Impact Wrestling will soon be the second most watched wrestling show of the week.

Clueless? Your'e the TNA fan that hasn't got a clue that the company you love is going down, quickly. I am also not a part of any clue. I just remember when TNA was good and entertaining, now is trash and wont last.

Coming from someone who admits to not watching the product any more that's pretty rich. They get consistent ratings, always have, they're growing in markets outside of the US, and the last couple of months has seen great improvement in both their TV shows and PPV quality. Therefore you must actually be the blind TNA hater shitting on a product you don't watch, blissfully unaware that it's actually still going strong.
For the record......... I agree. I do think we have a different definition of the word soon though.

Always good to see ya stop by. By the way, I was "like a skunk" when I made this thread heh.

I read your post earlier and was thinking about how I really feel about Impact vs Smackdown and I was like, "well TNA will over take SD sooner rather then later if Smackdown remains on it's current course" meaning if WWE didn't do something, SD was going to continue to slowly decline. But now I come back on to respond and see SD's Head Writer position has changed. Michael Hayes is apparently no longer head writer and some guy Ed is taking over. Not sure if this is good or bad, but truthfully, anything that brings change to WWE can't be that bad unless it's more restrictions.

Just to have a different personality writing the show should be refreshing in itself. Then again, it might actually end up being worse or just as bland. But I'm sure this guy Ed wants to make a good impression in his new position.

As for Impact vs Smackdown, lets look at the numbers. I'd say Impact gets a 1.2 weekly on average as of late. Over at Smackdown, their number always seems to be a 1.7. So we're talking about a difference of .5 in ratings. It's not exactly a small margin. Now Impact has hit 1.4-1.5's in the past year and this past Smackdown hit a low with a 1.6.

Now I think Smackdown is having the same problem Impact has in that it's not on the greatest channel. Neither channel's ratings are all that good and their aren't many successful original shows on either channel.

With that being said, I think if TNA can get out of the Impact Zone more often as they said they're going too, and they find a little money to put into their production to give their shows that big event atmosphere, I think that will sort a lot of stuff out and show an immediate boost in ratings. We all know it's a better show just by being in a different arena. Once TNA shows a commitment to taping Impact's in different arenas, I think they'll begin hitting 1.4-1.5s regularly. Another small thing that can help both shows ratings, was if they weren't taped. No one knows exactly whats going to happen on Raw tonight and that's the way wrestling should always be, so you can expect the unexpected.

If Impact were on the road every week and aired live, I think after doing this successfully after two months and if the storylines and wrestling were effective enough ... the rating would have to be a 1.8. I mean, maybe that's a little high, because I think the show really needs to have those things kids like as well. HBK said it himself, the people are popping for when the music hits the PA. I mean a shitty wrestler isn't going to get the same pop, but a character's music can add to their mystique and definitely gets the fans into it because it's loud like a concert.

Anyway, my prediction for the first time we'll see Impact receive a higher rating then Smackdown will be within the next five months. I say this because Bound For Glory is in October and it's the biggest show of the year. I am confident TNA is working on some interesting stuff leading up to that PPV and I think building up for that show, on the road every other week, it should be enough to over take the current SD rating for ATLEAST one week.

I think a problem TNA has is that it has teased us in the past. TNA has done good ratings on the road before, but then they go back to the Impact Zone, leaving us with blue balls.

For their ratings to increase and stay at that increased number, they will need to go on the road every week. Every other week will help, but they desperately need to be out of that arena for good.

For me, it's a win win. Either Impact's rating will increase and over take SD's rating, which will really twist Vince's pubic hair, or SD will start to compete and put on better shows therefore increasing it's rating as well.
For SD not to be over taken by TNA, it has to stop decreasing and get to about a 1.9 rating.

Now like KB said, it's not exactly a big deal if TNA gets a higher rating then SD, cause SD sucks anyway. But it's something to relish as a TNA fan, knowing that they are getting better, more well known, and have finally gotten out of that 1 rating hell that they've been in for so long.
Btw, I realize today is sunday(I said RAW was on tonight.)
With Destination X tonight, RAW(is Punk) tomorrow, Mid-Summer Nightmare, and MITB all this week, my brain short circuited.
I forgot to add that you will probably see a ratings boost as well when and if, Jeff Hardy returns.

My hope though, is that they use Hardy better this time around. Jeff doesn't need to be the champion or invincible, that's not his character. Hopefully he can come back clean, re-establish his drawing power, and help the company get to new levels.

They just can't concentrate so much on him or try to put him on the mic so much. He's at his best as a quiet face who talks with his dancing and high risk wrestling.
Coming from someone who admits to not watching the product any more that's pretty rich. They get consistent ratings, always have, they're growing in markets outside of the US, and the last couple of months has seen great improvement in both their TV shows and PPV quality. Therefore you must actually be the blind TNA hater shitting on a product you don't watch, blissfully unaware that it's actually still going strong.

I've tried to watch it several times over the past few month and its the worst that it has ever been at any other point in time. Its nothing in comparison to where it was before Hogan, RVD, Hardy and the rest of the has beens showed up. I'm well aware of whats happening in TNA, because I see enough of it to know that its become garbage.
I didn't want to make a thread for it so I'll just post my thoughts on TNA's recent (apparent) releases.

Generation Me: I did not like them in the Tag Division or going ahead as singles in the X Division. For them to have a good tag match, they had to face the Guns and the X Division wasn't big enough for the two of them. They just didn't have IT. And as much as I want to see the X Division get focused on, I think it needs more complete wrestlers then these guys. I don't mind that they asked for their releases.

Orlando Jordan: I've never probably said a bad thing about this guy. Him and Morley (who I hate and glad he's gone) were given no chance when they first came to TNA, but I thought both looked fine in the ring (when compared to the WWE style.) I actually liked Orlando's gimmick and his work with EY, but his character was just for laughs and there really was no demand for him in the ring.

I have a lot to say about the X Division in general but I'll just say that I want to see Low Ki and Jack Evans in TNA and I'm glad that Austin Aries did win the contract.
I am just wondering - does anyone think WWE is going to sign the Young Bucks?
Like did the thought cross anyone's head?
I wonder why they asked for their release; is it because they'll make more money on the independent circuit?
I am just wondering - does anyone think WWE is going to sign the Young Bucks?
Like did the thought cross anyone's head?
I wonder why they asked for their release; is it because they'll make more money on the independent circuit?

Unlikely amigo, size-wise, the Bucks make Slater and Gabriel look huge. Plus, as we can see from Sin Cara, only a small number of WWe's roster could live with their style, but if you take away their style to acclimatise to the WWe then they cease being the Bucks.

I think they have realised that they are not going to achieve more than enhancement level in Impact and, because of this, they can probably achieve greater financial success on the independent scene and their profile in TNA this last few years means they can ask for more AND reach new markets (like the UK scene).
TNA signed Kid Kash :icon_neutral:

I've been meaning to talk about the X Division for awhile now, but I can't get my thoughts straight enough to articulate what I mean, but I might as well give it a shot.

First of, I'm not an X Division guy or a spot monkey fan. What I am though, is a TNA fan and I want to see the company to get better. For the company to get better, I think they need to give us more matches like Aries, Low Ki, Evans, Ion(who I could take or leave.) That's X Division to me.

See it's hard for me to put my finger on how the X Division should be run because of the different styles. Samoa Joe was credited with a 5 Star match against Kobashi. I guess they fought a puro style fight?

So if Joe has that kind of talent, who are the best guys to put him up against?

I mean just look at the Destination X PPV. Some of those matches were like comparing apples and oranges. I think RVD/Lynn and AJ/Daniels were good matches, but you can't really compare them to the four way for a contract match.

When Vince owned ECW, Shane pushed for him to book it the same way Heyman had, but Vince wouldn't do it. I always figured he wouldn't, because he didn't want to have ECW make his product look like shit.

It use to be in WWE, that the body slam was a big deal. Now a days it's different, but if you sell it right, it's suppose to work. See I'm not one to criticize Cena/Orton's wrestling because they are doing they're job, even if it's not aesthetically pleasing or practical that their moves would hurt as much as they're being sold. I just think if your going to have some of these amazing X-Division matches, or your going to throw a guy off a hell in a cell, or your going to do something spectacular - it's going to affect less flashy but better storytelling matches.

Anyway, I just wonder how matches on the same card affect one another. See what Vince does is decide what the match of the night is going to be and who he wants the fan to love. If he doesn't want you outshining other wrestlers whether on the mic or in the ring, he's going to let you know. That's why you hear stuff about Punk being resented for his stardom, because he's not Vince's "vision."

Anyway, what I wanted to see the X Division do, is pick up these X Division guys cheap. I'd like the X Division have a big roster, and you put them in crowded, gimmick matches every week. Give some guys we've never seen before a chance as four guys who weren't signed with TNA a month ago, stole the show this past PPV.

I don't think TNA needs to center on X Division, but I think it should get as much time as the other divisions, if not more. 1/3 X Division, 1/3 World/TV contenders, 1/3 KO's/Tag Team. I'm just not sure if to much X Division would cheapen it.

I just know that there is a market for guys like Mysterio, Mistico, and Juventud Guerrerro as well as guys like Chris Jericho and Eddie Guerrerro. I basically want the X Division to have guys who can do what those guys did in the ring and to work from there.

Mysterio, Mistico, and Juve didn't even have to talk to get over.

The point is when I see Kaz, Daniels, Joe and a few others, even Shelley, I don't see them performing like the Luchadores and Jericho.

Shelley's biggest asset is his sense of humor, which is why he needs to use his mouth to get over like Jericho did. They also need to get their moves over. I don't even know Shelley's finisher.

(WCW Days)Dean Malenko: Texas Cloverleaf, Jericho: Lion Tamer, Rey Mysterio: Whirlwind DDT, Juve: I don't remember, think it was some sort of hurricarna pin. Eddie: Frog Splash, Benoit: Cross Face. Psychosis had an awesome finisher, like a power bomb into a face plant.

TNA guys in general need to do a better job of getting their finisher's over. I don't know the name of most. Also utilizing submission moves could help as well. Would be cool to see Shelley put some guy in the original lion tamer(knee on head) wouldn't it? Heh.

The four way match for a contract is what I consider the definition of an X Division match. The four way match Shelley was in didn't impress me. I feel guys like Red aren't were they were 5 years ago or their not working with the right people. Brian Kendrick isn't a great X Division wrestler is he?

Anyway, I gave it a shot trying to get my point across about the X Division. Hope to see the roster improve and to see more matches like the one from DX, as well as intriguing storylines involving the title. I'd like to see at least a third man added to the title scene with Kendrick and Shelley.

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