would see the title's history going back to the WCW days. Then it was moved to Smackdown and they changed the title history to start with Triple H when the title was brought into the WWE in 2002. Why they handled it this way is anybody's guess. I have a few theories about it, but one of them is that they decided to call upon the history of WCW in inducting the title in the first place because otherwise it would just be a championship that came out of nowhere, and handling it this way gave it more credibility and prestige, much like how TNA used the NWA title as their world championship up until recently. Think about it, did this title really seem like it was worth a crap at first when it was handed to Triple H by Eric Bischoff?

But then by the time it got to Smackdown, it was already an established major title, so as they were in the process of shaking things up, they decided to just go ahead and establish it as a seperate title from WCW. By that time, it didn't need the added prestige (despite now being on what most consider to be the B show). To use another TNA comparison, it's like how TNA dropped the NWA titles and made their own titles. They were able to do this because, although they may not be anywhere near as big and established as WWE is at this point, they've come a long way and are way more established than when they first started out 5 years ago.

I also saw a point made that the WWE championship lost credibility because of it being made into a bling bling sideshow attraction (as JBL so bluntly put it). Well I'll start by saying that I don't agree with them doing that, but not because I feel it takes credibility away from the belt. I don't know about the rest of you, but when I think of any championship, I generally don't think of a belt, but rather a concept of prestige. When I think of the WWE championship in particular, I still think of a coveted title with a rich history, not a shiny spinny toy that looks like it came out of a plastic ball from a 25-cent machine at K-Mart. The reasons I don't agree with them changing the belt for Cena like that are as follows:

1. Cena isn't that special, nor is he worth being a long-term champion with his own belt. This isn't the first time someone has gotten their own championship, as Austin had the Smoking Skull belt back in his day, but although I'm not a huge Austin fan, he was much more entertaining than Cena, and if anybody deserves to be portrayed as the WWE's Superman, I'll take Austin over Cena any day. Besides, that belt was badass...which brings me to my next point about the more recent bling belt...

2. It looks stupid.

3. It contributes to the argument that the WWE championship has become the John Cena title, much like the WHC became the Triple H title several years back.

4. They used it as a long-term thing, whereas the Austin's Smoking Skull belt was more of a short-term novelty.

5. It set a precedent that led to the "Rated-R" belt. So apparently any WWE champion can have their own belt now. We're just lucky that when RVD was champ we weren't treated to a belt that said "4:20" and had a picture of a marijuana leaf.

And one more thing. Some people say the WHC is what the IC title used to be. That's simply not the case. The ECW title is what the IC title used to be. That's why Bobby Lashley wasn't able to capture the WHC but was able to go to ECW and instantly capture their title, then came to Raw and failed with the WWE title because even though he's on Raw he's at that awkward in-between stage where he's past the ECW title, but not ready for the WWE title. (That's why I think he would be believable as the World Heavyweight Champion, but that's another story.)That's why Johnny Nitro is the champion of ECW and The Great Khali is the champion of Smackdown. Although as an athletic competitor, The Great Khali is lightyears behind Nitro, he's still more believable as a major world champion than Nitro because between Nitro's history in the WWE and Khali's massive size, Khali's much more intimidating.

In closing...WWE championship vs. WHC...I'd say the WWE title is more prestigious, because I personally happen to subscribe to the theory that the show makes the title. For example, say the WWE were just the best title around regardless of which show it was on, period...can you really imagine Rey Mysterio as the champion of Raw? He held what is viewed by most as the B championship, and rightfully so. As talented as Mysterio is, I cannot imagine him holding the WWE's flagship championship, especially under the circumstances he won the WHC.

For another example, the WHC has always been challenged for by the Royal Rumble winner at Wrestlemania since WM 20 in 2004. But the WWE actually went ahead and broke from tradition at WM 22 and didn't make the Royal Rumble winner's match the main event because it was for Smackdown's title, the same title that had been in the two WM main events prior, simply because it was on Raw at the time. But despite the Royal Rumble winner challenging for the belt every time, they've been putting a women's championship match or a playboy pillowfight after it on the card ever since it was moved to Smackdown.

So basically, if you need proof that the prestige of the titles shifted when they were traded between Raw and Smackdown, you need only look at the history of Wrestlemania main events for the past few years.

Therefore, here is your winner, and the champion of championships, the WWE championship!

At least from where I sit.
I agree that the WWE title has the more history and should be treated as such. But I think the World Heavyweight Title has been mistreated over the past couple of years. OK they've had the injuries , but they haven't been worked aswell. And the title reigns of Khali , Mysterio and Dave (well after a while atleast , haven't helped).

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