WWE Survivor Series 2015: WWE World Championship - Roman Reigns VS Seth Rollins (c)

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That N Word

Actively evolving

Roman Reigns just defeated Kevin Owens,Alberto Del Rio and Dolph Ziggler to win the oppurtunity to face Rollins for the strap at Survivor Series,

I expect Roman to go over in this.

Keep it all in here!
Hopefully it goes the way Bacon said in the RAW LD, and we get Reigns going over Rollins with a Sheamus cash-in following shortly after.
With both Cena and Orton off TV alongwith the Part-Timers also gone, it is important that Ambrose remains a Top Babyface on the show.
I can't see Reigns taking the belt yet. I think Ambrose will cost Reigns the title.

Me too. Ambrose has to get jealous of Reigns' success, he's doing things he couldn't do - beat Big Show, beat Bray, now Reigns got a shot at the title.
I want Roman Reigns to win this one and then Sheamus to cash-in but fail to win from Roman Reigns...

Same here, that will get the briefcase off Sheamus so that is out of the way, give Reigns some credibility and is a better sell for Mania.
I will say this, I think this will be an awesome match that will be much better than Seth's last match against Kane.
i personally want to see Sheamus lose his briefcase cash in too, BUT i want to see that happen at Wrestlemania, not at Survivor Series. my hope is that Reigns wins the title in December, but i wouldn't hate him winning here then have Rollins win the Rumble and win the title back at the next Wrestlemania......i see Reigns winning, but i dont know if he wins the title yet. i think they could save that until the Royal Rumble.
i personally want to see Sheamus lose his briefcase cash in too, BUT i want to see that happen at Wrestlemania, not at Survivor Series. my hope is that Reigns wins the title in December, but i wouldn't hate him winning here then have Rollins win the Rumble and win the title back at the next Wrestlemania......i see Reigns winning, but i dont know if he wins the title yet. i think they could save that until the Royal Rumble.

I still think they are waiting until WM to give Reigns his deserved WM moment and win the WHC belt.
this is perfect time for roman. If they wont push him this time then never happend again. My guess is roman goes over this time by winning the title. Bcoz he is top face next to cena. then dean turn heel and fued each other.
I don't see Reigns taking the title from Rollins the first time around, nor do I see Sheamus cashing in. There's no momentum to speak of for Sheamus as a singles guy or Mr. MITB at the moment and, like many others, I seriously have to question why they gave him the briefcase in the first place. At any rate, I don't expect Rollins to drop the title until, at the very least, the Royal Rumble. Reigns could earn another shot at the title by then or they could have him win the Royal Rumble itself again and take the title from Rollins at WrestleMania.

An Ambrose heel turn is certainly possible, the timing is right and the reason could be that Reigns seems to have everything going for him while Ambrose is sorta left in the dust. I could see Ambrose doing something to cost Reigns the title, he's being underplayed and I sense there's a reason for that.
This is 100% guaranteed that Rollins keeps the belt. Reigns will get the next 2 PPVs as the number 1 contender, and then it will be the Rumble, and Lesnar will probably win that.

This is good because it gives Roman some main event title match exposure wthout having to give him the belt, and it takes him out of the Rumble winning pool, which will keep the haters from hating.
I can't see Reigns taking the belt yet. I think Ambrose will cost Reigns the title.

Wouldn't be surprised. I just got through guessing that Rollins' next program might be with Reigns.....but only if WWE Creative thought Roman was ready to fight at the top of the card. At that, I figured Roman would advance beyond Bray Wyatt and start fighting at main event level for a while before actually tangling with Seth.....with Roman not fighting for the belt until WM32.

Instead, here it is.....Reigns vs. Rollins for the big title.

Of course, just because management has apparently decided Reigns' time has arrived doesn't mean he'll win the belt the first time out. Obviously, there are many possible endings that result in Roman failing to take the title without actually being cleanly defeated by Seth, with each match leading to the next

By the time these two guys are done with their series, it just might be time for WM32, although Royal Rumble seems more likely.

But whether the interference comes from Bray Wyatt, Dean Ambrose or the ghost of Killer Kowalski, Seth Rollins retains at Survivor Series.
I still think they are waiting until WM to give Reigns his deserved WM moment and win the WHC belt.
hey, i'll be good with that as long as Rollins holds the title. i feel that no matter the outcome that Rollins should lose the title to one of his Shield members or Rollins should turn face due to Triple H turning on him, but i prefer seeing either Reigns or Ambrose beating him for the title. personally, i would like to see a Shield Triple Threat match at WM for the title.
Why does Roman Reigns needs to win his first WWE Championship at WrestleMania? It's so cliched nowadays and I would rather have him, Ambrose and Rollins already established as singles star for the Triple Threat that everybody wants to see.

I would give Roman Reigns the title, no crap, just a great match where Reigns gets the best of Rollins and straight up wins it. They can make him feud with Sheamus and save Rollins's rematch for a bigger stage. Ambrose/Reigns can have a fallout somewhere down the line, where Ambrose just says he's doing his thing and that he will eventually fight Reigns for the title. Ambrose goes on to win The Royal Rumble and gets the shot.

At Fast Lane we have a proper Shield reunion in a six-man match against The Authority or whatever the hell they want, and at WrestleMania we can easily have all three of them ain a match as babyfaces, or just straight up people and the crowd will cheer and boo whomever they want.

No need to add the extra-drama as this match sells itself. The Shield was the most amazing thing in the last ten years and they deserve that moment where all three of them headline the Biggest Stage of Them All.

And really, it doesn't matter who wins the match as I will be the happiest camper on Earth. Alongside, probably 99% of the fans.
I think the big question here is: "Does the WWE still see Roman Reigns as a future star?"

If yes, I don't think he wins the title here, OR, if he does, it is short lived, via a Sheamus cash in or some other shenanigans.

If no, then perhaps he does win the title, then goes on and drops it either at Wrestlemania or beforehand, setting up for whatever main event the WWE has in mind.

I'm inclined to believe the prior, and I expect a big Wrestlemania payoff for Roman either at 32 or 33. The question is, how does he get there? Rollins/Reigns will likely occupy the PPV main event scene from now until the Rumble with perhaps a dash of Ambrose and/or Sheamus added in.

Personally, I think that Rollins should hold the belt until Mania and drop it to Reigns. Rollins holds it for a year and Reigns gets his payoff. A Shield triple threat would be best, and Ambrose could get involved in a variety of ways.

Thus, I'd say Reigns either loses here because of heel tactics, or wins by DQ. We get a rematch next month where he probably comes up short again, and then you can have Rollins/Ambrose or Rollins/Reigns III at the Rumble, where the 3rd Shield member enters and wins the Rumble match itself.

I also expect to be completely wrong in all of this.
Or what I see happening is that Reigns wins the title here by beating Rollins but his moment doesn't last long courtesy of Rollins attacking him or Ambrose turning heel on Reigns post-match and then that sets up Sheamus' cash-in
Reigns has improved on the mic and in the ring. I don't have a problem with him going over Rollins.

I do have a problem with how WWE would book his title reign for three reasons.

1 - He'll get booked very strongly.
2 - His character will get stale.
3 - He'll very rarely lose clean.

Who wants to see this? It's John Cena 2.0 (minus the wrestling skills and ability to deal with hostile crowds).

I'm a fan of Roman Reigns. He's one of my favorite wrestlers in WWE, but there's a very good chance WWE screws up his title run.

Let's hope for Reigns and WWE that they don't.
Why does Roman Reigns needs to win his first WWE Championship at WrestleMania? It's so cliched nowadays and I would rather have him, Ambrose and Rollins already established as singles star for the Triple Threat that everybody wants to see.

I would give Roman Reigns the title, no crap, just a great match where Reigns gets the best of Rollins and straight up wins it. They can make him feud with Sheamus and save Rollins's rematch for a bigger stage. Ambrose/Reigns can have a fallout somewhere down the line, where Ambrose just says he's doing his thing and that he will eventually fight Reigns for the title. Ambrose goes on to win The Royal Rumble and gets the shot.

At Fast Lane we have a proper Shield reunion in a six-man match against The Authority or whatever the hell they want, and at WrestleMania we can easily have all three of them ain a match as babyfaces, or just straight up people and the crowd will cheer and boo whomever they want.

No need to add the extra-drama as this match sells itself. The Shield was the most amazing thing in the last ten years and they deserve that moment where all three of them headline the Biggest Stage of Them All.

And really, it doesn't matter who wins the match as I will be the happiest camper on Earth. Alongside, probably 99% of the fans.

This. Exactly this. If the above were to happen, I'll be even happier than Spoderman claims he will be.

Also, if done well, the WWE can have cemented all 3 guys as stars coming out of WrestleMania 32, especially if there is a loaded card otherwise.
What I want to happen would be Reigns has Rollins on the ropes basically the crowd is going nuts because he is setting up the spear and Seth makes Roman spear the ref by accident and then have Seth slide out of the ring. Seth uses a chairshot and the illegal curbstomp for the win as the fans boo.

At TLC, in a TLC match I would have a rematch and the fans think it's his time after Reigns spears him and the crowd is going nuts cheering as he climbs the ladder. Triple H would then pull Reigns leg off the ladder and pedigree him. Rollins with the illegal curbstomp again climbs the ladder and retain.

At this point, Reigns is pissed and is going after Triple H for weeks who denies him entry in the Rumble match. Reigns calls out Triple H for a match at RR and if he wins he get's a shot at the title.

At Royal Rumble, Reigns def. Triple H who grants him a spot in the Rumble at the #1 spot and tells him good luck winning you son of a bitch.

In the Rumble, the final four are Reigns,Bryan,Cena,Ambrose. Cena eliminates Bryan to boo's. Reigns would then eliminate Cena. The final two in the Rumble is Reigns and Ambrose the crowd is going crazy and they go to war. Reigns eventually throws Ambrose over the top rope to win. Ambrose get's back in the ring shakes his hand and tells him it's his time.

Maybe somehow Dean get's inserted in the match at Mania by The Authority making him some sorta deal to join the match making Reigns vs. Rollins, Rollins vs. Reigns vs. Ambrose.

At WrestleMania, Reigns get's his deserving WM moment in a meaningful storyline that started last (this) year at RR 2015.

What I would do is have Ambrose turn heel on Roman the night after Mania starting the next Rock vs. Austin feud. But this time Rock is the face and Austin is the heel.
I think we'll get the Sheamus cash-in here.

I honestly can't picture Sheamus walking into Wrestlemania 32 as WWE WHC. As far as Sheamus building up momentum before the cash-in goes, it's safe to say what we're seeing now with Sheamus is the best we're going to get at any given time. There's no real need for Sheamus to catch fire, and if we're being honest, I'm not sure a winning streak will help boost Sheamus' stock.

WWE can always go the route of keeping a low, low profile with Sheamus before the cash-in to produce a genuinely shocking moment, but now is the perfect time to do it, because Sheamus can have a somewhat meaningful title run during WWE's annual lull period. Have Sheamus hold the title until Elimination Chamber, and at EC, Sheamus can drop the title to Rollins or Lesnar. Although, if the reports are true, WWE has plans for Sheamus to lose during his cash-in match, so there's a chance Sheamus will not win the WWE WHC.

As far as the match goes, I'm looking forward to it. Give Reigns credit. It all started at Wrestlemania 31 against Lesnar, where Reigns proved he has what it takes to be a main eventer, and little by little, he's showing improvement with his character and his promos.

The Ambrose heel turn? I can't see it. It looks like WWE is planting the seeds for a heel turn, with a bitter Ambrose having to take a backseat, while Reigns is chasing the world title, but with Cena out for an undisclosed amount of time, I don't see the point of turning Ambrose, someone who's over with the fans as a face, and I'm not so sure the fans will treat Ambrose like a heel, if he turns on Reigns. Ambrose is the underdog the fans want to root for, and he doesn't fit into the mold of someone, who has "the look". On the other hand, you know there's a good chance of another smarky uprising, if WWE favors Reigns over Ambrose, because Reigns is one of Vince McMahon's handpicked guys for cosmetic reasons, and his main status was handed to him on a sliver platter.

Bad news. Seth Rollins (legitimately, not kayfabe) suffered an injury by doing a Sunset Flip in a match against Kane, and according to people at the show, his leg went under him and it looked serious, which for the future of his title reign, it doesn't look good at all. It most likely could be an ACL tear and he may have to pull a Batista and relinquish the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.

Video below.

If it is serious and he has to drop the title I think we see a cash in this week or next on Raw. That would most likely set up Sheamus and Reigns for SS. That match would be interesting because I could see one of two situations panning out.

1) Reigns wins and begins his title run.

2) Ambrose costs Reigns the title setting up a feud between the two of them that could potentially run till Mania while Sheamus gets to run through some upper mid card faces like Cesaro and Ziggler until dropping the title probably at Mania to either Reigns if he finishes with Ambrose in time or to a potentially returning Orton or Bryan at Mania if either is ready or we could get another Brock title run.
Reigns wins and begins his title run.

When you think about it, if Seth Rollins' time away from the ring amounts to a few months, there could be serious repercussions at the very top of the roster; things happening that were totally not scheduled, such as either Roman winning the title instead of battling Seth until WM32, which is what I thought would occur..........or.....if the company is really in a fix......Sheamus wearing a belt he was never scheduled to wear. Jeez! Not that he couldn't make a good run if he had to, but I don't believe WWE ever intended his cash-in be successful.

Short of that, they could keep the title from Roman Reigns if they feel he isn't yet ready (shades of 2014!), and wasn't scheduled to wear it until WM32, and go with someone who absolutely was not in the title picture before Rollins got hurt, like Brock Lesnar, Randy Orton......or even Kane.

Desperate situations bring about desperate measures.

Come back quick, Seth. :worship:
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