WWE Tag Team Championship Fatal Four Way

This match is a great way of getting the title's off of the Morrison and the Miz without having them actually get pinned. I like the set up minus Finlay and Hornswoggle if they win i dont know what i would do. I think it will either be the Edge heads or Jesse and Festus. personally i would LOVE to see the hardys in the match up instead of Horny but as people have stated they wont becouse they are in there own singles career now and i dont think they will but them in a title match. i would like to see the Miz and Morrison retain the titles and drop them when one of the tag team contenders are worthy enough. but i dont think that will happen, becouse its obviouse thats they only reason they set it up like this
Like everyone else has said it's a good way to get the belts off M&M. BUt please, WWE, PLEASE don't give the tag titles to Horny and Finlay. If you want to kill the tag teams even further than you can do tha.

What i think would be a good way to get Miz and Morisson started on a new feud would be that Morisson blames Miz for losing the match and it could start a feud between these two, which could elevate Morisson to the main event and help Miz's wrestling improve.
A great surprise to see this match. I think Jesse and Festus or Hawkins & Ryder should win this match as it makes sense. Hornswoggle or anybody else needs to take the pin so that Morrison and the Miz don't look weak. Morrisons and Miz should have a feud for a while after this match in which maybe one of them turns face (Morrison I'm mainly referring to). If Finlay and Hornswoggle win this, then I ask the WWE "Why?". If they wanted Finlay and Hornswoggle to win, why couldn't they have won it at Night of Champions?

Thats why I believe Ryder and Hawkins need to win this match to gain SOME credibility because at the moment, they are just Edge's jobbers basicly. It should be a great bout and it should be very entertaining. I am expecting Hawkins and Ryder to win, after pinning Finlay, Hornswoggle or Jesse.
Yep, I agree. Hawkins and Ryder. Surely. Although they lost to Jesse and Festus recently, they have gone over the faces previously. And Yang and Moore as well, now I think about it. Not that I'll be weeping tears if one of the face teams win. But surely not Finlay and Horny. The belts once held by Angle and Benoit go to an old fart and a midget? That's just insulting. Horny's already killed one division. Please don't let him kill another. At least they can hopefully build one of the other teams up if they get the belts.

Regardless of who wins, I'm delighted that it seems Miz and Morrison are finally dropping the belts without being made to look weak in the process. Miz can maybe go for the IC title, and I confidently expect Morrison to be ECW champ again before long. With much greater things to come.
This should be a good match, and it's been said. It is a way to get the belt of the Miz and Morrison without hurting them. Now having said that, this is how the match will go:

In all likeliness we will a good match up, there will be offence from everyone. I am predicting that Hawkins and Ryder will get pinned here, and pinned by Finlay and Hornswaggle. That's right, I am predicting Horny and Finlay, father and son get the tag team titles.

The aftermath will be Miz and Morrison spliting up, I really see that happening. Followed by the pushing of Morrison to the lower ME level, until there is room for him to get higher up.
As I was watching Smackdown tonight, I heard as to why in my opinion the Hardy's are not in this tag match. Matt Hardy will be defending the U.S title against Shelton Benjamin as per J.R mentioning this during the Big Show vs MVP, Benjamin, The Russinan (forgot his name) and Kahli match. This match is not listed anywhere else so it may be a dark match but i found it interesting that J.R brought it up. I know it's kind of off-topic for the fatal four way discussion but there was no other forum to bring it up and some of us were wondering why not put the hardy's in this match to give it some more juice,:dark2:
Can't wait for this one myself. It's something different for once. A normal tag match between these teasm wouldn't be worth watching. It would just be something to fill up a little bit of time. So is this. But with more teams involved it makes it appear to be more important.

With the inclusion of Hornswoggle this almost guarantees that the match will get a reaction. It's sad that the midget will be the most over person in the match. But what do you expect when the only person close to him charisma wise is Jesse.
With the inclusion of Hornswoggle this almost guarantees that the match will get a reaction. It's sad that the midget will be the most over person in the match. But what do you expect when the only person close to him charisma wise is Jesse.

:lmao: I'm actually thinking you meant Festus. And sadly, I agree. As much as I love John Morrison, the fact is the fans aren't reacting to him anymore and he isn't helping himself by trying to do something other than jump from one match to another.

As I said before, I'm hoping this will be the way to switch the Tag Team Championships to Jesse & Festus, without hurting John Morrison & The Miz. Then again, after Smackdown and the complete beatdown Morrison took, it's hard to see how they didn't suffer a minor setback there.

If this match ends with Morrison & Miz picking up the victory and retaining, I think it'll piss almost every W.W.E. fan off in sight, but at the same time it could bring some life back into their Tag Team. For monthes they've been wandering around without a true oppoent, short of the Family Finlay.

This is the first time they'll face not one, but three.. well, two decent Tag Teams.. and the Edgeheads. :lmao: So for them to retain would say even more about how great they are as a team that at one time was merely slapped together, and technically only won the Championships, because M.V.P. turned on Matt Hardy. (If I do recall)

Bottomline, the only way Morrison & Miz drop this match, is if they finally have plans to allow Morrison & Miz compete against Matt Hardy for the United States Championship, which seems completely realistic.
:lmao: I'm actually thinking you meant Festus.

No I meant Jesse. He's the one who does all the talking. Sure Festus is the only one who's over. But eh just growls. It's Jesse who does all the talking, he's the one who looks confident on the mic. Unlike Morrison who looks like he's shitting himself each and every time he picks up a mic. Same with Finlay, Hawkins & Ryder.

The Miz has charisma. Not that you'd know it. It's seems that Nitro has sucked the personality out of The Miz.
The Miz has charisma. Not that you'd know it. It's seems that Nitro has sucked the personality out of The Miz.

I agree that The Miz has changed a lot since joining Morrison, but I don't agree that Morrison has sucked the personality out of him. Miz used to be annoying and hardly anyone could stand watching him, let alone listening to him. Now, since he's been with Morrison, people enjoy watching him and as a result, listening to him too.

The Dirt Sheet is one of the biggest wwe.com website shows they have. While I don't know what that says, as even "I" don't watch it, I'm sure it says something about how great each of them are verbally.

I just don't know what to think anymore about their Tag Team. You can only do so many things as a Tag Team, and once you win the Championships, that's pretty much it. Morrison and Miz might actually make better opponents than Partners, but if that's the case who'd cheer for who, because people can't really stand either.
Morrison has sounded a bit monotonous lately, though he can be quite good on the mic. Look at his promos on CM Punk from summer 2007.
The Miz is great also, a good genuine heel, cocky arrogant with that '' wan to hate him '' look. Also charismatic, good on the mic and decent in the ring. He's improved vastly. Dunno what they were thinking when they made him a babyface though.

This should be an interesting match up. I thought that this may have worked by tag team turmoil format, with the hardys entertaing as surprise competitiors and winning the tag title, ignitinh a feud between them and Miz/ Morrison, they've both competed against each other twice before and they're both credible teams. However, a US title match has been added to the PPV, so that probably won't happen.
I see the titles either staying with Miz and Morrison- to spark another multi tag TLC match at SummerSlam. Or it going to Hawkins and Ryder/Jesse and Festus to get the titles back on Smackdown.

However, with the Raw/ECW merger rumoured to be held off until 2009, there is now urgent need to get the titles off Miz and Morrison just yet, making this match more unpredictable.
This marks a great day for the WWE. For two PPV's straight the tag titles have been defended. Finally the WWE has realised that their tag division is shit, and are trying to put a stop to it. I also love the new, innovative way they have decided to have the titles defended. Morrison and The Miz have done nothing, but impress. They are keeping this division alive with their constant title defences.

This match should be quite interesting, and exciting, if it doesn't become a Hornswoggle comedy show.

Overall, good idea for the WWE, hopefully Miz and Morrison retain.
Meh, another match thrown together and added to the PPV at the last minute.

I think if they were going to give the belts to Finlay and Horny they would have at Night of Champions as they really had the momentum going into that match. Besides Finlay and Horny as champs wouldn’t solve the problem of getting the straps back on Smackdown. I’m also giving WWE the benefit of the doubt they won’t let the midget kill the tag division.

Hawkins and Ryder would have worked when Edge was still world champion. Tag gold would have solidified the La Familia stable as a legitimate dominant force. Now the faction appears to be on its last legs. Besides most people still can’t be bothered to tell which Edge guy is which.

Of all three challengers, Jesse and Festus have the best chance. They’re faces and we’ve had heel champs for awhile now plus they’d bring the titles back to SD! They do have some momentum, having picked up a couple victories the last month and pretty much dominating the champs on SD! the other night.

Now as much as I want Morrison and Miz to drop the titles for singles pushes, I see them retaining. No one expected them to hold the titles for as long as they have and there have been other opportunities to have them drop the belts yet they have prevailed. I’d inclined to believe Miz and Morrison will eventually lose to a new team we haven’t seen yet and it’ll give them time to build some tension between Miz and Morrison that they teased a couple months back.
Glad that Hawkins/ Ryder won, I've though quite highly of them since their days as the Major Brothers. I really see the Hardys reforming and winning the tag titles at some point and staying in the tag division for a few months similar to what they did on Raw in 2007.

I'm currently enjoying the feud between Jesse/ Festus & Hawkins/ Ryder also.
Hawkins & Ryder to take the title via some sort of BS victory (ie. pinning Hornswoggle.)
With the titles these guys will probably continue to job around in singles matches (Finlay beating the hell out of them I'm sure) and sneak away with sleazy victories at PPV's when the titles are on the line.

Pretty much called this one, (switch out Finlay for Festus). So Jesse & Festus vs. Ryder & Hawkins at Summer Slam. One has to wonder though what will happen to Miz and Morrison and if they'll ever get a rematch. Maybe they'll do a fatal 4-way rematch at SS..? Either way these guys will probably hold onto these titles the rest of the year.

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