WWE: The Impact Invasion!

GI Cake

Thank God For Sodamy.
On January 13th, 2012. WWE Shocked the world when Vince McMahon purchased the rights to Impact Wrestling and also all the contracts to the current roaster of Impact. Now with full control of Impact Wrestling, the WWE wishes to mock and add insult to injury by treating Impact like the "D" Show. How will the Impact roaster of proud originals like A.J Styles and Bobby Roode represent their show and how will guys that have had history with the WWE previously like Mr.Anderson, and Jeff Hardy join? And what about guys who have been found along Impact like Evan Bourne and the Straight Edge Superstar CM Punk? Find out on this Book This Original WWE: The Impact Invasion!

The fireworks shoot off in a impressive display as Impact's theme blares into the Stadium halls. This isn't the normal Impact Zone many fans of the old show may remember. But it is the All State Arena in Miami Florida. The stadium is packed with the fans of their former competitor's, the WWE Universe. Once the music has ended, Impact ring announcer Jeremy Borash is in the ring and says in his boastful tone.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to WWE:Impact! Now let me introduce, the former owner of Impact Wrestling, Dixie Carter!"


The original Impact fans cheer loudly as Dixie's music plays. After a bit, Dixie walks out with a bitter-sweet look on her face. She makes her way into the ring shortly and says into the microphone.

"In 2002, I had a dream to create my own Wrestling promotion. A promotion that can bring something entirely new to the table. A promotion that can offer a different entertainment that the WWE could not. But as you all have heard...The WWE bought majority control of Impact Wrestling."

The arena is flooded with boo's before they turned into a more positive chant. Chanting 'TNA' loudly. Once the crowd settled down. Dixie continued.

"But do not worry fans, Vince McMahon is still going to allow us to operate as normal. We are even allowed to compete in PPV's like the Royal Rumble! "

The fan's cheer loudly as Dixie smiles happily and she continues the announcement.

"Now as far as our General Manger goes Vince McMahon decided that I..."


Eric Bischoff's old theme music plays and the arena floods with boos as Eric struts down to the ring with a Mic in his hand. He smiles and shouts happily.

"Hello hello hello! Dixie here was just announced me as General Manager of Impact Wrestling!"

Dixie cocks an eyebrow as she looks over and says harshly.

"Sorry Eric, but part of the agreement between Vince and I was that I will be able to keep control over Impact Wrestling if he bought majority control of the show."

Eric cocky smile erupts into laughter as he says shouting.

"You actually believed that Dixie!? Did you even bother to remember who I am? I was the greatest thing to happen to the WWE! I was the sole reason why WWE grew the way it did! And when Vince made me run Monday Night RAW. Boy I was a game changer! Vince loves me so much so that he wants me to run Impact Wrestling!"

The crowd bows loudly. as Dixie and Eric shout at each other the two's squabbling ends with Vince McMahon's theme song.


McMahon enters the stage with a mic in hand. The crowd boos him loudly as he says loudly.

"Wait just a minute here! It seems like we have a failure of communication here....In the contract I did state Dixie will be the General Manager of Impact Wrestling...But then I had a little birdy...Yeah you Eric, remind me of the swell job you did when you were the GM of RAW. So that is why both of you are going to be co-GM's of Impact Wrestling!"

The Crowd boos and then begin chanting. "Dixie, Dixie, Dixie!" loudly. Both Eric Bischoff and Dixie Carter are dumbfonded as Vince waves and walks back out through the stage.

[Commercial Break]

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